Blue Jays VP of player development Ben Cherington, formerly the GM of the Red Sox, discussed his past and future in an interesting recent chat with Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe. While he says he loves working in Toronto, Cherington also indicated an openness to pursuing other opportunities.
As the offseason approaches, it seems likely that Cherington will at least be discussed as a potential candidate for whatever GM positions open up. Indeed, he has already been tied to the Mets. It’s worth noting, though, that there aren’t many other organizations that seem likely at this point to be hiring new top decisionmakers in the coming offseason.
Cherington certainly did not sound like he’s eager to end his tenure with the Jays. To the contrary, he says he’s “completely focused” on his work there, crediting the “collaborative effort.”
But when asked about the possibility of pursuing another shot at a GM role, Cherington acknowledged that he’s “not shutting the door on anything.” He explained that, “if something is presented to me, I’ll evaluate it and see if it’s something I want to do.”
That seems to represent a shift in thinking for Cherington. Per Cafardo, the exec has not pursued opportunities to interview for other GM openings since his time with the Red Sox ended in the middle of the 2015 season.
Red Sox and Blue Jays fans, especially, will want to read the full article, as it covers topics of interest on the AL East rivals. Among other things, Cafardo discusses Cherington’s role in compiling (or, at least, not trading away) key members of the current Boston core. And Cherington expressed confidence that the Blue Jays’ prospect base has improved under his supervision.
Wasn’t a good GM three years ago, wouldn’t be now. To me, it’s as simple as that.
A little more complicated actually. You’d need to provide support for your statement.
Lol !!!! Plenty of evidence out there.
Pablo, Hanley, and a few last place finishes.
Do NOT give this man the keys. He was an assistant GM and just happened to be in the right place at the right time to get hired in the first place. A disaster.
Bobby Valentine?
You are kidding right? He inherited the chicken and beer debacle and had Bobby Valentine forced on him by ownership. .Then he blew it up and built the worst to first World Series winning 2013 team.
So he builds a world series winner in 2013, The team backslid in 2014 and they hire Dombrowski to oversea baseball operations. midway in 2015. I suspect the Panda signing was influenced by management but was always in love with Hanley so that’s on him but everyone makes mistakes.. He held on to all the prospects that are core members of the current team and had to deal with meddling by Larry Lucchino and ownership. Hardly a disaster
AC provides good support.
Well said AC!
Let’s be honest. Got lucky in 13 between how most signings worked out and Papi’s amazing ride. His free agent signings including Castillo were expensive mistakes and last place finishes in 2012, 14 and 15 were enough for me. His refusal to trade young players was a huge plus but not enough in the same way DD will be looked at years from now if Boston doesn’t win in 18 or 19.
That would be true if I was trying to make a persuasive argument, but I wasn’t – I was just stating a simple fact.
Unfortunately Free Clay your attempt at a “simple fact” contained, well, no facts.
Honestly, I didn’t lay out an actual argument because we’ve all had this debate before.
Seems like to 90% of baseball fans, it’s clear as day that Cherington was a terrible GM and would be today. 5% argue that he’s good only because they’re contrarians who want to debate. The other 5% somehow think Cherington has acquitted himself well in the front office and make it their life’s journey to defend the Sandoval signing.
What fact were you stating?
what GM hasn’t made a mistake with a free agent? Literally none. It’s just the scope of the mistake. Panda was bad. Epstein signed Carl Crawford and Jason Heyward. . Does that make him a bad GM? I am not a Cherington fanboy but he was GM for just 3.5 years and won a World Series. I don’t get the hate for the guy.
The fact that Cherington is a bad GM. As I said, I didn’t really defend the point myself haha. A fact doesn’t have to be defended to be a fact though (fact exists outside human reasoning). Besides, many other commenters said pretty much what I would have anyway.
WHAT?? A fact is a only a fact because it can be defended, you’re confusing facts with theory; theory exists outside human reasoning. Humans create theories for what can not be proved with or by facts. Facts were and are created by human reasoning and supported with data and proof.
Do you understand the difference between an opinion and a fact? You’ve regurgitated the same subjective statement multiples times. Your opinion is Ben Cherrington was a bad GM.
Nope. The statement “Time travel is real.” could be a fact but isn’t possible to prove with the information we have. Something being factual isn’t dependent on the proof available.
You’re still defining theory. The definition of a fact is statement consistent with reality or proven with evidence. Saying something someday might be proven with evidence we don’t have doesn’t make it a fact.
@Clay This response legit made me mad
Clay, it’s been well documented that he didn’t have a choice in the Bobby V. That was the ownership groups choice. And he wasn’t great at selecting free agents, this is true. But he was the guy who pulled the trigger on the Lowell/Beckett deal that won them a WS (Epstein was on sabbatical) and he drafted many of the core players in the team now.
So is he the best GM? No. But there are definitely worse. Dombrowski has had the chips to make the trades he has because Ben drafted well.
Zavada, labeling your opinions as facts doesn’t make them facts. Stop it.
No hate. The Sox in 13 overachieved and stole a WS like others have previously done. I’m more concerned with the last place finishes.
Lol free Clay Zavada…. too easy to call you out…. you’ve done 90% of the work yourself and 5% somehow feel you’re not a dummy
Yeah, that Boston farm system is a total disaster.
Dombrowski managed to fool the Padres and the White Sox into thinking they were actually getting major league players when they were really getting mediocre guys like Margot, Asuaje, Moncada and a few others or out and out busts like Guerra. I will take Sale and Kimbrel for those guys.
Simple as you never know. Look the other way too. Shaw was nice but never thought of highly by the Sox. I had no issues with his trade but the other players too? You just can’t always win every negotiation if your name is not Cashman (sarcasm intended).
Saddled the Redsox with some terrible contracts that everyone knew would be terrible before they were even signed. I’m curious who would take a flyer on him…
Do you have to ask?
He sounds like The Cardinals President of Baseball operations, John Mozeliak. Cardinal owners are having to eat close to $50 million for this season because he’s saddled the Cardinals with bad deals. However the owners still seem to love him!! Go figure!!
They probably still love him because they are still making tons of money even in a season where the team is paying 4 bad contracts. Oh yeah and the whole 10 straight winning seasons, 6 playoff appearances, 2 World Series appearances, a World Series victory, and a well stocked farm system thing.
But when is the last time the Cardinals actually even made the playoffs? This may be 3 straight seasons in a row without doing so. Thus how good a job is Mo doing? He was not at the helm for ten winning seasons, was he?
Got the job before the 2008 season and a winning record every year from 2008-2017. On track for another this year.
If you think that 3 slightly down seasons after an amazing run is worth getting rid of him for, you’re entitled to that opinion. I believe the cards are on the cusp of another successful run with the young talent they have coming up. Time will give us the answer though, cause mozeliak isn’t getting fired any time soon.
The Pablo contract alone should scare teams away
The guy gave $105 million dollars to a third baseman who just came off winning 3 World Series titles in 6 years. Word in every baseball circle was that yes Sandoval is a bigger guy but he has always been able to play at a high level regardless of his weight.
I wouldn’t hold that against him.
Then youare crazy. that much money to an old fat playerwas crazy. Go look uphow much time he missed as a giant
Bochy has multiple stints where he had to get him to loose weight but everyone in the organization felt he played better when he was bigger for whatever reason, he did.
But it’s a moot point. Horrible contract but not entirely Cheringtons fault. They just couldn’t manage him the way San Francisco’s brass had.
Not defending him just saying.
Revisionist history. At the time I didn’t like the signing and was in the distinct minority in Boston. Everyone thought it was good deal because 3rd base was a blackhole. Middlebrooks had flamed out,and there was no on in the minors ready to take over
Pablo = too many “plate” appearances
c’mon, the Sandoval deal was just idiotic.
The signing was terrible. Stevie Wonder could see that his age and health condition would catch up to him, very soon. It doesn’t matter how many titles he previously won. It’s just common sense.
When BOS signed Sandoval they knew they were getting a player who was notoriously average during the regular season but played at a higher level in the post season. Funny how he’s rebounded to form this season in SF (before his recent injury).
Actually good and bad… Hanley, and Broken belt were very bad, and Sox will be paying for it thru 2020. But he also stoked the minors, for the club we have today. Also think he is responsible for the Castillo signing that was very bad. Wish him the best and hope he has learned some things…. I’ll also say that Larry Luciano partly responsible also
It’s still really Theo’s team though. Cherington built the 2013 team, but all the current team’s core minus Sale, Kimbrel, and Porcello are Theo guys.
The one major change to the entire line up is a DD guy though and has made a really good team possibly an all time great team. DD has actually acquired 43.7 percent of the Red Sox 2018 WAR, which is kind of amazing since how many established players they had already.
Hasn’t Dan Duquette been gone for years?
Dave Dombrowski, not Dan Duquette.
Yeah, and thank goodness Duquette is gone after the way he treated our stars. Maybe that inspired his massive overpay of Chris Davis
Conner, That’s The Scouting Department if you’re talking about those core guys not traded for or signed as free agents.
So I guess you could give Theo credit for hiring the right minor league guys and Scouts. Oh, and Ben cherington sucks.
I’d disagree. I think Theo played a bigger role in drafts than you give him credit for.
You guys can’t be serious right?
At 1st I thought it was just a cub fan trolling, but now I’m starting to believe there’s people on here that are honestly trying to give Theo credit for the RedSox
Theo left for Chicago in 2011
Sure you can credit him for the incredible 2011 draft and a few other veterans, but I’d bet Cherimgton had more to do with that draft or at least just as much to do with it as Theo.
3-4 years ago I could see giving Theo some props for the team still, but he’s been gone 7 years.
There’s not a lot of guys who stay with a team for 7years, this is JD Martinez Red Sox not Ortiz and Pedroia
I’m surprised Wayne Krivsky hasn’t caught on as a MLB GM anywhere. He was doing a great job his two years with the Reds. He got a raw deal when Walt Jocketty became available.
Upon hearing this news, Pablo Sandoval decided to super size his Big Mac extra value meal this morning in celebration of his next big contract.
Does Burger King still sell Pablo’s favorite sandwich, the Whaler?
I think it’s actually called the broken belt whaler!
Cherington is the VP of player development with Toronto, Guerrero, Biggio, Bichette, Reid-Foley, Gurriel Jr. Etc are all names that he has had a hand in developing which is saying something.
I would give him a second chance.
So maybe that means he should stick to development, which he’s actually good at, rather than trying to be a GM, which he’s definitely bad at.
Exactly. I would agree with that. He’s a good baseball man, just maybe not a good GM.
Ben is “open to pursuing GM opportunities,” yeah, so am I. I wouldn’t hire Cherington to run a two-person picnic.
Is this the forum for announcing our availability to run MLB teams? I too would accept such an offer.
What I lack in MLB experience, I make up for with enthusiasm. I will be practicing my Spanish on Duolingo to better relate to our LatinX players.
Willing to relocate.
Ready to step right into the role or wait for a post World Series management house cleaning.
Unlike Jason Werth, I would work for the Mets. I certainly couldn’t do worse than they are now.
Are some of the people that read this website and comment under the impression that GMs operate in some kind of independent bubble?
with the comments ben is makng, it sounds like he isn’t focused and wants out.
Hey, Jeff. Looks like you now need to ad “subscription required” for all Boston Globe links. The Boston Globe is now charging to be able to read their articles.
They give you X number free articles a month.
I am also open to pursuing GM opportunities.
No way I would hire CHerington as GM. He got replaced for a reason.
I’ll encourage the move. best of luck to him. Hire the best available guy to replace him.
Anyone defending Sandoval and Ramirez acquisitions needs to understand this. You hire players based on the value you project they will add to your team, in the future. If you hire players because of what they did in the past, that´s an error. I hated (well, loved, bc I’m a Yankees fan) those signings when they happened.
As many people have said, maybe he´s only good at developing talent, so why rise to your level of incompetence? Stay doing what you are (well, maybe) good at.
There is a great business principle called the Peter Principle. What it says is that everyone rises to the level of their own incompetence. How it works is that a person is good at one job then gets promoted, is good at the next job then gets promoted, etc etc until they get promoted into a job they fail at..
That means the last job they had before they failed is the highest level they can attain.
petered out syndrome
Our boy Epstein signed Darvish and chatwood. Anybody can make msteaks, even me!
I hear it was Cherrington who initiated and supported the the Blue Jays Saltalamacchia experiment that was called by me and others to be a failure before it even started.
They gave Salty a minor league contract! Every team in baseball signs these types of deals, and most of them fail.
They tried to catch lightning in a bottle. This isn’t new.