Royals left-hander Eric Skoglund has been suspended for 80 games after testing positive for “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators S-22 (Ostarine) and LGD-4033 (Ligandrol),” the league announced Wednesday.
Skoglund, 26, would presumably have been in the mix for a rotation spot with the Royals this spring but will instead sit out the first half of the season without pay. The 2014 third-rounder has had some success at the Triple-A level thus far in his career but has not yet broken out as a reliable MLB option in Kansas City. In 14 appearances for the Royals in 2018 (13 starts), Skoglund pitched to a 5.14 ERA with 6.3 K/9, 2.4 BB/9, 1.54 HR/9 and a 42.1 percent ground-ball rate. He does have a 4.13 ERA with nearly a punchout per inning and similar control numbers through 109 innings with the Royals’ top minor league affiliate in Omaha.
Kansas City presently figures to open the season with Danny Duffy, Jakob Junis, Brad Keller and Ian Kennedy in the rotation. Skoglund’s subtraction from the race for the fifth spot will give names like Jesse Hahn, Trevor Oaks, Heath Fillmyer and Ben Lively a greater chance of making some starts in the early stages of a 2019 season that appears destined to be a rebuilding year for the Royals as they work to develop a new core following their 2015 World Series Championship.
The suspension will open a spot on the Royals’ 40-man roster, which had previously been full.
Well this sucks, he was fun to watch.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone when these guys test positive for performance enhancing drugs. They see their “co-workers” signing ridiculously lucrative contracts and need that edge or their careers are over in 2-5. It’s wrong…but they probably figure it’s the only way they are going to get those contracts. And they figure “80 games? I can take that chance.” After his suspension, he’ll be right back in the mix. No biggie.
He should have taken this after the strike in 2021 or 22 and then start hitting homeruns, then he would have been applauded and MLB would have looked the other way.
You’re bug headed. What makes you think there will be a strike?
Unfortunately, the writings on the wall, I hope it doesn’t happen but it appears that’s where they are headed.
was just more of the players union BS
It’s not. You have to have a CBA term that would make them pay you more. “Give Machado $300m” isn’t a CBA term.
Ummmm. He’s a pitcher.
You obviously missed the whole point of the post
You’ll have to explain it, then…. I guess I’m the idiot who doesn’t know how an AL pitcher is going to have the opportunity to start hitting homeruns….and, I believe the other down-voters on your post would agree.
I think it was a reference to McGwire and Sosa et al being treated as the kings and saviors of baseball after the strike in 1994, despite plaguing the sport during the steroid “era.”
Right on, you nailed it hopefully some others can comprehend that, even with the down votes.
McGuire vs Sosa was in 98…basically 3+ years after the strike…..quite the stretch, if you ask me. Probably should have waited for a hitter to get suspended.
That would have been more effective
MLB was powerless. You obviously didn’t watch the congressional hearings. You obviously do not know how Miller and Ferhr felt about drug testing. It was all Union.
Whether it was union or not most would agree that 98 saved baseball and steroids were a big part of that.
Right you are macstruts. Despite the notion that many have PED’s were banned by Fay Vincent in June 1991. The difference between then and now is when Fay asked for testing Donald Fehr said “It’s a violation of player privacy”. It’s the same line he tried to use with Congress and they laughed in his face.
I see what you’re doing there, was a swing and a miss.
Trying a bit too hard.
It’s alright, you can be reinstated even after a “lifetime ban.”
Feel like anyone can now “Pull a Mejia.”
Except they just released him even after he was reinstated
so? he’s still allowed to play.
As long as he wasn’t watching porn. They have meetings about that stuff.
Fake news?
oh.On God?
id rather be on Mary than god
“Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators…”
Am I the only one who read that in a Marvin The Martian voice?
Professor Frink.
hahahaha…good one
I literally spit my drink out reading that question. Well done.
The Great Gazoo.
Where’s the kaboom?
I dont think he makes the cut out of Spring Training anyway, but it still sucks. Personally, I’d go with a rotation of Duffy/Junis/Keller/Lopez/Fillmyer and move Kennedy to the pen with Lively, Staumont, Zimmer, KMac, Hill, Peralta, and Lovelady, and let Hahn and Oaks get regular work in Omaha for if/when someone goes down or gets traded.
That’s a real who’s who in the bullpen
You’re a real who’s who of a baseball aficionado.
I’m a fairly big baseball fan and that pen is a bunch of no names. There might be a good arm or two down there but that’d Be like except expecting a non ALE fan to know anybody in the orioles pen other than givens. I have no clue who most of those guys are.
ALE fan here. Still no idea who’s in the Orioles pen 😉
I believe it’s a real “who’s that?” of a bullpen.
The fact that YOU think he wont make it out of spring training is the whole reason he androginized his receptors.
As long as there’s big money to be made, some will continue to do this type of thing. The money isn’t going away, so neither will be cheating.
Blessing in disguise for fillmyer and Lopez for sure. Pretty much assures Kennedy a spot though.
Fillmyer is tough, but uneven. Needs consistency and to pitch better on the road. He has the temperament to be a back-end bullpen guy if the starting doesn’t work out.
As I’m sure you know, Lopez had flashes of brilliance. Let’s see how Eldred brings him along. Ned will get him innings. Potentially a very high ceiling.
See at least one of Kennedy and Duffy either in the bullpen, or traded in-season.
Wasn’t impressed with Skoglund.
Fillmyer throws 92-93 with a four pitch mix. That’s a backend starter profile not a backend bullpen arm.
Is it normal for them to list exactly what he tested for? Usually it seems like they just say a failed test or some sort of PED or at least from what I can remember. Either way, not a fan of this team but this does suck because I have seen the guy pitch and he does have potential and could’ve been an asset to the major league club I believe.
That they list it usually is why I can spell Stanozolol.
Was a S.A.R.M, didn’t realize that they tested for them. Not for human consumption.
Mondesi, Bonifacio, now Skoglund. Royals would do well to make sure their players arent using. (i dont mean this as a shot at the royals, but rather a suggestion. always better to not have your good young players suspended.)
Pretty much impossible to do. Team’s aren’t allowed to test on their own. That’s a league duty per the CBA. Plus, team officials can’t be around their players 24/7/365.
well, another reason there will be a slew of changes in the next CBA.
The MLBPA isn’t going to advocate for teams to be able to test on their own and neither will MLB.
The MLBPA will demand that if a player is convicted of dealing drugs and molesting people, that he be rehabilitated at the teams expense, be paid his salary in full, and that his contract automatically is triggered for an additional year with a 25% raise.
Somehow the billionaire owners caused this, and they must pay.
“another reason there will be a slew of changes in the next CBA.”
The JDA is separate from the CBA. The JDA is reviewed and addressed after each season by MLB & MLBPA.
Testing is paid for each player by their team but it will never fall under the control of the teams. Collection and testing is completely independent of the teams, MLB and the MLBPA as it should be.
All testing is done by one WADA certified lab in Montreal. It’s the most stringent testing among the major US sports.
Some success ??? On what level ???
So, Steve Adams doesn’t mention Jorge Lopez, who’s probably the lead candidate, at this point, to be the 5th man?
I found the joke easy to understand and I chuckled.
But when spanish players get suspended they say PEDs…. on this case they even put the names not making it sound too horrible.