SUNDAY, 4:29pm: There is indeed a Martinez press conference scheduled for Monday, Drellich tweets. It’s “very fair” to say a deal is near, Boras told Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe (Twitter link).
4:14pm: There could be a press conference announcing the Martinez signing as early as Monday, per both Jared Carrabis of Barstool Sports and Ian Browne of The Red Sox and Boras “had a productive weekend adjusting contract language,” according to Browne.
10:50am: The two sides “have continued to work though contract language,” tweets Heyman, who notes that there’s a “high probability” they’ll complete the agreement.
SATURDAY, 1:28pm: Both sides are being cautious, but the Red Sox and Martinez’ camp still expect to finalize the deal, Jon Heyman of FanRag Sports reassures. He adds that the delay mainly stems from “a desire to make sure the exact language of the contract is right in light of these potential red flags.”
10:01am: The Red Sox and slugger J.D. Martinez recently agreed to terms on a five-year, $110MM pact, but an official announcement has yet to come from the team, even though a press conference was expected as far back as Thursday. Evan Drellich of NBC Sports Boston shed some light on the situation today, reporting that the two sides are sorting through a “medical matter” following Martinez’ physical.
There’s a belief that the matter will not have any effect on the outfielder’s ability to take the field in the immediate future. At this time, there’s no further clarity as to what the issue is, but Drellich writes that “a better understanding between the parties” could come at some point today. There are apparently some additional medical experts involved, including a few consultants referred by agent Scott Boras.
It doesn’t seem as though the contract itself is in any real jeopardy. The process of ironing out the issue is reportedly “thorough and cooperative”. Yesterday, in a more speculative piece on the subject, Drellich suggested that a collapse of the contract at this point would be a “wildly unexpected scenario”. It’s entirely possible that the agreement will proceed untouched or be revised in only a slight way. Nevertheless, whatever snag the two camps have hit regarding Martinez’ physical only serves to delay the slugger’s spring training debut.
There are more questions than answers surrounding the situation at the moment, but we’ll be sure to provide updates as they come.
“a better understanding between the parties”
Well as long as they understand each other
Ha! Ain’t that the truth Lefty_Orioles_Fan !! Ha!
You mean someone other than the Orioles is thoroughly skeptical with their medical evaluations?! Just in the name of fairness, I look forward to a lambasting of the Sox for being this way. 😉
Nothing like a little Sox drama to get us psyched up for a big season with the inferior Yankees in the rear-view!
Enjoy your WC game!
A Yankee fan in the rear view.
In the Red Sox rear view
So if you are a Yankee fan in the rear view, doesn’t that mean you are behind the WC winning Red Sox? So who will win the division? The Os? The Jays? Certainly not the Rays.
I believe it would mean the Red Sox are driving the wrong way. And under Dave Dombrowski, that’s pretty hard to argue against.
If the Jays get better health from their key guys this year, I could see them finishing ahead of the Yankees. Ahead of the Red Sox would be a stretch though.
I am an O’s fan and even I see that they are in an exceptionally good position. 93 wins and AL East champs. 2 of their pitchers were injured last season. Most of their hitters had down seasons. They just added the player with the most power in baseball.…
And somehow you claim they are going backwards? You must be a Yankees fan.
The Jays finishing ahead of the Yankees?? Now that’s funny
If they are in the rear view, one is the giver and one is the taker. Oh wait, you guys mean cars?
It sounds unlikely but it’s still possible. You’re telling me the team that wins the offseason always comes out on top?
Of course. Two time defending division champs. Definitely not the right direction.
Haha, Yankee fans, can’t even talk trash properly.
I can’t tell if your sarcastic or not but Dombrowski sucks and will destroy your franchise without winning a ring
-A Tigers Fan
The most power in baseball that has hit over 30 homers once in his career and over 40 once. Red Sox better get him to direct all of that power between the foul poles.
Enjoy your damaged goods
Says a fan of the team that gave $200+ mil to Jacoby Ellsbury!!!!!!! Lol!
It’s nice that your willing to give him an extra 47 million. He signed a 7 year deal for 153, not saying it’s good money, just saying it’s not 200.
Wrong it was 153…
It’s still Ellsbury and it’s still IRONIC!
JUst upset you’re wrong
Looks like it’s just not your day pal!
Still a bad deal though, yes?
who is Pablo Sandoval?
Ironic ? I think you should look up the definition of that word!
Carl Crawford anyone?
Don’t forget your precious Red Sux gave a ton of money to Pablo Sandoval.
Ellsbury never got $200 million. Not even close
So whats your point?
LOL at all comments. Us Sox fans should be careful when talking about other team’s $$ and signings. It’s just monopoly $$ to us. Glad these comments are good natured and not personal.
Pablo Sandoval
Carl Crawford
Hanley Ramirez
David Price.
Enough said.
I couldn’t stand Crawford or Panda.
Price n Hanley are good signings. They BOTH were hurt last yr.
You forgot Rusney Castillo
Another bad deal.
I hate the Yanks but the Red Sox are the kings of the league when it comes to handing out bad contracts
The Angels have to be in that conversation with Hamilton and Pujols. The Yanks have some stinkers too. Aroid and Ellsbury are more money than Panda and Crawford. I think all the big revenue clubs are going to have some really bad contracts just because they are the only ones that can sign players to that type of contract. When one goes bad, it’s really bad.
Says a fan of the team that signed Panda, Crawford, and Rusney et all!
How much are these guys getting to not play????????
At least Ells is still on the team and will go North.
Watch out Joe, these Sox posters are might sensitive.
Remember the Golden Rule…..the sox NEVER make a bad signing!
You can find at least 1 horrible signing by every team if you look at their history.
Alex Rodriguez
Jacoby Ellsbury
Mark Texiera
Giancarlo Stanton.
Enough replied.
Your post is definitely irrelevant because the Yankees didn’t sign Stanton.
Imagine how far the Red Sox would have left everyone in the dust if they got just a a few of those bad contracts right …. LOL
They still managed to stay in it many years even in spite of
boneheaded deals.
And the Red Sox are always among’st the highest revenue grossing teams.
The Red Sox have a large wallet but now they “got religion” and have finally become efficient like everyone else.
The days of big spending are seriously reduced.
Scouting, drafting and player development have finally become the “priority” of MLB teams NOT FREE AGENTS … LOL
Thank you for clearing that up.
Hamilton’s contract is done, Pujols is in year 7 of 10, which never was a great deal but he’s had a full summer, no surgeries. Arod was not a bad contract in any way. Considering the 54 HR season he had with them and all the years, they got their fair share of his value while he played for them. In this type of offseason when Moose hasn’t signed yet, and where nobody has overpaid for anything, teams are wary of overpaying the wrong players.
The Arod deal wasn’t a bad deal. Especially compared to the others.
2 of those deals (arod, teixeira) weren’t bad. And Stanton, though it has the potential to be horrific, hasn’t happened yet.
Should’ve pointed to AJ Burnett who sucked balls as a Yankee.
Jacoby Ellsbury was a top MVP candidate, the only reason he lost is because Verlander had the pull of 24 wins. Ellsbury hit 32 HR from the leadoff spot, hit 100 RBI as a leadoff guy and was by and far the most complete player in the MLB at the time. I 100% believe that Justin Verlander’s MVP should have gone to Ellsbury.
If wishes were dreams.
“Almost getting to the World Series is like almost being pregnant” this was posted by a Red Sox fan about the Yankees the other day along with “Yankee fans should simply comment on their own team”. Seems here’s an example of a Sox fan stirring sh** right off about another team.
A fan “stirring sh**” on the internet? I find that hard to believe pal!
You really,most definitely,positively told him!
I’m the one that posted yesterday and just posted again above. With the financial advantages both teams have, they have the ability to rebound from mistakes that to some extent will always be made.
And what happens when they miss the playoffs all together ?
Damaged or slightly damaged goods..
karma jd…karma…
Even when he agrees to sign there is still a stalemate lol
your stale, mate.
With the money involved today, the physicals and review of medical records are taken more seriously today. They were always important but medical science of today makes it a more lengthy process. Due to HIPAA issues, they can’t look at records never mind conduct a physical until after a deal is in place.
deweybelongsinthehall – Not entirely accurate See ARTICLE XIII—Safety and Health – G. Disclosure of Medical or Health Information (7) (a) (b) & (c) page 61. A collective bargaining agreement where an employee agrees to dissemination in certain circumstances overrides HIPPA.
The way I understood that rule is that it is in effect when teams make trades, not FA signing. I may be wrong about that, but that is the way I took it.
(b) Any Player who is a free agent by operation of the Basic
Agreement will receive from the Office of the Commissioner,
upon request of the Association, log-in instructions that will permit
him to access his medical records electronically. The Office
of the Commissioner will send the log-in instructions within 10
days of being provided written notice by the Association of the
names and addresses of the Players who desire such instructions.
A Player may provide to prospective Clubs (or to other individuals)
electronic access to his medical records, and such access
shall remain active for 180 days.
Most teams are not going to negotiate completely blind.
There is an interesting look at it here…
So they can see the medical records from when he played with other teams?
Part of my job is reviewing records. Many times what’s provided just leads to requesting more records. For example the history section of a dr.’s exam may mention a previously undisclosed set of films. Those films and reports are then provided and you find that the requesting provider’s records weren’t received…
Those of us that enjoy a good insult would like you to get better.
YOU’RE an ass and I absolutely love it.
SO WHAT! *you’re still a douche for stuff like this!
Happened with Napoli as well, they ended up working it out….Hopefully JDM doesn’t have some illness of some sort, I’ve never been big on this pick up anyway
Happened with JD Drew & John Lackey too.
Probably going to be some very specific language to protect the team is all
Tough to give a 5 yr deal if part of him may not last 3.
Sandoval 2.0
I’m gonna take a guess and say his knee is the issue?
probably the lisfranc injury he got… its a pretty brutal injury that can happen to your foot/ankle.
From my understanding, which is lacking, an injury to the lisfranc bone is the one that’s ended careers. I haven’t heard the same about the ligament. I may just be being optimistic.
true, i overlooked that. glad you made that distinction
it’s just funny how after all this offseason, after he finally signs, there’s a problem. just kinda sums up the whole mess.
BoSox fans, pray it’s not valley fever. Sometimes it never goes away.
I probably should have made it clear that valley fever (aka desert fever) was not a dig at the D-Backs, JD or anything else. It’s caused by inhaling a spore and has ruined several athletes. Just Google Connor Jackson.
Any chance Dombrowski brought in the Orioles doctors?
Grant Balfour on line 1…oh wait.
Calling from Australia?
An MRI indicated that Martinez appeared to be represented by Scott Boras. Additional tests were completed, pending blood work, but there is a question whether the issue can be treated medically, or might require surgery later.
Sounds like Boras is an STD.
Well, I’m getting plenty of downvotes….
Another “pricy” addition???
Anyone thinks that this can possibly fall apart ? That would be insane
Don’t see it falling apart, They will make some adjustment, if necessary. Stakes are too high for both.
I came here to eat my popcorn
F*%k Scott Boras
And Scott Boras has what to do with JD and the physical again?? Oh, that’s right…Absolutely NOTHING
“Including consultants brought in by guess who. Scott Boras so he has something to do w it
Way to misinterpret the article…
Dear Red Sox fans,
Haha, ha-hahaha, hahahahaha!
Every other MLB fan
Dear every other MLB fan,
The Red Sox won the third most games in the AL last year despite lacking power.
Funny, isn’t it.
As of last night, Las Vegas had them winning the same number of games as the Yankees. Wonder if that will go down once we find out what the medical issue is?.
I think the idea of counter moves in baseball to be shortsighted. If people think the Red Sox must sign Martinez because of the Stanton trade then they only care about the current year. Some times a team needs a long term strategy. I don’t care one way or another if the Sox sign Martinez and I haven’t since we lost to the Astros in the playoffs.
For me it all comes down to the question: Does signing Martinez hurt the Sox in the long run? If the answer is yes, walk away. I’d rather miss the playoffs this year then miss them for the next five due to a bad deal.
NYY fan, idiot comment
Why is that an idoiot comment…….if there is a medical issue, which I don’t think there is, why wouldn’t the odds decrease if there is injury fears for a major offense weapon who might not finish the season.
Typical Sox nation fan.
This other mlb fan thought “hmm interesting development. hope its nothing serious. a top free agent getting injured doesn’t bring any excitement to the game”. as a fan of an NL team, I look forward to the competition between the Yankees and red sox. I miss the rivalry and mutually competitive teams of 04
As an mlb fan, I love the competition but I’m tired of everything being yankees vs red sox.
Didn’t JD originally have a 5yr/$125 mil contract offer from the Red Sox? How did he end up with 5yr/$110 mil?
No that was Boras desperately trying to get Boston to bid against themselves
Your source please?
Alll publications said that was false.
He got an opt-out after both 2 and 3 years and an NTC. With the $2.5 million opt-out payout bonus and the signing bonus, he will get $60 million guaranteed when he opts out after 2 seasons.
Why do you keep spewing nonsense it’s 50 million in the first two years 23.75 plus 23.75 and if he opts out its another 2.5 million which comes to 50 million. Not sure where you are coming up with 60 million in the first 2 years if he opts out.
$10mm signing bonus.
If there was a 10 million signing bonus then it would be a 5/120 since I believe that signing bonuses would be counted towards the total value of the contracts does not make sense.
Bruin1012……23.75+23.75+2.5 (buyout)+10 (bonus) = 60mm guaranteed
Then it’s a 5/120 not 110 bonus counts in contract. If the other numbers are correct.
Which is why I don’t think there is a signing bonus if it’s 5/110.
Signing bonus comes out up front !
Yes, he got a $10 million signing BONUS!
Okay if the numbers are actually 25,25,23,14,14 then the other 10 comes from singing bonus that I get. Math just didn’t add up before when it was advertised as 5/110.
Jays fan here…….glad Boston is being very careful here. Including the Jays, potential albatross signings need to be looked at with a great deal of scrutiny !
Things are changing, hopefully for the better of all teams !
So what you’re saying is he’s fat…
Someone’s pouting, he’s pissed his agent promised him the moon and he feels dissed, give me a break! Logo will have a better year he just needs a team:)
If the issue medically is increased concerns about the Lisfranc ligament injury from last year… maybe the Sox could push for a mutual option after that second year.
Something like ‘if he spends 20+ days on the DL due to that injury over the first two years, the Sox would have the ability to opt out of that contract after year two.
Honestly if Martinez doesn’t sign the contract by Monday and the Red Sox should release him. But if the Red Sox are being over cautious than he should always give them till Wednesday or Thursday then just say no to it
How can the Red Sox release him if he hasn’t even signed with them yet?
While a deal is still likely to be consummated, its troubling nonetheless to sign a one dimensional player to a massive nine figure contract, especially on the other side of age 30. This is precisely the type of contract that all teams are shying away from. Let’s make no mistake, JD isn’t broken, but wow, what a gamble for the Red Sox. That is all. This deal could work out great or do the way of all the others and be a spectacular failure and overpay. There is precedent for the latter.
For the Red Sox fan, the only risk is embarrassment for the potential of another Pablo or Crawford type of thing. I will concede however, I really don’t like how the Red Sox roster is built out for this season and it lacks solid depth.
I still feel Jd should have received a contract of only 4 years and $80mm. $22mm (year one and two) and $18mm (year three and four). He’s going to be the permanent DH by year 3. He’ll be making more than Ortiz (if you want to wrap your head around that).
He’s Ellsbury contract 2018, same agent?
Apparently 5 people are not fans of something called “reality” and I don’t blame on this one. I’d avoid it too. It’s just not a great contract, but as I’ve said 5 times, the Red Sox have no other choice. Frankly, I thought they should have retooled a bit and used some assets to fill other positions via trade. They have Bradley, Betts and Beneditti. Bett’s of course wouldn’t be moved. But why not package one of the other, and go after someone else? Doesn’t make sense.
What they did makes a lot of sense – they are trying to improve the team and not get rid of any of their good, young players. Great contract, great job by DD.
Over/under on JD’s games played total this season set at 25.
Bruce let’s keep it civil now. So go with 100
You can bet on that in Las Vegas and they have it at 123. I would think that is because he is expected to DH.
Which according to the experts that’s what he is a DH but according to Borass after walking on water he rested on the 7th day:)
It isn’t damn Shakespeare. It’s a baseball contract. Just let them play. If he’s got a bad foot, so be it. I have a bad head. Baseball just needs to be played.
Ya it’s obviously not Shakespeare, but is a business that counts on its fans, owners and companies to financially support it. How much do you think your “bad head” would be worth to a Fortune 500 company?
I looked at Heyman’s piece, and he’s being cautious, presumably because Boras is being cautious. There’s nothing wrong with JDM that some good contract language wouldn’t ameliorate. I remember Boston negotiating a clause in Lackey’s contract for an extra year atMLB minimum in case of injury. Which they used. I can’t see Boras agreeing to that, but there’s going to be something
Boras usually tells Heyman what to say
Sox should walk away. If it takes this long to get language correct, it will not work. People point out the extra year on Lackeys contract for TJ. Sounded like a good move until Lackey threatened retirement for having to work for min wage.of course forgetting his year off.
Waiting for the article about Ohtani bombing today.
4 years / $100MM. No opt outs. 1 additional year at league minimal if out for more than a year. That should be the new contract.
Let’s just get this f—in thing done.
I am so sick of all the BS and now the delay on this whole JDM thing since October.
Can we please move on?
Sh-t or get off the can
If I didn’t know better I’d suspect Boras is 2 timing the Red Sox and is playing both ends against the middle with another team.
I really don’t buy this medical issue BS.!
The man hit 31 HR’s and got 72 RBI’s after the all star break.
16 HR’s and 36 RBI’s in September.
How injured can he be?
Sprained Ligament in his right foot?
Besides he hits HR’s and can trot.
No one expects him to play defense anyway.
He’s had 5 months to recover?
If he’s still hurt he must be toast.
Love to see what he could do healthy …. LOL
I don’t think it has anything to do with the contract. That won’t change. I think they found something durning the physical and the Sox want to make 200% sure the issue will not and could not effect him or will result in him missing time or affecting his game. I think that’s the issue. All contracts are pending until the physical is complete.
Think right now they just want to be sure. If a 2nd or 3rd opinion is the same result as the first that will change everything. If there is a health problem then they will change the contract wording. Like if he gets hurt or his elbow or foot gets injured the amount goes down. So many innings played Ext. Something like that. Sorta like a pitcher pitching so many innings.
Your guess is as good as mine?
It just seems odd to me.
They beat the price down from $200M to $110M.
So they got a fair price.
There must be something major wrong with his right foot?
I’m wondering if he has a Kendrys Morales type injury?
This could be a very serious injury.
If it were just a simple sprain, and he did it back in September, then he should be 100% by now.
This has trouble written all over it.
It has even larger implications in terms of trust and the commissioner.
Both player and agent could be fined and o r reprimanded..
It could be viewed that Boras and JDM were complicit in trying to sell a bag of trash to the Red Sox.
I remember when SD did that 2 years ago to DD and the deal was reversed by the commissioner.
Pomeranz and is still playing for the Red Sox.
Lisfranc injury?
Wow that could be a deal ender for JDM.
Wondering if he and Boras tried to put one over on the Red Sox and MLB?
Wondering if MLB can step in.
I thought it was funny how AZ and many other teams bowed out of the JDM sweepstakes.
AZ probably knew all about this injury as it probably happened on their watch.
It seems like DD is the guy teams sell their injured players to and agents also look to fleece.
Thornberg, Carson Smith, even Pomeranz had issues.
DD shoud put more money into private investigators.
You do know that’s why they have team Dr’s
and do physicals for right?
He has arthritic hips. It’s not anything to be concerned about at this point in his life, it will have more of an affect on in him long after he leaves baseball. 110 mil for 5years is a great contract for a players with JD’s skill set, good job Boras getting him what he deserves.
Arthritic hips not an issue? Are you out of your mind?
Not at all, Matt Kemp also has arthritic hips and he’s doing just fine. It will definatelly catch up to him some day but it’s generally unnoticeable until about your 40’s or 50’s. JD’s career will be long over before this condition affects him.
You might want to take that with a grain of salt. This is the same guy who was trying to convince people that Lincecum was throwing at 97-98 even after the results of his showcase came out. He likes getting people to believe false stories.
I’m not sure where he heard that J.D. Martinez has arthritic hips but I was able to find some info on Kemp having arthretic hips, it’s true. Weather it’s true about J.D. Or not I’m not sure. Care to share where you got that info FriendOfBoras?
Yes it’s true J.D. also has arthritic hips. Not really a big deal though as I said it won’t affect him until he’s older. I don’t really need to share my sources with you or anyone else, I’ve received nothing but hate since joining the MLB trade rumors community and I’m not sure why that is. Is it because of my affiliation with Boras? Idk but I’m over it.
“I don’t really need to share my sources with you or anyone else, I’ve received nothing but hate since joining the MLB trade rumors community and I’m not sure why that is.”….There is your answer, well that and the Lincecum, vegan fueled, 98mph fastball that you continued to lie about even after the showcase. It’s called trolling, although you are a different breed…you troll….then make observations…troll…then state some fact….troll….etc..
Tell that to Albert Belle. His career ended very abruptly after arthritic (degenerative) hip issues. If that’s indeed the issue. Maybe he came into the physical out of shape in their eyes, and don’t want to do a repeat of Pablo Sandoval. This deal is so late into things, it will get done…somehow.
Haha good job Boras? Hahaha sure pal good job getting half of the $210m Boras said JDM deserved. Haha
There’s a difference between having arthritic hips and degenerative arthritic hips, key work degenerative. Neither J.D. Nor Kemp have the Degenerative sort. And yea good job Boras, J.D. Is not worth 210mil and Boras knows that, but it’s worth it to shoot high and see what kind of offers you get.
Actually, the most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease. It usually does develop as you get older, depending on the person. It can be hereditary.
MLB suspends Padres GM Preller 30 days over Pomeranz trade
Updated: September 15, 2016, 7:57 PM ET
Associated Press
BOSTON — Major League Baseball suspended Padres general manager A.J. Preller for 30 days without pay on Thursday, hitting the San Diego executive with an unprecedented punishment for failing to disclose medical information when pitcher Drew Pomeranz was traded to the Boston Red Sox in July.
This is not a trade. Buyer beware.
Just curious, but did you know that the Padres President Dee got fired as soon as Preller returned from that suspension and that Preller got a promotion that included all of Dee’s baseball operations responsibilities? Or that Preller got an extension?
That has NOTHING to do with this SIGNING at all !
WOW … the SH.T is really hitting the fan now and the truth is finally coming out.
This is about as bad as it gets.
Arthritic hip?
Lisfranc injury?
I really hope the commissioner looks into this one.
How long does it take a torn ligament (Lisfranc ligament) in the foot to heal?
Most minor-to-moderate injuries will heal within 2 to 4 weeks. More severe injuries, such as injuries that need a cast or splint, will need a longer time to heal, up to 6 to 8 weeks. The most serious injuries will need surgery to reduce the bone and allow the ligaments to heal. The healing process can be 6 to 8 months.
So assuming JDM has a Lisfranc ligament issue and it’s still bothering him after 5 months then one can conclude he will likely need surgery and will miss the entire 2018 season.
That’s probably what they’re building into the contract right now.
It’s also been reported the whereabouts of JDM are unknown even to Sox new skipper Alex Cora.
Stay tuned. This could be a wild one.
George says, “This could be a wild one”.
Are you serious bruh….. This has already been a wild one for the entire offseason!
Oh and I’ll “stay tuned” for the same for the exact same info we have been reading for months, just worded a different way.
This has been and will likely continue to be a wild one depending on the severity of JDM’s injury or past injury.
I know for a fact DD hates a lack of truthfulness on medical issues.
I’ve got to imagine DD’s fuming right now.
I’ve got to imagine JDM’s fuming right now after going from $200M to $110M.
But this issue is what it is.
I’m just wondering if JDM will miss the entire 2018 season as surgery on this problem, if necessary, has a 6-8 month recuperation period.
Or will he play injured (at a discount) and have the surgery in October or November? Again if necessary.
What a F.ckin mess.
If it was any other team but the RS, this tired story would not get so much play.
This is a smart move by the Red Sox. The same thing happened during the physicals for Lackey and Napoli and it ended up bailing them out in the end.
Let me guess
There’s something that got flagged during his psychical
Yankees fans and Red Sox fans deserve each other.
Inb4 the deal falls through
The Red Sox desperately need to walk away from this deal, if not it isn’t going to end well at all.
Sox should walk away from this near future fail !
What is wrong with Scott Boris ? He is poor for Baseball as Jerry Jones is bad for football. It’s been a week and s half. Stop the BS. Martinez wants to play. If the injury is bad and surgery is needed. Cut him and move on. This is the time you look at a trade. I personally don’t think the Red Sox will not win because they have the same team which got wiped out in 2 years in a row . Yes that big bat puts them over the top. One move Moreland. There are a 1000 and 1 of players like Moreland . They failed this winter. They will struggle to score runs and probably the best starting pitching is the best in the American League. You can’t win when you can’t score runs
Lol ok bud
Yes, I agree.
That was great analysis.
I learned a lot … LOL
Life s.cks and then you die ……
The team that scores more runs wins ….
Do you think the Sawx will break $300 million in payroll this year?
You’re not very good at constructing your thoughts are you?
I’m not sure I understand your position on Boris, why is he bad for baseball?
As for “the injury”, no actual injury has been reported, in the past JD has had back, elbow and foot issues, it’s my guess that they are looking to get the same kind of language they had in the Lackey contract.
I think you are trying to say Moreland isn’t a starter on a playoff team and in that we agree.
No they will not break $300m
Per the latest posting that JDM will be signed and things have been worked out, I am happy to hear that may mean that JDM is apparently healthy enough to sign a deal. There were discussions of JDM having a Lisfranc issue or Arthritic hips.
Polly want a cracker ?
if Moreland hits 280 or more in clutch then he helps !!
odds are so great that Martinez is just another retirement player milking the teams based on past performances not current skills…
he can do the Manny injury or the panda scam job or just play retirement baseball …
need performance based contracts so the borass marketing lies stop fooling teams..