Bryce Harper just launched his tenure as the Phillies’ biggest star, but he’s already considering how to use his gravitational pull to the team’s advantage. In an interview yesterday with Philadelphia SportsRadio 94WIP, Harper made clear he intends to help the Phils land another big fish in free agency:
“If you don’t think I’m gonna call Mike Trout to come to Philly in 2020, you’re crazy.”
That comment was sufficient to spur the Angels to raise the matter with Major League Baseball, Maria Torres of the Los Angeles Times reports. The league has been in touch with both teams and is looking into the matter, per’s Jeff Passan (Twitter link). Unsurprisingly, “significant discipline” is not anticipated.
Tampering is prohibited by operation of MLB Rule 3(k), which prohibits “negotiations or dealings respecting employment, either present or prospective, between any player, coach or manager and any Major or Minor League Club other than the Club with which the player is under contract.”
While Harper’s comments seem innocuous enough on the surface, they are of the same ilk as others that have drawn some rebuke in the past. David Ortiz received a warning letter from the from the commissioner’s office after advocating for Edwin Encarnacion to replace him as the Red Sox’ DH. The Yankees admonished Aaron Judge for telling Manny Machado he’d “look good in pinstripes.”
Those situations didn’t warrant a fine, though that avenue is available to commissioner Rob Manfred. The National Basketball Association has doled out penalties and issued stern words on the subject, a reflection of the fact that the league’s fundamental player market structure — more star-driven with shorter, more heavily regulated contracts — is more susceptible to actual interference.
What action will be taken in Harper’s case, if any, remains to be seen and resides largely in Manfred’s discretion. It’s hard to imagine that Harper’s words are of much real-world import, though perhaps there’s cause to nip things in the bud. For the Halos, the last thing they want to see is a two-year-long public recruiting pitch from Harper and others as they try to figure out a way to keep Trout in town for the rest of his career. And for the league, there’s an interest in preventing even this sort of mild tampering from becoming a more frequent issue.
Structuring a penalty that actually disincentivizes these kinds of public comments would be tricky. Any symbolic punishment of Harper would serve only to further publicize his comments. It might also ingratiate him to his new fans in Philly, who are already themselves pining for Trout. A warning letter may seem toothless, but it’s perhaps the most sensible formal action for Manfred to take in this case.
talking about what a great city it is? really? you have not even played a game yet. The fans will eat this bozo alive once he goes into his usual mid season slump. Give it till year 4 and the Phils will be begging to have a team take this contract
Harper has been to Philly numerous times throughout his career. So he has knowledge of the city and it’s fanbase. He even complimented the city during his tenure on the Nationals. He never implied he would be playing there, but he spoke of his fondness for the city.
As for the fans eating Harper alive, Phillies fans are pretty supportive through slumps if you hussle and play hard.
But yes. He’ll likely have some ups and downs with fans during his tenure in Philly.
and harper does not hustle, sooooo?
Not quite true. He does hustle when he wants to!
Im sorry but making 330 million while “hustling when he wants to” is a disgrace to the game.
That’s debatable.
Was being sarcastic obviously. No player should ever choose to hustle when he sees fit…whether ho makes the minimum or millions.
hustle is always 100%, otherwise, it’s no hustle
I have it on good authority Bryce Harper is a big time hustler. He recently tricked a baseball team into giving him $330MM.
Gave this comment a like because it’s funny, but spreading that money out over 13 years and keeping the team below the luxury tax with plenty of money to spend on other FAs seems like a pretty good move to me.
It’s hard to call 330 a bargain, and I won’t, but I think this was a good deal. I’m still shocked Harper took this little AAV. I don’t think he hustled anyone.
Typical Brewer fan that wants to forget that his team still employs Ryan Braun. Talk about a disgrace to the game.
Machado getting 300 mil after ADMITTING he WON’T hustle is also disgraceful.
Funny how people criticize Harper for not hustling, but when he came into the league everyone criticized him for playing too hard. Every routine ground ball the kid ran like a locomotive down the line.
Collusion of foot and mouth
Past tense. He loafs down the line a lot now.
So true!!!
I seem to remember him hustling into a wall a few years ago lol. Good times
The reason that Harper has been injured in the past has been his extreme hustle in the field. Phillie fans are going to love that. If he hits 35 HR they are not going to be bothered by occasionally not running out an infield out to 1B. It’s about priorities and Phillies fans are smart baseball fans.
Like when they were complaining that Bobby Abreu had that big showing in the HR derby because he specializes in hitting useless HR with nobody on base
Abreu, one of the steals of the century, a borderline HOF (check his stats, they will surprise) for Kevin Stocker, a cup of coffee SS.
Now Abreu, from what I’ve gathered over the years wasn’t the best for team chemistry. Not in a distributive short of way, problem player, but it is not a coincidence that once he was traded it was addition by subtraction. The team started their run towards repeat WS appearances after he was traded.
if the hall continues down the path of hall of pretty good, then yes. Edgar Martinez getting in is pretty bad. he was a good hitter. same as Abreu, but that’s just my opinion
Harper :
“I’m a big fan of coach [Gabe] Kapler and the roster he’s assembled, but I’d love to see the Phillies make a big move to another city before I commit to playing for them,”
You’re quoting an Onion article.
@macstruts youre drunk – go home
Your costing him a lot of money if you think he’s a coach.
“As for the fans eating Harper alive, Phillies fans are pretty supportive through slumps if you hussle and play hard.”
You mean like how Ryan Howard had a beer bottle thrown at him by the Phillies fans? Or how they throw batteries at players? Yeah, I don’t think “supportive” is the right word for Phillies fans.
The beer bottle incident was not a Phillies fan, it was a drunken moron, who the fans quickly pointed out and turned over to the police. Ryan Howard got a standing ovation the next day.
The battery incident happened in 2011 and was horrible.
A Giants fan fatally stabbed a Dodgers fan, but I’m not going to sit here and call Giants fans murderers. That’d be ridiculous.
I was at the 1996 World Series Parade in New York. I witnessed fans jumping on cars, destroying them, smashing their mirrors out and setting some ablaze. I am not going to call Yankee fans horrible. It’s simply not true.
I was at a Red Sox/Yankee game in Fenway, and I witnessed a Sox fan intentionally pee on a Yankee fan.
There are rotten eggs in every basket. This is particularly true of large fan bases. But for some reason when some idiot does it in Philly, people call out the whole fanbase instead of the lone, drunken moron. When it happens elsewhere, that’s not the case.
You act like the Phillies are the only team with idiot fans. Other cities have fans who have done worse but that gets forgotten because it’s not Philly.
Von, don’t forget the two times the opponents 1B coaces were beat up in Cominsky Park, the time a Cubs fan poured a beer on Shane Victorino, the famous Disco forfeit and all this happened in just Chicago. There are idiot fans everywhere but the national media is too lazy to point them out.
yeah he covers this in the new phillies phanaddicts podcast on youtube!! https://youtu. be/Uuy_Ex8FXVw
He will probably win the mvp in that park with good on base guys in front of him and Hoskins behind him.
Some analytic site did a comparison of Harpers flyballs last year in Washingtons home park and what would happen to those fly balls in Phillys home ball park.. Harper would have 10 more HR’s in Phillys park. . He could easily average over 40HR the next 5-10 years in that bandbox… The park was one of the top reasons imo that Harper signed in Philly. Possible Trout addition in 2021 is another.
He signed in philly because they offered the most years and $. Not because of the ballpark, not because they MIGHT sign a guy 2 years from now. Enough of this tired storyline.
He got paid, kudos to him.
Serious, I can’t read about a dude who’s never given any reason during his career to believe he’s done anything for a city or team. If he wanted to be in one uniform he would’ve stayed a National. He only did this for the most guaranteed dollars. Also I’m getting sick of his stats already getting boosted because of citizens park when he’s only hit above 30 bombs twice and has a negative defensive war almost every year.
Not true at all… Future acquisition potential plays a huge role in where players decided to sign. Listen to Trout the last 2 years. He’s a gentleman and loves LA so he’d never outright complain, but he’s been vocal that he wants to play for a winner. Harper is competitive as they come. If he didn’t believe the Phillies had a legit shot at bringing in guys to keep them competitive, he might still be a free agent. There’s a reason he’s not a giant, for example, and it’s not a few extra dollars.
Pose a question for you. .Philly is at $330M but had SF’s cavernous ball park, wind blowing in off the bay,and team on decline. SF had $310M but had Phillys bandbox for a ball park + team on the upswing. Who does Bryce Harper choose?…….Its pretty shortsighted imo to think $$$ was the only issue. Big issue for sure just not the only issue.
I dont know why you are getting sick of it. Its a fact, CBP is a smaller Park than National Park. Harper is going to do better offensively + defensively in Philly than he would in almost any other ball park outside of Coors and maybe Cincy.
You could argue that the Phillies didn’t offer the most money; They certainly didn’t offer the most annually, but yes your statement is true.
Not sure what fielding metrics have to do with whether his power numbers will go up, or frankly even how past homerun numbers mean they can’t go up. But even so, the two seasons he’s hit 30+ HRs were in the last four seasons since he turned 22 and one of the two seasons he’s missed the mark in that span he had 29 HRs in 420 ABs …
You’d have a better question if you compared Philly at $310M to SF at $330M. The way you posed it doesn’t help your argument at all. At least give him some sort of reason to WANT to pick SF.
No it made perfect sense. Get with it..
“Also I’m getting sick of his stats already getting boosted because of citizens park”
184 career homeruns. 92 at home. 92 on the road.
“he’s only hit above 30 bombs twice”
He did have 40 homeruns before he turned 20. He did hit 29 hrs in only 111 games in 2017. He does have the 2nd most homers by anyone 26 or younger. Only Trout has more. You don’t have to like the guy but he is a legit elite hitter.
He’d have to actually play some full seasons to reach those numbers. Why does everyone prorate everything to full season numbers? In 7 years he has played 150 games three times. Do we really believe he is going to get healthier as he gets older? He is a .250 hitter that runs into homeruns when pitchers foolishly try to beat him inside. Pitch him away with off speed junk and don’t be afraid to walk him. If the Phillies are smart, they will hit him first or second, but they won’t.
True Ryan Howard was a hero and a menace at the same time for the fans. His albatross of a contract later in his career really affected the base when his performance along with the rest of the team didn’t perform. So if Harper does bottom out in the middle of the season which is normal for players to go through slumps, hopefully it doesn’t get too bad for him.
BrewCrew, if you have never been to Philadelphia you have no idea what you are saying. Just ask any former Phillie or any team how they were treated. By the way I have visited Milwaukee and it very nice but very cold in the winter.
He’s played in Philly 40 times lol
You gotta play by the rules. Tampering is something a lot of guys do and they should be fined big for it.
hahaha you’re just pissed Braun dooped the Brewers into a massive contract based off of cheating
Nobody went around saying Harper should sign here or there but now that he got his money there’s no better place to be. Even if the Phils could round out a roster with 65+ mil in two players in the beginning can you imagine those two deals combined at the tail end. I’d sign Trout understanding I wouldn’t have Trout at his best in the end but not both.
what a start to harpers Philadelphia tenure
Crybabies. Grow some sack and sign him to an extension. If not he’s going to the Phillies.
thanks, Nostraudaumus.
You have a crystal ball on where Trout ends up? Didn’t realize it was already down to ONLY Philly or the Angels
Brewcrew08, your awfully testy towards Philly, why is that? Could it be you’re still heartbroken and holding a grudge for the events of 2008? The answer is most likely yes, but i’m sure you’ll never admit it.
[spooky voice] And then Brett Myers came to the plate to face CC Sabathia with 2 outs and only one runner on.
How is it testy when I strongly disagree if Trout doesn’t resign in LA he is going to Philly. So you’re saying no big market team will be in on him? dodgers, Cubs, Red Sox, yanks, giants? People act like Harper is the end all be all. He is a 330M man who had a 1.3 WAR last year
He also had an OPS 1.008 the year prior. He also posted the third highest OBP of his career last year while drawing a career high 130 walks to go along with 34 home runs and 100 RBI
You talk as if the guy is a stiff. Is he the total package? Not really. But to say he sucks or is overrated is just plain stupid
Stats are much much deeper than batting average and WAR
Stats are much deeper than WAR and you use HR/RBI totals to back that up? Not to mention I never once said he sucked. But yes he is overrated. He’s not worth 330M or even close to it is all I’m saying
Well we do know where he won’t be signing…..Milwaukee
So are you saying the Phillies are going to be the best team in baseball. All of a sudden Philadelphia got a spot on the map. So everybody’s gotten on this bandwagon of Harper and World Series contender.
Harper is going to disappoint more then he is going please with Philadelphia fan base. 13 years is a lot of time with one club with no opt outs. Harper is going to regret that. Especially if it doesn’t go the way he expected it. He’ll have their money though, lol
This comment reflects your sour grapes attitude. Are you saying you wouldn’t want Harper on your team for the same deal? I’d like to hear your reasoning for why not.
Sorry, but saying Harper is going to disappoint more than he is going please is the definition of a captain obvious comment… this is baseball… that literally applies to every baseball player in the Major leagues! Smh
2-way street.
If the Phillies decide they want to move Harper, he gets to cherry pick where he goes (ala Stanton) or say NOPE, don’t even try it (ala Votto)
I think he is referring to his large contact similar to Pujols’. Pujols disappoints Angels fans these days way more than he pleases them. The same will be true of Harper. These large contracts do not literally apply to every baseball player in the Major leagues.
The Pujols comparison doesn’t work on any level.. If the Angels had signed him to that deal before his age-26 season, it would have been a steal of a deal. Of course, that comparison doesn’t work either because Pujols was coming off 3 straight 8+ WAR seasons.
Completely different player at completely different points in their career. At least compare the contract to Prince Fielder’s or something, not that that’d be a great comp either.
I’m not sure you can find a good comp in the history of MLB free agency, which is a lot of what makes this saga so fascinating.
As a lifelong Mets’ fan, no, I would not want Harper’s contract. I loved David Wright and will always respect him, but look how his contract ( among other things) handcuffed them later in his career. 10 year contracts never look look good after 5 years.
Actually I think Philly is the third best team in the division. Still don’t have starting pitching after Nola. Arrieta is washed up
The division is extremely tough. Harper said so in his press conference as well. He knows it’s not going to be easy to win the division this year. Braves. Nats. Phillies. Mets. I can honestly see any one of those teams winning the division based on how things play out.
People keep assuming this move is to get the Phillies in the World Series right away. While that’s possible, and would be nice, this move is for the Phillies to compete for a long time. Harper is just a piece of the puzzle; he’s not the answer. By spreading the money out over 13 years, the Phillies are only giving Harper 25 million or so in the early years of the deal. Plenty of money to add other pieces down the road.
The asking price for Keuchel is too high, and the Phillies young pitching core has a lot of potential. The Phillies are gambling that one of their other young pitchers becomes a solid #2 (Pivetta, Velazquez, Elflin) but I expect the Phillies to add some other pieces perhaps by the trade deadline.
Lol… Tampering… who wouldn’t want Mike Trout on their team… that’s like saying it’s tampering because we hope God is a fan of our team.
It is quite simple… don’t talk about wanting on your team someone currently under contract with someone else. You would think he has been in the league long enough to know not to do that.
Because Harper is an idiot. These players that want to toot their own horn never panned out to be anything but a musician. Harper is setting himself up for a big failure.
Almost as big a failure as the Dodgers offers to sign him…sour grapes…
Harper is a 330 Million dollar idiot, guaranteed… something doesn’t sound quite right about that.
Trout will pick PHI over LAD in imho, for so many obvious reasons that an objective view point can see. Harper’s comments are brilliant, what he said was well worth the “slap on the wrist” from the league. Middleton will probably even pay the fine for him!
You are giving him way too much credit. He simply reacted without thinking.
Let’s say Trout does sign with the Phillies and they increase their payroll to $240 million. They would be tying about 25% of their entire payroll to two outfielders. That would make it very difficult to field a consistent winning team.
How is he tooting his own horn? If anything he is tooting Trout’s horn.
This happens all the time in the NBA and they just take it as more press for the players and league. This is not tampering, and the Angels and possibly MLB are ridiculous to think something should come of this.
Lebron does it all the time for whatever team he plays on. He went hard after Davis which is back firing on him.
The fact that other sports’ athletes do it isn’t relevant. Contractually, is Harper deemed an agent of the Phillies in this instance. If he could be, then it could be considered tampering. Whether or not there are resulting damages is another issue.
MLB told the Yankees to tell Judge to quit the talk about Machado last year…
Thanks. I forgot that one. MLB needs to announce should it happen again, penalties will be assessed. Nip it in the bud. Baseball is a team sport and thankfully there are no Lebron’s (HOF talent but no one player should be above the game).
Just because the NBA is scared to death to say something to LeBron about it does not mean MLB should do the same thing.
Clown Complaint Bro.
Harper won’t get fined, but am sure Angels don’t want this to be the lead in EVERY press conference for the next 2 years. Kind of like the old adage be seen and not heard. Let the players have their txts, calls, lunches whatever, but “please” don’t use the media as a forum…
Exactly. Anybody who thinks that a warning letter will make the activity stop is delusional. Essentially, if he does get a warning letter, it’s to say, “Dude, keep it out of the media…”
LOLZZZZZ This Angels organization.
Philadelphia fans need to just back off and watch the season unfold. Before they start making assumptions and accusations that they’re going to win the World Series. Now is not the time to start bragging. You may need to wait until October rolls around.
well here’s an unsolicited accusation. i think we all know how deep the NL and the East in specific are, and we know our rotation is not nearly the best.
As a Phillies fan I think Harper played on more talented Nationals teams several seasons and they never went anywhere.
So not expecting a world series win or appearance.
And all the non-Phillies fans need to give it a rest and watch things unfold before commenting on how much a bust he will be and how his signing is a waste of money. The Phillies fans are just responding to the salty super fans off all these teams that he declined offers from; sour grapes are running wild!
Correct, they might have a star player who chokes along the lines of Kershaw in the playoffs, not good.
Ease up on the haterade buddy, Philly and it’s fans are just fine without your wisdom
No one is saying WS while they don’t have a LHP starter or a upgrade in the rotation.
You mean like the Dodger fans do?
Phillies Phan are not saying they are winning anything…the NLEast is a tough division. The only prediction I’ll make, is that the Nationals will have the best rotation, followed by the Mets rotation..I’m hoping the Phils are still in it come September/October..
Look at the Yankees last year. They had one of the best hitting lineups in baseball. Besides Boston. And everybody knows how that turned out.
Look at the Dodgers last year. They went and got Machado. Everybody knows how that turned out.
That also turned out pretty great. N:L Champs.
they went to the World Series?
Yea. It turned out pretty great actually.
They lost to the WS champs in the playoffs. Think the Phillies would sign up for that this year.
How many WS did Harper play in with the Nats?
How many times did they miss post season while being favored in the nl is a more accurate question
Which is probably why he left DC…
I’m fairness, Harper said during his press conference that he never wanted to leave WAS, I believe him, even as a Phillies phan. He wanted one team for that long haul. It didn’t workout for a variety of reasons, one being the “clown contract” offered by Lerner. There was so much deferred money in the offer it reduced the FV of the contract by about half. So essentially the Lerner’s offered 150m
Over 10 years. If they were able to match Phillies offer I think he would’ve stayed.
Zero, which is also how many times he played in the NLCS with them.
Sounds like the Angels starting to mourn the loss of Trout to a more deserving team.
This is tampering? It appears to be freedom of speech. Maybe the Angels should speed up that 10-year, $350-mil process.
I don’t have an issue with Harper’s comments. If, and probably when, Trout is a free agent he can choose any team he wants to play for. The Angels will no longer have a say in the matter. While they still can they may want to lock him up as an Angel for life.
The only people who could be mildly offended are the outfielders that have to play alongside Harper. Keyword is could.
It’s not freedom of speech. Learn the constitution.
I’ve never heard a player recruit another player with two years to go on his contract.
And it’s not tampering unless Harper can negotiate contracts for the team.
Whackstruts – If it’s not, as you said, then there’s nothing to see here.
Anyway, thanks for nothing. I’m sure you have real take.
Freedom of speech? You must be the product of the Philly public education system.
He spoke, and his words got him “in hot water.”
What else would you call it? Please feel free to actually have a take rather than make a poor attempt at an insult. Good luck formulating an opinion.
Free speech means the government won’t punish you for your words, not your employer.
Thank you. Someone finally spoke up. Unfortunately, you and everyone else automatically made this comment of mine about Government and I made it about baseball and tampering.
Still waiting for the tampering argument from each and every one of you making my comments about Government. Take your time.
Trout is not “any Major or Minor league club.” This doesn’t prohibit player to player contacts. He hasn’t even contacted him, which would be perfectly natural since they go back to playing together in the AZ fall league. MLB will back angels anyway since they fear the NBA model.
As punishment, Harper should be forced to stand in the middle of the Phil’s locker room, and read aloud EVERY Jon Heyman article written about him this winter.
That’ll shut him up……
Dear God have mercy man
Bob, actually made me laugh
Watch him sign with the Phillies in 2 years… if they are smart they’d workout a deal at the deadline.
Clearly these type of comments must stop:
Ten year ban for Harper, with his newly signed contract taking affect in 2029.
Seems like an over-reaction to a comment taken out of context if you ask me. The commissioner needs to have a better sense of humor
It’s not taken out of context. Trout is two years away from free agency and has to constantly field questions about playing in Philadelphia.
I can’t ever recall this happening, let alone with two years left on a contract.
And if Harper wasn’t in Philly the narrative would still be about Trout going home to play in Philly.
It didn’t happen with Alex Rodriguez? My point is- an off the cuff comment is something entirely different than actually contacting Trout and his agent. It’s all a bit of a ‘storm in a tea cup’
He also said this at his introduction/press conference –
“I making 26 (million) a year. That’s going to be able to bring some other guys in as well to build up this organization. There’s another guy (Trout) in about two years that comes off the books. We’ll see what happens with that.”
Players recruit all the time, it just isn’t public so they don’t get in trouble for it. MLB should chill.
Clearly Bryce doesn’t know about how #ninjacash is going to get Trout to take a 5/100 deal because he’s dying to give the Yankees a discount…
He is making a joke.
What’s Harper’s selling. “Hey Mike, if you come to Philadelphia, you’ll have to play the entire outfield. ”
Trout would be much better off playing in an outfield with Jo Adell than playing in an outfield where Byrce Harper pretends to play RF.
Once Joe Adell gets to the major leagues, he’s going to be better than Harper.
Honestly… Trout could do that no problem, it might even up his defensive stats.
I think Trout would prefer to play in the outfield next to a gold glover and a a gold glove finalist.
Why would anyone want to play in the outfield next to Harper? Phillies fans will be booing Harper very soon.
Oh absolutely, I don’t mean that he would want to, but he could, he’s just amazing is all.
The DH is going to be implemented in the NL eventually. Who knows… Harper could be batting for the pitcher by the time Trout arrives in Philadelphia. 😛
I hope trout signs an extension in Anaheim just to shut the Phillies fans and players up
Angels need to wise up and start thinking about what kind of package they want for him.
If he wanted to he would of, but it’s obvious he prefers the Philly/NJ area.
His “gravitational pull’? What gravitational pull?? I haven’t read where a single player on the Nats says he’s sad Harper is gone. Pretty sure Mike Trout will be making up his own mind, not going to wherever Harper is.
I don’t think he had any kind of massive respect amongst the other nationals players, but I think a large reason for not hearing about missing him was the early obvious knowledge that he was going to end up on another team.
And he seems like a total tool, fought opposite teams, his team, umpires. Nats probably stoked they actually get someone that can field
If/When the Angels lose Trout to free agency I’m pretty sure you won’t hear any of their players saying they miss Trout either. It would basically be them saying our management blew it and this guy should still be on our team. Not gonna happen, any player or any team.
Pretty sure they’ve already talked about playing in Philly together, a lot this offseason. Go back to their twitter feed, right after Harper first met with the Phillies in Vegas… Trout is a willing participant in the tampering.
Not batting for the Phillies, Mike Trout!
Bryce Harper should have respect for the Angels and more importantly Angel fans. Luring Mike Trout away from Anaheim thru the media is Something you just dont do. But from a personal standpoint its smart. What it does is it ingratiates Bryce Harper with the Philly fan base. Mike Trout is a God in Philadlephia Harper knows that and this just further gets Harper in Phillys good graces.
And if a quote like that is enough to actually lure the largest free agent to ever hit the free agent market in the sport then somebody needs some help.
I am a huge Phillies fan, and a very big baseball fan in general, and I think a stern warning is warranted and even needed.
Last season, I (and everyone else) correctly assumed the Phillies would end up with either Harper or Machado, and I had heard rumors that the Phillies were leaning more towards Machado. Afterwards, Judge made his “pinstripes” comment and it did make me feel like he was possibly affecting things, and I didn’t like it.
That being said, I understand these guys are free to call and text each other and discuss that kind of stuff, they should just be keeping out of the media and public knowledge.
There are sane Philly fans, however, that was his contract year, Trout is still two years away and is negotiating with the Angels.
This is worse. It’s inappropriate.
I feel its a worse thing to do on a contract year, closer to something being affected, on the other years its just “talk”.
But absolutely inappropriate to do publicly regardless of the year.
How did being buddies with Kris Bryant and naming his dog, Wrigley, turn out? Much ado about nothing.
And the Chisox going after Alonso so they could use him to get his brother in law Machado signed. How’d that work out?
The Cubs weren’t ever seriously involved though
sure, will trout answer harper’s call?
Wait until Harper is sitting with Trout at an Eagles game this winter. The internet may blow up with comments.
harper will be raiders’ fan!
Harper is a life long Dallas fan. I doubt he will change. Going to an Eagles game with Trout may be awkward….lol.
Trout to the Phillies in two years… everyone knows that he wants to come to Philly..
Really, I don’t know that. And why would he want to go to a city where he has to play the entire outfield and not just Center Field.
cause there will be a DH in the NL by then?
but yes, i think he’d turn down big money to play in his hometown and fulfill his dream, because the rightfielder is a liability defensively.
How many times are you gonna repeat that? Face it,Trout to Philly is making headlines,just like either Harper or Machado was. It’s ok,you can still watch him in an Angels Jersey another 2 seasons.
Makes me wonder, waay out in Leftfield here; would the Angels covertly contact the Phillies and try to work out a deal…? Phillies have a top 10 farm system, with a ton of live arms and some decent OF prospects as well…
There’s a chance they shop him early if they are awful, but I don’t expect that to happen especially with the m’s taking a step back. The phils would be dumb imo to trade for a guy you believe will sign here as a FA.
If the Angels are out 15-20 games come July they need to trade Mike Trout and recoup much needed prospects/young players. A successful beginning of the season is so important for Anaheim if it has any desire to keep MIke Trout long term. Trout has a full No trade clause and theoretically could steer himself to his next destination. Trout doesnt seem to me like a guy who wants to be jumping from team to team. IMO if Trout does get traded , thats the team he finishes his career with, and he controls where he ends up.
no. you are not the owner of the angels.
He’s gonna go to who can offer the most and that will probably be the Dodgers with the way they’re shaving payroll and staying competitive
Except he prefers being back home in NJ.
Hmm who would have ever thought that a team with the name of The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim would be insecure? Lol. Identity crises in panic mode.
Love the same names with the same old, tired clichés.
1. “Philly fans will eat him alive.”- reminds me of the attitude Joe Morgan had when they played a national game he was calling. Says “Philly fans have been hard on Burrell, booing his at bats”. Later had to be corrected.
2. “Philly fans need to stop bragging” – I don’t know anyone here, or anywhere else that expects anything more than a playoff appearance. Pitching isn’t there and there are always injuries. Braves are young and talented and the phils did not do well against them last year. Nats aren’t a joke either, clearly. Throw in games against the Mets pitching and it will not be anywhere near a guarantee even with another starter… No one is bragging or even close.
3. “Why would trout want to pick Philly over _____?”. I have no idea of trouts plans. This is where a lot of us Philly fans have been obnoxious. I cannot stand when they show him at eagles games because everybody I know uses that as proof he’s definitely coming. I cant lie… Been hearing it for 2 years now and it is tiresome. You win this one.
I get MLB has to reject tampering, but I think there’s some plus sides to it. The NBA thrives off of what-if scenarios of which stars may team up. Harper didn’t say anything new. It speeds the hype train up on some things which is good to see for the game. I’d rather have discussions like this than why players aren’t getting paid.
FYI, I already finished my 2019 season on MLB The Show. Harper hit 55 homers for the Phillies (raised his power ratings). But he lost the MVP race to Jed Lowrie because he lead the world in WAR.
I’m no attorney, but Harper said he is going to call in 2020. I can assume that means after the 2020 season when he is a free agent. Harper never said he would contact him prior that time. case dismissed.
MLB please don’t let this get started,like Lebron did to basketball
Well, when Judge starting talking about Machado last year, MLB stepped in. They will at least stop the public talk.
Will you Mr. Harper be able to curb your ego if trout does come to town? Trout a better player by far who will be making more money on a contract that actually deserves it.
Name one instance of Harper having an ego on the field. One.
Surprised LAA were even awake to hear the comment.
wow, did you think of that all by yourself? wow!
80 game suspension!!!
Trout will embarrass Harper big time as Trout is such a better player !!! Why and the hell would Harper (and Boras) let that happen ??
Harper got paid and everyone knows Trout is better….uhh have you heard of this thing called winning? It happens when all the players on the team are good. Harper is good. Trout is the best.
This angle doesn’t make any sense. With your thought process he’d embarrass every player in the league because there isn’t one player that even compares to Trout. He is a talent that we may never see again in out life times.
The Phillies need to call Papelbon to make a comeback and be the closer, he’s only 38 and he will make Philadelphia great again.
Plus Pap could reunite as Harpers dugout sparring partner. What a classy pair.
You mean so he can choke Harper again?
Halos would not have to worry if they had a legit playoff team with a bright future.
The Angles will have a better record than the Phillies this year,
That’s just silly.
As a Phillies fan, I must acknowledge – it’s baseball anything can happen.
Who expected the Braves to win the NL East last season?
Trout to Philly is a foregone conclusion. Harper didn’t need to say anything, it’s already going to happen. Philly has “stupid money” and Trout requires that, along with Philly being his fave team growing up.
angels have smart money while phillis get stupid money.
Smart money like Pujols?
yes, angels received extra $1 billion for signing pujols. his jerseys are selling very well among angels fans! bet you didn’t now that!
LOL so a $240 million contract somehow brought the Angels $1 billion extra? Paying Fat Albert $30 mil in a couple years when he’s 42 is a great signing? Vernon Wells was also smart money? Josh Hamilton? CJ Wilson?
hey, i didn’t expect phyllis fans to be that unintelligent. but hey, thanks!
You sure do seem to have a lot to say for somebody that hasn’t posted here before. How many user IDs do you juggle so you can troll these parts and flame away? Pathetic!
so, you have been posting here for a long time? what does doing so get you? more stupidity!
Same guy, unlike you who comes with many names…coward
This is just proof how worry be angels are they are going to lose trout. Harper’s comments were not tampering in the least because he talked about recruiting trout wants trout with a free agent. Not a Phillies fan at all and anyone who thinks judge won’t do the same for the Yankees, Kershaw for the Dodgers, Bryant for the Cubs even Altuve for the Astros and price for the Red Sox is out of their minds. This is just proof how warranty angels are they are going to lose trout. Harper‘s comments were not tampering in the least because he talked about recruiting trout wants trout was a free agent. Not a Phillies fan at all and anyone who thinks judge won’t do the same for the Yankees, Kershaw for the Dodgers, Bryant for the Cubs even Altuve for the Astros and price for the Red Sox is out of their minds.
You do realize that Harper blatantly broke the rules… right?
I’ve never even heard of all this free agency talk two years before someone hit the market. It’s ludicrous.
As far as Harper being a Trout draw it’s laughable. Anyone would rather be playing next to Jo Adell than Bryce Harper. Othani is a better hitter than Harper.
Harper isn’t a draw. Far from it. .
This rule?
negotiations or dealings respecting employment, either present or prospective, between any player, coach or manager and any Major or Minor League Club other than the Club with which the player is under contract.”
So, Harper is now negotiating on behalf of the organization?
You’ve never heard of this because you’ve never seen a player like Trout before, not during THIS era. Get used to it.
I don’t think there’s really an issue with a lack of hustle. He just occasionally lets disappointment get the best of him and shift his focus. He plays hard.
how do you know? phills have been horrible!
And the Angels haven’t?
Phils have been bad,but they’ve been rebuilding….What’s the Angels excuse?
Bryce, Bryce, Bryce…clown comment, bro.
Angels. Git gud
Problem solved.
Harper is a Prima Donna … in 7 Seasons he has knocked in 100 RBI’s just ONCE and that was the 100 he did last year
Have you ever heard of OBP, dare I say OPS? Might want to check them out, compare Harper vs the rest of the league.
I also take it there is no room on your favorite MLB club for Harper either?
Harpers 13 year contract pays him $26 million for first 10 years and $22 million last 3 years. Phillies will wait for Trout to become a FA and go after him . Trout will not sign in Calif. or NY because state income taxes are so high.Trout can always play left field when he gets older.. Phillies will not win WS this year, but will be favorite signs with team
Nobody wants to see Trout remain with the Angels more than I do, but this is the dumbest rule ever. This isn’t tampering. Every team wants Trout in 2020.
Now, if an owner or GM said they were going to try to get Trout to sign with them, that’s different. Harper’s words are nothing more than praise of the greatest player in the game.
you win when you keep it to yourself.
Just because the site is about trade rumors doesn’t mean all the comment posts about Harper’s abilities and play need to be rumors. The amount of jealousy and salty tears in these comment sections is great. I never sign up for comments but some of you guys are pure gold with your hatred towards Philly. Every single cliché has been covered and it seems like most of you haters believe every negative thing ever said about Philly sports to have only occurred in Philly and by Philly sports fan, nothing negative ever happened in another sports town or by any other fan. The best ones though are the ones proclaiming Phillies fans need to shut up with all that talk about them winning the world series now that they got Harper, yet I haven’t read a single Philly fan comment that said that.
So true, even before the offseason, the commenters were crushing the Phillies FO for how wrong they’d be to accelerate their rebuild with FA, that they were doing incorrectly. I think fans below a gasket when the FO landed JT Realmuto. I’m sure we can find takers for how stupid of a move that was … that lineup looks terrible with Seguara,Harper,Realmuto, And McCutchen added. Going to be a long season for Phillies phans since their FO rebuilt incorrectly.
yes, im just glad that all the offseason moves mean the team just isnt pocketing all the Comcast money, and instead put a team on the field that is watchable, and will make going down to Citizens Bank Park fun again, , and can at least give us hope of making the playoffs and possibly winning in the playoffs if things go right.
Fun to watch again is the key and that lineup should be fun to watch especially when hitting weather arrives! Even the hatest of haters has to admit that the Phils lineup has some serious potential to put up a ton of runs. 4 of the top 10 walks leaders in the NL from last year so there will be guys on base. McCutch going from San Fran park to CBP, Realmuto’s road numbers compared to his home numbers in Marlins park and now being in CBP. Segura’s ability to make contact instead of Kingery at short. And then you top that off with Hoskins and Harper in the middle of the lineup and no pressure on Odubel or Franco who are both entering their prime and don’t have to carry a team of junk anymore.
These tampering rules are stupid!!
Harper loves Philly so much he waited until spring training to sign. He would have gone elsewhere for even a little more money/years. New village idiot in town, enjoy Philly!
We will, do you want us to send your team some of the 10 million in additional ticket sales revenue he has already generated so your club can have some cash to sign FA? What welfare franchise should we make the check out to?
He is a joke in so many ways. Carry on, just making Philly look like one too. I wouldn’t want him or any of the other FA’s available. I’d rather have Machado than him, but really neither one. His numbers are declining. LA has no reason to bark, they have done nothing to build around. They are like the Cav’s were with LBJ for his first go round with them.
Your comments are a joke
How so? I have been down on both for good reason since the beginning. Saying it’s jealousy is a joke. Carry on with your nonsense though.
My nonsense? Ha
Calling Bryce Harper a joke is total nonsense. Please explain your “reason since the beginning”
Since the beginning of free agency. We’ll see how he does. I’m glad Philly is happy with him. We’ll see for how long.
Has the highest slugging percentage ever at CBP. Put up his best numbers there out of all the parks in baseball outside of Washington. Better protection in a lineup around Hoskins (who has the 2nd highest slugging percentage ever at CBP) and Realmuto. If he’s healthy, he should mash. He has a knack for starting off with a bang
His OPS in March and April is top 3 in baseball history alongside Babe Ruth and Ted Williams
This is pathetic. Who wouldn’t want to call Trout come 2020?
Agreed. The issue is on a greater scale imo, the MLB should fine Harper even thought it really isn’t tampering. The MLB should nip it in the bud before an NBA-like situation develops. It would be good for baseball to fine Harper. The Angels fans will feel respected, the haters will fist pump the air, and Harper will get ratings for replying to the fine with “that’s a clown fine bro”., And Middleton can high 5 Harper a wad of cash to cover his losses. Everyone wins.
this is 2019 not 2020. you got the wrong calendar.
“Harper, who isn’t a GM, says he’ll call me in 2020. Guess I shouldn’t sign an extension until then.” – Mike Trout??
Give me a break! No player nor person would take Harper’s comments as interfering with the players market. Absolutely ridiculous.
mlb does!
Wrong. Angels do. MLB is simply obligated to let this fire burn for a week until LA is down crying. Maybe slap Harper with a $50,000 fine.
thank you for announcing your lack of critical thinking.
in 2018 phils fan attendance was at 2.1 mil. angels, over 3 million many years running. so, plils sold how many tickets after harper signed?
220,000 in 24 hours. I don’t know the updated numbers since it’s been a few days, but that already translates in $10 million additional dollars. If the Phillies Sign Trout, they’ll probably add seats to take advantage of the ticket sales. Btw, Philly has the 3rd longest consecutive sellout crowd record in baseball history, so I think will be fine if when we get Trout
Phillies will have no problem filling CBP, Harper will give them a boost for a handful of years and if the Phils land Trout, they’ll be putting butts in the seats for years to come. The Phillies sellout record of 257 is 4th behind Red Sox at 820, Giants at 520 and Indians at 455. If they land Trout and make a few trips to the Fall Classic, they’ll probably add a new record. People saying that Harper isn’t a draw are dilusional because he is going to bring out fans and haters alike. Look at what the Phillies have sold already in tickets.
That’s an awful lot of chucked batteries.
I’ll be honest, as a Phillies fan, if Harper gets off to a rough start after the first month or two, I probably won’t be reading discussions on him much. Don’t want to read through all the trash talk and such.. But I do think he’ll be big asset for a number of years.
I’ll agree with the first syllable of your “asset” appraisal.
Not even worth a ‘ha’ or a ‘teehee’
Harper’s career OPS in the opening month of the season is 3rd highest all time alongside Babe Ruth and Ted Williams
after that?
Guess when you’re God (or think that you are), mere mortal rules don’t apply. Let the toxicity begin….
As a Phillies fan, We are excited for this season, as well as for the playoff contention window they are entering. They are finally out of the rebuilding phase, and are stepping into legitimate playoff contention, whether from winning the NL East or the the wildcard spots. The sleeping dragon has been awakened and this great baseball city is alive again. We thank Harper for that. This is one of the greatest times to be alive for a Phillies phan. So yeah, we are feeling Trout to Philly in 2 years or less. Harper knows more than we all do, as he got the answer right from the horses mouth. I’m sure he signed with Philly in part to play with Trout in 2021.
Enjoy, especially the haters, we are looking forward to a legit run of making the playoffs this year, anything else is gravy.
Also a lifelong Phils fan, and as to “thanking Harper” for anything, you made me throw up in the back of my throat. Talented, but overrated narcissist, whose “character” will bring more harm to both the clubhouse and the franchise in coming years than whatever on-field benefit he brings. Would love to be wrong on this, but having tracked him over the years, don’t think so.
So you are against him signing here? Did you watch his press conference? I know he was doing a presser and is trying to come off a certain way but in no way did I feel he was the d-bag I thought he was when he was on the Nats. Conclusion is that I probably only thought that cause he was on the Nats. Don’t forget he is also just 26. It’s right around the age men actually mature (not that we ever do completely) My definition of PRIME is when the mind catches up to the physical ability so we are getting him in his prime for a good AAV number so the phils have room to stay under the lux tax which is a sign to me that he is maturing and wants to win and probably isn’t that d-bag we thought he was.
You’re correct; have been against him signing from the beginning. Not because of the money (albeit too much) or the on field talent he does possess (which is overrated; present, but overrated). There is a toxic quality to this guy that no amount of “maturation” will mitigate. Again, hope I’m wrong on this, but not seeing it.
It’s not my money, and I think Middleton has proven his worth as an owner. Thank the lord for Middleton, he actually cares about putting a winning team on the field, and not just lining his pockets. Kudos to him.
I’ll take Harper over Williams,Altherr, AND Quinn. His attitude is whatever to me, results is what I care about. All that said, no signs of the bad attitude your stating. I’d give him
A break, I’m sure he has matured from the kiss blow, and clown question days
Kris Bryant admitted he didn’t want to team up with his buddy Bryce. Would rather play against him. Cubs should contact the Cubs about their player tampering.
Been waiting for this to happen. Kick rocks Harper. Rules against tampering exist for a reason.
Is there a rule about bluntly stating this? I remember they got on papi in San Diego during the asg. We all know that this is going to happen, unless you’re a angels or Yankees fan that believe some how they will keep or get him.
So much hate for Philly and their phans. Let’s do a poll.
Who does the nation hate the most:
We know LAD&SF kill one another over sports, and NYY&BOS have mutual respect of hate, but from reading all these comments you’d think PHI is the most hated, for having a historic offseason. Honestly, we’d be honored to be the most hated. So hate away
Just sour grapes over being getting him signed. Now the fans of those teams would rather say he sucks, he’s overrated, overpaid or whatever it takes to make them feel better about missing out on what they wanted. It so juvenile too; Like the kid who is dying to go out with somehow and family gets up the nerve to ask, then is rejected so they go on a tirade about all the negatives…they’re ugly, they think they’re all that, I didn’t like him/her anyway…it’s so immature it’s funny and that’s what you have here.
Yankees fan here how is it sour grapes when we didn’t miss out on anything. From the beginning of free agency Brian Cashman said they have no interest in Bryce harper. Never talked to his agent about him never made a pitch to him never made an offer to him. I am a huge harper fan but we already have two slugging outfielders who strike out a little too much for my comfort. If I was Harper I would have signed with the Dodgers because you’re still getting a crap load of money and unlike with the Phillies if he was with the Dodgers he would’ve actually seen the World Series as a player instead of as a spectator. As far as this “recruiting“ is concerned it is absolutely ridiculous as I said earlier every top team will have their top starmake a pitch to Mike Trout about coming to their team. If what I hear is correct and he really wants to play close to home it will come down to the Phillies or Yankees which is why I think the Yankees passed on Harper they value trout a hell of a lot more than Harper.
A fair amount of Yanks fans were on here saying MM to NYY on a discount over PHI. You might be able to claim your comment for BH, but mm is a different story
On Trout to Philly/NYY. To me he is as good as gone. Just MHO, Unless LAA offers 650million for 9 years, OK, then I could see him sticking it out in LAA, but that’s not happening when LAA is thinking 10/350m gets it diner. he is a pretty big family guy from all reports, lives the offseason in his hometown. When you factor in when most people expand their families, the grandparents and friends want to see baby Trout… not to mention he is a life long Phillies phan, 4 for 4, coupled with a competitive star loaded team, and a matching contract to boot… i just see it has the obvious choice. Other factors go into it as well but that is the way I see it. O and he just bought a lot of acres near his parents farm. I obviously don’t speak for him, but the tea leaves are screaming Trout to Philly even before Harper signed. It doesn’t look good for other teams, including the NYY.
Hammer – I am a Phillies fan and have posted on this site during the FA process that I think he’s overrated. For me, it’s not sour grapes.
My issue(s) with Harper is his inconsistency year to year. Yes, he has and extremely high ceiling, but he’s only hit it one time in 7 seasons. That’s not great odds that he’ll hit it again – though it’s possible.
Also, those who expect huge things from him because he’s hitting in the Phillies lineup with good hitters (causation) will make him better are engaging in wishful thinking. He was in a pretty good lineup in WSH, so there isn’t going to be any change as far as that is concerned.
I hope or 2015 or 2017 Harper shows up in Phillly this season, but there is no guarantee of that.
The one comfort I do take from the signing is that the AAV of the contract will not prevent them from making other moves,
If the Angels can not put a winning team around the best player in baseball than don’t they deserve to lose him? I think he will get tired of being on a average team while they waste his talent. Hope Carson Wentz is still around when is set to be a free agent. It is not an honor to be the most hated just national media laziness.
Don’t people hate Philly fans because Eagles fans threw snowballs at Santa Claus, who is a figment of several people’s imagination? Yes, I’m saying that he is fake.
They threw snowballs at a guy that reeked of booze and stumbled out of the stands…just so happened to be wearing a red and white outfit.
What hate? I dislike Harper, not the Phils. They had money to spend and they spent it. We’ll see how well.
LeBron does this all the time. MLB is too uptight. Seriously, Bryce is not the leader some posters think he is.
Lebron does it, so it must be okay. He’s untouchable by the NBA. Has made a ‘dominant’ career out of flopping and travelling.
It was sarcasm, hence the ‘seriously’ transition.
Harper and the Phillies are made for each other both are full of Sh@t and Mediocre at best. Plus Philadelphia as scuzzy filthy town, and Bryce is a scuzzy Filthy player. And there are all want to be tough guys. Big mouths
Some anonymous person typing into cyberspace…probably from the couch in moms basement though….”mahhhh the meatloaf!!!”
“Damnet Juggy, I told you the oven is still preheating!!!” (Mom spits in the meatloaf)
Enjoy you career 249 hitter throughout the remainder of the contract.
Career .279 but I understand the facts sort of get a little fuzzy when you’re a hater.
Exactly why he’s too dumb to realize that Harper’s .249 batting average also came with the 7th most home runs in the National League (34) and the 8th most runs batted in the National League. Also, he almost had a slugging percentage of .500 (.496), almost had an on base percentage of .400 (.393) and almost had an on OPS have .900 (.889). It certainly does help that he led the majors in walks with 130, which was 8 more than Trout, who led the American League in that category.
Was a .300/.400/.500 player after the ASB. All people want to talk about is his slump.
It’s going to be funny hearing “traditionalist” Phillies fans hop on the DH bandwagon when Harper is the worst defender on the team.
I’m already there. It’s time. I’m tired of fighting it. It is more necessary now as pitchers make increasingly more money than they did 10-15 years ago. Also, imo it gives AL teams an advantage in inter league play and playoffs.
It would have been nice to have back in 2006, when the Phillies had Howard and Thome playing 1st base. What a missed opportunity there. Instead Thome was traded for Rowand.
That sound you’re hearing is the sound of the kool-aid being drunk.
Starting to remember why I dislike Harper after the feel-good feeling I had for him and the Phils after they signed that nice deal. Jeter and A-Rod are STILL more recognizable names outside of baseball, Mike Trout was worth more WAR just last year than Bryce has been in the last three, and here we are acting like the magnetizing hyperstar yet again. Don’t doubt part of this is Boras and even Manfred (who’s desperate to market a young face of baseball) talking in his ear but Jesus Christ, talk about buying your own hype. Neither Mookie nor Trout have acted like this at all in their careers and they’ve been twice the players he is in the last couple years
Have MLB warn Harper. Any more comments and if the Phillies sign Trout then Harper is awarded to the Angels as compensation. But seriously, Trout is the best player in the game and he’s from near Philly. Of course the Phillies will be going after him in free agency, as will a lot of other teams. If Trout signs with Philly, it won’t be because Harper told him to.
It’s funny the amount of hate that Philly fans get from people on the internet lol as soon as Harper signed, everything became about bashing Harper and Phillies fans. I can only imagine being so upset that I wake up everyday and go on the internet to tell people how awful another fan base is. My guess is most of the haters are teenagers because grown men don’t actually do that but it is still weird that even teenagers spend their time bashing a certain fan base. I guess Jayson Werth and Scott Boris who told Harper all about Philly must of forgot to tell him how a few fans threw batteries a couple decades ago. A couple of my friends had couple problems at NY stadiums before but I would never blame all new Yorkers because just like Philly, Chicago, and every other big sports city, the fans can sometimes go over the top but most people are just very passionate. But I guess it makes some people feel better to hate on a city. It hasn’t had any effect on free agents signing here so whatever floats your boat.
You can’t blame Harper. He knows the Phillies are not good enough to compete for a playoff spot without adding the best player in baseball.
Too bad Harper isn’t an NBA Player. Him and Tragic could be the best duo in the NBA with LeBron who nobody wants to play with. It will be interesting to see what happens. The gutless wonder in the NBA we all know doesn’t do a thing to prevent it , maybe MLB will.
Bryce Harper is a clown. Hopefully he gets fined for this distraction to Mike Trout and the LA Angels.
Boohoo! Quit wasting money on players like pujols and hamilton, put a winning team on the field, and outbid everyone else and u have nothing to worry about.
Sounds like you are into wasting money. “Just outbid everyone else”. That is what they did with both Pujols and Hamilton.
Hey Angels, worry a little more about surrounding Trout with enough talent to compete and less about where he’s going to go after he bails on you for wasting all of his years in the Big A..
Even if the angels don’t retain Trout past the 2020 season it frees up 33.25 million of payroll. Pujols last year is 2021 then another 30 million is freed up. If they lose Trout they will be ok.
Angels aren’t okay with Trout. How will they be okay without him?
What big $$ deals have the Angels made in the last decade that make you so secure about their growing financial flexibility 2-4 years down the road?
Per many posters on MLBtr, the Angels will be better off letting Mike Trout wall because tying up the much money in anyone player never works, and is “stupid”
You don’t know much about the Angels… do you?
Over the last two years with ten out of 11 of their opening day starting rotation going on the DL, AND Mike Trout missing 70 games, the Angels Pythagorean W-L is 500.
Over the same two years, the Phillies Pythagorean W-L is 28 games UNDER 500.
If the Angels are remotely healthy this year, they are a better team than the Phillies.
Actually fangraphs has the Angels winning 82 games in 2019 and the Phillies winning 86.
Not sure 86 games gets them in the postseason, but 82 in the powerful American League is not likely.
how often they were right? laughable!
“If they angels are remotely healthy, they’re better than the Phillies”
The phillies and the angels both won 80 games in 2018 but the phillies did a lot more to improve themselves than the angel have this offseaon.
Phillies are a projected Wild Card.
Angels are projected to watch the playoffs from home.
Cool, how about 2019? I’d up your pitch, seems a little out dated for this discussion.
The only problem with that logic is that the Phillies didn’t have Realmuto, Harper, McCutchen, Robertson and Segura over the past two seasons. That makes a HUGE difference, seeing as how their cumulative bWAR over the past 2 seasons is 29.4
Harper: 6.0
Segura: 7.5
Robertson: 2.8
McCutchen: 5.2
Realmuto: 7.9
I like the Angels’ farm system and believe that they have the pieces to flip to secure enough prospects to be a top flight team by the time 2022 comes around, but for 2019, I’m taking the Phillies over the Angels even from an unbiased statistical perspective. Harvey and Cahill aren’t quite enough, in my opinion, to sure up a rotation that saw as significant a number of injuries as we’ve seen in years, and I didn’t quite understand some of the moves they made over the offseason like outright non-tendering Parker (despite less than encouraging peripherals) and Matt Shoemaker and also, their trade with the Phillies that sent Jose Alvarez to Philly for Luis Garcia (who has been exceptionally polar over his career).
Forgive any subconscious bias, I’m trying my best to look at it from an objective standpoint.
Phillies2017, I disagree with your post in that what you’re responding to is not logic.
You are correct that it’s impossible to extrapolate what the 2018 Phillies did to predict the 2019 Phillies because of all of the changes/additions. Half of their starting lineup will be different.
It’s just as impossible to extrapolate what the 2018 Angels did with the 2019 Angels because they’ve added a few pieces as well. A bit more stability in their rotation (they had 16 different guys start a game last season vs. 10 for the Phillies) and they could win a few more games.
The Phillies, OTOH, are really betting their young rotation is not going to implode the way they did in August/September of 2018. Their rotation had them in first place (with a VERY mediocre offense and bad defense) at the beginning of August, and everyone not name Nola pretty much cra**ed the bed after that.
It’s going to be an interesting year for both teams: For the Angels are they going to be competitive enough that Trout decides to stay, and for the Phillies, can the young pitchers hold up all season and keep them in contention?
Of the two teams, the Phillies probably have an easier path to the postseason because the Red Sox and Yankees probably are going to make it, the Indians probably do as well, and the Astros win the division unless something catastrophic happens, so the Angels are looking at trying to get the second WC spot.
The Phillies, OTOH “could” win the division, though IMO the Nats are the favorite with that rotation, so they’re probably vying for a WC spot as well.
Don’t you love baseball too?
i like your post but i like your nickname more,
it’s kind of funny phyllis fans think they have the world just for asking after over-paying for harper. get well soon!
Trout has had 8 years with the Angels and only 12 at bats in 3 post season games with a total of one hit (a solo homerun).
Maybe the Angels should stop focusing on offense and start focusing on pitching.
Trout’s career in Anaheim is going no where fast. Let him go.
The only thing you people know about the Angels is Mike Trout. Doy you even realize Trout missed 70 games the last two years?
By the way, that year the Angels had the best record in baseball that year and if Trout didn’t go 1 for 12 in that series, they could have easily won the World Series.
Do you realize the Angels staff can’t stay healthy. The Angels are a lot better than the Phillies, and adding the 2.5 WAR Bryce Harper (average war the last three years) isn’t going to change that.
Now that is funny.
Who’s farm system would fans rather have? What team would most fans rather have? Will make it fair, you can minus trout from the Angels and Harper from the Phillies.
Do you know that Harper and Trout talked all offseason? Think any tampering went on during those conversations? Maybe… don’t resign with LAA until you hear the Phillies offer? I could easily go on, but I’ll try to respect the LAA fans, as it sucks for them. The vultures are circling. Imho, no way Trout doesn’t reach FA at this point, and then … well you know.
Great Pitching wins pennants not a couple of future hall of famers on the DL. Angels have never had the pitching.
When KC eliminated them in 2014 KC’s starting staff was average at best.
Should stop calling themselves “LA”. They’re the California Angels G-dam mit!
Injuries are not an excuse.
Injuries reveal depth. Teams built to win can survive injuries.
Hey guy, the Phillies haven’t been to the playoffs in 7 years..
This ain’t the NBA Bryce and ain’t LeBron
Phillies should dress Harper up like a Founding Father, have him sign the Declaration of independence, then crack the Liberty Bell with his bat. Then he will have completed his assimilation as a Philadelphia icon.
If he wants to make it as a Philadelphia icon, then he needs to play his hardest every single day through the life of the contract. That’s why I consider Chase Utley and Brian Dawkins to be deities
Harper needs to be Harper of 2015 before he starts trying to recruit. Why would Trout want to sign somewhere with another Pujols situation on their books? Go out there and earn your money then you can start talking about the good in Philly
Nola, Realmuto, Segura,Hoskins, Robertson,Sir Anthony, with a pretty stocked Farm system and payroll flexibilty to reinvent the team if needed in 2021… so yeah .. why would he resign with LAA? The Phillies are prime for an extended run. How do the Astros look? The Angels are 23 wins back, need to leap frog 3 teams to win the division. With the NYY &BOS hovering around 100 wins, might as eliminate the 2nd WC in the AL. It’s a really tough road for the Angels To resign Trout. Hats off to you, I’d do everything to convince myself he’s staying too. I’d hate to be on the opposite side. Let PHI be your NL team, we can make it work.
Pujols and Harper’s situations are only comparable if you’re an imbecile.
Pujols is much better than Harper will ever be.
First, if the league wants to stop the “Trout to Philly in 2 years “ chatter, then it needs to instruct its mouthpieces on MLB to shut up about it.
Second, to paraphrase Willy the Bard, “Much ado about nothin’.”
Why is this a big deal. They have some kind of friendship. Theres nothing wrong with Harper trying to get trout to go to philly. Why do the angels need to notify mlb over this ?
This is essentially a representative for an organization telling Trout to not agree to an extension/resign with the Angels and come form a super team in 2 years.
Very, very bad.
This does nothing but hurt the Angels chances of retaining Trout, and could force them to fork over more money should they work to negotiate a deal.
Not really. Its ultimately up to trout. He’s calling a friend he wants to play with. I bet he does the same with kris Bryant and joey gallo. Two guys he’s played with since he was 9 years old. It doesnt mean theyll do anything. Trout knows philly very well. Harper is not selling him on a thing.
Harper isn’t selling Philly. He’s selling a super team.
This does nothing but make Philly look more attractive for Trout.
Bad for the Angels. There can’t be any conversations about future employment between player and another organization while Trout is still contractually obligated to play for LA.
Harper isn’t selling a damn thing. He’s talking to trout. Nothing more. He cant talk to his friends? I don’y think Harper cares a pig 35k fine. He makes that for per strike taken.
That’s great and all but trout doesnt play for the Dodgers. He plays in Anaheim for the Angels
Real brain right here folks. You’re very fortunate there isn’t a dislike button anymore.
Go ahead and google “MLB Angels” and let me know what comes up. I won’t blame you for deleting this comment. You strike me as the kind of person that has a very fragile ego.
In the course of about a week, MLBTR readers went from scoffing at the idea of Mike Trout leaving Anaheim for Philadelphia to now panicking over it. }:)>
Who thinks Mike Trout who was chastised by MLB last year for not marketing himself would want to play alongside a clown like Harper who can’t get enough attention? They are not even playing together and he sticks his foot in his mouth. When Trout is asked about his contact, he stays classy. If Trout goes to Philadelphia it will truly be an odd couple.
Harpy & Trout fish are pals. Get over it
get real! trout is just being nice to a fellow player.
Never marry someone for the money. Doesn’t work
spend money on this, philly!
Trout is wasting his prime years in Disneyland. Let him go Angels!
yo bryce, that was a clown comment, bro.
you can’t even go to taco bell in philly and order foods without getting beat up!
Dude, give it up. Isn’t it past your bedtime?
check the news, old gassy!
You eat that garbage?
It looks like Bruce Harper has just bought into AOC’s Green New Deal
I think this has more to do with the Angels feeling insecure about losing Trout to free agency (maybe Philly, maybe otherwise) than anything else. Can’t be an easy pill to swallow when you’re in a division with a force like the Astros and a rising star team like Oakland with a middling farm system, a lot of old money on the books and seemingly have just 2 remaining seasons with arguably the best player of all time.
I think the Angels should start trading pieces off to supplement the rising core of Adell, Canning, Rengifo, Ward, Suarez etc.
so, pp paid all that for a guy with 1.3 war last season? hahaha!!!
And a career OPS of .900
Pujols paid $27 million last year with a 0.5 WAR
Don’t even start
Lots of gums flapping about how “bad” the Angels are. They were 2 games under .500 last year. If you don’t think Harvey & Cahill will account for at least a few more wins than that, against the Angels staff of 2018, then you can’t be reasoned with. Is this a playoff team? I’ve seen crazier things happen.
The issue is you have to leap frog the A’s and astros. How did others in the division improve? You can almost bank on one of The NYY or BOS for the top WC spot. Best the Angels can hope for is the 2nd WC imho. Crazier things have happened, but it’s not likely.
Angels are freakin sissies.
you get to see a dark angel that takes you to the netherworld!
I LOVE HOW HARPER ALREADY KNOWS THAT TROUT WILL BE A PHILLIE! This was covered in depth in this awesome new phillies podacst youtu. be/Uuy_Ex8FXVw
Hey Philly let’s turn the MLB into the NBA were player collision ruins teams for decades