While it’s been somewhat of a surprise to see some large market teams not spending the way they usually do, this offseason isn’t different from any other for small-market teams like the Athletics. As Susan Slusser of the San Francisco Chronicle writes, low payrolls have long been “modus operandi” for the A’s, and now much of baseball is under fire for following suit. “I can’t speak for other teams, but I know for us, this scenario is not much different than it’s been for a number of years as we push for a new stadium,” Oakland Vice President of Baseball Operations Billy Beane said. He added that the scenario is individual for each team, but for the A’s it comes down to simply not having the resources. While some are accusing MLB clubs of a “race to the bottom,” Slusser notes that youth-centric rebuilds with focus on prospects and the draft helped lead the Royals, Cubs and Astros to World Series titles in the past three seasons. Indeed, Beane said, “I’m sure that’s part of it. Sports is very copycat: Whatever succeeds, people will try.” The Athletics signed Yusmiero Petit to a two-year, $10MM contract this offseason, and also made offers to Brian Duensing and Austin Jackson before they ultimately signed with other clubs. Now, says Slusser, the A’s offseason spending is “essentially done.”
Other notes from teams near the country’s Pacific coast…
- Evan Grant of SportsDay dives into the questions that the Rangers will need to answer if they choose to implement a six-man rotation this season (or as manager Jeff Banister calls it, a “five-plus-one” rotation). The basic structure: have five starters who pitch regularly, and utilize a sixth pitcher as a swingman to pitch only when necessary to ensure that each pitcher gets five days off between starts. The ultimate hope is that such a configuration will keep all Rangers pitchers fresh and reduce late-season fatigue. “The schedule makes it challenging. Construction of your roster makes it challenging,” said Banister. “There is enough data that tells us there are pitchers who definitely benefit from an extra day’s rest or the routine of being on that five-day rest period or six-day rest period. You can point to ERAs. You can point to velocity. You can point to walk rates go down, strike out rates go up.” There are significant challenges in bringing this idea into reality, however. First, it’s a pretty radical change from what MLB pitchers are used to doing, and what they’ve been trained to do during their entire careers. Second, they’d need to find enough pitchers to make it a viable strategy, and the Rangers’ starting staff has more questions than answers at the moment.
- Giants GM Bobby Evans says that there haven’t been any contract talks between the club and postseason titan Madison Bumgarner, according to a tweet from John Shea of the San Francisco Chronicle. Bumgarner has long been the ace of the Giants’ pitching staff. He was drafted by the organization and has never played for another. MadBum’s posted a 3.01 ERA (3.34 xFIP) over the course of his eight-year MLB career with 8.84 K/9 against just 2.04 BB/9. The Giants own a 2019 club option over the towering lefty for a mere $12MM, so they’ll be able to control him through his age-29 campaign before he hits the open market during the 2019-2020 offseason (barring an extension).
This year will determine if the giants extend Mad Bum. Either another 5-6 Years or pick up the option and deal him for the next Bum
Not a Giants or Bum fan—at all—but gosh it’s going to be great to have him back on the field doing what he does. The game is much better with him in it!!
I have to agree, especially watching Kershaw and MadBum dueling it out. Having those two pitch against eachother is what really intensifies and makes that Giants and Dodgers rivalry so exciting..Speaking as an outsider and a Braves fan…
For me though, it’s hard to believe that MadBum will ONLY be 28 this season..When I read that he would be 29, through the 2019-2020 season, I was definitely shocked…Idk, maybe it’s because, throughout the years, he’s had soo many memorable moments in the post-season and in the spotlight in San Francisco..Maybe that makes him seem like he should be older..Idk why, I figured, by now, he was already at least about 32-33. Which, yes, that’s only a 5 year difference, but 5 years is A LONG TIME for a pitcher, especially during his prime, peak seasons..
Unless either pitcher miraculously goes to the Braves, which won’t ever happen lol, I really HOPE both pitchers stay put..Which, that’s just me being selfish, so I can continue to watch one of this decade’s best pitching duels in Kershaw and MadBum. Like I said previously, when those two are healthy and facing one another, it just takes that Giants and Dodgers rivalry to another level!!
Its true. The same reason that I, a Giants fan, wouldn’t want the Dodgers to lose Kershaw either.
They both compete at the highest level and it makes the game fun to watch.
Bumgarner was 21 years old when he started Game 3 of the 2010 World Series and threw 8 shutout innings. He’s been around a while, true, but he got his major league career started at a very young age.
I’m confused. You’re not a Bumgarner fan, apparently “at all” ….but you love watching him play…I have a feeling if he were wearing a different color uniform you’d be all over him. Just be a fan already.
If they pick up his option and then deal him next offseason as you suggest, they’re not going to get anyone whose ceiling is “next Mad Bum.” One year of control won’t fetch that much.
Half a year of Darvish netted a top 100 prospect + for the rangers.
If the Giants sell him at the deadline, if theyre out of contention, year and a half will net two 100 prospects easily as well as others.
Yankees certainly would part with adams or sheffield and others for bumgardner.
Indians would easily part with triston mckenzie
Cardinals would offer flaherty and hudson
Twins have gonsalves and romero along with other pieces.
I mean twins could use him the most and if theyre contending and giants arent then nick gordon, stephen gonsalvez, and fernando romeo could easily be a package for bumgardner.
The original commenter suggested the Giants play out the season with Mad Bum, pick up his option, and then trade him with one year of control remaining. You’re changing the parameters of the hypothetical.
Yeah, Bumgarner would command a HUGE package, even with just a year of control left. Teams with World Series aspirations would definitely send a bundle to acquire him. the Yankees, Indians, Nationals, etc, would pay a huge price for even a year of Bumgarner. He’s the greatest post-season pitcher of this generation, and probably one of the top 5 in league history (in Postseason only). Having him fronting a rotation of a team that is trying to win it all is worth a LOT.
The “next Mad Bum” is not the same as any top 100 prospect.
Calhoun should hit, but many of the outlets I read say he’s realistically limited to DH. That caps his upside.
This is not 1998 anymore. Teams aren’t giving up a likely top 20 talent for one year of control of Mad Bum.
Dream on if you think you get that much in a trade next year. You may get it by trading him now but not next year
It’s already been determined that they won’t extend MadBum.
Bumgarner is one of the few pitchers I’d give more than four years and $30m+ per. He doesn’t rely on speed – he actually pitches. And he can pinch hit when needed!
The shoulder injury, as well as his massive workloads over the years are somewhat concerning. Will he continue to be durable for the next four years or so?
I don’t think there’s much concern with Bumgarner, either his shoulder or workload. The shoulder thing was a freak accident that didn’t seem to leave any lasting damage to, and his workload shouldn’t concern teams because of the way he pitches. He seems to be one of the few pitchers these days that doesn’t go 100% max effort on every pitch, which reduces strain on everything. These days pitchers are taught that the only thing that matter is the readings on the radar gun, and they only learn how to throw it as hard as they can every time. 15 years ago power pitchers who routinely threw 92-94 could put a little more effort into a pitch in a needed situation and get 95-96, and pitch longer and better into ballgames and seasons. Nowadays power pitchers can throw 97 for a couple of innings, then fade and be out of the game in the 6th, and have nothing left late in the season.
The velocity loss he showed after returning from the DL were much more concerning. I hope it was just a hiccup and he gets it back this year.
Except he throws across his body. That’s dangerous…it puts a toll on the joints
Not sure how much monetary value if place on his ability to pinch hit!!
Im pretty sure Thor is the only top tier pitcher that relys on speed.
The only way that makes sense is because Bumgarner’s agent doesn’t want to talk about it so soon after he missed half the season with an injury.
Plus the closer he gets to playing out the contract the closer it gets to being free agent money. With millions already in the bank, 2 years before hitting the open market at 30 doesn’t seem like the time to play it safe.
Of all the nicnames in baseball I loathe perhaps there is none worse than MadBum. I really wish it hadn’t made it into this article. Oh well.. Great pitcher, dumb nickname.
You’re a hater.
Nah, not really. I just really hate that nickname.
I’m a giants fan going on 50+ years. And a big Bumgarner fan BUT Madbum is a pathetic nickname. Have never liked it. You woulda thought Hoss or something better would have been used.
Nothing better to use then Madbum! Hoss? Really? Now that would be a terrible name
Bumgarner himself said he didn’t particularly like the nickname of Madbum. He went on to say he was okay with just Bum.
I vaguely remember him not liking the “MadBum” nickname when it first game out. That was when Kruk and Kuip tried getting everyone to call him “Big Country” but it didn’t stick. Anyone else remember this?
Yes, I remember. In fact I posted something similar before I saw your post.
When Lincecum was still there, they were called the Cum N’ Bum show.
Maybe, but not by any Giants fans.
Love MadBum and that cool nickname!
If you have been to SF you would know that “mad bum” is a perfect nickname.
Just watch your step.
Odds Bum owns both the red and the white version of the MAGA cap?
There is absolutely no reason to think that. If you hear or read his interviews, he’s thoughtful, and intelligent. He is completely no-sense. Just because he’s from NC, and has that accent doesn’t mean he buys into any of that BS. There’s as much reason to believe Kershaw, thinks that way, or the many other guys from the south for that matter, as Bumgarner.
You just characterized more than half of this country as ignorant or somehow foolish or “buying into” anything. Your failing party can’t shame Americans into doing what you want anymore. Keep on absorbing that propaganda while the rest of America enjoys reality.
“…more than half of this country…”
Wrong. Totally forgot about that popular vote, the 40% approval rate, the 53% disapproval rate, and an approval rating over 50% in only 12 states, less than 1/4 of them. huh? But keep telling yourself it’s “more than half of this country”, at least until the mid-term elections.
No news concerning any free agent deals? Let’s throw a big name into the headline for clickbait! I love it!
“clickbait”? This isn’t youtube, and they gain something from you reading this article.
Did you gain anything from reading about MadBum? Oh, and thanks for the heads-up. I thought I was watching a youtube video about nothing new concerning MadBum. Man, do I feel silly now.
Yes, that thete still isn’t talk.
I’m just saying that it’s not really clickbait. They put Bumgarner’s name, and they talked about him. The site is called “trade rumors” for a reason. They post updates about recent rumors. A rumor came out that there has been no progress on a Bumgarner extension. Clickbait would be if they put in the title of the article “Giants and Bumgarner nearing an extension”, and then proceed on saying “There has been no talks between The Giants and their ace pitcher”. And when I say “it’s not like youtube”, I mean it’s not like youtube where if you click on the article/video, you’re giving them profit and your time.
What did you expect from “notes” lol you could always just idk…not come here?
Another ‘note’ of interest. I’m reporting that Bryce Harper and the Nats have not agreed on an extension.
have they talked about it?
How is that the same moron? If they agreed it would be news.
If it was reported the nats were not trying to talk with him yet that would be news too
Kind of like the Giants not talking to Madbum yet
If some idiot like you reported only that the Giants and Madbum have not worked out an extension yet. That would be stupid.
Kind of like your note about Harper and the Nationals. Just stupid
Anybody wanna break this down for me? Maybe I AM an idiot or a moron, because I couldnt follow anything this lady just typed. At least I know that I cant be both an idiot AND a moron.
Keep using that word. It doesn’t mean what you think it does
Sucks when you run out of time to delete, doesnt it?
Excuse you.
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
let’s comment with a cool phrase to look like I’m smart
Are you referring to clickbait as a phrase?
Clickbait-(on the Internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.
How many readers wouldve bypassed this article if Bumgarner had not been mentioned in the headline? And how hard is it to understand the meaning ofthe word ‘clickbait’?
Either way, we can all agree that Ive added much-needed value to this article. Did we learn anything new about Bumgarner? No. Did we learn the meaning of clickbait? Yes. And youre welcome
BTW, this conversation has been much more interesting than the big news about Bumgarner.
Getting down-voted now. But no more conversation? Hmmm.. Wish I knew how to change my handle to ‘Clickbait101’
When I think clickbait, I think of Tessa Brooks’ video “CAN’T BELIEVE THIS (GOT ENGAGED) *not clickbait*”. The video is about her sister, not her, getting engaged. And her drooling idiot fans insist that it isn’t clickbait because she never specified in the title WHO got engaged, even though everyone knows what she wanted us to think from the title. How is this article anything like that?
Well if me being right didn’t end the dialogue, your post did. Thanks for your insight Ryan
How’s it feel never being wrong about anything? Must be nice.
It is nice, but my wife gets tired of it
Is your wife’s name Palmela Handerson?
You get down-voted because you’re missing the point of MLBTR, and it’s like you came here looking for something to complain about.
Nothing had been written recently about Bumgarner, the Giants, and an extension, although the Giants had indicated they would be addressing that in the future. If you’re a Giant’s fan, it’s something you would want to be kept updated about.
Nat’s fans want to be kept abreast of any Bryce Harper extension, progress or not. Likewise, Dodger fans with Kershaw, his opt out, and a possible extension. Maybe you think it’s idiotic but sometimes no progress is as much news as there being progress.
Thats funny. I was not complaining. It was just a light-hearted jab about not having anything to report. You guys acted all offended, and most threw insults. That’s cool. And yes, youre right. I find it idiotic to believe no progress is just as exciting as progress. Really? Thats the best you can come up with? Did you confirm my definition of clickbait? You guys sound pretty childish if you wanna know the truth. It was a funny observation on my part, but some of you guys look for reasons to hurl insults.
Nice try. You were complaining , but trying to do so in a funny snarky way. No one said no progress is just as exciting as progress. That’s you trying to re-frame the argument. What it is is an update on a continuing situation. No, it’s not exciting, but if a reporter asks Bobby Evans if there’s any progress, I’d like to know the answer, positive or negative, which is exactly what happened.
Also, the “hey, I’m cool and just being light” guise isn’t too convincing. If you were all that, you wouldn’t have been so defensive at the first person that took exception to your post.
Ok. You win. I cant get through either of your posts without snickering. And theres no possible way I can compete with your absurdity. Im sorry I riled everyone up over this major news event. Have a great night.
No one with any intelligence is buying your act. Jeez your passive/aggressiveness is.pathetic.
I truly believe that a good year from Graveman and Manaea plus a Lance Lynn addition would put the A’s in serious Wild Card contention.
A’s need to get off to a good start for them to contend. Health will be their biggest obstacle to being playoff contenders.
The A’s are on the rise! Many potential All Star caliber players are all coming up at the same time. It’s a very exciting time for an A’s fan
The only thing saying they are content with Maxwell, Phegley and Garneau and leaving Lucroy on the table, is that Murphy must be a lot more MLB ready than anyone is projecting,
Lynn would be nice. Cobb makes them a lot more serious too. Their cheapness is just lies. They could easily afford Cobb and Lurcroy and add like 5 wins by spending but instead they’re content with a 77 win team.
The Dodgers will be using the sixth-starter strategy this coming year, and they have a surplus right now (which may change due to injury), along with Urias who may return by August.
I had Madbum in fantasy last year he wasn’t nearly the same pitcher he was after coming back from his shoulder injury. He should of had surgery. I hope he can get back to his old self this season.
Wish the Brewers had him. They should offer the Giants what they are offering the Rays for Archer and than some.
I feel like there should be a rule where if you get public funding for your stadium you are required to be in the top 20% of the league in team payroll for the following ten years. Every dollar under goes back to the city.
Madison Bumgarner had been one of the best pitchers over the time that ive been a Sf Giants fan. I say pay the man. He duels til the end. Hard working pitcher. Yes he had a accident but hes given so many memory moments and has been apart of the team for 3 world series championships. Would love to see him have one more championship. Still young. He started games in the playofss and also came in when they called for him to close out the game on a day he did not start.
Sfgiants do not let Bumgarner go, one of kind. Will not see a pitcher like him in the game in while and for most in a Sf giants uniform.
Boy would I love to see Bumgarner with the Red Sox in a couple years. I love bulldog pitchers like him. Although I’d also be happy if he stayed a Giant for life.