Top Red Sox prospect Michael Chavis, a third baseman, has been hit with an eighty-game suspension by Major League Baseball. Per a league announcement, he tested positive for a prohibited performance-enhancing substance, dehydrochlormethyltestosterone.
The 22-year-old, who was taken 26th overall in the 2014 draft, turned in a breakout effort in 2017. Chavis entered the present season with consensus top-100 prospect status leaguewide.
It had been hoped that Chavis would continue to develop in the upper minors this year, perhaps even becoming an MLB option later in the summer or early in 2019. Now, though, he’ll miss about half of the coming season while serving his sentence.
After a few tough seasons, Chavis laid waste to the High-A level last year (.318/.388/.641) before turning in a productive second half at Double-A and then doing the same in the Arizona Fall League. While he’s not considered a standout defender, Chavis seems to have settled in as a palatable gloveman at third.
Goodnight sweet prince.
Stupid stupid stupid
Those numbers don’t look nearly as good.
That’s a mouthful
That’s what she said
That’s a real bummer man.
At least he’s still young enough to do something else with his life. See ya!
It’s never a good thing to have a very long word ending in “testosterone” associated with the phrase “tested positive”
You do wonder what these guys are thinking.
They’re thinking they want to make a ton of money and aren’t good enough to do it without assistance. It’s all about the Benjamin’s.
Testosterone will not help you be a better ball player ! It has to do with the male sex drive
False. If that’s all it helped, it wouldn’t be illegal for players to use.
and it also turns fat into muscle
and build bone mass. Mainly used to build muscle
and workout recovery!
Kid is a walking hulk anyway and has been since he was drafted. he’s short and really stacked. Been nagged by various injuries except for last season and now this..
Nice kid also. Talked with him when 1st was drafted and assigned to ft myers. Very driven individual to succeed.
So it does a lot of things to help you be a better ballplayer. Got it. Thanks.
Haha! Bone mass.
Nothing turns fat into muscle.
Nobody ever told you about dht?
You down with DHT? (Yeah, you know me!)
As a Red Sox fan, I’m saddened. Like in all cases, we should wait to make judgment. Most however are not defensible and overall it is not surprising that athletes will look to eat that apple given the dollars and glory that tempt from the tree.
You should never be sad over any prospect doing anything except dying.
Technically true. Sad over the situation today. Obviously, players make choices over what they put into their bodies when others simply do not have that luxury. That said you can be sad over different situations. Why compare? Reminds me of a white collar criminal criminal being compared to a murderer. They’re both felons. No need to compare.
As a fellow Red Sox fan, I’m disappointed and I question his breakout season last year
What’s there to question? Do you really think he just decided to start juicing after his “breakout season”?
Wait to make judgment? He took it and he got caught.
“i never intentionally took the drug in my life”
Ryan Braun #2
The guy at Subway put it in my sweet onion chicken teriyaki
See ya? Dee Gordon’s career seems to be going just fine after his suspension.
Melky Cabrera is another. To me, do a full investigation but then a multi year suspension of not life. Otherwise the money is so great that there really are no deterrents.
Papi is another
Pettitte is another
It must have been the Mexican meat..
dumb ass
Say that three times fast.
That that that.
Obligatory Papi Shake reference. Keep the legend away from the prospect because those milkshakes are suspect.
what did Papi test positive of?
But Arod was brought on to help teh kidz.
“After being bad his entire career, he suddenly was good. How did he do it? Oh.”
Breaking out at age 21. Unheard of
The perfect time to start juicing to save your weak skillset, I think that’s when Canseco started IIRC
What an idiot
Hmmm, guess we know why he went from having “tough seasons” to “laying waste” to High A.
A lot of these suspensions are due to supplements. Minor leaguers cant afford the certified supplements in US. Not at 5-10K per year salary. Those Latin American players probably buying the stuff in their home country.
Even certified product carries the risk of contamination since manufacturers cant control all aspects of the supply line
Players are not dumb enough to knowingly take these drugs that are easily detected. They may roll the dice on supplements out of economic necessity.
Being suspended without pay is tough, but he can make more at McDonalds now and may afford better supplements. Thats Sad
Chavis signed for 1.89M. He can afford supplements.
No mention that maybe he took them on purpose? You can’t just assume it’s because he took a bad supplement accidentally
Not to mention that he probably doesn’t NEED to take supplements.
I support a 100% no tolerence policy….you test positive you are out of baseball. There are hundreds of guys who don’t cheat that don’t make it because of cheaters like this one.
So you are saying there are hundreds of players in MLB today who cheated and blocking the non cheaters?
McGuire, Bond, Canseco, etc, you name it!
He must have Ortiz and Ramirez as mentors…
Sad but every team had PED users and probably still do. Undetection enhancers will be detected tomorrow while certain players get rich in the meantime. As another already said it, those cheating are hurting other athletes. Basically taking money that would have gone to someone else. Fraud. Make them give back their earnings to a fund for those t b.c. at don’t make it and later develop medical issues.
Using supplements doesn’t hold up as an excuse. If you’re foolish enough to take without a confirmed ok from MLB, who’s at fault?
Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone is 874 points in Scrabble.
Why has there been a significant percentage of PED suspensions in the minors lately? Mlb making exceptions to big leaguers or do players have too much help to not come up positive? You can’t seriously believe only a couple guys in bigs are on some form of PED.
The MLB tests players 3 times per year, even more for anyone with a previous positive..( Minor league tests for marijuana, which is preposterous (because weed is legal in like 20 states now) So yes, minor league drug tests are more likely to come up positive.
MLB not testing for weed but MiLB does is a thing all players should strike over. It’s the same as booze now, get over this propaganda-fueled hatred over what is a miracle cure for many.
Maybe he has low T…no wait a minute, he must have a low I.Q! The fact that these kids think they can beat the system tells me that PEDs are still running wild in MLB and it’s minor league affiliates. Someone is telling these idiots what to take and how they beat the tests.
Chavis was a HUGE disappointment as a #1 draft pick until last season. We were hoping that he had matured into his talent; sounds like he manufactured it instead. Now the real test begins when he gets back from these 80 games. No way he’ll cheat again with all of the follow up testing they do with known cheaters, so if he reverts back to the low .200’s with less than 10 HRs, we have our answer about last year’s ‘breakout’ season.
It’s really too bad as Chavis loves baseball and appeared to be a very nice kid…maybe he’s just a good actor like all of the others in whose footsteps he has followed.
If he loved baseball he wouldn’t cheat. #mikedrop
Why are you dropping Mike? What did he do to you?
Did you tell Mike that it was you and not him?
Even though it was probably him.
As a rule, nothing good from taking anything that needs 30 letters to spell….