The Marlins are “expected” to hire long-time MLB catcher Jorge Posada as a special adviser to the club’s baseball operations department, according to Craig Mish of MLB Network Radio on Sirius XM (Twitter link). Posada’s precise duties aren’t yet known.
Posada obviously has deep ties with Marlins CEO Derek Jeter. The pair starred together for years with the Yankees, forming half of the legendary “core four” that helped lead the New York organization to five World Series titles.
A resident of the Miami area, Posada has already established something of a presence around Marlins Park. He’ll now have a direct tie to the organization, though it remains to be seen how significant his role will be.
Posada hung up his spikes after the 2011 campaign, wrapping up an excellent 17-year career. Since then, however, Posada has kept a relatively low profile in terms of his involvement with Major League Baseball.
Nice hire.
Posada was the fire in that team. He got in people’s faces and didn’t always have the oerfect reporter quotes. This is a good pickup for a young organization that has no idea how to win yet.
Jorge no Greek. Xenos.
What’s the Greek armies motto?
Never leave your buddies behind !!
Is being a Yankee a qualification to work for Jeter?
Is being a long time teammate and trusted friend as well as a very good player at a position widely regarded as producing smart baseball minds and being Puerto Rican in a city with a 20% population of Puerto Ricans a qualification for working for Jeter
No but I think being Jeters best friend might be a qualification though
I highly doubtful other investors would be ok with hire your best friend. it doesn’t hurt but i am sure his other qualifications were more apparent than his personal relationship. If my company allowed me to hire all of my best friends. We’d never make any money. They would also laugh at my face if the saw I thought about that idea. unless that friend has amazing experience at the job I am hiring for.
And Posada doesn’t have experience in baseball? Lol
I think a guy who caught for 17 years in mlb and was one of the top 5 catchers of his generation might have a little knowledge to share with young kids.
Guess jeter can only hire former players who sucked or who he hated.
However Jeter is not hiring all of his best friends. And this best friend has more qualifications than perhaps all of your best friends do all together.
And Posada is not entitled to get a job with a baseball team near where he lives? Did you voice the same opinion for Scott Brosius or Mel Stottlemeyre in Seattle?
So is Jeter not to hire Posada because impotent fans have a Derek hard on?
Why don’t you take your club of angry, resentful fans and hang up your own spikes?
So 17 years in the mlb is not a qualification to be hired in the mlb?
Yeah but your friends are probably fat losers and not Jorge Pasada
He’s no more qualified than Andre Dawson or Tony Perez, and they were fired, and then offered 25k to get their old jobs back.
Not to say Jorge isn’t qualified, I have no idea. But the reason Jorge got the job and not another qualified candidate is that he’s Jeters good friend and longtime teammate. Don’t be naive.
But just because that’s why he got the job does not mean he’s not qualified. It’s like if Pedroia became the CEO of a team and hired Varitek.
In this case, many of the young stars may look up to Posada and Jeter and Posada gives them a direct Puerto Rican connection that allows them to not only leverage the market in Miami but have an icon of the island in the front office to help acquire new talent.
I can see this working out well for the Marlins.
Most of these special advisor roles are not supposed to be for necessarily qualified people, most teams hire the advisors as former players that have experience with the game of baseball in some capacity
Speaking of angry fans… for someone obsessed with what should be a good team you are quite an angry boy, aren’t you Mikey. Are you not happy with your life? Is that what is really going on here. Does it make you feel better to project your insecurities and sense of inadequacy onto others? Enjoy the Yankees, they will win a ton of games, possible even the east, only to choke in the playoffs like last year, since they failed to really address the one area of true need.
Except Posada is not Puerto Rican, just raised in PR. He’s Cuban and Dominican.
Even better, I didn’t know that. Thanks!
He still does a lot of work in Puerto Rico. He and his wife went for Hurricane Maria to help. He’s made numerous donations to charities out there. He may even have his own charity on the island if I’m not mistaken and remember correctly. His national ties seem to lean towards PR. He’s a really good guy as well from everything I’ve seen and read.
He was born in San Juan (which is a really great historic place to visit, I just got back a few months ago).
Except that he was born in Santurce, PR, and has always identified himself as being Puerto Rican. So I think that’s his choice, not yours.
Uh yeah…no! He can identify however he chooses but doesn’t change the fact that he’s 1/2 Cuban and 1/2 Dominican.
So the fact that he was born and raised in PR, and he identifies as Puerto Rican has less weight than what you say… Oh boy, you ignant [sic]!!!!
So if you were born in the Alabama to your Polish mom and a Ukrainian dad, and you were raised in Alabama, and identified as an Alabaman, what does that make you, Armenian?
Oh, and actually his mother was Puerto Rican..
Oh, and once again you’re wrong…
“The New York Yankees Catcher met with the Latino Press at Yankee Stadium July 28th to discuss, among other things, his national and ethnic identity.
“Vamos estar claro,” (Let’s be clear) Jorge responded. “Yes, I feel Cuban and yes I feel Dominican. I grew up in a Cuban community in Puerto Rico and during the summer days I would play with children born in Puerto Rico of Cuban parents. I would love to go to Cuba. I have never been there. I always went to Dominicana (Dominican Republic). I have family in Santo Domingo where I spent my summers as a child. Now in the off-season I visit there in the winter. On my mother’s side my relatives live in Dominicana; on my father’s side, thank God, with the Cuban Exile, they all have lived in Puerto Rico.””
You must be from Alabama if you think being an Alabaman is an ethnicity or nationality…
Boy you’re dense. When did I say that being from Alabama is an ethnicity or a nationality?
Child, I’m from Puerto Rico. Oh, that same article you quoted… read it again. Seems you didn’t understand it. The first line, I know it’s Spanish but let me translate it. This is an article about the Puerto Rican Jorge Posada. The article addresses his heritage becuase there had been questions about his ethnicity. That’s why he goes on to say, “I feel Cuban” and “I feel Dominican.” Significantly different than “I am Cuban or Dominican.”
The article also never says that his mother is Dominican, but rather that her relatives are. That being the case becuase his mother was born in Puerto Rico, to Dominican parents. The only place it says she is Dominican is in his wiki page, where you lifted this article from, that improperly reads that his mother is Dominican. Because we all know wiki is 100%. Lastly, if he considered himself Cuban or Dominican, would he root for PR and want to play for PR in the WBC? I know these things are confusing and hard for you to understand. It’s ok, and Alabama is not a bad place, don’t be ashamed.
Chespirito, you are the dense one since you can’t comprehend he’s 1/2 Cuban and 1/2 Dominican regardless of where he grew up. Cuba won’t allow him to play for them and the DR wouldn’t want him, but he qualified for PR.
Hey, Chespirito was Mexican. Contrary to what you believe we are not all the same.
Well played.
Not being a former Marlins player and being connected to jeter is how you now get hired. This team has hit the pits. It’s ran as bad now as it was by Loria and salaries just as pathetic. At least former Fish player’s were in the FO and could be seen at events, now you see NYY personel. Who cares about Yankee people, unless you are from NY?, or Tampa during ST?
Why was this franchise given to a team with him basically in charge? Terrbile deals, gave away the franchise icon for peanuts (Stanton). Got nothing in return for one of the best players currently in the NL signed for YEARS at peanuts in Yelich.. he’s shown to be a dunce at FO.. Go back to NY Jeter.
Based on the attendance every year. I would say nobody cared about the Marlins. Nobody. The names Jeter and Posada make them relevant. Who would
Fans rather see at an event? Cliff Floyd and Company or Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada? Jeter is class and a winner. The Marlins have been an embarrassment for way too long. Even with Stanton, Etc.
Plenty of people care about the Marlins. They just want to see a well run franchise.
If plenty of people cared, they would go to the games.
Really? They brought in some great talent to win 2 world championships and then blow it up even quicker and they were built a beautiful facility yet nobody goes to the games. So if that hasn’t brought them out nothing will.
And you were one of the 11 fans in the stands before the franchise hit the bottom John?
Oh I get your let’s beat up Jeter every time we have a chance” theory; Since he was a Yankee he should have turned the franchise around in one season. Right and every trade should also be evaluated after one season too, huh?
Your the dunce Silver. In 48 hours your identity here is changing to John BRONZE. Keep mouthing off against Jeter and anyone Yankees and soon your identity will change down to John COPPER as your ideas are not worth a penny.
5 years. That’s the time it takes to judge an organization and front office. Not to defend Jeter as I believe this acquisition may be a mistake for him, but you can’t judge a front office in 2-3 years with the situation they walked into.
I like what Theo said when he took over the Cubs as President of baseball ops. Give me 5 years and I’ll give you a team capable of winning it all. He walked in having something to work with and a much bigger payroll to work with. But if Jeter can make them competitive by 2021-2022 that would be impressive. I’m withholding judgement until then. No praise either. But it’s hard to bash when thusfar he’s accomplished what he set out to do. Clear payroll and stock the farm. That’s the first 2 years of any front office.
Same old Red Sox are Great never do anything wrong, anything Yankees stink bullspit from this Sox fan……better get back to taking your meds pal!
Jesus you all are acting like Jeter hired a ball boy that he had developed a close friendship with. This is a not quite hall of famer who was behind the plate for a bunch of WS. You don’t think having someone like him talking to the young guys is a good thing? People really find any reason they can to hate on Jeter (I’m not a Yankees, Marlins, or Jeter fan)
They fired Billy the Marlin to free up the money for this former franchise great….well the Yankee franchise at least…
Why not a Yankee qualification from his era?? Mariano Riveria, Andy Petite,
… where did u read that stupid idea???
Winning breeds winning. Surrounding yourself with proven winners is smart business. Good management builds a team with known commodities. They won together in NY so there’s that!
A lot of less qualified people get hired just based on their name than Posada. One example is Don Mattingly. He is a terrible manager but was hired by the Dodgers and then the Marlins solely based on his name.
Definitely wish him well there, but it just feels off to not have him working with the Yankees.
Well, he’s a notorious @s$hole so…
If that’s true then Bud Norris must be next
he’s definitely accumulated a wealth of knowledge as a catcher. Could be a nice hire.
A wealth of knowledge as a subpar catcher? Yeah.
Subpar catcher? Are you trolling or just stupid?
Posada was one of the top 3 catchers of his era, get out of here. A 5 time All Star is subpar lol, OK.
If you have to ask if qbass is trolling then you’re new here brother…
Just stupid.
Are you kidding, qbass?
Subpar? What were you watching?
Next skipper?
Marlins are the Yankee Organization of the South
I literally said the same thing when i read the title of this article.
Yep, take away the tradition, winning, and strong fanbase and it’s a mirror image
The fish have allowed facial hair again. They’re ahead of the Yankees in one regard.
Half the state is elderly Yankees fans. The Marlins could do a lot worse than hire a bunch of glory years Yankees and transition those Yankees fans to also being Marlins fans. Pretty clever actually.
Do you root for teams based on their GM and management staff? I was a huge Don Mattingly fan .I hate the Dodgers always have and have no positive feelings about the Marlins even though I liked Jeter and Posada and loved Mattingly.If those guys could still play like they did in their prime I might change my mind
I’m positive no one roots for a team based on a special advisor. Honestly I wouldn’t even know who is a special advisor for which team. Im partial to Rocco baldelli from watching him come up but I don’t think I’ll be rooting for the twins anytime soon because he manages them. Maybe it makes a difference to some people, I don’t know. I have to imagine not much.
Yeah, sometimes I do.
Another misconception regarding the state of Florida. Sure, certain areas are literally “ate up” with yankees, but definitely not the majority of the state.
I was a huge Mattingly fan and still wanted him to win despite coaching the Dodgers. Of course, not if he played the Yankees, but I wouldn’t have minded a Yankees/Dodgers World Series. I didn’t watch any of his games, but I still kept track of how his team was doing. I’ll probably do the same with Jeter.
You forgot the money as well.
I’m not surprised. Jeter getting his boys.
Hip hip…JORGE!
Who cares? “Special Advisor” is like the title you give to your friends when you hire them.
I’m fairly certain the special advisor role has been given to quite a few guys recently who’ve went on to become manager. I don’t know if that’s in Posada’s plans as Mattingly is clearly just a placeholder there but he’d seemingly fit their market and their increased focus on international players well.
Exactly, Special Advisor is a job you give friends, while you’re canning all the people with ties to the franchise…
Are you pissed that Derek didn’t ask your permission?
How do they do things in your Girl Scout troop?
in todays climate in the MLB Posada would have been out on the streets like the rest of the 30 year olds ….. but back before baseball started their ” Value driven” campaign .. he got a 5 year deal.. and then a 4 year deal … 5 years is an eternity in catcher years..
At the age of 33 Posada had a 4.4 WAR at the age of 34 he had a 4.0 WAR at the age of 35 he had a 5.4 WAR.His career WAR was a 42.8. What the hell are you talking about.Since your an old guy I’ll explain it like this at 33 262 ba 352 obp 19 hrs 72 rbis at age 34 277 ba 374 obp 23 hrs 93 rbis at age 35 338 ba 426 obp 20 hrs 90 rbis.First question If Realmuto is the best now wherewould that place Posada? Last question .Do you have a clue?
Do you? right now he would be looking for a long term contract and likely not getting any offers anywhere near his true market value Like Machado or Harper.. think about it.. Machado is 26 harper is 26.. posada could well be looking at a stone cold market right now because he he would be 30 looking at 31. if he was asking for 5 years.. people would be complaining about his possible decline.. his age his injuries and his Value.. in fact many of the old long term stars would be looking at no long term contracts in this cold market not based upon past performance but based upon EXPECTED FUTURE values: It is supposed to be a gamble.. they want a sure thing.. Expected value.. there is no way to see what Posada would become.. all they can see is where he was..
You’re comparing Machado and Harper to Posadas. I am not someone that dislikes any of them. But you’re talking about a catcher that performed at a good standard in the NYC for more than people could remember. He was never in the spotlight for getting into crazy brawls with other teams like Harper. Nor have headlines attached to him like the whole “Johnny hustle” debacle. He also is a catcher ..with those offensive numbers. Only started going on the DL because of age not because he was unhealthy. He was a catcher till he retired. You were getting durability, professionalism, understanding of his role with his team and a catcher. Yeah I am a Yankee fan but it’s because of players like Posada. Harper is a an awesome player but as an individual. He is not a leader in the clubhouse nor is Machado.
but you are talking KNOWN after the fact facts.. Today Posada would be an unknown going into the future.. you wouldn’t know his Future production.. Just like the many you would question a long term contract. Just like you did for 2 26 year olds.. no long term contracts for 30+ year players.. 5 years???? for a catcher??? Currently we see people questioning 5 years for a second baseman at 30..
The known? Let’s pull up his stats for last season on Harper. He’s requesting 300 mil as an outfielder who put a WAR of 1.5 in 150+ games. The season before that? He track record is not consistent in either games players or offensive performance for a 10 year 300 mil performance. That is why owners are starting to question. Jorge Posada AAV on his contract was not insane. So again you can’t compare. If Realmuto was to ask for 5 plus year. I am sure he would get it.
A 1 year sample? what about Machado? this very web site predicted a contract of 14 years at 420 mil.. for harper.. 13 years at 390 Mil for machado.. using the same numbers you are looking at.. and what makes you think Realmuto would get a 5 year contract at 30.. ??? clearly The unmeasured risk would bring any catcher into question at 30+ for a 5 year contract.. reading the literature; they are too old, too great of chance of Injury or the aging curve etc… RIGHT now.. in this moment.. This very Year Grandal get a 1 year deal.. at age 30.. ..
Well said sir
I think the flaw in your logic is that you’re not counting in the fact that it was the Yankees that gave Jorge those deals. They overpaid him and Jeter to keep them around. Gave them cash to make them lifelong yankees. I am not so sure that he would have gotten that deal from other teams, the Yankees were famous back then for bidding against themselves
that was then; this is now.. remember we aren’t looking at then; what would happen now; Grandal is a pretty good example of the current state of long term contracts for valuable proven catchers.. i don’t think posado would be in any different circumstances..
I think you missed my point. But yes that was then and this is now and George is dead
Good thing the predictions were wrong. Your whole argument across several posts seems to be that these players “deserve” that kind of money and that is so flawed. Just because that’s how the market used to be five years ago doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. It was unsustainable. And stupid. And the results speak for themselves: Crawford, Pujhols, Cano, Heward,Ellsbury,A-Rod2. What part of “too much risk” don’t you get?
“He [Posada] was never in the spotlight for getting into crazy brawls with other teams like Harper.”
There was the bench clearing brawl with the Blue Jays and Pitcher Jesse Carlson in Sept 2009. Just saying.
Pedro Martinez once said that Jorge was his favorite hitter to throw at. He said in his very thick (and fake) accent: “Jorge always had a bad attitude towards me.” Pedro used to call him “Dumbo,” because of Jorge’s gigantic elephant ears. Pedro recalls Jorge saying something inflammatory against Pedro’s Mother during the Don Zimmer incident in Boston. He said he never forgot what was said.
Jorge was a tough ballplayer and offered more intangible qualities to his team than what the numbers show. Perhaps the fifth best catcher in Yankee history.
Harper was in the brawls because he was the one guy in the lineup you target. Posada has 8 better targets in that Yankee lineup the opposition would plunk before beaning him.
Nice deflection old guy. Make a truly stupid comment about Posada, then switch to Harper and Maldonado.
To be fair, he did have headlines outing him as a hand pisser
No the fact is that when the new CBA was signed there was a mutual understanding that “Nothing had changed”. Which means that teams were going to still pursue contracts based upon past value. It is a violation of the “GOOD FAITH” when you break the understandings in which the agreement was made: all contracts under law contain this “good faith” whether or not it is explicitly written: clearly the teams are no longer doing business as they had before the new CBA.. The have broken good faith.
speaking of deflection if you can’t comment on what was posted in a discussion please don’t
Posada was extremely overrated. I would know, I’m a Yankee fan and I watched this guy for years.
He was good at taking pitches and drawing walks, but not much else. Don’t know how many times I saw pitched balls glance off of his glove and go to the backstop, and the only clutch hit I ever remember him getting was a jam shot double off of an exhausted Pedro in Gm 7 of the 2003 ALCS.
.274 .375 .477 .852 avg 19HR and 74RBI per season but he couldn’t do anything but takes pitches and walk well…
Yeah but he pisses on his hands, dude.
Why are you talking about today’s MLB climate to when Posada played? Here are some numbers for tho…
.276/.376/.478 avg per season 19HR, 74RBI
.278/.376/.467 avg per season 19HR, 70RBI
what do you see? Cause I see Posada’s average production from his age 30 season on (first line) and Realmuto’s production his last two seasons (which have made him most sought after C). But, yeah, a C with that production would not find a market and be out.
I said he probably wouldn’t be looking at a long term contract: See Grandal.. and when you use numbers from over a decade ago you shouldn’t probably compare them today with out some kind of qualifier as things have changed..
Oh boy, the whole conversation that YOU started, which was asinine to begin with, comes back full circle.
Let me recap to make sure I follow.
You: Posada, who retired almost ten years ago, would not get an offer in today’s climate.
Me: why are we talking about Posada in today’s climate I.e. asinine. Nevertheless he was productive. Hence, in today’s climate productive player would get offer.
You: he (played ten years ago) will not received an offer today… BUT we cannot talk about his numbers from ten years ago, today because things have changed…
Boy, you are the last word-bender!!!
Let me recap the facts: i said he would not get a long term contract: 5 year.. in todays climate: see Grandal..
Maybe they want to establish a winning culture. Doesn’t hurt to have a winner around.
Congrats to Mr P Hands
Moises Alou?
Are Mo and Andy to follow? Has Bernie been spotted at the park?
Bernie’s in the parking lot, playing his guitar.
Andy goes down there to that clinic for youthful medicine 😉
Might as well hire people who know how to do it the right baseball way.
They key will be watching this rebuild. If it takes more than 2-3 years, then there is a problem. With elite Gm’s [Cashman, Dombrowski] it only takes 2-3 years.
I wouldn’t expect the marlins to only take 2-3, or hold your breath for a Cashman, dombrowski type turnaround. Some of the best in the biz on 2 of the biggest market teams in the game, with lots of cash to splash. At end of 2018 they were still rated a bottom 5 farm system
Nobody does a ful rebuild in 2-3 years. This was a complete tear down. You cant strip it down to the studs and get pissed when you still suck in 2 years. A small-mid market full scale rebuild is a 5 year plan. A team with the capacity of a 200 million dollar payroll can do things a little quicker.
Thats if you have tons of money.I don’t think the Marlins can afford to buy pitchers like Price and Porcello or players like JD Martinez. I also don’t think they have the farm system Boston had which allowed him to trade for Sale and still have Bogaerts Betts and Devers, The Marlins payroll is about 170 mill less then the Yanks and 210 mill less then the Red Sox Give Jeter 200 mill to spend and I bet he could put a decent team together in 3 years.Hell I could,Better yet make it 150 mill and he could’.ve kept Realmuto Stanton Yelich Gordon and Ozuna
Most real rebuilds are going to take more then 2 to 3 years. Especially the complete tear down type. Having the financial might of the Yankees and Red Sox can help speed up the process if used correctly which Miami dosen’t have. Marlins have pretty much already dealt all their valuable trade chips and their farm system still isn’t that great. It’s going to be a while before they are good again.
It is not just money that can turn around a MLB club in 2-3 years, it takes brains. Stearns did it in 2 years. It can happen.
This 5 year turnaround crap is marketing BS. I have been listening to it for years. The best example is in Toronto from Shapiro for the past two years. He did nothing in Cleveland at the major league level in 12 years except develop talent for everyone else’s use.
There are Elite GM’s and then there are the alsorands. 5 years of rebuild time shows me an alsorand, 2-3 years shows me an Elite GM
They ought to hire you to run the Marlins.No one was turning around that mess in 2 years. No one is turning the orioles around in 2 years or the royals. You comparing the Yankees and Red Sox “rebuild” with Cash and DD to that of the Marlins is crazy. You’ve got two guys with huge spending capacities who had significantly more talent in their system. DD came in with Moncada, Kopech, Anderson Espinoza, Devers, Benintendi, Betts, Bogey, is he really elite for being able to make that team good quickly? Not sure what you’re selling with Stearns here. That brewers team hadn’t been to the playoffs since 2011 prior to last season.
I actually agree with what you are saying. DD was smart enough to trade the right ones away for sale etc and keep the good ones. Cashman was the same. He picked 4 homegrown propects in his entire system many years ago and said they were untouchable: Judge, Sanchez, Severino, and Andujar.
You have to be very smart to do that.
ANother eilte GM is Pat Gillick. It took forever to build the Jays into ’92 and ’93 repeats. But then he left them and looked for clubs with good minor league talent that he could exploit to win again. He quit his Orioles post becuase the owners kept vetoing his deals. It took him 2 years to win in Philadelphia. He is elite.
There was a great article recently on the history of the Marlins. It bascially said, build from the farm, try to win at the MLB level and sell it off before the players get too expensive and that Jeter is following the same pattern. I don’t accept owners that have small budgets. If they can spend a billion on franchise they can spend 200m every year on player budget.
Smart hire after acquiring a young catcher in the JTR trade…
Great hire, too many jealous people concerning Derek and Jorge. Get over it. All the best to this organization. Bring on Mariano!
Hire Bernie to play guitar in between innings instead of an organ player. It would double their ticket sales
He’s been living in Miami for a while and he keeps appearing at restaurants I work at, and like many Yankees before him he is a garbage tipper. People used to get excited taking care of him until he runs you around like crazy and barely leaves 15 percent.
Sorry just still bothered at the couple times he got me good.
Everyone should have to work at some point in the food service industry. Tips would improve.
I’ll give u the best tip of all, get an education
You hire the person you can trust to do the job. They know the work ethic he will bring.
I wonder with the amount of people coming from the Yankee organization if eventually you would see A-Rod getting some skin on this game. He has strong ties to Florida, he has a great deal of money, and he has been attempting to re-polish his presence in MLB. I understand he rubs tons of people the wrong way but still you gotta figure he’s going to get some way back in the league. Maybe this is it.
Also if anyone is complaining about this. You shouldn’t. This seems like they are trying to bring baseball back to Florida. Make a team like this interesting and competitive down the line would be fun in the NL East. Not a fan of the Marlins but would love to see what happens.
No complaint here, but the rumor is that A-Rod and Jeter hate each other. I would love to see A-Rod help out Miami, but I just don’t see it happening.
I agree with your post. I respect Posada’s baseball career but a vending machine has more personality than Jorge Posada.
Gonna replace Realmuto.
It’s time to make a move for George Constanza, i’ve heard he’s available again.
He would fit like a glove.
Yeah, like I’d ever move to Florida. It’s always humid, how could anyone live in a place that’s always humid? Now my parents on the other hand…
Does he still pee on his hands, or was that Moises Alou?
Hip Hip Jorge!!!!!!
This has been quite a hostile thread!
Let’s focus on the Posada’s new job since his career and personal conduct are obviously unimpeachable. How many pitchers do you think Posada has seen up close over the years? I bet he could help evaluate talent. Furthermore, he could inspire young pitchers and catchers at Spring Training. Any team would want this guy around. Good for the fish!
Side note, without Jeter, the Marlins would not have Jorge hanging around. Hopefully they pull off a miracle and get a winning culture rolling in Miami—wishing the Marlins all the best cuz last year was rough!
so trade away their pride catcher to hire someone with experience to compete…makes sense…not
He’ll replace J.T. And bat 6th.
just an excuse for Jeter and his friend Posada to party in MIA. Rivera and Matsui are next to sign.
All the Yankee haters seem to think Jeter is some spy who joined the Marlins to help the Yankees win, based on some of the comments posted. Couldn’t be more further from the truth. You guys forgot that infamous discussion during contract negotiations between Jeter and Cashman years ago?
Jeter: “Who would you rather have? Me or Tulo at Shortstop?”
Cashman: “Tulo.”
Jeter: (WtF?!)
We’re getting the band back together!
he’s gonna teach these young fellas how to pee on their hands
funny thing is if Posada and Jeter decided to play again, they’d start for the marlins
Still weird seeing Jeter associated with the Marlins. Now Jorge, I don’t like it
Not as weird as Barry Bonds…
And if anyone was wondering where all the urinal cakes in the bathrooms went…
When Conine, Dawson & Perez were Special Assistants they were paid $85,000/yr each. As you recall when Jeter & Co arrived, they dismissed the SAs. After severe backlash they were offered $25,000 to return as Special Assistants. You will never guess what Jorge is being paid to be a SA.
I’m speculating a little but here but guys who get hired as “special assistants” have become increasingly popular manager picks. Look at Posada. A young guy who speaks Spanish and has the trust of the CEO. For a team that is in a heavily Latin market and is putting their best foot forward on the international market. He makes a lot of sense as becoming their manager in 2020 or 2021.
friends + business= ???
see how that goes
Would not be surprised to see Posada replace Mattingly as manager for the Marlins next year.
Hey man, were getting the band back together…” the band”