Click here to read a transcript of today’s chat with host Jeff Todd.
By Jeff Todd | at
Click here to read a transcript of today’s chat with host Jeff Todd.
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Any tips for getting my questions accepted, Jeff? I’m 0-for-my-last-forever, and your chats are most interesting to me. Make a JotCast acc? Send questions email? Be there early. Lol Help me out.
I’m really only even able to glance at a fraction of the questions, so it’s mostly a roll of the dice. If I do see your question … I am not likely to read more than one sentence, won’t generally answer “latest on x” or “player x to team y?” sorts of questions, and am primarily looking for something that I am going to be capable of weighing in on in a reasonably concise manner (so I won’t be taking scouting questions about prospects, questions that require long analysis, etc).
Honestly, I don’t think the other things you mention would make a difference. I appreciate you continuing to follow the chats — I’m sure I’ll find you in there at some point!
So the answer is, if you want Jeff to respond to your questions, then ask him in the comment section after the chat.
Now you’re 1 for 1.
Thanks for all The Padres topics. Exciting times for Padres fans. All the Preller hate is laughable. Dude has absolutely killed it w trades and IFA. 2 do overs we wish could have would be Upton for Fulmer, and Turner/Bauer’s/Ross for Myers. Ohtani made a big mistake by not choosing the up and coming Friars. Cheers to 2019
They didn’t have a top 3 (arguably #1) farm system before Preller, so even if you hate his MLB trades and signings, the guy sure whipped that system into a big deal in a hurry.
“Honestly I could get behind a scenario where the Marlins promise Bartolo like 5 mil for the entire rest of his career, and he just sort of keeps pitching until he’s 50.” – isn’t that what he asked the Mets to do with him?
I’d say that they didn’t make that offer for Miller because there was no way the Indians would do that, considering that they made the WS that year.
Both Miller and Chapman were both acquired from the Yankees in the same summer.
Chat Transcript: A written conversation with yourself.
3:19 Any chance that the Pirates might surprise with a big free agent signing?
Jeffrey Todd
3:19 No.”
ANY chance includes 0.000000000001% and yet the answer is still correct.