The Mets could potentially carry Pete Alonso and Dominic Smith on the active roster to open the regular season, Anthony DiComo of tweets. Skipper Mickey Callaway says the two first baseman won’t function in a platoon if that does indeed come to pass, but he didn’t divulge how playing time between the two would be divided. Deesha Thosar of the New York Daily News weighs in further on the matter, suggesting that it’s possible that one first baseman could start a game, go five or six innings, and then be lifted in the event that a more favorable matchup for the other comes along later in the game. It’s perhaps worth noting that Smith has some limited experience in the outfield, although the Mets’ outfield already is already crowded with Jeff McNeil, Brandon Nimmo, Michael Conforto, Keon Broxton and Juan Lagares on board. Both Alonso and Smith have tattooed opposing pitchers this spring, with Alonso raking at a .360/.396/.680 clip and Smith impressing as well at .349/.404/.465.
More on the Mets…
- Several non-roster veterans who are trying to win a job with the Mets have upward mobility clauses in their contracts that have gone into effect, Newsday’s Tim Healey writes. Each of Devin Mesoraco, Adeiny Hechavarria and Rajai Davis had that clause kick into effect Wednesday. In essence, the Mets had until today to either add that trio to the 40-man roster or inform other clubs that each is available. Should another club express a willingness to put any of those players on the big league roster between now and Friday, the Mets would have the opportunity to add him to their own 40-man roster or or allow him to leave for the big league opportunity. Per Healey, left-hander Luis Avilan has the same clause in his contract, but it won’t go into effect for another few days.
- In an effort to counteract increasingly popular defensive shifts, the Mets are placing an organization-wide emphasis on improving bunting skills and hitting to the opposite field, writes DiComo. Offseason acquisitions Robinson Cano and Jed Lowrie are adept at hitting to the opposite field, DiComo notes, and new hitting coach Chili Davis has been working with frequently shifted lefties like Conforto and Smith to improve their ability to take the ball the other way. “I have a philosophy that the way to beat analytics is to go against analytics,” said manager Mickey Callaway. Of course, some opponents may consider it a victory if they can wipe out the possibility of an extra-base hit from one of the Mets’ more dangerous hitters (e.g. Conforto) by coaxing a bunt attempt. The Mets, as DiComo outlines, have worked extensively on bunting drills throughout camp in preparation to challenge some shifts during the upcoming season.
Going with three catchers and two first base only players is beyond stupid just go with Alonso.
Why are teams going with three catchers anyway? Never understood the logic.
Saves wear and tear on the ‘starter’ if he only goes 3-4 days a week. You have the primary, hopefully a competent back up, and an emergency reserve guy.
It makes sense IF you have two catchers who can hit somewhat. If you don’t, though, it is kind of a waste of a roster spot.
Getting one catcher that can play D and hit a little is tough. Getting a backup that’s not a starter somewhere else that can play some D and hit a little is tougher yet. If a team has a third guy capable of the position then what they have is trade bait to go get some relief help or something. Carrying three catchers with the limited roster space makes zero sense.
Agreed. Idk how petrie’s Scenario makes any sense. Why the hell cant your backup catcher just start 2-3 games a week? Makes no sense to have a backup to the backup.
Welcome to Flushing GoRav where at Chitifield most things make zero sense!
Somebody find us stats on how often the emergency reserve catcher was pressed into duty by all teams in the course of a season?
I can think of two reasons why you would keep a 3rd catcher. Three catchers allows you to use one of them as a PH without the risk of being caught without a backup on the bench. The second reasons it helps tremendously if one of the backups can play another position (1B or 3B) if need be.
The problem with the Mets three catchers is that none of them really can play another position to get any meaningful playing time – especially if you keep Alonso and Smith, which means you can’t even start one of them at 1B if you wanted to.
The Mets best case is to keep d’Arnauld in Florida for Extended Spring Training and then send him out for a 20-day rehab stint. With any luck some other team will need a catcher and then the Mets can move Travis or Devin and at least get something for one of them.
in the national league too! where you have to carry more bench players, they’re going to carry empty bench spots for a third catcher with no bat and a 1b only type (no, dom smith is not an outfielder as much as they want him to be). zigging while others zag…the new york mets “come get us” lol
He’s got a good arm wonder why they don’t try him at 3rd
Go with Smith. Give him a month at 1b. He either crushes and you have trade bait or he flames out and he’s done. Meanwhile Alonso’s clock gets pushed back a year.
Yes Mets, tell your best power hitters to bunt instead of hitting it in the air. That’s a victory every single time
a victory for the other team that is
Hey Walls…I agree with you 100%. It’s just that you are hurting Metsie fans feelings and they are really sad.
Now that I’ve posted they will go into a closet to pee and come out with all these nasty posts.
May the fireworks begin. The only certainty is that by the 4th of July the season will be over for the Mets. Lol
in all fairness Dom Smith isn’t a power hitter so telling him to go opposite field or to bunt won’t hurt him or the team
Keeping it on the ground is the reason Chili got fired from the Cubs…
As I recall cubs pitchers weren’t very good at that keeping it on the ground unless you count darvish and chatwood who drove their careers into the ground while making $$. Hi Mets fans meet a cubs fan someone who has same confidence but is in denial of another bad season coming.
What are you talking about? The reason the Cubs WON 95 games and didn’t keep going in October, is because the of the offense. Their pitching was quite excellent last season. So who’s in denial? Oh that’s right, another fan of a New York team.
Just what you need when you are three runs down, a ball in the air. Get on, make the pitcher work out of the stretch, open up the hole on the right side with the 1b holding on the runner. Especially with the new ‘pitcher must face three batter’ rule, I think it’s great! Lefty facing Conforto, bunt against the shift, now that lefty has to face a righty with a runner on. Drop down 10-15 bunts against the shift and they stop doing it. Not mention, learning to drive the ball the other way is what .300 hitters do which leads to more rallies, runs scored and runs driven in. It also gets the other team deeper into their own bullpen. I hate the hole ‘ball in the air philosophy’ garbage. All that does is kill innings, create easy outs, reduce batting averages and create bad habits. Fundamentals 101 is not “put the ball in the air”. So sick
Of seeing guys hitting lazy fly balls when the team is down 4. How many homeruns actually directly lead to winning games?
Infinite upvotes from me to you, Jim
Amem, look at the history leaders in a season for scrafice bunts, there are a lot of HOFers on that list, and not just pitchers.
And. It Mets are possible. But go ahead try it. Lots of double play ground balls coming.
Is this what you meant to write? I am extremely confused by the first part.
Of course the Mets think non-pitchers bunting is a good idea.
It’s a better idea than striking out or hitting into the shift.
There’s a truism to the phrase “hit’em where they ain’t”. That prolongs innings. Prolonged innings more times than not lead to crooked # scoring, which helps lead to WINS. Isn’t winning the object of the game?
apparently some people here didn’t read the article they are bunting in situations with certain shifts it’s not stupid whatsoever to teach hitters how to bunt, a forgotten skill in baseball
Of course, if you hit against the shift they’ll stop playing the shift against, which opens the right side more. Every team that has a pull hitter should learn this
Agreed. Basic baseball fundamentals confuse some.
It’s definitely good to have the skill. What I hope they’re also teaching is the situations to consider it…. don’t do it because you can, do it when it makes sense. You’re down two, no one on, get the easy single. Tie game, two out, don’t even think about it.
You guys are hysterical. You act like bunting is the same as rolling the ball on the ground with your hand.
Its not easy, especially against guys that throw as hard as they do today.
You cant just learn it in your mid twenties in spring training and all of a sudden become adept at it.
If it works 4 out of ten times for conforto that would be alot.
That’s a slight uptick from his normal obp with zero power, a victory for the opponent.
Only the Mets.
Oh Boogaloo you never disappoint. … seems to work even in the playoffs.
Got to see Alonso and Smith in Vegas I’d take Alonso over smith any day Smith seems to be on a take it easy approach on game day where Alonso is business at getting better
Did you notice how lazily Smith plays in the field? Never seems to be in the right place for cut offs or ready for ground balls. Doesn’t follow the base runner, doesn’t seem to know where to anticipate the next play. He picks bad throws pretty well and hits average <93mph pretty well. Can’t hit a pitch above the belt and is a singles hitter unless he gets a meatball middle in.
Seems Jims vocabulary choice is pretty limited aka Jim is lazy to realize his dumb choice of words reflects poorly on him. Seems that Smith needs proper guidance where I would maybe call the coach for fielding lazy to work on a 1B who is in the outfield.
Mets AAA is now in Syracuse
Your point is? He said he saw them in Vegas LAST year, where, you know, they WERE…. LAST year.
Where’s Mikeyank? Is he too busy yanking it? We need some Wagon Wheel and Mutt and Jeff action…. we all know he can’t lay off the Mets articles
I hate that guy.
Be easy on him. That’s the only form of “lay” that he gets.
You girls can’t stop the “lipstick talk”, can you? I love the fact that when I return from a few days overseas, you girls are so needy that you post so incessantly.
I know that most of you are on the downside of life. I’m not suggesting that you give up your Mets therapy group, it’s just that it looks pathetic for you girls to be sitting at the Starbucks at 10:00 when productive people are working. Can’t you at least get up early and make believe that you are part of the working economy while you exchange memories of ‘69?
And it’s great cuties, that you show your true colors and not add to the commentary of teaching your productive hitters to bunt and play small ball. What a true sign of your alignment with impotency.
You didn’t drop a wagon wheel or a Mutt and Jeff. How about a CallaNOway…. you can borrow it
Mike, the only articles you post about are Mets articles with your venom. You seriously sound like a former fan that changed teams because they traded away for favorite player back in the 70’s.
You bring the hate on yourself because you contribute nothing but negativity and I do enjoy picking on you.
My favorite was that time I got you all trigger and you yelled… good times
Your favorite dummies should be a winning team with an owner who is truly committed to the franchise and NYC.
No, to disappoint you dummy, I’ve always been a Yankee fan.
So that I remind you dummy and your clown friends of the pathetic state of your team is in the hopes that fans just won’t give as much to the Wilpon family fund.
NYC used to have great baseball rivalries. And in the beginning even the mayors trophy games were rivalrous.
However the Mets are such a simply pathetic organization there is no longer a great rivalry. For that to happen NYC would have two great teams.
Instead we have one great team and a pretender that sucks the life out of fans’ wallets.
Just go back and look at the past few years. Then look at the past decade, and follow that with the past few decades. Be resourceful to look into the absurd ways.
If you have any real brain cells between your ears dummy I will be saving you money.
I just assumed Smith was mid to late 20’s, I had no idea he was 23. I thought he was drafted out of college. He’s actually younger than Alonso. Way too young to give up on.
Dom Smith’s spring is all BABIP driven. Alonso should take over the job fast.