Current Braves and former Blue Jays GM Alex Anthopoulos joined’s Mark Feinsand for a wide-ranging podcast chat. It’s a great listen in full for fans of either of those organizations or anyone interested in learning more about Anthopoulos’s path in the game.
Anthopoulos opened up on some key elements of his time in Toronto now that a few years have passed. He served as GM there from 2010 to 2015 before moving on to a stint with the Dodgers front office and then landing the GM gig in Atlanta last fall.
While the end to his perch atop the Jays’ baseball ops department was obviously bittersweet, particularly as it came right on the heels of a bitter ALCS loss, Anthopoulos also made abundantly clear that he feels no ill will at all toward current club president Mark Shapiro. Rather, he says, the fit just did not seem optimal and he elected not to sign a five-year offer to remain.
Anthopoulos answered a bevy of questions about some of the key deals swung during his tenure, going all the way back to the organization’s admitted good fortune of landing of pre-breakout stars in Edwin Encarnacion and Jose Bautista. Of note, he acknowledged — as he was not really willing to do at the time — that Bautista might not have been extended in early 2011 had it not been for the earlier swap that took Vernon Wells’s extension off the books. (Anthopoulos also acknowledged feeling some unease after many big moves, including the Bautista extension and even the acquisition of Josh Donaldson.)
There’s plenty more historical examination in the chat, including the recruitment of Russell Martin. That deal went down when the Jays decided to offer an additional season and $8MM in guaranteed money, boosting the organization’s offer over the four-year, $74MM scenarios that other teams had dangled. Among other memorable moves, Anthopoulos explains the trade deadline double-play that landed Troy Tulowitzki (link) and David Price (link). That mid-season, go-for-it maneuver came about because the team (correctly) believed it had a rare chance at a big run if only it could shore up its run prevention.
Anthopoulos says he received interest from a number of clubs after deciding to leave the Jays, but his decision ultimately boiled down to one between the Astros and Dodgers. In the end, he cites his longstanding relationships with president of baseball ops Andrew Friedman and GM Farhan Zaidi as the primary decisions to choose the opportunity presented by the Dodgers.
Likewise, in moving on to Atlanta, Anthopoulos said he was convinced not only of the state of the organization’s resources but also that it’d be enjoyable to work under team chairman Terry McGuirk. The international signing scandal that opened the GM seat cost the organization some prospects, but Anthopoulos suggests that does not change the overall trajectory of the team, which he says is loaded with young talent.
The Braves certainly have not engaged in a ton of momentous dealmaking since Anthopoulos took over, but he did discuss the massive salary-swapping arrangement he worked out with the Dodgers. It helped, he acknowledged, that he had just been with the Los Angeles organization, as he knew its intentions and had plenty of trust with its leadership. While both sides explored other possibilities before pulling the trigger on the deal, Anthopoulos says it was the “only deal that was going to make sense” for the Braves involving Matt Kemp.
Moving Kemp to clear the way for the eventual call-up of Ronald Acuna was the “number one priority from a player standpoint,’ says Anthopoulos. Reallocating salary commitments to the 2018 season functioned to create ample “financial flexibility” for the organization moving forward. It seems the goal for the coming season is to develop and assess young players before deciding whether and how the organization “might need those dollars” it freed for the future.
At spring camp, Anthopoulos says, he’s focused on getting to know the young players who are vying to become parts of the organization’s future. Some, he acknowledges, may end up being traded. The spring offers a chance to gain new insight on the “human element,” Anthopoulos says, calling that one of the many elements he has gained additional appreciation for over his decades in the game.
The most often asked question is probably……..
“How Soon Will Ronald Acuna Be Playing Next To Inciarte?”
1. “Two Weeks?”……….The 2018 Season starts on March 29th this year, so the “2 week thing” would be Thursday, April 12th………OR……..Friday The 13th….YIKES!!!!! Please don’t bring him up on Friday April 13th………Adds 1-Yr of Team Control
2. June 15th…..”ish”…??? Sounds late to me……but it would prevent him from being Super-Two eligible.
3. Mid-Season?…….Ugh…….Hope not…….
Every indication given by the current FO over nearly the entire offseason says that they’ll be waiting a few weeks and then bring him up once they’re absolutely assured of having that extra year of control. Seems like they’re perfectly okay with him being a Super Two guy.
Date set. April 16, 2018
Go Alex. We miss you in Toronto. Sigh.
No we don’t.
If AA were still here Toronto would be the 2014 Phillies right now.
Yes we do. How about AA and Markakis for Atkins, Shapiro, and Loup. Don’t know what we would do with Markakis, maybe make him team President.
Why? He decided to leave and left this regime with little to work with and a short window.
I’d have to disagree. Other than the Dickey trade, it’s not like the Jays lost any difference makers during his tenure. Also, people forget that he signed Vlad Jr, drafted Alford/Stroman/Osuna among others. Yes, he did trade a lot of prospects, Hoffman and Syndergaard amongst them, but they were still considered a middle of the pack organization in terms of prospects after those trades. This was the same guy who got rid of the Wells contract, a declining Reyes, and traded for Donaldson, Estrada, Travis (very talented but probably more brittle than Tulo). Yes, some of his moves blew up in his face, but for the most part he had built a contender and I was excited to see what he would do next to build the organization back up, before hell broke loose lol.
Question: If you’re willing to overlook the fact that it took Anthopolous five years from the start of his tenure to get a team to the postseason, why aren’t people willing to give Atkins the same amount of time?
When the new management showed up, they found themselves with the oldest team in baseball, and no pitching/position player prospects above single-A. Atkins described the AAA SP situation as “five guys named blank”. The team had to go out and sign a ton of randos to minor-league contracts just to field a team in Buffalo.
Like, seriously, the only Blue Jays-developed prospects to make their way to the majors in the last three full years are Osuna, Tepera and Barnes. (Four, I guess, if you count Miguel Castro.) Zero starting pitchers. Zero position players. Zero catchers. As a matter of fact, the entire Anthopolous era produced precisely one position player who is still playing in the major leagues. That’s Kevin PIllar, and as you know, a lot of Blue Jays fans are ready to move on from him because they’re frustrated with the bat.
Yes, there are position players coming now, and some of them were drafted by AA. That’s great. But there’s no escaping that five year gap between 2009 – 2014 where AA’s inexperience led him to believe that focusing only on pitching was a winning strategy. He grew out of that, and Atlanta will benefit. Blue Jays fans, though? Not so much.
That’s a pretty pessimistic way to view his tenure…let me start by saying I like the job Shapiro and Atkins have done, I’m not sure real hardcore fans don’t like them that’s more the lazy casual fan screaming for them to fire them and the head coach..I’m a fan of this mgmt team…but there’s no comparing the organizations AA and Shapiro/Atkins inherited.. AA left the org is better shape then when he found it pretty much across the board…better major league team..witnessed by the fact that they again were a few games away from the WS year 1 of the new regime, better farm, albeit yes bereft of talent close to major league ready and a fan base that was enthused about Blue Jay baseball. This team had actual credibility when they got here… can you say the same when AA took over and had to deal his HOF ace who was tired of trying to lead a second rate organization and wanted out? And every team signs the Mat Latos of the world as AAA depth..I’m not sure who you root for but I don’t know any org that has 15 Clayton Kershaws lying around. There is also multiple ways to build a club… you’re right they haven’t drafted and developed a ton of position players during that span… but they traded for and signed a bunch of really productive players with lots of control during that time… I’m not sure a young cheap core of Sanchez, Stroman, Osuna, Travis, Donaldson and Pillar supplemented by veterans like Bautista, Encarnacion, Russell, Tulo was a bad way to go. Again the proof is in the pudding.. AA ended a 20+ year long skid of futility and the window still isn’t shut…the farm is today very very VERY healthy..led of course by the AA signed Vlad Guerrero Jr.
I agree with most of your analysis.
I will add though that it took 2 years for Cashman to totally rebuild the Yankees minor league system and build a potential winner at the MLB level. It can be done. It doesn’t need to take 5 years.
I will add that Shapiro is great at building minor league systems but in 14 years of cleveland they only got deep into the playoffs ONCE. and flamed out. Plus, when the next Cleveland regime came in, they had to clean up Shapiro’s major league mess and get rid of Bourne, Swisher etc, acquire Miller and others. I am not interested in waiting 14 years when the proper moves like a Cashman regularly makes can take 2 years.
@ warren
“Like, seriously, the only Blue Jays-developed prospects to make their way to the majors in the last three full years are Osuna, Tepera and Barnes. (Four, I guess, if you count Miguel Castro.”
Stroman, Sanchez, Gomes, Travis/Lawrie, Boyd, Norris (they were acquired as prospects), Syndergaard, etc.
Like are you purposely ignoring all the successful players?
Speak for yourself, the big picture is he gave up very little to get guys that played in the big picture. Donaldson trade, maybe one of those guys looks like he will stick(Barreto, whom I might add everyone hated except for me), Norris has been up and down, so has Castro. Honestly he gave the Jays fans hope when we had none.
Jays also gave up Kendall Graveman in that deal who is the A’s #1SP according to their depth chart. And they also use Brett Lawrie successfully that year before trading him to CWS which is where he collapsed. Not so black and white, yes Jays likely win the deal overall, but it’s not a complete run away.
Sure Graveman is a nice piece and Barreto is well thought of and has lots of control left but Donaldson has led the team to 2 ALCS, won a league MVP and put up just over 21 WAR in the last 3 seasons of cheap team control. Massive, massive, MASSIVE win by AA on that trade.
Absolutely massive win by AA on th the Donaldson trade as well as many of his other trades too. In the A’s deal, Graveman is not a #1, and has truuble staying healthy. Barreto’s propect ranking has been falling for 2 years straight.
Obtaining Price from Detroit for 3 pitchers who haven’t found their way yet. And Norris hasn’t done anything. He got rid of Reyes for Tulo and none of the 3 prospects included in that deal are doing anything successful near the majors and likely never will.
He gave up Snydergard and Darnaud who both have trouble staying on the field for 600 quality innings of Dickey. Thor is a max effort pitcher on every pitch with a violent delivery, which means he likely won’t be around longterm even though he has elite stuff.. He has only had one good year, one okay year and 1 bad year and obviously can”t pitch over 200 innings. I like D’Arnaud as a catcher but he has trouble staying on the field as well.
Still missing AA in Toronto bigtime.
Mark these words. 2018 will not see the Jays in the playoffs again. Thanks Shapiro and Atkins.
It’s a complete runaway. You give up a guy who amounts to a solid back end of the rotation pitcher and an unproven but talented prospect that still hasn’t really cracked the big leagues. It’s been what 4 years? And barreto hasn’t contributed anything yet. He still has a big swing a miss problem in his game, and certainly isn’t a can’t miss prospect.. Jays won.
as opposed to the killer competitors you are now?
Not all of us do. Good luck in Atlanta!
Sure drowned those jays
Matt Boyd
Daniel Norris
Jeff Hoffman
Miguel Castro
Coulda had em for 6 yrs each
Hoffman could turn out to hurt. I thought Norris was going to be a star. But right now Him, Boyd, and Castro aren’t big losses.
Lol. The man gave Toronto fans a team to be excited about and gave up prospects that amounted in to nothing. No reason for jays fans to have any distaste for AA. Hoffman is the only one with serious potential left and even he hasn’t looked very good.
Literally none of those guys have turned out to be any good
The only names on these posts that the Jays will miss are Syndergaard… uhhh, that’s it. Jury is still out on Hoffman and Norris, and Boyd and Castro are replaceable parts.
I heard people say AA lack of big trades with the Braves is because of his unfamiliarity wih the Braves’ (strong) prospect war-chest. A big move could still be coming. I’m Not a Braves’ fan, but I’m excited for the Braves’ future.
This guy is the definition of toxic leadership.
Says ‘FriendOfBoras.’ Oh, the irony.
What’s that supposed to mean?
This post is the definition of a toxic comment.
Lol you guys love trolling me
If I was a Caucasian male would you still troll me the same? Probably not.
I have no idea what you are. Are you saying that picture is your actual face?
Is what I am really relevant?
You’re the idiot that brought up your race/gender. Yet, still, nobody mentioned that in response to your asinine comment. Sounds like you’re the troll looking for something.
You are an idiot and should leave the asinine comments to Facebook and allow the adults to talk baseball
more trolls that this site does nothing about
The best part is he upvotes himself. How pathetic can you be?
This was one of the most insightful interviews with a GM that I’ve heard in a while. Definitely worth a listen in full.
General Managers don’t make much money when compared to the salarys of the players on their team…..Generally general managers in any other industry make faaaaar more than those working for them, but in baseball that is not the general rule of Thumb for general managers.
So in short, I guess what I’m saying is, this guy has no wealth and therefor what he has to say should be taken with the weight of a feather.
These players don’t make more than the owners. Don’t let the GMs fool you into who’s calling the shots.
….the general managers call the shots. That’s the point of hiring a general manager when you own something is so that you don’t have to call the shots…’s not very good practice as a business over to constantly over ride your general managers decisions, if that’s happening, you most likely need a new general manager who is more in line with your vision for the business.
Ownership set the budget obviously. Most GM’s call the shots. Many owners meddle with a GM’s plan. Angelos in Baltimore is one. Old George of course. Many more to varying degrees.
you don’t really have a clue what you are talking about.
Great interview with one of the best minds in baseball. I have no doubt that he’s going to turn the Braves into something special.
Catch Tha Taste – yes, great name. I have a sudden craving for McCain Punch.
Nice avatar!! Who’s yer fadder b’ye?
Does he address the Syndergaard/Dickey trade?
I can see him bringing in Donaldson next year and making a trade for a legit ace. David Price or Zack Greinke I would think will be tops on his list. Also either move Riley to the OF and bring back Markakis for a year or 2 or sign/trade for another OF.
Why would you move Riley to the OF and resign Markakis? Hopefully Dustin Peterson can show us something this year.
I hope that if Riley or Swanson do not make MAJOR steps forward the Braves are major players for Machado. They may not get him, but at least try! Machado could play ss if Swanson has another disastrous year!
Be realistic when have you ever seen the Braves make a move for a FA like Machado. Even when we got Maddux the Yankees out bid us. Donaldson is more realistic shorter years and has a history with AA. They will move Riley to the OF if Donaldson is signed unless he is included in a deal for an ace SP & Markakis would be a stop gap until Riley is ready. Albies can move over to short too & actually probably should be playing there now. Peterson is not a long term answer for the OF. His swing is long and he crushes mistakes by less than quality spring training pitching but he has a lot to prove in AAA before he is a realistic candidate
I agree Donaldson is more realistic…I just want them to be in on Machado for the sake that he can also play ss! Yes Camargo or Albies could play ss, but Machado at ss and if Riley takes another big leap takes over at 3rd. That sounds better then whoever at ss and Donaldson at 3rd, IMO. In all likelyhood Machado doesn’t sign with ATL and then hopefully we do get Donaldson.
As for Markakis…it would have to be a huge discount if ATL were to resign him to even a 1 year deal. There will be way too many other free agents available to settle for Markakis.
Best thing AA did for Toronto was shake off that irritating ‘small market’ nonsense Ricciardi used as an excuse throughout his doomed tenure. I appreciated AA’s aggressive style and feel he left the Jays better off than when he arrived, yet he’s not quite the diety many Jays fans would suggest.
I know he’s a terrible player but it must be odd to be Matt Kemp these days. He’s basically a weird NBA-style salary puck that moves around to various teams at random; nobody wants to play him (I am assuming the Dodgers are going to release him) but he’s still owed for two more years and 40 million bucks. I’d guess he wants to play baseball still, but no team actually wants him on the field.
AA was an exciting GM. He made some big moves, and while he was in Toronto I thought he was a genius. Now that he is gone though I have come to really like and appreciate the strategy and style of Atkins and Shapiro. I really don’t understand why Toronto fans have such a hate on for them. They have done exactly what they said they were going to do. They are fielding a “contending” team while restocking the system. I can’t think of a time that the Jays have had so much talent knocking on the door (maybe the 80’s), and I for one am excited about 2019 and 2020. Many are quick to point out that AA was the one who drafted a few of the guys at the top of our prospect pool, which is true….but AA viewed prospects as currency and many wouldn’t be in our system any longer. We might have had a stronger 2017/2018 team if AA stuck around, but for my money I like the current strategy and think we have a chance at a significant window of competitiveness.
Prospects are currency. If your team has a shot at winning the WS there’s very few prospects I’d be pissed about giving up. For all the top prospects he’s given up, those guys haven’t contributed a whole hell of a lot. They certainly haven’t contributed anywhere close to the MLB talent they got back. Josh Donaldson has been more valuable than all of the prospects combined they’ve given up. (If you don’t include Syndergaard.) Anyway, id rather be a fan of a team that went all in and got burned rather than a team like the pirates who half assed it and missed their shot.
AA’s trade with Oakland can’t be evaluated yet, they still have an MVP that might be cashed in/recycled into prospects again! Thus completing the cycle again, talent is just a form of currency exchange.
You can evaluate the trade with Oakland. The jays won that deal big time. Kendal graveman is a fine back end pitcher and Barreto is a good prospect but it doesn’t matter. Donaldson is an MVP candidate. They don’t need anything in return to have won that trade big time.
Your comment is ridiculous. The Blue Jays very clearly won that deal.
It’s possible that the trade goes down as a win-win for both Toronto *and* Oakland, but that is completely dependent Barreto’s career arc (e.g. does Barreto becomes a perennial All-Star?)
Its entirely possible, but it’s a long shot.
As it currently stands Toronto is the winner of the trade, with the (small) possibility that Oakland might salvage it.
Oops, twice really!
I wish Braves would have lineup of Allies,Inciarte,Acuna,FreemanFlowers,Markakis,Camargo,Swanson. Good L R balance.