12:36pm: ESPN’s Buster Olney writes that the Marlins’ asking price on Realmuto is viewed by other clubs as “staggering.” Though Realmuto has less control remaining than he did last offseason, he’s coming off a better year and the asking price on him has actually risen from last winter, per Olney.
9:54am: There are as many as 10 teams showing some degree of trade interest in Marlins catcher J.T. Realmuto, tweets MLB.com’s Joe Frisaro, who also notes that Miami’s lofty asking price isn’t likely to drop anytime soon. The Astros are one of the many teams in the Realmuto market, per MLB.com’s Jon Morosi (Twitter links), but to this point they’ve insisted that either outfielder Kyle Tucker or right-hander Forrest Whitley be at the center of the return. Both players are considered to be among the 10 to 15 best prospects in all of baseball. Morosi adds that the Braves are “actively looking for a catcher,” but the Marlins would prefer not to deal Realmuto within the division.
Miami’s asking price in talks with the Astros somewhat mirrors their previous ask from the division-rival Nationals; Washington has been known to have interest in Realmuto for the past year, but reports have indicated that the starting point in any talks last winter was one of two prized young outfielders: Victor Robles or 2018 Rookie of the Year runner-up Juan Soto. The Nats are reported to be on the lookout for a catcher themselves, but the continued high asking price and Miami’s reported preference to deal him away from the NL East are both working against that outcome. The same can be said of the Mets, who are also in the market for catching help this winter.
The Marlins’ hefty asking price in Realmuto negotiations is perfectly justified, as the 27-year-old has improved with each big league season since debuting in 2014 and is now, arguably, the best all-around catcher in baseball. A lower back injury shelved him for the first month of the 2018 season, but he returned with a flourish, batting .277/.340/.484 with a career-high 21 home runs, 30 doubles and three triples in 531 plate appearances. Realmuto also halted a whopping 38 percent of attempted stolen bases against him.
A trade of Realmuto shouldn’t be considered a foregone conclusion, however. While agent Jeff Berry of CAA Baseball recently made a point to publicly declare that Realmuto won’t sign an extension in Miami and that he expects a trade this winter, it should be noted that Berry and Realmuto requested a trade last winter on multiple occasions — only for Realmuto to remain in Miami. But Realmuto does have only two seasons of club control remaining before he hits free agency, and it’d be perfectly defensible to take the position that his trade value will never be higher than it is this offseason. He’s among the game’s best catchers, if not the premier catcher in MLB, and can be controlled for two seasons at a total rate of less than $20MM. He’s among the most valuable trade chips in all of baseball at present, and any package for him should begin with at least one elite prospect and/or a young big leaguer Miami can control for the next half decade or so.
I read yesterday, I don’t remember where exactly, about the Yankees and Marlins talking Sanchez for Realmuto.
Would take much more than Sanchez to pry Realmuto from Miami. He could end up as part of a package, but maybe not even the centerpiece from the Yanks side.
Sorry man but Sanchez would be a centerpiece for a deal for Realmuto if that were to happen. Sanchez has 4 years of control and has arguably a higher ceiling (especially offensively) than Realmuto.
You could throw in a few more prospects but you aren’t getting a Torres, Sheffield, or Florial. Yankees wouldn’t do that deal since Sanchez could easily bounce back and be better than Realmuto
lol, Sanchez sucks
He certainly could bounce back and be better than Realmuto, but it’s not going to be anywhere near as easy as you seem to think.
Yeah his value is definitely down right now.
Certainly has yankee pride lol. Because Sanchez is terrible.
Sanchez sucks
He is a bat first liability at catching. If anything I could see a Torres as a headliner
Fangraphs had Sanchez 3.4 WAR third behind Realmuto 3.6 and Posey 4.2, I’ll go with that over your take. Maybe the Marlins would have to throw in a player with Sanchez having 2 more years of control. Players value is placed on what they should do now, not on what they have done.
I don’t think high on any catcher but are you really calling Sanchez a center piece because he has a higher ceiling? more like higher strikeout rate.
Welcome to the real world Yankee fan
that’s a projected WAR for 2019, which means absolutely nothing to teams trying to make deals. The truth is Gary had an abysmal 2018 and his trade value will be lower because of it. The Marlins aren’t going to accept him as a centerpiece.
“YankeePride” shoulda been my clue. I don’t care about either team, but JT holds much greater value to the rest of the MLB universe than Sanchez. It’s not even close.
Torres worth more than Realmuto. Marlins would have to kick in more
Fangraphs has Sanchez at 1.4 WAR. Baseball Reference has him at 1.2 WAR. He’s a serviceable backstop but garbage compared to Realmuto.
Are you kidding? Sanchez’s line last year was .186/.291/406. His dWar was .5 compared to Realmuto’s 4.9. You could go on and on but the reality is that Realmuto is the best catcher in baseball right now. To pry him from the Marlins would take some doing and definitely more than Sanchez.
The Marlins would hang up on the Yanks with that offer! Sanchez can’t catch! Marlins FO would tell them never to call back on Realmuto and Jeter won’t show for the next Yankee O Timers game if they do? Where did you read this rumor?
Forget Fangraph or any reference that rates Sanchez high right now. I love his bat and arm but his value is not what it was last year and the Yankees would have to add a lot to any package that he’s in. If they do, his potential upside could be the carrot that triggers a trade. Just don’t assume everyone is high on him.
Sanchez is a good DH masquerading as a Catcher.
The Marlins wouldn’t do the deal if Sanchez was the centerpiece. Realmuto is the better player. And if he wasn’t better than Sanchez then why would the Yankees trade for him?
Sorry Yankees fans, but Sanchez value comes as a catcher, and he’s shown that he won’t be able to catch at the MLB level. He then becomes and 1B/DH type and his value greatly diminishes. Don’t get me wrong, the Marlins would love to have him for 4 years, but it’s gonna take more than just him headlining a deal.
Sanchez would definitely not be the center piece of a Realmuto trade. When you propose such dumb trades it makes Yankees fans look bad. If the Yankees move Sanchez now then they’d have to sell low on him. Sanchez needs to rebound and rebuild his value before he gets anywhere near valuable enough to be the center piece of a deal for a player of Realmuto’s caliber and if that happens why would the Yankees trade him? This is coming from a Yankees fan by the way.
Take off ur Yankee glasses and deal with the real world.
LOL… Sanchez is a liability on defense, no matter where you try to hide him. He might turn out to be a solid DH, but he could just as easily be a disappointment.
Nah, Jeter will send JT to the Yankees for 2 bags of day old donuts like he did with Giancarlo.
Then why would the Yankees trade him?
Sanchez can’t block, can’t receive the ball and as last year illustrated can’t hit with consistent contact.
So the one upside he has is negated because of inconsistency. Realmuto is a better catcher than Sanchez and it will take significantly more to downgrade from one team controlled catcher to another.
The odds of Sanchez “bouncing back” are equally as good as Realmuto dropping down to Sanchez’s level last year. Miami isn’t trading for a “bounceback” candidate, that’s clearly shown hard work isn’t a priority.
NotaGM – lol greatest post – GET ‘EM!!!
didn’t Sanchez have an issue with pass balls too??? hmm deff want him to help build a team around
Because the Bosox are a better team. Yanks need to make changes to compete at an elite level.
Sanchez and Sheffield might work, but I don’t blame the Marlins for wanting a blue chip instead of a potential Top Catcher and a 4th Starter.
You need glasses lowtalker.
Sánchez also has the Lowest Defensive Potential in all of baseball! The Marlins are in the National League. No DH. The Marlins will quickly get tired of seeing Sanchez going to the backstop. In 9 years with the Yankees he is still a horrible receiver!!
Disagree that it would take “much more” than Sanchez as the centerpiece of a trade.
While his numbers this past year, along with his catching woes certianly haven’t increased his value to do a one on one trade, (the Yankees would have to include most probably a pitching prospect from the mid to low minors), let’s not overinflated Realmuto’s value to Babe Ruth proportions!
Sanchez would be a tremendous marketing draw to a highly Latino fan base and sell lots of jerseys and put fans in the seats!
Plus his interest in moving on puts a certain slant on any trade.
The promotional aspect only works if Sanchez again becomes the franchise player he appeared to be in 17. Times have changed and the Yankees would be selling low. Moreover, if Stanton couldn’t but fannies in the seats how do you expect Sanchez to?
Plus Sanchez is not of Cuban descent.
I could be a plus but I don’t think they’d shy away with another speaking fluent Spanish
This notion most players put butts in seats is false. The team winning and the weather and what else is popular at the time have much more to do with attendance. The players from visiting teams have more to do with attendance than the Home team. If I know a NL team is in town and the ace pitcher is on the mound I might make the trip.
Sanchez would put people in the seats? Is it because of the novelty of having a MLB player from the Dominican (that’s sarcasm), or do people in South Florida have a high demand for watching league average players? Seriously, nobody outside of New York sees tremendous value in Sanchez. And absolutely no team is thinking he’s the guy you bring in as part of a rebuild.
Exactly. Fernandez might have put some extra bodies in the seats but I’d expect it was more or less at the expense of other games.
Yankees are not I repeat ARE NOT getting Realmuto without giving up Gleyber, Sanchez and Florial! I cannot WAIT for the wave of Yankee fan tears that happens when it gets revealed that’s what the Marlins asked.
They’re going to want Bellinger, Santana and Verdugo from LA too.
This is great, I love watching homers get mad at reality, because it threatens their concept of reality, and their concept of reality is ALWAYS wrong! Like every single post rocky7 has made here!
Imagine talking about the Marlins giving one honest care about putting fans in seats! LOL – massively pathetic take. Does rocky7 honestly think Marlins brass think about that? They literally never have or will lol
Fun fact: For the last 2 years, Gary Sanchez has led all catchers in passed ball,
His sales pitch for Gary Sanchez was pretty funny though, kind of reminds me of those traveling salesmen in the old west, “I got this bottle of miracle tonic. Cures what ails ya.”
JTO: Why do you constantly lump all of us Yankee fans together into one group? Like every team in every sport there are some fans that believe nonsense like Sanchez could land JT by himself. But there are also an equal if not more amount that know that will never happen.
That being said I don’t think your assumption of Torres, Sanchez and Florial is far off. It seems like exactly what Miami would ask for if not more. They seem to be shooting for the moon and hoping one team bites. I wouldn’t be surprised if they asked for Torres, Andujar and Florial for him just to see what the counter would be.
With his defensive deficiencies it would not matter if he was born in Miami. Cuban fans are not stupid. If the guy stinks defensively, they would let him know.
After watching many Yankee games and AL East matchups Sanchez is not trying at all. He jogs to the bases and his defense has not improved it got much worse. This year he couldn’t hit as well! The Yankees might find value trading him where he can DH and/or back up a defensive Catcher. Seattle comes to mind and maybe Miami with a lot of added prospects for Realmuto. .
I think it’s gotta be close. Sanchez has 4 yrs of control left I think. Realmuto only 2. The Marlins will need or should look at the optics of trading away yet another fan favourite. Bringing Sanchez back in a deal for Realmuto, the fans shouldn’t roast the trade right away regardless of if you think Sanchez is a first division catcher.
Gleyber HAS to be in the deal with Sanchez or else the Marlins are better off holding onto JT.
Sorry Yankee fans, you might have scooped Giancarlo for nothing, but you aren’t getting JT for your scraps and flawed players. Stop being idiots.
There you go again. Even threw in a little name calling this time.
The Yankees are loaded with young talent. So, your assumption that Torres HAS to be included in the deal is wrong. Sheffield, Andujar, Frazier, Florial and a lottery ticket like Sauer would be [close] enough to land him.
It was a speculation piece. Not an actual report
…inside a stall at a shady Bronx sports bar, perhaps?
Realmuto has already said he doesn’t want to be in Miami. I understand that Miami is going to shoot for the moon in any trade return, but asking for a team’s top prospect might be a stretch since everyone knows Realmuto requested a trade. I personally think that lowers the team’s leverage.
I wouldn’t give up my team’s top pitching prospect for Realmuto but I’d offer up a decent package that included one top 10 guy and then maybe a top 20.
That type of offer just flat won’t get it done.
There’s no reason that a trade request would lower his value. Realmuto doesn’t need to say it; everyone knows he doesn’t want to be there whether he voices it or not. His preference is largely irrelevant. He’s under team control for two more seasons, and they already held onto him after a pair of public trade requests last winter.
I’d be surprised if there are “only” 10 teams with some interest in Realmuto. The Mets, Nationals, Braves, Brewers, Dodgers, Rockies, Angels, Astros, Mariners, Athletics, Twins, Red Sox, Yankees all make some degree of sense here. This is a guy who’d easily command $60MM in an open-market setting if his contract were strictly limited to two years; he’ll cost maybe $17-19MM in that time.
There is enormous surplus value here before even factoring in the scarcity of good catchers in the game. I don’t see why he’d cost any less than some combination of multiple top-50 prospects (in all of MLB, that is) and/or pre-arbitration MLB assets with four-plus years of control remaining.
I think the crew is solid at catcher, I’d prefer to see them make a move for Dietrich.
I really hope the Athletics dont go after him,I’m sure that would mean most likely giving up Murphy in the deal,and yes he hasn’t proven anything yet but I like Murphy’s chances of being a very good major league catcher and plus hes worked with the up and coming pitchers they have
They’re going to ask for Luzardo or Puk, Murphy and probably Barreto too.
I’d just sign Ramos instead, but if you think Murphy is going to be the everyday C in Sept 2019, then just re-up Lucroy for a year or sign Kurt Suzuki and/or Martin Maldonado to 1 yr deals. Trade wise, Cervelli is on a 1/11.5 deal, so he fits too.
Realmuto is going to cost big time. He’s the best there is and continues to improve. Miami isnt going to trade that value for one prospect and a bunch of throw-aways. Value like that doesnt get traded often.
Two of a teams top ten plus two to three others is what I’m expecting.
I wouldn’t call one top 10 prospect and one top 20 a throw away.
It depends on your teams minor league system….most teams it will take 2 top 10 to get Realmuto!
A teams number 1 prospect, plus another from teams top 10 would be a fair offer as long as the latter cracks baseball’s top 100 seems like a fair start. Braves could get it done easily if Marlins would deal to braves. 3 of our top 10 would be plenty of compensation for 2 years of realmuto.
I think Atlanta had 12 of the top 125 prospects on fangraphs board. If the Marlins would deal with Atlanta, the Braves definitely have the depth of prospects required if they can only come to a mutual agreement of which ones to swap.
If the price has indeed risen from last years astronomical ask, then I can only expect that Atlanta won’t pay it.
I’m a braves fan and I love the depth of the Braves. So many pitchers coming, and some already here.
Touki, Anderson, Wright, fried, soroka, Duke newcomb. Folty, Teheran, gohara, allard, Bryce wilson, wentz, muller
That’s 13 starting pitchers, most of them being #2 or #3 starters.
13 starters for five spots.
Time the Braves upgraded and trade away some of the starting pitchers and get a catcher, an outfielder, and maybe a shortstop
Im wondering how requesting a trade removes leverage. He asked for a trade last year too. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO DEAL HIM! They have all the leverage.
They asked for Bellinger from LA so they are clearly asking for the moon. He doesn’t have enought team control left to get what they are asking. 2 years isn’t much.
Two years of Realmuto being paid about 25% of his open-market value over that term is enormously valuable.
Steve I don’t think people understand the value of a good catcher…they are crazy to think they won’t be giving up a couple of top prospects
True, but Bellinger has even more years of team control remaining so his cost is also way under market value.
True but theres a point where you just ask for too dang much. As you just reported Onley said the price was “staggering”
True, but how many teams are 1 piece away from winning in the next two years? A team that is trying to build something from the middle of the pack should not trade away future assets for 2 years of affordability. However, a team already in the playoffs every year could use an upgrade to make them contend with the likes of the Astros and Red Sox. These teams usually don’t see money as an issue.
It’s frustrating watching good players on teams that just can’t get their act together. Even worse watching great players on such confused franchises – Mike Trout.
Agree with overall sentiment.
But would say, where Arte Moreno is completely in control of that train wreck, you can’t really the fault current crew for the Marlins situation. Old ownership absolutely gutted and ran that ship straight into the ground. New ownership is trying to find a way to correct more than a decade of issues as fast as possible. It won’t be easy or fast no matter who took over
Actually, new ownership was what gutted the franchise. Old ownership drafted and developed 2 MVP outfielders on the same team. If the Marlins had some pitching, they’d make the playoffs, but they seemed to always go after offensive improvements and also made the worst move to go after Chen.
Agreed, 1600, the Marlins present ownership knocked down the latest baseball effort out of Miami. They figured Jeter, using him as the mouthpiece, would soothe/distract from the transition – not so. Even their ballpark is poorly situated. Point stands, for numerous reasons, the Marlins just can’t get their act together. The Angels are without any excuses, to waste the time of perennial MVP candidate Mike Trout is an unforgivable mistake. Angels never acquire pitching, sign aging free agents well into their respective sunsets, and make idiotic moves like letting Howie Kendrick go. Kendrick is not a game breaker on his own, but he suited that lineup well. Frustrating.
The Marlins were in fine shape until Fernandez passed away. Then, they needed to fill the void left at the front of the rotation – traded Castillo to CIN for Straily.
The Stanton contract was ridiculous; I was on board with trading him. There were no reasons to trade Gordon, Ozuna, or Yelich.
Trading Dee Gordon was a massive win for the Marlins
@gofish: So you expected Miami to compete against better teams despite having no pitching, no talent in the minors, and little money in their coffers. ?????
While they may have been fighting for .500 with the excellent outfield they’d possessed at the time being perpetually mediocre doesn’t put fans in the seats when there are so many more exciting things to do in the Miami area.
The rebuild was definitely needed.
You seem to be arguing a franchise is only the players on the ML roster.
That couldn’t be farther from the truth, as franchises include both ML and MiLB players, front office personal and scouting structures, and even debt and other financial agreements.
The Marlins were gutted and leveraged to the max, with only a thin level of ML talent trying to hide the reality of the disastrous situation. Complete collapse of the organization was imminent – hence the sale to a group willing to take on the ~100m operating cost loses the team was seeing, believing they could try to turn that around.
Sanchez had an injury-filled year. Healthy, he’s actually better than Realmuto.
Offensively close, but overall realmuto is better than Sanchez. Don’t think it’s that close.
Sanchez is better, get real
Lmao Realmuto is easily better than Sanchez. It’s hardly even a discussion
Maybe with the bat when he’s healthy. However I’d take Realmuto any day over Sanchez because he’s the superior defender by a margin, and is a good hitter.
yeah way better….hmm pass ball issues & cant hit the ball unless its the short porch at Yankee stadium for a HR.
Short porch at Yankee stadium? He’s a right-handed hitter you idiot. Sanchez can hit the ball out of any park. The one thing that is not in question is his power.
LOL Sanchez can hit some, I’ll give you that. But he is not a very good catcher. Far too many balls get by, and that cant be good for a pitching staff.
I thought reports stated Nats wanted Soto to headline a realmuto deal, but Miami insisted on Robles or no deal, and it wasn’t until later in the season they started asking for Soto and saying no to robles
Miami can ask whatever it wants for the dude. Jt really has no say where and if he goes anywhere.
I don’t see Realmuto being traded until the 2019 deadline at the earliest. No team can afford him right now.
Just like the marlins wouldn’t want to trade in division, same with the braves. But they are in full blown rebuild and by the time JT’s contract is out they will “in theory” be contending. If I were them, maybe milk a tad bit extra out of the braves, cause I think we would over pay compare to other teams and have the resources to do so. JT isn’t gonna be the difference maker in games between the braves and marlins over the next couple years and y’all are looking to capitalize on him anyways. Hope they don’t shut down negotiations just because they ask to much out of the braves or won’t trade all in the name of in division rivals
Even in “theory” I highly doubt they’ll be competing in 2 years. 5 years is more like it, and that’s optimistic. Braves and Phillies will slugger it out at the top for the next several years. Mets and Marlins will be slugging it out for 4th place.
I agree with you on this. It makes ZERO sense for the Marlins not to trade within the division. In fact, they should try to in this case.
When you are receiving prospects and are not on the verge of competing, you should absolutely want to weaken the future of a team within the division. It just makes sense. It’s not likely the Braves or Nats have Realmuto for more than the remaining two years, which is probably close to when Miami projects to be competitive again.
It makes no sense at all for the team getting prospects to not want to trade within the division. The only argument is possible fan support, and that is ridiculous.
I agree. It’s probably just posturing from Miami to not want to trade within the division. JTR will go to whichever team puts together the best package.
That said I wouldn’t mind it if the Marlin’s FO remains short-sighting and refuses to do business with the Braves simply because the value JTR adds won’t even come close to the value the Braves would give up in prospects to get him. Let another team that’s more desperate to win now make that mistake. (i.e. Astros, Dodgers or Yankees)
I don’t quite understand this either
If anything it’s the Braves who should be reluctant to trade in the division
Their prospects are the ones likely to show back up and hurt them while they’re in contention mode
The Marlins aren’t contending in the next couple years so what does it matter if Realmuto is beating them for two seasons
Same report every other day just worded differently. As much as I want him on the Braves it’s not going to happen. To many teams outside the division are in on him so you can cross the Mets, Braves and Phillies off the list. Only thing I could see is if zests resign Harper and are then willing to give up Robles. With that the Marlins would have to be enamored with him to even make that happen.
I see him going to the Astros. They will cave and give up Tucker.
Braves need to focus on Cervelli and just get it done. They got Contreras coming up in a couple years. He has the pedigree.
Teheran to Brewers for Santana
Get Greinke from Dbacks for Allard with money coming back
Then focus on FA relievers Robertson & Warren
Offseason done simple as that
Yeah. Let’s trade all of our unwanted low value assets for good players from other teams. How about Demeritte for MadBum and while at it, let’s get Peralta and Robbie Ray for Braxton Davidson and Gohara.
I see you posting trade proposals on a lot of articles and they’re always terrible
Other than batting average, there really is not much difference between Realmuto and Grandal.
lol lets not go that far. Realmuto is much better than Yaz
Good lord, yes. They hardly deserved to be mentioned in the same sentence.
Realmuto is a threat on base paths too. Grandal is so slow he couldn’t run a fever.
Someone will pay up for him its only a matter of time
The Astros should have picked up someone like Mathis, it would have been cheap and on the field doable. Surely they had enough offense to overlook a sub 200 hitter. Now they will have to pay either in a high priced contract or some type of high end prospects in a trade. There is a slim chance that the Pirates are going all out on a rebuild, so maybe the Cisco Kidd will be made available as part of a salary dump!
They had 3 catchers last year that couldn’t hit.
Realmuto to the Dodgers for Bellinger is way overboard – Realmuto to the Dodgers for Pederson and a prospect not named Verdugo seems more realistic
That comes nowhere close to it at all.
Ok but can you read? Marlins are being intentionally “unrealistic” – but also, how arrogant are you that whatever you think is realistic applies to actual real life? It doesn’t. Marlins gunna do what they want and if a team wants the far-and-away best catcher in MLB for cheap, they’re going to pay.
Have you actually seen Realmuto play? Bellinger is the starting point. Pederson is a throw in. I like Pederson too. But Realmuto is, only in my opinion, Buster Posey similar, though Posey has better career numbers. I never said he is as good, just in the same class of player as as Posey.
Marlins get: A.J. Puk, Sean Murphy, and Franklin Barreto.
Athletics get: Realmuto and Starlin Castro
When you stop laughing, tell me are the Athletics giving up too much or not giving up enough?
Agreed. Looks fairly even to me. If anything I’d guess the A’s might try to pickup a reliever like Conley with the addition of a lesser prospect
Not nearly enough.
I’m happy you answered my question. Better late than never.
Marlins probably accept that deal, seems about right.
A’s are probably not going to do that though.
It’s amusing to me that teams want to trade for really good players but they don’t want to trade any of their top prospects to make it happen.
Lol I know…dodger fans and yankee fans are crazy on here…most think they shouldn’t have to give up much for one of the best catchers in the game…if 10 teams want him then he will cost a lot…or the dodgers can stick with Grandal who can’t catch…your choice LA lol
Would a package of Matz, Gimenez, Dunn and another pitching prospect get it done? Use a vendiagram to explain why I’m an idiot
Everyone hating on Sanchez and he’s not even included in the piece. Guy had one down season and everyone forgot about his past two
It seems odd that the Marlins would make it known (if they have) they don’t want to trade within the division while they’re trying to get the highest value possible in return.
At least three of the four teams in the NL East want a top-line catcher, so by eliminating three potential landing spots, they’re depressing the market.
I understand not wanting to help rivals, but if you can get your rivals to overpay, that’s a win for you.
Very puzzling strategy.
Which is why the Fish have asked the Nats for Soto and/or Robles, keiboom plus for JT but that hasn’t happened bc Nats haven’t pulled the trigger.
Cathers always get the hype but never pan out long. Only few like Buster is an exception. I would not give up a top package for him. Anyone remember Matt Wieters hype??
Heck I remember when Texas Rangers thought that Yost would be a breakout player and traded Jim Sunberg in order to get him lol
Buster is being moved to first base…Molina is the exception
If a team doesnt want to give up any big prospect for this guy I would consider trading for Stassi or signing D’arnaud from the Mets when he isnt tendered guy needs a change of scenary, hope the Brewers look at these guys
Keston Hiura, Corey Ray and Freddy Peralta for Realmuto. the Brewers get a huge upgrade at catcher and the Marlins get the rest of the Brewers farm system.
I think that’s a bit too much going to Miami.
Not going to happen, Brewers would be better off going with Pina and Nottingham. Especially if they just give anybody Schoop for a wild card prospect. Peralta will be in starting rotation and Huira at some point becomes the second baseman this year. Ray can also spell Braun when hurt in second half of the year. Then instead of getting Realmuto( Pina is just as good if not better calling a game) Going this way would probably save you annually 15 million a year at the very least which you could use on another pitcher like Evoldi or Corbin. That could set a lot more roster spots for the Brewers the next 4 years then 2 years of one position at catcher. The big question is which moves will gets them to world series
Not enough going to Miami. Brewers don’t have the pitching prospects Miami seeks.
Gary Sanchez is better than JT Realmuto
Yet stats, experts, and the average baseball fan disagree.
The only thing Sanchez is better at JT in is jogging to the backstop on a passed ball.
As long as it isn’t the Braves.
Wouldn’t Sal Perez be a better option? Reasonable contract price and length, WS experience, consistent All Star. Royals should move him for younger talent and get ready for MJ Menendez.
Very good point there, in all honesty he is a catcher that you make a big trade for if anyone.
I think we can agree that wherever JT goes, he will be the AL/NL MVP in 2019.
Similar to that, I think whoever gets JT will win the title.
Because he’s been the best C in MLB for 3-4 years now. He’s an upgrade over literally every single C in the game. Whoever gets him is getting an upgrade, and having as many of “the best” players at each position usually means a title.
The Marlins would hang up on the Yanks with that offer! Sanchez can’t catch! Marlins FO would tell them never to call back on Realmuto and Jeter won’t show for the next Yankee O Timers game if they do? Where did you read this rumor?
I can’t understand why teams that are years away from contention refuse to trade within their division. By the time the contract is up, the player will most likely be gone and you additionally get to take away prospects from a division rival. How is this not a win-win situation for any team?
A fair point but I don’t see where many teams out and out refuse, they just show a preference for trading outside their divisions, which seems understandable.
Good points. Marlins aren’t going anywhere fast, that’s for sure. Getting a weaker return to see the guy less for the next 2 years when they will be in the cellar regardless doesn’t make sense.
If they stick to their guns, it’s not like the Marlins can lose either way. They either have arguably the best catcher in baseball at an incredible bargain rate for two seasons OR they get a massive haul for him (possibly an overpay). Either way, since neither scenario would be called a loss, the Marlins are under exactly zero pressure to make a trade they don’t want to.
Don’t forget to factor in the value of Realmuto working with young, inexperienced pitching… If the Marlins don’t get what they want for him, they’ll get more than they deserve from him.
I disagree. They won’t even come close to even vaguely resembling a contender for two seasons, so missing out on the prospects that could help out in your quest to win a title years down the road is DEFINITELY a loss in my book. Sitting pat for two years will blow this chance, they either need to adjust their expectations now or hope for desperation at this coming years trade deadline to win this situation.
Keep in mind, though – there’s virtually no such thing as a guaranteed prospect. Realmulto is obviously the real deal. If I were in Marlins management (God forbid!!), I’d wait to be blown away before I let him go.
Who says they’re going to stand pat the entire 2 years though? JT’s value will be sky high at the 2019 deadline too.
A year ago J.T. Realmuto and Mike Zunino, who were born a week apart, were coming off seasons of 3.8 fWAR and 3.7 fWAR, respectively. Each catcher had three more years of team control and similar projections for 2018.
What a difference a year makes.
This month Seattle traded two years of Zunino and change to Tampa Bay for four years of center fielder Mallex Smith and change.
Realmuto, of course, should command a greater return in a trade.
Yes Muskie, I’m glad you brought that up!
I’ve (through social media) tried contacting the Rays about a win win “trade” of Zunino and one of our top MLB pitchers-Beeks? plus a very good A prospect for Realmuto. I think it covers every fear the Marlins would have on a return!! Zunino is a #1 on defense and handles the pitchers better as well! (GG-#1 defense catcher). As for my Rays, Realmuto might not sign long term with us as well but we probably will not need it since our other catcher Michael Perez plays like a young Yadia Molina!. No better deal would be out there for the Marlins since they still will have a #1 catcher and a pitcher, a win-win! Thoughts?
Thing about WAR is, its actually not at all accurate if you use a single-season number, because the defense metrics are spread out over 2.3 seasons.
JB Bukaskas, Yordan Alvarez, Garrett Stubbs, and JD Davis for Realmuto and a PTBNL.
That’s a realistic offer
Except the Marlins literally already said Tucker or Whitley MUST be in the deal? Take out JD Davis, no one wants or cares about him. You can’t just go “ok who can we afford to lose” and put them in a trade, especially when the Marlins FO literally said they want the moon for JT.
That offer is like the 9th best offer the Astros could make. Show us what the #1 offer is and then you’ll be working in reality. Whitley, Alvarez, Bukauskas and Beer gets done, no matter how much you are going to cry at that.
Hard pass. Not getting Yordan and Tucker/Whitley.
Very confident Marlins get insulted by this offer.. Stubbs is the only prospect mentioned with potential but can’t handle the marlins pitching staff next year. If Houston is serious, They need to add a pitcher (Peacock-Martes?) and an everyday player (T Kemp?) AA prospects are not an interest of the Marlins.
Pretty sure you don’t know what you are talking about. Bukaskas will at WORST be a highly effective reliever in the big leagues as early as 2019. Alvarez has excellent power with significant upside offensively. His only negative is that he doesn’t project well on defense and he doesn’t have a true position. JD Davis is a very capable 3B or utility player in the bigs, especially on a team like Miami that is years from truly competiting. Stubbs would immediately start for the Fish as a team that far from being competitive can handle having a guy like him learn on the field.
Now if you want us to keep Bukaskas and Alvarez, and give you Kemp and Martes instead, well I can’t wait to sign the paperwork on the deal. Stubbs, Kemp, Martes, and JD Davis for Realmuto. Sounds fair for the Astros!
If Astros fans are trying to out-homer the Yankees fans in terms of absolute cluelessness, you are off to a great start.
JD Davis has absolutely no value, he’s a AAAA scrub. Stop homering and hyping your crap when we all know the good stuff. You NEED Tucker or Whitley, either put one of them in the offer or stop wasting everyones time, dumb homer.
Stubbs the only potential? Do you pay attention to baseball? Bukaskas and Alvarez are the Astros #3 and #4 overall prospects, and either could easily be top two in most team’s systems. Davis is a MLB ready talent, but he’s blocked in Houston, much like Colin Moran last year. Stubbs is good…but he’s the fourth best piece in this deal…
I don’t watch much minor league games and prospects but I’m familiar with what the scouts say about Alvarez and Bukaskas. I also know that AA or single A prospects are not MLB ballpayers and 80% of them don’t make the grade (check the W Sox and the Sale trade!). We will soon see how serious the Astros are for Realmuto, but it’s more expensive than you Stros fans are mentioning
Colin Moran sucked like JD Davis will, do you not understand that we all can see that you housed the Pirates on that deal? Why on EARTH would another team go “Oh yeah this 1-WAR cruddy 3B is blocked that means he must be good!” NOPE. Godddd, get a grip please, you are going to experience PAIN if you trade for JT. Just admit that to yourself and then you can come off as a decent trade-maker, not moron homer who thinks the sun shines out of all top 30 of your fave teams prospects.
Tucker and Whitley for Realmuto sounds nice though, gotta admit.
Haha I love bitter Dodgers fans.
Every time these topics come up, it’s always funny how fans of teams feel they should get All Star talent for less than their best prospects…even in cases like this which involve a guy in the early stages of his prime, who excels both offensively and defensively in the most important position on the field, is one of the best at this position, and is a major bargain at his price. I guess those fans think that the Marlins are in the business of making these other teams better instead of themselves better. Yeah, Jeter must go to Mike Hill and say, “Hey Mike, let’s trade JT for the least amount of return and financial benefits and team control to whatever team you feel we should make better.” For those that know baseball, they know how stupid that is.
And of note, for anyone that knows their trade history, when you consider the last time a team was trading one of the best catchers in the game, who was in his prime, and was good both offensively and defensively, you may have to go all the way back to the 1984-85 offseason when the Mets traded for Gary Carter from the Montreal Expos. That got the Expos a big return of two young MLB players and two pretty good prospects. Considering that Realmuto has more suitors than Carter had back then, and what is known more now about catcher value, you can bet the house that some team will give in to hand the Marlins a package of one of their best prospects, and probably 3 of their best 10, which are ranked as 2 Top 50s and 1 Top 100. If not that, it will be a couple of a team’s top prospects and a young talented player.
Well said. Catcher (and Pitchers) are still the most important players on a team. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant.
Amen…I mean everyone needs a good catcher…and this guy is one of the best in the league…you’re giving up a couple top prospects and one prospect that will hurt whether you like it or not
Absolutely cannot wait til it leaks that the fish asked for both Gleyber and Sanchez and probably Florial for Realmuto, going to be so much crying from homer fans who don’t understand how baseball talent markets work! lol
Soroka and Riley for JT?
maybe alex jackson as a throw in for Marlins depth
If the Marlins realize trading in divison is not that bad
Camargo can hold 3rd base with excellent defense, 270 BA, and 25 HRs while getting payed pennies for a while.
A lot of pitching options for ATL
I’d rather sign Ramos to a 2-3 year deal than give up Soroka and Riley.
Memo to the Braves, keep the kids the Marlins would want and get Grandal. Good catcher, lefty power and switch hitter. He would give 2 or 3 year window.
Evan Gattis has better numbers than Sanchez last year. Unless there’s a little Jeter – Yanks love going on, there is zero chance of that trade happening. I’d love it if the Astros got him, and based on Kyle Tucker’s ineptitude at the major league level, giving him up wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Whitley should be untouchable though.