The Rays are preparing to utilize a four-man rotation for the entirety of the coming season, Marc Topkin of the Tampa Bay Times writes, with the expectation being that the club will load up the bullpen with multi-inning-capable arms. Topkin covers a wide range of possibilities for the relief corps and details the club’s thinking behind the unusual move. The plan is to utilize a string of relievers to work the fifth rotation spot, rather than designating a single pitcher to take that job. That approach seems designed both to take advantage of the organization’s options and to incorporate some analytical lessons on platoons and pitchers facing an order multiple times.
More from the east:
- Joel Sherman of the New York Post checks in on Mets third baseman David Wright, who is still plugging away in a comeback effort that seems unlikely to succeed. He says he wants to give it everything he can so that his “head can hit the pillow and I know I made every effort to play.” But that doesn’t mean it’s easy for the 33-year-old to be a part of a team that’s likely never to put him back on the field. “The mental part of coming in and knowing you bring nothing to the table as far as helping the team get ready for the season and helping the team win, for me, is the hardest part,” says Wright, “as hard as physical part of the rehab process.” Wright’s devastating combination of injuries is well-documented, of course. Remarkably, he was still capable of productive hitting when he briefly appeared on the field in 2015 and 2016, but Wright was only able to suit up for three High-A contests last year.
- The Nationals don’t have a particularly clear role for outfielder Brian Goodwin, but as Pete Kerzel of writes, new skipper Davey Martinez intends to find ways to utilize Goodwin. The 27-year-old doesn’t exactly sound like he’s excited by the organization’s plans after he turned in a solid 2017 campaign. “I don’t think my role is defined, or ever has been since I’ve been in camp,” Goodwin said. “I come into camp and I feel like I’m trying to earn a spot, trying to find somewhere – a home, where I can play every day, start 162 games and play every day for somebody whether it’s here or anywhere.”
- Speaking of lefty hitting outfielders, the Orioles came into the offseason badly needing one. The club erred in its approach to filling that need, Dan Connolly of argues. Baltimore ended up drawing Colby Rasmus back out of retirement with a deal that could actually exceed the one that Jon Jay just signed with the Royals. The issue, says Connolly, is that Jay suits the O’s needs much more than does Rasmus — and also was the desired target of team leaders Adam Jones and Manny Machado. It’s an interesting look at the team’s decisionmaking process.
Commentators: With multiple teams going with a 6 man rotation are we looking at the new future of Major League rotation?
Tampa Bay Front Office: Hold my beer…
Commentators: WTF?!
Sometimes I think the Rays FO is trying to get fired with these decisions. But Stu wont fire them because they know how to get him more money…which is his goal.
Maybe if they hadn’t given away Odorizzi for a marginal prospect they wouldnt have this problem.
Nah, they’re still using a 5 man, they’re just spreading all the young arms out over the bullpen to use on the 5th day.
I personally hope this leads to more 4-4 style rotations with smaller bullpens. Using 2 pitchers a game sure would speed the game up and 8-10 SP’s would have a job on every team.
I don’t think Goodwin has anything to complain about – a ..251 BA and .313 OBP are not solid offensive numbers. He did show good power, but then again everyone did because of the juiced baseballs.
He was better against left-handed pitchers and his defense was average in all three outfield positions. There’s a place for guys like that but with tiny benches it’s definitely harder for platoon bats to stick. Goodwin has major league talent.
No he doesn’t, he’s a 4th OF at best and a marginal talent overall. The Nats could cut him entirely and it wouldn’t mean anything to them.
Being a fourth outfielder definitely constitutes having “major league talent.” A lot of teams don’t even have three decent outfielders, let alone four.
I’m not saying he isn’t a major leaguer. I’m just saying he has no business complaining about his role. Most important facet of hitting is getting on base – that’s the goal of every at-bat, and .313 doesn’t give you the right to demand a finite role.
Find me a team in baseball that wants Brian Goodwin to be an everyday player and I’ll show you a bad team. The man is a 4th outfielder at best.
Wright is probably only continuing his comeback because if he retired he’d have to forfeit the rest of his contract.
Not that I can necessarily blame him for doing that (especially since the Mets have insurance), but the chances of him ever playing in the majors again seem slim to none.
If Wright were looking for a way to receive the remainder of the $ due him without playing or trying to play I’m sure he’d have no difficulty finding an appropriate doctor who would declare him permanently PUP. He could “go home” now and keep getting paid, were that his motivation. While I agree—it is unlikely that Wright will ever play in MLB again—it is not fair to assume that he is motivated solely, or even partially, by money here.
Absolutely. To even suggest that about someone like Wright is borderline shameful. And he helps the team by allowing them to collect the insurance.
It’s like the Fielder “retirement” from the Rangers. Team still has to pay him with insurance covering part of it. He could limp away with bags o’money but he wants to play. Understandable, he’s young.
“The Nationals don’t have a particularly clear role for outfielder Brian Goodwin, . . . “
Yeah, they do, it’s called “4th outfielder.” He can platoon with MA Taylor in CF and back up at both corners. It may not be the starting gig he was hoping for but he will play and will have the opportunity to play himself into a bigger role. Unless the Nats decide that Robles is ready now, Goodwin will be the only other CF on the team.
Why would they platoon him with MAT if MAT’s stats vs. RHP are better than Goodwin’s vs. RHP?
“Why would they platoon him with MAT if MAT’s stats vs. RHP are better than Goodwin’s vs. RHP.”
Good question. However, since your premise is false—Goodwin’s career OPS vs. RH pitcher is higher than Taylor’s—it’s of academic interest only.
There is 0 chance that Goodwin starts v RHP over MAT. That would mean Goodwin gets the lion share of playing time. MAT’s numbers were better than Goodwin’s against righties last year and he’s a vastly superior defensive CF.
Neither Taylor nor Goodwin are future stars however both may be useful, alone or in combination, for a couple of their career peak years. Neither of them has earned the starting job but the two of them could do an adequate job of sharing CF.
“There is 0 chance that Goodwin starts v RHP over MAT.”
Perhaps I should have been clearer, it wouldn’t be a strict platoon—Taylor will start vs. some RH SPs. And it would be subject to periodic adjustment based on both players performance. Whichever plays better will play more.
Curious why you believe that MAT is “a vastly superior defensive CF”? The sample size for Goodwin is too small to reach any meaningful conclusions, although visually he appears to be a plus defensive OF. Even if not as good as MAT the Nats won’t be losing much defensively with Goodwin.
“MAT’s numbers were better than Goodwin’s against righties last year . . . “
And you find that one year of data more relevant than his career numbers? Look at his age. It’s much more likely that last year was MAT’s career year than that he reached some new plateau of performance. Guys who strike out that much at age 27 tend to have short careers.
Harper’s potential departure isn’t the only reason the Nats have been unwilling to trade Robles. While they may get by, and even thrive, this year with the combo of MAT and Goodwin, Rizzo knows they need a CFer.
4 man rotation sounds interesting but my gut feeling is it won’t last the whole season
Well technically it’s still working as a 5-man rotation. 4 of the starters are from starting pitchers and the 5th is a string of relievers.
Stubborn Cash? It will last all season. And I would not be surprised to see losses in at least 80% of those games (the game fives). This is just dumb considering the one strength the Rays have (starting pitching depth).
I think they’ll give up the 4 man rotation prettu quick when someone gets injured.
It’s going to be hard on their bullpen to schedule multiple arms fresh enough to pitch multiple innings every 5 games.
Tony LaRussa experimented with something like this one season. The concept was to schedule 3 pitchers per game to pitch 3 innings. I don’t remember exactly why, but it was not successful.
It was 1994 I believe, and LaRussa had a bunch of old pitchers; he tried to do a rolling schedule where everyone threw a few innings with two or three bullpen guys to finish out innings when someone got bombed (Gossage and Moore and Welch were on that team, maybe Stewart still). It was an intriguing idea at the time but basically all the pitchers were so bad or got injured, because they were all old, that he had to abandon it a month into the season.
FYI. None of those pitchers were on the 94 Cards. However, I was totally surprised that Gossage pitched that year for Seattle.
Rays and Oakland should just join up…they would still not be as good as most AL teams
I don’t think we have to check in on David Wright anymore. It’s annoying to me even as a Mets fan because it just seems like every month or so, Wright gives vague optimism to reporters and says that he’s doing his best to rehab his injured everything. None of it matters unless he’s actually doing a minor league rehab assignment for an extended period of time, which hasn’t happened in a while. I respect his determination, but there’s no point in giving Mets fans false hope.
A four-man rotation is further proof this FO/manager are in over their head. What is *the* strength of the system? Depth in starting pitching–so give up one game out of five and avoid taking advantage of your strength. Dumb. I want them all gone, but then I would be stuck with a cheap owner who knows even less about the game…tough times in St Pete’s. People complained about Joe and Friedman constantly, methinks those same folks would welcome them back now.
One could just as easily argue that they’re taking full advantage of that depth by penciling in multiple pitchers capable of starting and assigning them only 2 or 3 innings a piece.
It’s still a 5 man rotation, they’re just using all RPs on the 5th day. It’s actually a really smart way to handle their SP depth.
I have noticed the O’s front office has been seemingly inconsistent for years now. They have neglected starting pitching, but apparently they are trying to get one of these big 3 SP Free Agents…
David Wright is going to be 36…
I know how did they miss that lol
Came here to say that. He’s that irrelevant now that it’s mentioned in like the 20th comment
The Orioles front office is a mess , they constantly make the wrong decisions , if you ask me that’s where the changes need to occur first , starting with Angelos selling the team
Duquette may be part of the problem, but the biggest problem is Angelos who has eclipsed Jeffrey Loria as most demented control freak owner in the modern era. Arguably nothing they do makes sense.
As long as Angelos is the owner, this is what the Orioles’ fanbase will deal with. I’ll never understand why Angelos would rather have 30% filled stadium at $35 a ticket rather than packing the stadium out by spending more for what the team needs to win and raising the ticket prices. I personally haven’t trusted Duquette since he wanted to be released to go to the Blue Jays.
A $35 ticket is a premium seat at OPACY. You can get a pretty good seat for $20 95% of th me time.
According to Forbes, the Orioles average ticket price is the 9th highest at $78.19
According to a Baltimore native who has never paid more than $50 for a regular season game that number is way too high. Even a Yankees/orioles weekend series you can find yourself a pretty good seat for under 50.
What the Orioles charge for a ticket and what you can find cheap on Stubhub or scalper are not a good comparison. I can get tickets from my cousin Vinny for $10. People dump their tickets all the time. I am a Baltimore native and the June 1st game is $29 for bleacher seats.
I’d love to see Angelos sell the team if and a very big “IF” they could find an owner that would let the baseball professional run the team. But I learned long ago to watch what you wish for because someone like Loria could buy them.
Yeah the Rays front office is really crazy and not maximizing their resources. Instead of going to a six-man rotation and giving Chris Archer 26 starts they are going to a four-man rotation and giving him 41 starts. What a way to not get the most out of a great resource.
Maybe we as fans really should stop putting as much emphasis on caring about how teams use their pitching staffs? This totally undefined/in-name-only “1-5” “ace/back end” crud needs to go anyway. Barely any team even ends up pitching their best SP on Opening Day anymore, and even if they do, they DEFINITELY don’t use them in that order in September. We need to be more loose with this to change with the times.
I’m pretty sure MLB is headed towards a direction where everyone is a 2-way player and few ever play a set position, and we soon might not even use “normal” SPs anymore if teams start going 4-4 or all RPs. Us fans need to change with the times faster: it seems like basketball fans seem to love the 3 pointer, but if that was baseball, it would still have dozens of relics pining for the “good ol days” (again, a totally meaningless thing that really means “I hate and refuse to change and will complain loudly if I have to”) like they do with the DH.
How can he say Wright was productive when he played in 2016? He was atrocious in 2016. He was somewhat productive in his limited appearance in 2015 but certainly not in 2016, or 2014 for that matter.
118 wRC+ in 2016. 125 combined from 2015-16. That’s good
Goodwin is a poor defender and doesn’t get on base enough.
Power/SLG-only-but-otherwise-empty profiles are in abundance, Goodwin is just another one the huge pile of these 1-note players. He doesn’t deserve to be anything other than a 4th OF.
Lol well go figure once again the Orioles FO signs another garbage player. Im used to it by now.
If David Wright was a free agent right now he’d retire. A free 20 mill every year from the Mets is obviously hard to walk away from. Everybody including Wright knows he’ll never play in the majors again. When he can secure all of his remaining contract he’ll retire.
Jon Jay would have fit the Orioles well, but the O’s never go after speed, defense or average….just homers. They are killing themselves with their one-dimensional attitude.
It does seem odd – they aren’t willing to spend money in the International free-agent market, don’t want to sign FA pitching (probably defensible) but give big dollars to guys like Davis and Trumbo, who are pretty fungible talents.
Trumbo’s 3/39 isn’t big money. The markets corrected but that was a typical deal for a guy who put up his numbers. He hit 48 Home runs that year.
I’m really getting a feeling that ownership doesn’t want the front office to commit to much beyond 2018. The moves made this offseason are vastly underwhelming, not plugging holes with players that would help compete. From the outside to me it really feels like Baltimore is in that last year of contention and ready to turn everything over when Manny and Co leave at the end of the year. New front office, new infield, outfield, bullpen, maybe more.
Idk we have a pretty good defensive infield. Jay doesn’t have speed but he would’ve provided OBP average and defense. Rasmus provides defense and more of the same. Such is life.
Can Wright still bat but not throw? Or does batting also cause problems? If he could bat, he could be an interesting thought for a DH. Maybe a trade with the Blue Jays for Morales..?
The rays are a joke… you can’t add another starter, teams like this are the reason free agency has been so awful this year
Signing Rasmus for more than Jay shows me that they didn’t even bother looking into Jay. But they’ve finally satisfied their man crush with Rasmus so I guess that’s all that matters.
It could be for more if Rasmus hits all of his incentives. Also Jay is on the record as saying he signed with the Royals since they said he could play every day. Orioles likely want to play Mancini and Hays making this spot a part time role so Rasmus won’t hit all of those incentives.
Rasmus doesn’t have a dollar guaranteed to him. I do think jay is a better fit but it is what it is. Regardless of hays, jay would’ve given us a dependable 4th outfielder with OBP skills. If we snag Neil walker I think that’ll make up for missing out on jay. Walker and jay would’ve been preferable and added some balance to our lineup IMO.. Hays might need some more seasoning in the minors.
While I’m at it. Rasmus posted roughly the same WAR number as Jay did last year in 200 less PA’s. They also posted identical, though very high BABIP’s as well. So, the argument could be made that Rasmus may be the superior player. I’m not going to make that argument. I’ll just float that out there and let you guys chew on it.
The Orioles don’t mind paying more for less. Especially when they are bidding against themselves.
Signed Chris Davis
The article is misleading. Clearly the Rays have zero pitchers set to pitch ever 4th game. Its a five man rotation with simply the 5th Spot being shared. To call it a 4 man rotation is absurd
Just waiting for the Oriole apologists. They think it has been a great offseason. Rasmus, Tillman and Cashner signings, not signing a utility guy that wanted to play here. So a non-contact leadoff hitter, two starters who have not thrown yet, and desperate for a Ryan Flaherty type utility player-when we should have the original. But we did get better by getting rid of Ubaldo and Miley.
Flaherty has barely been able to scrape out any ABs the last 2 seasons. We certainly don’t need him wasting a bench spot. Beckham can play any of those positions and Valencia can cover 3rd on those days. I’ll take Valencia who can actually hit the ball over Flaherty who can’t hit a thing. We need another pitcher there’s no excuse for that. We’ve also been linked to Neil walker. Offseason probably isn’t over yet
Then why do all the Oriole sports writers write about how they screwed up by bot signing Flaherty and are still hoping he gets cut by the Phillies. And Valencia as a utility guy? He does not play 2nd or ss, a necessity of a utility player. Utility guys are who they are because they can field multiple infield positions, not just hit. Also Valencia is perhaps the biggest jerk in baseball. Look up all of the articles about him being disliked in every clubhouse. That is why we traded him the first time. And Beckham is at 3b right now and was traded from the Rays because he did not want to be a utility guy.
Honestly I’ve never heard someone clamor for a utility infielder with the offensive profile of Ryan flaherty. He can play a ton of positions and he’s well liked in the clubhouse and that’s where the positives stop. If the orioles manage to snag a Neil walker and a lance Lynn or Alex Cobb I’d say this offseason was a success. That’s still a lot of work to do but they should be relative bargains at this point. IF that happens as an Orioles fan there’s nothing to complain about because that’s the best we were ever realistically going to do.
Orioles still want Flaherty. That is the point. The front office screwed up waiting too long. Success? We have only seen two starters pitch so far. Castro is hurt and the free agent help has yet to pitch. They did not trade Manny to help rebuild. Look at the rosters. They are picked last for a reason, just as they were last year. Sure they made a run, but what matters is how you finish.
The problem is wanting flaherty. Flaherty doesn’t play fantastic defense to make up for his lack of hiring either. Tim Beckham will be a below average starting 3B I can assure you of that. He’s not good enough to start everyday at 3rd and it’d be stupid in today’s league to not maximize your versatility. Valencia was brought back so I’d have to imagine those clubhouse issues aren’t too bad. He can actually hit the baseball. Flaherty cannot. Neil walker makes the most sense.…
Comments on how much of a clubhouse troublemaker are listed here. The Royals traded him to better the clubhouse. And again, your comments against Flaherty goes against the team as the Orioles still want him. They were just too dysfunctional to get the deal done. You keep mixing items up. Who is your utility? Beckham-he was a problem for the Rays for that reason. Valencia is a jerk, and if he is your 3b, Beckham is the mad utility player? Flaherty plays everything well and knows his role. Players who think they are starters don’t like being a bench-utility guy.
No Lance Lynn. No Neil Walker. Only Cobb is left and never was crazy about him anyway. So not so successful. Ask any non-orange blooded fan if this was a good offseason.
Goodwin is a solid player that I would target in a trade if I were a team with a weak outfield. I would actually prefer him over Keon Broxton.
He has first round pedigree, is under control for 3 more seasons, and is entering his prime seasons.
Glancing at his hitting stats, the number that stands out is 21 doubles in just over 270 plate appearances. With regular playing time he could either compete for the league lead in doubles or start turning those doubles into homers.
Nice talent in the wrong place. Go get him White Sox, Royals or Tigers.
Those outfields are really bad. Goodwin probably isn’t a center fielder though. At least not a good one. All those teams have glaring holes up the middle and you’d be adding a poor defensive CF. Broxton’s a little betterdefensively but those strikeout issues are pretty bad. It’s a coin flip. Can’t imagine a good team would want either of these guys playing everyday. Nats should probably keep Goodwin until they feel Robles is ready though. doesnt make a lot of sense to dump your top backup OFer for a prospect when your trying to compete unless Goodwin is a clubhouse distraction.
Wright, You’ll always be one of my favorite Mets. I love you too much to see you keep doing this to yourself. As much as I’d love a 2015 sequel where you get healthy for two months down the stretch and give us clutch af bats for another playoff run … I just can’t watch you suffer anymore
For David Wright to not retire for the sake of his team is outrageous. He’s holding back an entire team all because he’s wallet and his pride would be hurt if he retired. Such a shame.
Your post is what’s outrageous. The Mets are a big market franchise worth about a billion dollars. Paying an injured player shouldn’t “hold them back”. And why should a player who has a guaranteed contract and who got hurt be obligated to give up the money he is owed? One of the main benefits of the guaranteed contracts is to protect players from losing $ due to injury. And if injury does make it impossible for him to play, he can get the full contract without even trying to make the comeback. And the contract is insured so it doesn’t even cost the Mets a ton
That’s crap. Wright bleeds Mets blue and wants to return, if it all possible.
How dare he attempt to do the only thing he’s ever done as a professional. Lay down and go away David. Please don’t give it your all to comeback. Just quit.
That’s what I love about Mets fans; absolute loyalty to the Coupons as owners and none to the Captain of the team.
Hey wake up boys. He signed the contract. The team lives up to it,period.
At least you don’t see him playing golf or pulling muscles left and right because he doesn’t drink enough water as other knuckleheads on the team do.
Stop complaining that he gives an interview rather than playing primadona.
Do you want to blame someone for the article? Why don’t you start with the writer, Joel “Mr Met Bobblehead” Sherman.
For me I’m happy that he is doing his job and not pretending to write an accurate article about the Yankees. He’s lucky that our team doesn’t ban him from the stadium for some of the moronic articles that he has drafted out of the land of make believe.
Someone doesn’t know what the word “facetious” means. Get bent, tool.
Oh. Eventually you showed up. You must have had a hard time getting out of Brooklyn. How were the Nets? You like all the rhyming losers.
And BTW metseventually, speaking of what the word eventually means, your team is as close today as it was in 1987 at the beginning of your current 30+ year song dance.
When you changed your identity from:
Mets2015NLChamps2016WSChamps after the 2016 season you had little confidence and should have switched teams. Obviously you didn’t want to put your b – – l s on the line and get totally behind the Mets. So your whimpy identity speaks volumes.
And NO, tue Yankees do not offer Mets fans a conversion option. Look south towards Philly or Baltimore or start with minor league teams to see how professional baseball teams are managed.
I can tell you’re really heated about misreading the original commenters post, because you started talking to yourself here. If trolling me gets you that off, I’m more than happy to make you happy friend.
Once again, the commenter was trolling people who say that David Wright should quit the game he loves and has worked his entire life for. Get bent, tool.
Why doesn’t MLBTR do a story on Big Bad contracts? Almost every big market team has one or more? Wright, Elsbury, Crawford, Panda, Heyward, Kemp, Pujols. Would be an interesting and timely read when tied into the current market.
Davis, M-Cab, J-Zimmerman, Joe Mauer (Might get some push back there) probably a bunch more im forgetting as well.
No push back on me from Mauer. At least he’s a decent player but that contract is horrible. No way around that.
Chris Davis, Tomas, Adrian Gonzalez, Andre Eithiers and Matt Cain’s before it just came off the books. Ryan Zimmerman had a good year but his contract extension has been a horrible mistake. Just a few extra bad ones that come to mind. Nothing is as obscene as the Heywars one though.
Wright’s contract wasn’t a bad one. There was no way of anticipating his debilitating injuries.
The Rays are already utilizing a dysfunctional organization. so what’s that harm?
So how would we get the insurance money on Wright’s contract? That money could land a guy like Yunel Escobar, Napoli, etc…
What the Orioles charge for a ticket and what you can find cheap on Stubhub or scalper are not a good comparison. I can get tickets from my cousin Vinny for $10. People dump their tickets all the time. I am a Baltimore native and the June 1st game is $29 for bleacher seats.