Click here to read a transcript of today’s chat with host Jeff Todd.
By Jeff Todd | at
Click here to read a transcript of today’s chat with host Jeff Todd.
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Saw a crazy stat during the Astros broadcast last night that stated their 7-8-9 hitters have a combined 1.000+ OPS so far – the best of any 3 consecutive hitters on any MLB team. Yes, where every other team sticks their worst hitters, HOU is more productive than your best.
Maybe STL was on to something a few years ago.
ill raise you a crazy stat i heard today. the mlb record for most times in a single season allowing 5+ homers in a game was 6 times. well yesterday the orioles just did it for the 7th time. we are not even 2 months into the 6 month season
How many times was Torres/Gary Sanchez involved? 21 combined HR vs. BAL. Appreciate the stat!
Everything is controlled by the hardness of the core/shell of the ball used. (Take roids/hgh supplements out of the game, watch interest dwindle, replace with harder balls and you’re right back to the “chicks dig the long ball” marketing offset..)
Post-baseball career into slow pitch, I played in a farm league where we used white blue dot balls vs later moving into the bigger metro-used yellow “cantaloupes” I called them and it was the biggest night and day difference imaginable..
LOL at ‘giantman’ and his “we don’t really care what you guys think, we’ll surely get ‘plenty’ for Bum!”
Giants prize him and are setting their price accordingly …
… which is why he’s sitting in a metaphoric display case gathering dust, ’cause 29 other teams don’t agree.
Even if they do get something, they’ll need A LOT before they are back where they were. So much dead money in the Bay.
Yea they do need a lot. Crawford/Longoria/melacon/holland/pomeranz need to go. Its going to be 3-5 years before giants are going to have a .500 rec or better
Perfectly put
gathering dust? odd interpretation (hint: it’s May 23) … I agree with the poster’s assessment – there are reportedly many scouts in attendance at today’s game with Madbum on the mound. My bet is that it will be a bidding war to get him.
Exactly, Bum, Smith, Watson, Gott, Shark, they can get a good haul for those guys. My bet is some team is going to way over pay for bum and smith! Takes one injury, and the bidding war is on!
jeff todd- Madbum velo is up and his health issues were from a liner back at him and a dirt bike accident. You act like hes had tommy john or something. Hes just as healthy as he was 5 years ago and his FB velo is just about also. If you dont think the giants will get a top 100 prospect for him, your crazy. For 1 he is worth it, and 2 the Giants wont trade him for nothing. You’ll see little fella.
Regardless bumbgarner isn’t an ace anymore he’s a mid tier starter be realistic of what can be acquired for a mid tier starter madbum hasn’t been an ace for years now
I agree hes no ace but hes a solid number 3 pitcher. Some of the top pitching prospects if you read their scouting reports on them they say potential#4/5 starter or could end up in bullpen. So its safe to say Madbum thats a beast in post season like no other,and is a mid rotation arm right now ,that he should pull a top 100 prospect with ease.
Man, it is frustrating when someone completely changes the meaning of a thing you wrote.
All I wrote was that I didn’t want to issue a confident-sounding guess in response to the question about trade value. That’s really a general point. Some people speak of “top-X” prospects in a manner that I find to be sort of meaningless at times.
If anything, I hinted I think Bumgarner would command a top-100 sort of return (though I don’t really like to talk in those terms b/c I think it’s misleading). I mentioned the health/velo stuff because it’s a relevant part of his history and provides reason to think teams will want to really watch him for an extended stretch before reaching a conclusion on valuation. I went on to suggest he’s reasonably viewed as “a mid-rotation SP who might have another gear in the postseason” and compared his trade value to that of an “ace reliever.”
So what exactly is it that you are so angry about?
Im not angry bub. Just irritating when people talk about madbum and refer to prior health issues. Well hes never left a game or missed a start because of any type of arm problem. He got liner back at his hand and fell of dirt bike. Not from pitching or throwing. Its same thing saying Bart’s got prior health issues now that he got beaned and on the DL
Okay, bub. Glad we are both not angry online.
I also dislike when people talk about “injury prone”-ness and the like when a guy is simply unlucky. I never used that phrase here. Also, I did not and would not suggest that a run-of-the-mill finger fracture would be an ongoing concern, to Bumgarner or Bart or anyone else.
But the fact is Bumgarner did suffer a significant rotator cuff injury. That’s arguably a more concerning bit of health history than a Tommy John procedure. Such injuries don’t always linger or re-occur, but they have been known to do so, even when a guy seems to be going good again.
Teams absolutely care about the medical situation and will consider it in valuing Bumgarner. Certainly, they’ll be more willing to take on risk in a short-term rental scenario.
Cmon man Madbum grew up slinging a Fiskars on his ranch lol. That shoulder isnt nothing to be worried about.
Im not trying to bash ya or anything man, just expressing my opinion. Most of the time im right on board with what you say.
Injury history is injury history if he hurt his rotator cuff it’s an injury regardless of how the injury occurred
Yes but he did not even have surgery and if it was a shoulder problem from pitching alot then there is cause for concern.
Clearly no reasoning with you.
“Significant rotator cuff injury”??? I can’t believe you spout off with absolutely wrong information. He did NOT have a rotator cuff injury – it was a separated shoulder. Read the attached link and get the facts straight before making erroneous conclusions please!…
He suffered a grade 2 AC sprain. That involves significant tearing of ligaments in the AC joint. It is more than a “separated shoulder”. He has history of a major injury in his throwing shoulder. It’s ridiculous to argue that history of injury for a pitcher won’t affect the return that he would bring on the trade market.
not sure the 13 or so scouts in attendance were really worried about an injury that occurred 2 years ago, with his velo back to normal and his control spot on as usual. we’ll see what the return is, for now not going to worry what about naysayers on this site think
Not a chance
Not sure how kimrbrel isn’t and ideal fit for the Braves seemed like an odd comment this chat
Didn’t mean he doesn’t fit the roster and need. I was referencing overall franchise building and resources. That was the whole thrust of my response.
I like the idea of having ender coming off the bench or making spot starts for the rest of this season being he is definitely a second half guy..
How to Turn Ender Inciarte into Garardo Parra in 2 Months. smh
Enders going to need at bats down at gwinnett until he’s consistent.
Inciarte is not going down to Gwinnett. There’s no way he gets through waivers.
Rehab assignment
Cmon acuna, you looked like Cano on that strike 3 and lucky you didn’t get a seat. Smh..