APRIL 14: Archer will begin serving his five-game suspension today, Adam Berry of MLB.com tweets.
APRIL 9: Major League Baseball announced several suspensions today arising out of a review of Sunday’s bench-clearing brawl between the Pirates and Reds. You can take your own look at the incident in question right here.
Pittsburgh right-hander Chris Archer was hit with a five-game ban, with the league determining that he intentionally threw at an opposing player (Derek Dietrich). Cincinnati outfielder Yasiel Puig received a two-game suspension while skipper David Bell will sit out one contest.
All of the punishments also came with undisclosed fines. It is not yet clear whether Archer will appeal, but Puig and Bell are planning to begin serving their bans beginning with this evening’s contest.
Just a bit inside…….. At least Archer threw behind him and not near him. Message sent and not inflicting any kind of injury.
They should have toss Archer. They tossed Thor for the same thing last season.
Not similar at all.
Threw behind his back just the same
Umpire said and I quote you cannot do that
They tossed him because warnings were given before the game!
Wrong. Watch the video. Tom Hallion clearly acknowledges there were NO warnings. Neil Walker specifically asks him about why Thor got tossed with no previous warning being issued.
If the ump tosses Archer immediately, as should have been done, nobody leaves the dugout, etc. This was 100% the umps fault. MLB has got to stop letting umpires slide on these things.
What exactly is the “Message sent”?
“Be Joey Votto”
Votto? I mean, he was just holding back Puig with Cabrera, right?
This has to be some kind of a joke for MLB. When has any pitcher ever been suspended five games , not being tossed by the umpire, nor for hitting/ deliberately missing someone? Archer needs to appeal.
It’s only five games because he’s a starter. If it’s 4 or less, it has literally no impact on him whatsoever. The 5th game takes away one of his starts.
Doesn’t take away a start. Just pushes it back one day.
Costs him cash…but that’s it.
Exactly he loses 5 days pay compared to 2 days for Puig, who arguably deserved the bigger punishment.
The person who incites the fight deserves the bigger punishment.
That’s one start…
The league could (and should) rightly determine that Archer should have been ejected by the umpire, and that the suspension is based on what Archer did and not what the umpire did. If Archer doesn’t want people “showing him up” then don’t serve up home runs into the river, Also, kudos to the league for marketing the “let them play” attitude then not really suspending Archer at all for throwing at Dietrich who was just trying to play.
Just trying to play? He was show boating. It was disgusting. He’s not Bryce Harper or Mike Trout. If it was about giving up HRs Archer would be thrown out of a lot of games. Maybe with their lousy offense Dietrich stood and watched cause he couldn’t believe the team scored.
The let them play that Chef referred to is an MLB ad campaign full of bat flips, suggesting they should be celebrated. If Archer stops giving up tape measure shots into the river, he won’t have to worry about it.
“Disgusting” lol, you got to be kidding. The dude crushed the ball. He put two into the river that day. Your not even old school, your just wrong.
I don’t think 2 games is enough for Puig.
Archer celebrates plenty. Dietrich celebrated.
Then Archer tried to hit him. Since hitters don’t throw bats back at pitchers and the ump refused to toss him, I’m glad the Reds defended themselves.
If Archer wanted to hit him, he would have been hit. If you want to hit a guy, throw at the middle of his back, not behind his waist. He was sending a message to a guy that was showing him up.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. If you want to hit someone you do exactly what he did. A player will most often move back when a ball is thrown like that. Dietrich gets hit a lot, and didn’t flinch, therefore he didn’t get hit. Know something about the game before you comment.
Sending a message… alternate title… I threw a temper tantrum after throwing a HR ball that go hit into space.
It’s plenty for Puig! They should have suspended Archer for 2 starts along with 5 days
They should suspend the entire reds lineup for showing up
Good for Archer. Not gonna stand there and let Derek Dietrich of all people show him up. If you’re Dietrich you know damn well that you deserved it.
Meanwhile, Archer “shows up” batters after every strikeout
Can you show one video where he did that? Find me a video where he stares down the batter for 12 seconds after striking them out.
if I could properly link video here I would show you the huge amounts of proof.
But you cant find any.
Give me your email ! I’ll show you what plenty because that’s what he does!!
Archer shows up people after strikeouts and was caught using illegal pine tar to give him a better grip. Why defend a cheater?
When did Archer do that? You thinking Pineda?
Chris Archer celebrated 2018 Rays-Marlins strikeout of Derek Dietrich
Celebrated with pine tar?
Think my link is broken. Try this one
So in his entire career that is the best you can find? He pumped his fist into his glove and skipped once as he went to the dugout after a 10 pitch at bat that resulted in a strike out and ended the inning?
So what you are saying is Archer is a classy guy who doesn’t show up other players and Deitrich is a showboating POS? That is what I take from it.
If you win the game with your home run, then savor it. Pose at home plate for a minute if you want. If you hit a home run in the 2nd inning of a game your team LOST, then run the bases and show some class. If you showboat, expect to get plunked for being a horse’s behind.
The standard for hitters and pitchers should not be different. I honestly don’t care if players showboat, and to be honest, I like it. Let the players have fun.
You said “If you showboat, expect to get plunked for being a horse’s behind,” but you certainly wouldn’t be ok with a player charging the mound and hitting a pitcher with a bat when they showboat. It’s the same concept.
The reason I posted this example is because it gives the history between Dietrich and Archer. There are probably better examples of Archer showboating (he has quite the reputation), but this one directly related to the incident at hand.
And for the record, I would have the exact same opinion if it was reversed and a Pirates player showboated and was thrown at by a Reds pitcher. No problem with the celebrating. Intentionally throwing at a player is dangerous and uncalled for in any circumstance.
redsfan48 good case. That’s a celebration if I ever seen one!
no, the FSOH booth caught him with pine tar on his jersey and him using it during that same start.
Respect the game. Run the bases.
Its not like that was It was not an epic 480 ft game winning blast. Not even as good as the 474 ft home run that Josh Bell hit in the 4th inning of the same game. mlb.com/video/statcast-bell-s-474-ft-home-run
It was a 430 ft HR, not in the top 50 in distance this season, in the 2nd inning of a game that the Reds ultimately lost.
Have some respect for the game you play. That is part of the reason that Dietrich was cut by the Marlins and not signed to a MLB contract in the offseason.
Bottom line. Pirates won the game. Archer struck out Dietrich in the at bat he thew behind him. Archer got the win. At the end of the season those are the things that will be remembered.
Derek Dietrich will be remembered as a average hitting utility player.
It was under 429 ft.
Ah, ye olde genetic fallacy makes an appearance.
Archer’s history has nothing to do with the situation at hand. So try again.
LINKS? I’ll wait…….
Psh. He should of Carlos Quintin him. Take him out like he did with grienke
Gtfoh..I bet you’re a Steelers fan too, huh?
Dietrich watching that bomb was no worse than your boy Archer jumping and dancing around like a f’n child after he struck him out in his previous at-bat..Archer is an absolute clown! I just wish he stood and watched his second bomb even longer.
Why cause it’s one of the few times the reds scored runs?
Wait, do you not know who Chris Archer is? By your logic somebody needs to throw a bat at him.
How many times did Barry Bonds enjoy his steroid fulled home runs in the batters box?
Totally agree, Archer made a statement without injury to the idiot who thought he should stand at home plate for a full minute before circling the bases!
Here’s an idea, Chris. Try not giving up massive, moonshot homeruns and you wont get shown up.
Problem solved.
The Pirates have been throwing at batters for years.
So Archer effectively misses one start?
Not even. They likely just push him back a day by starting the suspension the day after his next star.
Soooo he misses a start, lol.
Missing a start would be if he was going to play on the 5th day, didnt, and then waited for his turn in the rotation again. This is essentially giving him a day off rather than a missed start
He could appeal as well.
How Puig who had nothing to do with the initial situation between Archer and Dietrich yet physically attacked several players and a coach gets less than Archer who actually never even hit anyone, is beyond my comprehension.
5 games for a starting pitcher equals 1 start. Archer basically misses 1 game he would have played in, or half what Puig will miss.
Pitchers intentionally throwing baseballs at a hitter over 60’ away because they were shown up is peak cowardice.
He still loses 5 days pay compared to Puigs 2
Archer instigated the situation. Not hard to figure out why he got the most games, which is really only one for a SP.
Then you lack basic comprehension skills.
That is hilarious coming from you.
I think that Archer should have been suspended longer. This is essentially a zero game suspension. They’ll just push everyone back one start and have him start the day he gets back. He constantly shows off and celebrates on the field, yet he can’t take it when someone else does it? How do we know he wasn’t trying to injury Dietrich? He may have been aiming for his ribs but simply missed. I think he should miss at least two starts.
Obviously you just don’t like Archer which has zero to do with the situation. So Dietrich posing like a statue is cool with you?
Archer showing up people after strikeouts is cool with you then?
when you put one in the river, you get to stand and watch like a statue. when you put two in the river, you get to stand for as long as you want. postpone the game while dude admires his handiwork.
If you pose at home plate in the 2nd inning of a game, then you have to expect consequences. It’s bush league.
If you hit a walk off home run then pose all you want.
Deitrich better learn to duck. This is not over.
If I hit a ball that far, I would of went and got my phone, and started recording…
If you are Barry Bonds, Ken Griffey or Jose Bautista then you’ve earned some of that showmanship…..Dietrich???? Wasn’t he signed late on a minor league deal?
From your armchair? If you had ever played the game then you would respect the game and not pull something like Dietrich did. I was surprised that Archer did not actually hit him.
Not in the 2nd inning. That was not cool.
If you are a superstar and you hit the game winning HR, ok. If you hit a bomb in the 2nd inning act like a professional and run the bases.
Even in a HR trot most players are rounding 2B before Dietrich left the batters box. That was uncalled for. Personally, I think Archer was a wimp for not drilling him in the lower half.
Yes, its fine. Grow up.
If he was aiming for Dietrich’s ribs and threw it that far behind him, Archer wouldn’t be in the Major Leagues. He sent a message while not hitting him. Dieterich deserved to have a message sent, one way or another…
Does Archer then because he shows up people when he pitches? and now cheats?
How does he cheat?
Had pine tar in the waist band of his pants. Residue was clearly visible on his jersey when it came a bit untucked
Pine tar.
More Genetic Fallacies from you! Keep trying, you’ll make an argument soon!
Thank you. Anyone that has seen a baseball game knows that this was nothing more than a message.
Crazy that the person that started it all by committing assault gets only 5 games
Assault? Really guy? He threw behind him.
Do you… know what assault is?
Do you?
Do you?
Do you? The intent would have to be to harm him to be assault. He intentionally threw the ball 2 feet behind him. No intent to hit or harm him.
Bro what
By committing assault? Should assault charges be brought every time someone is hit by a pitch unintentionally, or brushed back off the plate?
None of those hypotheticals have much to do with this, which is a case of someone doing it intentionally. That is literally the definition of assault.
How is one assaulted when they are not touched exactly? So when someone walks by me on a subway, they assaulted me by your logic.
You are thinking of battery. It would be battery if he were touched. Assault does not require any sort of physical contact. And both require intent, which doesn’t fit your subway analogy
assault is what puig did!
So then Puig assaulted several Pirates players and should be suspended indefinitely due to the sheer number of Pirates he intentionally threatened.
Sure. I would support both of them getting lengthy suspensions. Intentional violence should have no place in the game at all, on either side.
Don’t try to pretend like what happens during a professional sporting event is equivalent to everyday people getting in a fight. Everyone knows its not the case, and text book definitions of assault and battery don’t apply in these scenarios.
“Assault is the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person or, in some specific legal definitions, a threat or attempt to commit such an action.”
Obviously, since Archer threw the ball 2 feet behind Dietrich, what you said is not “literally the definition of assault”.
“a threat or attempt to commit such an action.”
“a threat”
reading is fundamental. Also on that same page you copy/pasted from (Wikipedia) scroll down to the section on the United States.
“In the United States… However, the crime of assault can encompass acts in which no battery is intended, but the defendant’s act nonetheless creates reasonable fear in others that a battery will occur.”
Wow, you are a clown. Not one MLB player would ever press charges for assault from a pitcher throwing at them. It is part of the game they signed up for and get paid for. What’s next, assault charges for hockey fights…what about boxing? If you don’t like it or how the league deals with it then don’t watch.
Unless you have made the same comment about every baseball player who has ever thrown a punch or hit a batter with a pitch on a baseball field, which I sincerely doubt, your comment is just unnecessary melodrama.
I do have the opinion that every player who throws a punch or hits a batter with a pitch should be punished harshly. Whether or not I have literally taken the time to comment such an opinion on 4 million different articles is a childish deflection that has nothing to do with the actual topic.
My use of the word “comment” was unclear; I see that and own it. I meant that unless you’ve felt that way about every other incident, using “assault” here is melodrama. Also, “punished harshly” can be interpreted a whole lot of ways, but in a baseball context I can only think of maybe a couple of incidents ever where I would view what happened as assault, and this isn’t one of them. The biggest problem with that is, while you think Archer threw at him intentionally and I agree with you, we don’t actually know for sure, and in any event the sport of baseball has allowed the throwing of batters to occur with fines and suspensions as punishment, not criminal charges. It’s not assault.
change ur handle/avatat to re-tard
I’m a criminal defense attorney. You lose the internet today, Reflect. The entire internet.
Not sure what state you’re in, but almost all states exclude sporting events from that statute….
It’s ridiculous to call that assault in the first place, but just so you know.
Please stop with the “assault” garbage. What’s next, hockey fights are assault? Why not take that stance with boxing too? Altercations are part of ALL sports…you sign up for them and get paid for them. Not one player in MLB would ever dream of pressing assault charges for being thrown at. If you don’t like it, don’t watch, but please stop being ridiculous, and please don’t press charges against me for verbal assault!
reds should be suspending Puig on his start offensively this season
Pretty shocked Archer wasn’t tossed the moment that ball went buzzing behind Dietrich.
If you don’t like people showing you up after a home run, it’s simple, just don’t give up home runs and you’ll be fine.
Or put one in their ear the next time they come up. They will think twice about digging in after that.
Yes, concussions and broken bones. How dare you have the audacity to crush a homer
Its not the home run that was the issue. I gave up lots of home runs in my career and I never had an issue with any guy that hit one off me. He beat me. That is his job.
If a guy had hit a home run in the 2nd inning and then stood at home plate admiring it for 12 seconds like Dietrich did, about the time it takes most guys to get to 3B, then I would have drilled him the next at bat. He would have understood that unsportsmanlike conduct like that will not be allowed and the bruise would have reminded him for a week.
The next time he came up against me in the future he would have had one inside, just to remind him that being a jerk has consequences.
If you hit a home run late in a game to give your team the lead or a walk off home run. Celebrate. But do not be a total horse’s behind in the 2nd inning and then expect impunity.
How about you get him out rather than act like a tough guy?
Archer struck him out after the whole BS from the Reds bench.
How about Deitrich not act like a tough guy in the first place with a 12 second pose on a home run in the 2nd inning of a game his team lost.
Deitrich’s actions will not be lost on Pittsburgh pitchers and by other pitchers around the league. Expect more pitches high and tight from guys that are not as forgiving as Archer is.
Lol tough guy.
Koamalu is 100% right in everything he is saying. I’d guess most people arguing never even saw the field in high school.
Unfortunately, no. Koamalu is far from right.
Right, one in the ear. If he kicked your butt the next time you threw at him, you’d think twice about being a little girl because he showed you up. But that is not what Dietrich did, he wasn’t fazed by it. His team however was pissed, and had his back. As the Pirates had their guys back. Luckily no one was hurt.
Wow, were using high school baseball as a benchmark now ?
What next ? Well, one time in T-ball …
I don’t mind what Archer or Dietrich did. . Archer throwing behind Dietrich butt was fine. Message Sent to both .
I think it’s an over reaction to suspend Archer. .
That’s sure gonna improve the popularity of the game.
out of all people to watch a homer, it’s Dietrich lol
Par for the course, man. I dont know why we are so quick to attack a person’s character. Judging from Archer’s analyst role a few years ago for postseason games, he seems like a pretty smart and stand-up dude. Puig reacted the way he wanted in defense of a teammate getting intentionally thrown behind. These shennagins are part of baseball which I love. No one got hurt except for a few rich people’s wallet.
Archer is only gonna miss one start for this? Bush league man, he should’ve been out longer.
Puig was wrong, but at least he was defending his teammate.
Puig is another Milton Bradley…but worse. A real hothead.
Puig probably won’t assault his wife and be in jail though. like Bradley is.
Personally, i’m not big on showboating from anyone, but if you routinely showboat, as Archer does, then you’ve got to accept others doing the same when they win a battle.
As for Puig, he’s a hothead and probably feels lucky that he only got 2 games.
In all of this the sports media has tried to find times when Archer showboated. They found one time when he pumped his fist and skipped off the field after a 10 pitch at bat that ended the inning with a strikeout. Once in his career and it was tame. He was walking off the field and pumped his fist into his glove. What Deitrich did was BS. 12 seconds posing at home plate. Total lack of class.
the pirates literally posted a video of him going nuts after strikeouts the morning of the game.
Please. There is a video on MLB.com that has him showboating more than once this season already. Not sure which “sports media” you subscribe to, but it sure doesn’t seem reliable.
Bob Gibson used to throw at people’s heads for swinging too hard. Joe Kelly would be an ace if allowed to occasionally hit someone. The game has changed but suspending Archer is stupid. Does anyone remember what the Phillies pitcher got for intentionally hitting Bryce Harper? Got him right in the spine. It landed bad but had to hurt right in the spine. They clamped down on hitting players and started allowing them all to have large pads, then clamped down on that. Pitchers should be allowed to hit an occasional batter and if the team has a problem then there is a way to remedy it. Posey ended catcher collision by getting hurt as one of the better, higher profile catchers we’d had in a while (Mauer was known but less so because Minnesota wasn’t winning championships). Change that back and stop catchers from dropping down on players, make them concede some spece to the runner. Allow the occasional hit bat’s man and while we’re at it stop letting teams steal the extra year of control. Those will do alot to help baseball but to attract new fans/money they should allow draft picks to be tradable, allow certain players to go over seas while retaining control, and expand by six teams.
Ramble much?
One way to stop it is if a pitcher intentionally throws at a batter the batter should have full rights to charge the mound and handle his business
They do. They will get suspended, but they have that right. Just like the pitcher has the right to hit a batter. The pitcher, which is typically much larger than the batter, also has the right to beat the tar out of the batter if he charges the mound.
The suspension was for throwing punches, not pitches behind somebody.
Dietrich knew what he was doing and knew what would likely happen at his next plate appearance but chose to act in a disrespectful way. The fact Dietrich didn’t get plunked was a classy move by Archer.
It’s not about celebrating. It’s about sportsmanship while celebrating. Maybe there are a bunch of fans who want guys to do some sort of idiotic dance every time they make a play, but I’m sure as hell not one of them.
I agree. I’m tired of getting notifications from MLB about these awesome bat flips. You hit a walk off or late inning homerun to take the lead I can understand it but not when your team is already up 8 in the 3rd.
Archer needs to stop being such a snowflake. If you don’t like someone watching their home run, then pitch better. Baby.
The announcement specified that Archer’s suspension was for throwing at Dietrich.
Puig received a two-game suspension for “aggressive actions during the incident,” which he will serve immediately
Can’t hurt the Reds offense to have the .133 hitting Puig out of the lineup for a few days.
Unfortunately not
What did Puig do?
He used his ankle to drag Barnhart around while looking for players to punch.
He threw punches.
Umm, no he didn’t. He wanted to, but never made it to his target.
Puig received a two-game suspension for “aggressive actions during the incident,” which he will serve immediately
That he missed, doesn’t mean he didn’t throw punches. His target according to Puig after the game was Cervelli.
OK, I stopped watching… he got back into it with someone.
Puig should be suspended for the entire season and be ineligible for post season play. He’s a pos.
Ok, let’s use those same standards and say Dietrich should be plunked every time at bat. What he did was classless and he’s a POS. Sounds stupid huh? Yeah, so did your post.
Did Dietrich throw any punches? Puig did. Being suspended for the entire season is a little extreme, but a week or more isn’t.
Not one punch thrown, but… maybe you saw something MLB didn’t or me or anyone with eyesight
So throwing punches gets less of a suspension than throwing a pitch behind the batter with the intention of missing him? Something is wrong with the game today.
If someone had posed at home plate like Dietrich did when I was playing pro ball, I would have hit him, not just tossed a ball 2 feet behind him and in the general area of his most padded parts. Can you imagine him doing that to Bob Gibson? Dietrich would be lucky to walk off the field.
What Dietrich did was the most childish thing imaginable and has no place in baseball. What Archer did was tame. What Puig did was unconscionable. You simply do not throw punches if you are not involved in the play. Ever. If Dietrich threw punches that is one thing. For Puig to come off the bench and do it should have been an 8-10 day suspension.
Its time for Manfred to go.
Something is wrong with the game, today? “Can you imagine him doing that to Bob Gibson? Dietrich would be lucky to walk off the field.” I think there is where we found our problem, that throwing at guys was ever acceptable. I genuinely dislike guys pimping it after hitting a HR or doing a one man World Series celebration after closing out a save, but in no way do I think throwing at a guy for doing it is OK. Those are just the guys you want to beat.
Throwing at guys is cowardly.
If you purposefully act without class, expect repercussions. Posing for about the same time it takes to run to 3B on a HR in the 2nd inning is totally classless.
Players used to have to take responsibility for their actions, even pitchers. Gibson batted so if he hit a guy he could expect one coming at him. Archer has to bat. Hitting a guy knowing you could be hit too or the guy could charge the mound is not cowardly.
What Deitrich did was BS. A total insult. That Archer threw a ball 2 feet behind him in the area of his butt was a classy reaction to a totally classless act by Deitrich. Deitrich should be prepared for getting hit more this season.
By your logic, if watching a HR merits attempted murder (yes a 95-mph baseball can kill), then a pitcher should be able to pull out a gun and shoot someone after a bat flip HR. Brilliant.
yeah, that’s a bit of stretch. That ball was nowhere his head. Not brilliant ekrog
Read better SDFriarfan. I am addressing the comment that he should expect to be thrown at more.
I am trying to understand your comment so bear with me.
You are trying to say that a pitch that is clearly behind the hitter, 2 feet is what was said on the broadcast, and in the area of his butt is attempted murder? Is that what you meant? If so, that is really inane..
Now if Archer had thrown a 91 mph pitch up around Dietrich’s head, that would have been out of line, attempted assault possibly. But he didn’t.
OK, Fine. I’ll play along. I was referring to the commenter above who stated that Dietrich’s action was so egregious he should be hit by pitches all year.
Now onto your point, I agree aiming at a guys waist and missing is not as bad as aiming at his head. But that’s a dangerous area you tread. What if he missed high and hit his face? What is he was dead on and it hit/broke his hand while trying to get out of the way. So no, intentionally throwing at a hitter is WRONG! Far more wrong than watching a HR.
“with the intention of missing him”
lol, archer is not that good of a pitcher. he missed his location….. again
Archer is a MLB pitcher and one of the better ones in the league. If he missed his location by 2 feet he would definitely not be a MLB pitcher at all.
He obviously intended to throw the ball behind Dietrich. It was a close game and he did not want to put him on base.
Puig received a two-game suspension for “aggressive actions during the incident,” which he will serve immediately
Wait, what?: Dietrich is the idiot in this situation. If Puig had done what Dietrich did, this story would have 1000’s of posts calling him every name in the book and saying that he deserved to be plunked. Puig backed up his pitcher as any teammate should. The double standard of so called fans is just ridiculous
Puig didn’t back up his pitcher, he is on the Reds.
Puig threw punches just because someone was jawing with him. He didn’t go after Archer, he went after Cervelli. What he did is beyond the pale. 8-10 games should be what he got in this case.
Yes he did. He showed that any disrespect of his pitcher/teammate will be not be tolerated. This was not his fight but he did what a teammate should-show team unity. By the way, why no comment on Dietrich’s actions? If Puig stood and admired his home run as long as Dietrich did, you probably would have said he should have been nailed.
So to you throwing fists at a 54 year old coach is ok, but throwing a ball 2 feet behind a hitter is not? At least we know where your morals stand. Thanks.
Dietrich is not a pitcher. He is a batter and not a very good one.
If Puig was backing him up he failed. All he did is get himself suspended. That is disrespecting your teammates that count on you to be on the field by doing something stupid in a play that did not involve you. If Dietrich thought Archer was throwing at him, he had every right to charge the mound. He didn’t. Puig should have stayed on the bench.
Puig didn’t throw a punch. He was trying to get to Cervelli so he could, but was unable to get there. The Pirates are run by a garbage manager, who has his pitcher throw at batters. He needs to be banned from baseball.
Watch the video. Puig threw punches. He missed much like his bat was missing the ball before the suspension, but he definitely threw them. He should be embarrassed that he basically tackled by a 54 year old coach.
No he didn’t. I think you need to watch again or learn what a punch is, and isn’t. For example a punch is not trying to push your way past someone. That is why the mlb used the term “aggressive actions during the incident” there was no other way to quantify his actions besides calling the “aggressive” ergo no punch
Puig received a two-game suspension for “aggressive actions during the incident,” which he will serve immediately
You can copy and paste. We are all so proud of you.
Thanks, and you can misrepresent the facts to fit you narrative. We are very proud of you as well.
I think baseball would be more interesting if you were allowed to showboat. You don’t like a pitcher showing emotion after a strikeout dont strikeout. A pitcher doesn’t want hitters admiring moonshots don’t give them up it’s that simple. Fans would tune in just to see the celebrations.
Baby Puke strikes again,maybe he’s mad because their are no huggers on the Reds?
Puig should be out for 8 games..Watch how he throws his arms these guys. If one player on the Reds is ejected I will geuss Puig. Not as serious as the Gurriel incident(you may think so I’m an Astros fan)
Not even close to the same,Puke and Gurriel,try again
Archer did everything right. He threw behind him and even if the ball did hit Dietrich, it would have hit him in the butt.
Dietrich earned that by staring at his homerun like it was Kate Upton naked.
The only thing he needed to do right was worry about pitching better.
He struck out Archer after all was said and done. The Pirates won the game.
Ya didn’t realize that
Archer is the biggest hypocrite
this just shows what egos players have. who cares if the opposing player celebrates. a pitcher can celebrate a foul pitch 3rd strike on a full count, and a hitter can celebrate reaching on catcher interference. As long as you are not celebrating an injury or misfortune of the like who gives a darn. fans may disapprove, but as a professional in your career you have to man up and deal with it.
the MLB will be better when intentionally throwing at hitters actually carries significant consequences and guys like Puig are out of the game.
Showboats like Dietrich should be gone as well, using your logic.
Watching a HR is hardly showboating. Sorry if it hurt your feelings.
If you watch that and didn’t see showboating, I have a great mansion to sell you…
You can keep your mansion and read more closely. I said hardly showboating.
Deitrich watched his home run, which is like Archer fist bumping after a strike out. That’s obviously fine.
What’s not fine is intentionally trying to harm other players or leaving the bench to instigate physical conflicts.
Showboating is fine. Intentionally trying to harm another player isn’t.
No, Archer fist pumping would have been like Dietrich doing an Albert Pujols and giving a little look afterwards or maybe giving a Sammy Sosa hop. What he did would have been like Archer doing a pose/dance and watching Dietrich back to the dugout. There is no way that would ever be allowed or accepted here.
Showboating is fine ? Even if Puig stands and watches his homerun for 12 seconds? That would be fine with you?
If it took 12 seconds for a ball to land, then he should watch it. That would be one majestic shot.
It is not even in the top 50 HRs in distance this season. It was not even the longest HR in that game. He should RUN. THE. BASES. or expect to get plunked.
archer doing a fist pump is like a batter doing a fist pump
No, Archer staring down Detrich back to the dugout would be like Detrich staring down Archer around the base paths.
Pretty simple. But thanks for playing.
Even if it is “Showboating” so what. These guys are 1st and foremost entertainers. They only get paid because people watch them. Most people like to watch guys have fun, not act like robots. “Act like you’ve been there before” is not made for tv viewing. That is boring
All I am going to say is that when Frazier and Bell smacked those 2 massive home runs (which were further than Dietrichs) they didn’t stand there and admire their work!
Frazier’s was not longer, but Bell’s was a blast.
I think that everyone did what they needed to do with some mistakes combinded
I LOVE Baseball…. it’s way more exciting when players “showboat” as some people are calling it. I like to see some emotion with these players… it makes the game more fun.
as much as i dislike it, i can withstand an emotional batflip in the heat of the moment, moreso during a meaningful moment (like a walkoff of something) deitrich standing there like a goon for 5 mins was disrespectful and imo made him look like a little kid.
You mean when he stood there like a utility infielder who just hit a really long blast for 5 seconds? That’s what it was. Sorry if it hurt your feelings.
Can we just suspend Puig “indefinitely” and move him onto his life’s work somewhere else? The world needs ditch diggers and that sounds like a perfect place for .143 batting average Puig.
Nobody pays money to see roided-up loons that can’t hit above .200 to play baseball.
Cause Puig can’t hit above .200?
Did you ever useBaseball Reference? It’s helpful in order to avoid making moronic statements.
Puig was defending his teammate. Don’t let that idiotic sportswriter out in LA infect your views. His hate for Puig is over the top.
The Pirates sort of got paid back last night when they were hammered by the Cubs, 10-0! Of course, three errors by the same guy in one inning doesn’t help.
The Pirates won the game against the Reds. Archer struck out Dietrich after Puig and Bell went off the rails. The Reds got what they deserved, another loss. I have a feeling that about 90 more of those are coming.
From the guy whose team signed Manny Machado.
Puig deserves more games. He threw punches at a 54 year old coach. A coach.
Archer should be praised for not hitting Dietrich. Most pitchers would have hit him.
Gimme a break.
Hurdle is the problem, not the players
The Pirates ranked by most hit batters by a team by year
In 18 # 19
In 17 # 1
In 16 # 2
In 15 # 1
In 14 # 2
In 13 # 1
He is a danger to the sport.
Pitching inside is a problem?
No, retaliation is a problem. Intentionally throwing at a batter is dangerous. Admiring a home run is not. I believe in pitching inside, not at intentionally trying to hit a player because you didn’t like him “Showboating”. The numbers are right above your comment. Clearly Hurdle is unfit to manage a team. A team is paying what 550K to 35M a year for a player, and a idiot like Hurdle puts that players health and safety in jepordy because he was shown up. Pathetic.
Amen. It’s really that simple.
This is a ridiculous assessment by the league.
Dietrich showed the Pirates up by standing at the plate way too long.I do not mind him watching the ball but he needs to jog to first base while he is doing it.
Look at what a.classy player like Josh Bell did when he hit an even longer home run.He hustled on his way to first base.
Archer did NOT throw at Dietrich.Any ML pitcher can hit a batter if they want to.
Dietrich did not react afterwards because he knew that he deserved it and that Archer was not throwing at him.
Puig deserved at least two games out as he started the brawl.
Archer has shown enthusiasm in the past that some think is showboating but it has nothing to do with this instance.
If this was something that deserved an extreme penalty then the umpires should have thrown him out of the game.Since they did not it shows that he clearly was not throwing at the batter.
Plus, Archer’s propensity for “celebrating” at the end of a good inning would be akin to Dietrich pumping his fist after a homer. No one would care. Dietrich’s staring for 10 seconds would be akin to Archer staring down a strikeout victim for 10 seconds–unacceptable. When I coach, I always tell my players to celebrate our team’s accomplishments; and if they are going to communicate with the other team, it also needs to be praising them/building them up. There is no good reason to act poorly towards any player on the field. It comes down to positive behaviors (that add to the game) and negative behaviors (than take away from the game.)
Just looked at the clip. At the crack of the bat it was 2 seconds into the video, and he was rounding 1st at 10 seconds. The average ML player runs to 1st in 4+ seconds, and it is pretty clear that he didn’t need to sprint. So lets call it 6 seconds to first. He had the audacity to watch his homer for 4 seconds, not 10. Would it be annoying to have the guy that just went yard on you stand by and watch his handy work, yes. The answer is be better, not petty
If a Pitcher doesn’t like a Hitter admiring a bomb, don’t give up the bomb. Simple.
It’s not quite that simple.No pitchers like to have home runs hit off them.If they could keep from throwing them,they would.They are human just like the hitters and everyone else,so sometimes they throw a pitch in a location that they did not mean to.
Dietrich does not hit many home runs so I see why he may do what he did,but it was still inexcusable.
Not inexcusable at all. Doesn’t even need to be excused.
It’s good to see that Puig has really matured
Sports shouldn’t have a different standard than regular life when it comes to behavior. Dietrich’s reaction to his homer was probably the WORST reaction I have ever seen to such a thing. Made Bautista and Gomez look like amateurs. It was annoying, childish, and disrespectful.
ON THE OTHER HAND… Throwing at players intentionally is equally annoying, childish, and disrespectful. In fact, it is probably worse due to potential dangers involved. I’m a big Bucco fan, and have long been an Archer fan (I grew up in Tampa Bay territory). As bad as I believe Dietrich’s behavior was, Archer’s was worse.
To my main point, acting the way Dietrich did isn’t really acceptable in real life situations. Archer’s REALLY isn’t acceptable in real life situations. Both are probably good guys who did some annoying, childish, disrespectful, and/or dangerous things. Puig, too!
Your arguement is fine except the fact that you think that Archer meant to hit Dietrich which is clearly not true.
I don’t at all see how that is “clear.” Missed him by an inch or two. Archer’s command isn’t THAT good. Plus, even if he was trying NOT to hit him, it is still “annoying, childish, disrespectful, and/or dangerous.” Again, keeping in mind that I am a Bucco fan, huge Archer fan, and even hoped the Bucs would sign Dietrich this offseason.
I agree that Dietrich is a fairly good utilityman,and was surprised that the Marlins released him.I think that the Pirates got stuck on the Gonzalez/Newman competition and did not have room for an experienced big leaguer.
We will have to agree to disagree to some extent on the intent part of the pitch.
If I recall correctly Dietrich is the guy who regularly took out guys on hard slides,which was legal at the time,but got him a reputation as hard nosed,and borderline dirty.I think that that may be a big part of the reason that the pitch did not seem to bother him at all.He figured that it was just part of the game.
The Reds cried to MLB about this & got their way. The only thing Archer did wrong was not hit Dietrich. Puig was possessed & threw punches & got 2 games. Give me a break. David Bell’s managerial career will be short, he & the Reds are putrid. He over manages every game & they lose. That sums up their season. But this is the Reds, whose greatest player is a felon, liar, & cheater. Laughing stock of baseball, that’s what this franchise is.
Right, the Reds first 9 games sum up their season. I’m a Reds fan who grew up during the Big Red Machine years and I have no use for Pete Rose. He’s hardly our greatest player, see Bench, Johnny. By your “reasoning” the Giants are the laughingstock of baseball because of Barry Bonds.
The only one that seems to be crying, or throwing a tantrum, is you.
Puig didn’t throw one punch. Archer got off lightly, as he was the one who incited the incident.
Wow. Why does Archer or the team get to decide when he starts his suspension? Archer pitched yesterday. A five game suspension means his next start will be pushed back one whole game. Why don’t they cut to the chase here and just call it a fine?
They all got undisclosed fines also! Archer deserves more than 5 games
He’s allowed to appeal.
Now he has dropped his appeal.
The justifications for him showboating/not are no different then his own regarding the flip and stare.
In other words:
It’s fine to think your special or different, but do understand that you are not, nor am I or anybody else.
position player losses 5 games, starting pitcher losses one start. fair? no. needs changing
Nutella is good. Throwing behind a batter has potential for serious harm if the batter reacts as taught and jumps back. Puig deserves a week for his pathetic actions. I’m over celery.