The Braves “aren’t currently engaged” with the top two remaining free agents, according to Jon Heyman of MLB Network (Twitter link). While the Atlanta organization would “consider” both Craig Kimbrel and Dallas Keuchel on short-term pacts, per the report, the club is “assuming both pitchers would do better elsewhere.”
The Atlanta organization’s unwillingness to stretch its valuations on free agents has been a long-running theme of the offseason. In that light, perhaps, it’s not surprising to learn that the club is sitting back on these two accomplished hurlers.
On the other hand, organizational leadership has indicated that there will be an ongoing effort to improve the roster. Particularly with some pitching health questions in camp, a veteran addition would arguably be prudent. And the CEO of team owner Liberty Media did just say that the ballclub’s “management knows they have capacity to do more and are looking for the right deal.”
There has been speculation all winter long that the Braves could be a landing spot for Kimbrel, who could join backstop Brian McCann in making a memorable return to his former stomping grounds. MLBTR’s readers still feel it’s a compelling match, if the results from this morning’s poll is any indication.
Though GM Alex Anthopoulos has cast doubt on the possibility of spending “big, elite dollars” for a bullpen piece, he has also made clear that the club has money left to utilize. There’s certainly an argument to be made that bolstering the back of the pen (and thereby also improving the middle relief unit) would go a long way toward enhancing the team’s chances in a highly competitive division.
Of course they aren’t involved. They already wasted all the $$ on Josh Donaldson.
It wasn’t a waste and they have plenty of $$ left.
Yes it is. He’ll be hurt half the year.
who? if you mean donaldson, that has no affect on the monetary situation.
Yeah it makes it a waste of money.
Is there a reason why it matters to you? Phillies2290
don’t fool yourself…braves could spend another 100$MM dollars this year. The ownership just want’s to pocket it. SAD
You’re a fool if you think that.
Liberty legally can’t pocket surplus money not spent on the roster. They’re not pocketing anything. They are just an asset. That was the condition of the sale.
I really wish Braves reporters and fans were more knowledgeable about their team.
I pity da fool
I wish people would just take the time to research what Liberty Media can and cannot do. You sound so ignorant when you dont know but act like you do. Liberty is unable to pocket any profits as a condition of the purchase of the team, all profits have to go back into the team.
You mean just like JD Drew when he came to the Braves?
Oh wait JD Drew had a career year and put up a 8.3 WAR……
You are a moron if you think Liberty is pocketing the money. Go back and reread the agreement from 2007 between Liberty, Time Warner, and MLB you fool.
“Waste of money” says the Phillies fan lmao. What do you consider Bryce Harpers contract then?
@shuda22 you do realize after the harper signing, phillies made 25 million in 48 hrs with ticket sales and jersey sales. At that rate that 300 million can be paid for easily in 3 years. the braves just made 442 million in profit just last year. what do you think will happen for the phillies after they win the division or go to the world series? $$$$$
Liberty taking surplus money and investing it in real estate. Should still have over $ 100 million available for this years payroll.…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
Are people buying a new Harper jersey every year? How do you think that’s a recurring source of revenue?
You must admit, it’s hard for the average sports fan to keep up with all the complex rules and agreement.
They have unlimited money to spend on players, the owners just want to make $300M in pure profit for themselves this year, not $250M. Shame the owners never gave one care about the fans, the sport or their teams success….
Man you sound like a whiner. They don’t have unlimited money to spend on players. Jeez.
This is real life, not Monopoly.
ahhh here we go with “you’re a whiner, you’re a nancy” blah blah…man you’re glasses are getting all steamed up lol
Thank you. Every rich guy has unlimited money and never has to answer to anyone else. Yes…in a fantasy but not here.
“But but but but but I googled how rich an owner was, isn’t their listed net worth the same as the balance in their checking account…”
Now I can definitively call BS on you strike four.
Fangraphs dumbed down the financial disclosures from Liberty Media Re: the Braves to a level even you can understand.
In 2017 the net profit was about 50 million. In 2018 the net profit jumped to about 100 million, with the increase basically mirroring the Disney/BAM money split among all club (showing the profit on the operations side being relatively flat.)
So quit your BS for whatever agenda you’re working for here, Braves don’t have 300, or 250, or even 200 million in profits.…
If I ever win the lottery I will try my hardest to buy the Braves. That is a promise my man.
haha nice
Considering they’re worth $1.6B you’ll need to win it many times
lol, you will try your hardest….and fail.
Similar to how the Braves will try their hardest to make the playoffs for the next 3 years… and fail
So glad AA not making knee jerk reactions to other teams. Not the way to BUILD a team. Also glad will spend wisely and not spend all on 1 or 2 guys. Wait and see whap happens
Build a team for what? A 5 year window to compete is what I hope you’re talking about. Year 1 is already in the books and the Braves have 30 million dollars in guaranteed money on the books in 2020. So they shouldn’t spend money to better the team and to keep building for the future, even though the future is now and your window has already started closing.
“knee jerk”?
what do you call the Donaldson and McCann signings?
nobody was going to pay either player close to what AA gave them.
23 mil for Mr. Calf injury
I read a report that said the Cubs offered McCann more money than the Braves. He turned it down because he only wanted to play for the Astros or the Braves. So your statement is at least 50% false
I thought they made these moves first? Then the rest of the NL East followed with their own moves…
Odd considering that the Cubs offered McCann more money and more years.
In what world do the Braves have unlimited money to spend. Major league payroll is not all the money a team needs to spend. They need to spend for there front office there coaching staff there minor league teams and there International money.On top of that I know of no business other then charities where the owners don’t look to male a profit
More useless hyperbole from Strike Four. No team has unlimited money. Please contribute something useful to the discussion.
Like its been said over and over and over again. If only you would research before putting your foot in your mouth. Liberty Media cannot profit off the Braves, AT ALL!!!! All profits have to go back into the team as a condition of the sale. It is run soley by Terry McGuirk, another condition. Learn something before looking dumb.
But profits can go towards paying down the massive debt load they took on, the Battery, new spring training facilities. Maybe Liberty themselves aren’t profiting as you say but the profits are mostly going to non roster/international related costs.
The profits aren’t going to the team so if if they aren’t “pocketing” them, they aren’t actually being used to improve the product on the field. Any ownership that doesn’t care about a team shouldn’t be allowed to own a team. It’s bad for baseball.
They still have $ 100 million available for payroll. Revenue of $ 442 million, 50% goes to onfield product. Payroll should be $ 221 million. Braves are currently under $ 120 million. Putting all the money into real estate.…
GriffinGA gets it.
I’d be furious at Liberty Media if I was a Braves superfan right now.
The fact that there’s Braves fans defending this crud, is maddening. You have been fed lies and you believe them to the point where you care about a faceless billionaire conglomerate’s profits over winning a title. Disgusting. All MLB team owners are trash and need to be viewed as such.
I’m surprised you haven’t used your racist rich white man BS like you have in the past Strike Four.
Braves ownership shouldnt take up magic because they thought they could try and fool A LOT of their fan-base, but not us dummies!
Yea we’re guna need money to lockup up FUTURE investment stars in a couple years, but the Crap that’s going on right NOW (spending $140 million on a spring training facility, handing out their biggest AAV signing EVER to a question mark health-wise, not going after the team’s actual needs to make them formidable…) it’s fishy BS plain and simple!
You reward a team for playing the way they did last year and being so-called “a year ahead of schedule”.
Been a fan since the early 90s and this is ABSOLUTELY unlike anything I’ve ever seen this organization put its fan through.. Greed and pocket-lining investments outside the roster are the only 2 things that make sense.
By signing Josh donaldson to a one year commitment; they thought that would be a sexy signing and would quiet the crowd, NOT A CHANCE!
Being fed lies, Strike Four?
You are the one being disingenuous about how much money teams have to spend.
You spew this stuff all the time on this site and then disappear when you are asked to provide FACTUAL EVIDENCE that what you post is true.
From that we can only discern one thing:
You have no evidence that what you post is true.
Conclusion: You are making it up.
Should still have over $ 100 million available for this years payroll. Do some research.…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
Revenue and actual income are 2 completely different things. You take revenue and subtract payroll (including minors and dead salary), operating costs, travel costs, employee payroll, marketing, etc. etc. The actual income is nowhere remotely close to the revenue. The point of running a business is to make money. If 50% of revenue needs to go to the onfield product then almost every MLB team is short changing their fans.
Well said.
Braves EBITDA was $94 million last year, which was 21.2% of total revenues.. Microsoft as one example was over 45%.. Liberty is in the business of making a profit, which I have no problem with. I’m sure though that revenues will go up again in 2019, so the fact that they are not increasing payroll (if they are, it’s barely), would upset me as a fan too. I don’t think anyone (smart) begrudges a company for wanting to be profitable, but yeah, I can see fans being upset.
If I’m an owner of a team and someone outside my circle implies that I need to spend 50% of my money for on field production I would tell that person to take their views and stick it. If I want to spend 50% of my revenue on bobble heads that’s my business.
They are not in the business of making a profit. The Braves franchise is unique in that any money that’s in this sub corp must be reinvested back into it. Liberty is more concerned about the VALUE of the club than anything else. Therefore networth is far more important then competitiveness. As long as the team continues to win that’s good enough. Actually winning the World Series is not necessarily that profitable given that teams often have to spend a ridiculous amount of money to make up for deficiencies and to get that extra edge over their competition. Most owners are really stretched to the limit financially — except of course for the Dodgers, Yankees and Red Sox. They would rather pay off debt to improve their bottom line on the profit and loss statement rather than invest in players.. This is a classic example of why corporate ownership is not good for baseball. Come on, there’s no way in hell a team can be competitive enough with a $120 million payroll with other teams over $180 to $220 million. It’s utterly ridiculous. To have any reasonable shot (other than pure luck) they would need to raise their payroll to over $150 at least. The fans are really paying for this. Literally.
man you’ve learned that fact and are going to say it a lot now huh?!
On average MLB teams have spent a little over 50% of revenue on the onfield product for decades. Braves are investing baseball revenue in real estate development and calling it a baseball expense. Do your homework.
Should still have over $ 100 million available for this years payroll.…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
a;sldkfjads;lkjfas;lkfjasl;kasjfal;fksjd Braves are not a $200m team, nor is the city of Atlanta capable of supporting a $200m Braves team.
Again, this is real world business, not Monopoly MLB Edition.
EVERY team is a 200 million dollar team. The owners have fooled you into believing that they’re not. Revenues have skyrocketed in the past decade but salaries have not. It’s all profits.
It’s mostly about TV revenue in modern baseball. If there is a good tv contract in place, teams can rake in $$ through the tv side and have a different set of books bc it’s a separate entity. Add in a profitable ownership group, and now you have spending ability….but not necessarily the desire to max out the payroll.
Saying salaries haven’t skyrocketed is flat out lying – they have.
In 2002, total MLB payroll spend was $2.096 billion.
By 2012, it was up to $3.149 billion.
By 2018, it was up to $4.227 billion.
In the decade you claim they haven’t skyrocketed, total payroll has actually gone up 46.8%.
If your name is Senioreditor, you should probably start doing some editing, before you claim things that are flat out lies.
Jesus Christ dude, Revenue and Profits are 2 totally different things. Look it up. The team payroll is based on the PROFITS the stadium and the Battery makes.
Based on current revenue the average MLB team should have a player payroll of $ 184 million. Braves are way about average and should have a payroll of $ 221 million. Fans are not paying $$$ to watch AA take a long winters nap.
I’m not sure but I think that payroll amount includes the minor league players and coaches too?
In what fantasy world does 50% of revenue go to on field product – by that I mean player salaries?
Actually, if you add in the:
cost of the draft,
international signings,
the cost to maintain ST and training facilities year round,
the cost of the coaching staff,
the cost of the advance scouting staff,
the cost of the amateur scouts,
the cost of the analytics staff that provide data to the players and coaches,
the cost of any Caribbean facilities/academies,
the cost of charter jet travel,
per diems and clubhouse meals,
the cost of unis,
laundry service,
the cost of bats,
the cost of medical insurance for the players,
the cost of insuring large contracts,
the cost of maintaining the playing surface (grounds crew, water on field, sod)
the cost of new bases every game,
the cost of dugout refreshments,
the cost of locker room and maintenance,
the cost of the training staff,
the cost of the team doctors,
the cost of the un-reimbursed medical expenses
the cost of the batting cages,
and all the other associated costs with keeping the players well-fed and healthy and on a playing surface that is safe and well maintained,
then yeah, some teams might get to 50%
Teams have been at 50%+ for 30 years, do some homework. Fans are paying to watch players compete. Brave are not making any effort to do so.
Josh Donaldson is a legitimate MVP candidate.
Not a hyperbole, he actually won it.
“No such thing as a bad one-year deal.”
Pros outweigh the cons, the biggest con; the tease. They signed JD to one-year 23M bombshell, early off-season, then proceeded to do nothing.
I wouldn’t call him an MVP candiate, but yeah, no such thing as a bad one year deal. It doesn’t make sense to committ lots of money to Kimbrel when those last few years will be dead money years right in the prime of their young stars.
Because he won an MVP doesn’t mean he’s an MVP candidate. Is Willie Hernandez an MVP candidate?
Pujols also won the MVP. Obviously, Donaldson is better than Pujols at this point in their careers, but it just shows the flawed argument by stating what a guy once did means he clearly will do it again.
Very few knowledgeable people if anyone, views Donaldson as a MVP level player anymore.
Josh Donaldson is 33
Pujols was given 10 year 250M deal, age-32
Josh’s problem is great risk-reward disparity between MVP talent and being injury-prone.
Pujols is 39 (might be older) and won MVP decade ago.
Donaldson is 33 and won MVP 2015.
Right, I’m well aware of all that. I’m just saying that the argument because he “once” won an MVP doesn’t at all mean he’s likely to do it again. That’s all I’m saying. I said in my previous post Donaldson is way better than Pujols, but neither is a strong MVP candidate at this point.
Finally! Someone that gets it on the Donaldson signing.
Jack Elliott was a World Series MVP.
That was 4 years ago.
So was Josh Donaldson’s.
and your mom….
Josh is a nice low risk one year deal. Still have over $ 100 million available for this years payroll.…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
More Rumors about what the Braves aren’t doing and won’t be doing smh…
At this point, who is in on these guys?
And why isn’t every team that thinks they have a shot at this point?
Atlanta does have some good prospects in aaa or have seen a taste of the big leagues. their achilles heal last year was the bull pen. signing kimbrel would certainly shore it up. I wonder with the sun trust park debt and the recent rebuild makes liberty media reluctant to spend, or just wait for the price to fall.
Nope, liberty media just wants to make more profits for themselves and put an 85-90 win team out there, instead of lining their own greedy pockets with slightly less profit and winning a title with maybe the best team in the NL East if they added those two.
Logically, skimping on payroll is like postponing car repairs: it’s not profitable for long. I’m struggling to buy into your “evil empire” argument, partly because I don’t think LM is that stupid. This team has a ton of talent, and I for one am pretty happy that they’re saving their dollars till they have a better feel for what they really need. Come see me in July if you’re still unhappy.
WouldSettle, S4 likes to have temper tantrums on this site, and spew forth hatred and hyperbole. He backs up none of his rants with verifiable facts.
If I didn’t know better I’d say he almost trolling.
Based on revenue and historical norms they should be spending $ 100 million more this year on the on field product. As constructed they have zero chance to win the WS and you are happy?…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
Liberty Media is making crazy profits off the team and diverting money from the team to other ventures. Do some research.…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
Atlanta missed some big opportunities. They are the big loser of the offseason, in my opinion.
I’d like to see Kimbrel on a three year deal with an option. Keuchel doesn’t interest me at all as a Braves fan. Too many good prospects waiting in the wings to waste on a pitcher who’s a three on the wrong side of 30 and wants to be paid like a one.
Kimbrel deserves at minimum 5/90 and the Braves can easily afford it.
Keuchel deserves 4/80 and is 31, if you think all pitchers fall off at 30 you are just plain wrong.
no. just no.
How are you so wrong about everything?
Your team is just owner profit-sharing away from a title and you think its “bad” or “wrong” or “no”.
Why on EARTH do you give one honest care about your fave teams owners profit margins over a freaking title!!?!?!?!!!?
I’d rather see the prospects be given chances and spend that money to keep the studs
I agree with you. These fans act like spending $20 million (which will put the team $7 million over league average) will cripple the organization for generations. They act like it’s their own personal money they are spending. If a team gets a new stadium, and makes the playoffs within 2 years, the payroll shouldn’t decrease.
I’m sorry but there is no justifiable reason, outside of the organization being cheap, that more wasn’t done this offseason. Sign Harper, or sign 2 RP. Trade for an impact long term OF. Instead they do what they always do and it’s never enough.
I have no stake in the Braves but the GM does operate on a budget and if I were a fan I wouldn’t want them to tie up that budget with bad money for years to come. It may not be a problem this year but it will be in a year or two (see teams with bad contracts at the end of their budget).
I do think that the Braves should have gotten in on some of the bargains of the offseason, but i doub tthat these two guys will be bargains
Kimbrel deserves whatever he can get, even if it’s more than that – and the foolish team that gives him 5/90 deserve what they get too.
I have posted here before that if Keuchel hadn’t been asking for 6/150 (reportedly) at the beginning of the offseason, and would have accepted the 4/82 that MLBTR estimated he would get, he would likely have already been signed. In short, he apparently PRICED HIMSELF out of the market for too long. (Then again, his agent is Boras, and if anyone can pull a rabbit out of a hat it’s him).
How are YOU so wrong about everything?? What are you, some pimply faced 12 year old in your moms basement on the old APPLE PC?? Learn baseball before you look any dumber.
Still have over $ 100 million available for this years payroll. Plenty of $$$ for Harper, Machado and still keep all the studs.…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
Worst off season in the history of baseball. With revenue of $ 442 million, payroll should be $ 221 million, instead the Braves are under $ 120 million. What a fraud on the taxpayers of Cobb County and an embarrassment for the city of Atlanta.…
Pin this post on every thread about some cheapskate owner talking about how they have no $ to spend on players, when everyone knows all teams made record-breaking profits last season.
Will you two just get a room already?
A padded room with some meds.
Hey geniuses, newsflash for you – operating revenue is just what comes in before any expenses, not profit.
If you earn 60k as a gross salary, you don’t go out and spend 60k per year on credit accounts (unless you like bankruptcy) because there are things to deduct from gross revenue before you get to spendable income/profit
Own two businesses, both profitable. Now how to read a P&L. Diverting $$ to real estate dev at the expense of the fans and the city is not good management.…
Taking $$$ from the team and putting it into real estate dev.
Yo yo… world on the street is Kimbrel might sit out 2019. He says… “Man, either pay me or I aint playin'” Kimbrel is sticking it to da man. Per Jimmy “the rumor maker” Bowden.
Best article about the Braves off season:…
Don’t want either of these guys now. Braves are a 4th place team. Could have had Machado, Harper, Kimbrel and $ 30 million to spare.
You want to share the Braves’ books here with all of us? Excel Spreadsheet, maybe?
Math is really simple. Revenue = $ 442 million – for the past 30 years MLB teams have spent a little over 50% of revenue on the on field product. Payroll should be $ 220 million. Braves are diverting baseball funds to invest in real estate. Do some research.…
lol Jon Heyman is getting killed on Twitter for posting this non-update…
Braves not engaged in playoffs this season
I think they’ll be fine without these two
debatable given the additions arround the division.
Ummm, the rest of the division had to add in order to keep up with the Braves.
Then they ain’t going to the postseason then. Shame, as they were about a Kimbrel and Keuchel away from being a title contender.
When your owners won’t take the last step that doesn’t even cost them prospects, only their own share of the profits that they are already making 10x any player does, then your owners are trash and need to go. I don’t care how many Braves fans will be mad at this, the same goes for all 30 teams. Pathetic.
A better version of Kimbrel and Keuchel will be available during the season if the Braves need it. Signing either one now to a 4 year contract would be a huge mistake
Absolutely wrong in every possible way – stop feeding off the owners spin on their lies about how they have no money. Kimbrel is a no-doubt HOFer in his prime, he deserves 5/90 minimum, Keuchel is 31 and has won a CY in a park most career-NL pitchers would get obliterated in. Think for yourself. Adding those 2 makes the Braves leap over the Phillies, Nats and Mets and thats facts. IF they don’t have either all season, there will be no need to add expensive players via TRADE (a thing they dont have to do if they sign K+K) during the season.
Kimberly has a 4.57 era after the all star break. Teams are not paying for your past anymore. 5/90 after that is just funny.
then you get another pitcher out of shape all season long. just look at greg holland.
Please do not compare broken down Holland to HOFer Kimbrel.
What closer better than Kimbrel will be available during the season?!
Kimbrel and Keuchel won’t cost prospects but they will cost draft picks as both players declined the qualifying offer from their former teams.
If there was no draft penalty for signing either player, there would be a lot of large, short term offers for both players but no one wants to give up a 2nd Round or 3rd Round pick for one year of a veteran player. MLB needs to do anyway with this QO kills free agency for good players!
Yeah, the QO penalty is stupid. I’m a fan of compensation for the previous team, but the loss of a draft pick is dumb.
I think that rule is out in the next agreement. It should be
It’s just frustrating when the bullpen is so brutal and we did nothing this offseason to improve it. There were plenty of opportunities to improve it without spending “elite dollars”.
Speaking as a braves fan, I think it’s more frustrating not having any idea what direction the braves are going in and being told two different things. “Budget isn’t a concern, but we aren’t spending it.” I’m a bit dramatic with that statement but you get the point. There is no clear message to its fans
There will be better options available during the season than Kimbrel and Keuchel IF the Braves need them. Signing them for long contracts and losing picks for them would be detrimental to the long term goals of the team.
Nope, totally wrong. There are maybe like 5 relievers better than Kimbrel at most. None of them will be available because they are on contenders.
SoCalBrave, do you work for Liberty Media? Why are you all up and down this thread defending this utterly terrible behavior by these billionaires?
Strike 4, Go spend your own money. Seems you’re easy with everyone elses.
The FO is betting Liberty’s money its valuations of Keuchel and Kimbrel are right. If the FO is wrong, yes, the fans have to live through a bad season, but the ones who really suffer will be Liberty and its shareholders. If the team stinks, ticket sales and other revenues will drop, too, especially for weeknight games if no one shows up.
The ‘billionaire owners’ are the hundreds of thousands of people who have stock in the company.
Exactly! Why should any team pay more than they think a player is worth. Companies, including baseball teams work within a payroll. If they don’t think a player is worth the investment, then they shouldn’t sign them. It has nothing to do with do they have the money to do it. If you have 40,000 to spend on a car, would you spend it on a Chevy Cruz? They may not believe either pitcher is a Buick, so don’t want to spend Buick money
Ahhh, an adult responded………
All contending teams keep money in reserve going into the season. Injuries always happen, as do key players having bad seasons. Conversely, players – particularly young ones – make unexpected breakthroughs each season. No one knows for sure who they’ll be. But a large percentage come from bullpen pitchers, easily the most volatile area on a major league team.
A team that shoots their financial wad before the season even begins is pulling the safety net out before they even take the first step on the tightrope…. to say nothing of putting undue pressure on the players, manager and coaches.
I tend to doubt that with the millions each team pays baseball ops people each year, that they will be shamed into making a premature move because of 1) an agent-oriented writer trying desperately to be relevant; and 2) an Internet web site whips up a furor to get people with no skin in the game, demand the organization change course.
I like the Braves for the ALE title again in 2019. The have the best manager and coaches; and easily play strongest and most consistent baseball on the field of any ALE team.
Watch out for the Marlins, Braves could finish last in the NL East.
How much you want to wager on that?
Please, lay out a plan of what you would have done differently as the GM of the Braves. I’m excited to see your armchair GM moves.
I’ll wait.
What’s your grand plan Mack? You are the first to criticize anyone who says the Braves should’ve spent money or should’ve done more this offseason. I find it hard to believe that as a fan you are ok with what appears to be a regress and not full steam ahead. Please tell me what you would do, I’m honestly very interested.
Sign Harper and Machado. Trade Albies and Swanson for Pitching. Still have $ 45 million left over for other moves.…
Keuchel would upgrade the rotation, no question. Kimbrel’s 2018 should give any team pause if he’s insisting on more than two years. He may be the first closer in history (other than Mo Rivera) to dominate for six or seven years consecutively. He was losing command last year, and the last thing the Braves need is another hard thrower who can’t locate the strike zone..
I think if Keuchel would take a 1 year deal, Atlanta would be interested. But I assume he’s not wanting that. Why does Atlanta need him for more than a year with ALL the supreme pitching talent they have? Even if they trade 3 SP prospects, they’re still loaded for 2020 and beyond. Keuchel would just get in the way of some deserving young guy.
1 year, $15m, done. Otherwise, nope.
They don’t want to give up a high draft pick (2nd Round) for one year of Keuchel.
They aren’t giving up the draft pick. You’re as clueless as the people you say are whiners on this site,.
Maybe 2yrs, 1@15m, 2nd is a club option @10m.
Get your use in year one, and if he’s still got it, exercise your option and trade him for the prospect equivalent value of the pick you lost before year two.
The Braves are crazy to not go after Kimbrel. Even if they don’t want a long-term deal (and Kimbrel wants that), dangle a high AAV for 2-3 years and see what happens. A high enough dollar amount probably gets him to re-think things, especially this late.
What makes you think Kimbrel would accept a 2 year deal? Or a 3 year deal. He’s looking to set a record. It’s not there, but he’s not budging yet either.
I’m sure a team has told him they’d give him $20m for a year. He wants to set records.
They’re smart not to sign bad contracts for players who can be replaced at a better value. Kimbrel was shaky in 2018. He wasn’t the Kimbrel of 2017. I’m sure that makes several teams nervous when they look at the demand he’s asking for.
I honestly wonder what, if anything, more there is to that kimbrel tipping pitches thing. Has anyone heard of any opposing players that mightve come forward and said he was tipping to them?
It could be a facesaving thing by the FO to keep up relations and such… or who knows
He said no to the dress?
From all indications it would appear the Braves are NOT the only team not engaged with either Keuchel or Kimbrel.
Shocker #financialflexibility
If anybody really wants to vomit, read what the Blue Jay brass said about not spending money. I’ll grant Liberty some slack; they’re taking on some debt. The Jays, OTOH, have ZERO debt, own their own venue, own their broadcast outlet, and are so reversely integrated that you can’t say the words “Blue Jays” without them getting some money out of it.
Braves fans should be mad. This isn’t Milwaukee, where Sterns really DOES have to watch his pennies. He’s pushed the envelope about as far as he can, but at least he’s got a legitimate contender to show for it.
It’s too bad. I grew to like the Braves, probably because, back in the day, Chanel 17 was on that newfound cable thing-a-magingie. Those were some pretty entertaining (and good) teams.
Now, despite Freedie and Kakes and Acuna, they’re really kind of “blah”.
Congrats to Strikefour on being all knowing and all seeing. He’s even seen the wind , but just doesn’t understand remedial accounting
Based on the thread comments, anyone wonder if strike four is Tony Clark’s intern? Id wonder maybe it’s Scott Boras himself, except, he advocates for signing guys not his clients…
Also Strikefour: Do you work for the player’s union? Or maybe just Boras’s fart catcher?
Why not condemn the Nationals for signing Tony Sipp when a future HOF reliever was available?
What’s up with that?!?!?
Everyone knows all MLB teams have money to burn. It’s beginning to look like the Nationals cheap owners don’t want to win. Their fans should protest!
It doesn’t matter what the Braves do or not do. They will choke when it matters. They always have.
Yeah! So they should just lay down and not even try! /s
Braves don’t need Kimbrel. They’ve got Ziggy Sobotka. And the duck setting him up.
Do the Braves know that they missed the offseason?
They did sign a former MVP…
Same Shi….dont sign that ..or that..
And last year..442M ?guaoo and this ceo or gm said
442M last year..
And cat sign machado or harper ?
clearly that they will not do anything more They do not want to sign anyone else, having the money to do it. to know why they always have that problem. they had profits last year of 442M I think they could have improved the starting pitching and look for a closer. but it’s the same as always … not wanting to spend and play with what you have. I do not see this team in any world series. If they do not improve even more, we will not arrive.
442M profits?! Profits…?
he meant revenue
I get why most clubs aren’t willing to pay Kimbrel, but does Keuchel even have a market beyond the Padres?? Like seriously, at this point any team probably could have him for 3/60, so why not??
Thanks MLBTR, now tell me why not please.
Well get engaged! On Kimbrel!
Not surprised at all. We should be used to the Braves over promising and under delivering. Wait till we get a new ball park we’ll spend $$ and get top free agents all a bunch of BS. And to the delusional fans who are always saying we shouldn’t spend top $$$ on free agents need I remind you we’ve sucked for almost 2 decades now not even winning a single postseason series. Pathetic
Not saying anything about signing anyone now, but as far as in season or deadline deals, I wouldn’t get too excited about that either. I highly doubt any signing then will be anyone of any real significance. Don’t get me wrong, I hope these guys surprise again, but I just don’t have much faith that any needed help that they might need will be legitimately supplied…
Kimbrel should stick it to Boston for turning their back on him! The best way to do that? Obviously… sign a cheap one-year deal with the Tampa Bay Rays. That would show them! Don’t let the fact that I am a Tampa Bay Rays season ticket holder (yep we exist) make you think I am biased in any way
I don’t understand the kimbrel market. Seems like teams should be lining up for him, difference maker for any winning team. Maybe they are and he’s just holding out for even more money. I mean the Cubs are saying they absolutely won’t spend any more money, but wouldn’t you splurge for a player that could put you over the top?
Emerson, despite the hyperbole you see on this site, closers rarely “make” teams contenders.
Bryce Harper should have way more impact on the Phillies chances this season that Kimbrel will on any team he signs with, for a very simple reason: He’ll be on the field a great deal more. But Bryce Harper, by himself, doesn’t guarantee that the Phillies win anything, and Kimbrel doesn’t guarantee anything either. Ask yourself this: Has Mike Trout guaranteed the Angels playoff appearances?
Kimbrel is a fine pitcher, but created question marks for himself with a poor 2nd half in 2018, and a postseason that was anything but memorable.
And I believe you are correct: There is draft pick compensation attached to him, and he has probably not backed very far off of his initial contract requests. For a guy who has averaged 61 IP the last 4 years, that’s probably too rich for most teams.
Honestly, EVERY team would be immediately better with Kimbrel onboard. Some teams (Orioles, Marlins, etc.) obviously need him less. Unfortunately, Kimbrel and Keuchel have overpriced themselves per the market. These guys with QO’s attached have to “expect less” on the open seas and that just isn’t fair to player or team. With that being said…. how ’bout round 2 in San Diego, Billy?
As a braves fan and business owner myself, i would be ok with them saying, ” the new stadium cost us a fortune and we would like to pay it off before we throw out crazy money on FA”, but by investing all the money they made off the battery into surrounding office buildings for more rental income doesnt help the team. thats padding pockets. The only upcoming contract that we have to worry about is acuna, thats 2023, 5 years away. If you cant pay that contract with the profits, then braves are a sinking ship. this reporting has said multiple time LM is all in on the braves and to spend. This is all Mcguirk
@AtlSoxFan this is what i was referring to on the other thread. if the battery was paid off first, id have no problem investing in office complexes. but at the end of the day i believe mcquirk gets bonuses and incentives for more profit margin.
Liberty Media doesn’t care about the product on the field at all. They only care about building up the area around the stadium and their bottom line. Corporate ownership is bad for baseball.
I hope the greed bag (Kimbrel) pitches in Tokyo.
What about Pittsburgh or Texas for one or both of these guys?
If AA and the Braves can overpay a fading superstar playing a position they did not need to address, they can offer Kuechel or Kimbrel a 1-year deal.
You didn’t read the article did ya? Neither player is interested in short term deals. If they were the Braves would have at least kicked the tires. It’s all right there in the article…
Neither player is in any position to secure a long-term deal. You haven’t paid attention to the offseason, clearly. I do not care what they are interested in, they aren’t getting anything close to what they are asking for two weeks before opening day. Settling for a 1-year is a much more likely option.