Here’s the latest from the game’s central divisions:
- Royals lefty Danny Duffy says he is throwing pain free after an offseason elbow clean-up, as’s Jeffrey Flanagan reports. “Honestly, I had forgotten what it felt like to throw without any pain or discomfort,” says Duffy. That’s good news for Kansas City, as the organization will expect the southpaw to lead an uncertain staff in 2018 and beyond — unless, that is, he isn’t traded at some point. Other organizations would no doubt have interest in Duffy’s reasonable contract ($61MM through 2021), though we haven’t seen any indication that the Royals are likely to move the 29-year-old this winter.
- Over at The Athletic, Patrick Mooney has a pair of articles (subscription links) regarding the market’s two top pitchers. The Cubs have plenty of money left to work with, he notes, and have seemingly remained engaged with Yu Darvish for much of the winter. That said, there are still alternatives for both team and player; Mooney says the Cubs have other scenarios in mind and notes the possibility of mystery teams in Darvish’s market. It’s less clear, Mooney suggests, that there’s a realistic path back to Chicago for Jake Arrieta. As MLBTR’s 2018 Free Agent Tracker shows, Darvish and Arrieta are just a few of the many starters still available; remarkably, the Cubs’ early agreement with Tyler Chatwood still paces this winter’s market for rotation contracts.
- The Indians are readying for an arbitration hearing with righty Trevor Bauer, Paul Hoynes of the Plain Dealer writes. Cleveland is utilizing a file-and-trial approach, says Hoynes, meaning a panel will decide whether the righty plays for $5.3MM or $6.52MM in the coming season. The results won’t just determine whether Bauer can pick up an additional $1.22MM for the coming season; his 2018 salary will also set a base rate for raises in his final two seasons of arb eligibility. As always, you can keep track of all the arbitration developments with MLBTR’s 2018 Arbitration Tracker.
I hope Cubs get Darvish, him and Heyward can sit next to each other on the bus.
I don’t follow? Is this supposed to be a joke about overpaid overrated players?
On the bus? What bus? Do they not fly to away games? Do they not individually get themselves to Wrigley Field for home games?
They take a bus from the airport to the stadium when they’re on the road. Or just take a bus when they play the White Sox.
They ride on busses during World Series Championship parades
Badum tiss
Darvish and heyward will sit on bus look at comments on mlb trade rumors and ask how do some of these people even get out of bed by themselves . (Yes me included:-)) hope cubs get Darvish but Cobb works and Lynn as well.
HAHAHAHA! Good one
Who cares what you think. Get over yourself. Being a troll n hater is no way to go through life son.
That made sense. Another jelouse troll
As they admire their rings
That would be ring not rings. Only heyward has ring of the two and he has one. Darvish to cubs, depending on contract terms and length, has equal chance of leading to another WS as it does leading to another tanking period for Cubs. Cards and other teams will make sure he does not go for less than market value at which he’s inherently a huge risk.
Wow, what did I just read? This thread of comments is some of the most petty childishness Ive seen in a while. Congratulations all.
The Cards won’t do $” hit so get over it. They be trash again this this year. Then figure out how to cheat like they are known for. Just worry about your team. Funny how Card fans spend more time on Cubs post than their own team. That tells you something.
You need a life Wainofan
The Cards and other teams lol. Psssf No even cares about the stupid Cards. Has beens and cheaters.
Not all Card fans so don’t flatter yourself! I am a Cards Fan but also follow all of baseball! Glad to see you guys win a WS but after all is said and done we were not trash last year and we won’t be trash this year! Might not win the division but not trash! Maybe you should also call out the Cub fans that troll the Cards news too!! Go get over yourself and remember it’s just one title in what 100 years!!!
As a Brewer fan I also despise the Cardinals but Cub fans should be careful with the cheating allegations. I recall a game at Wrigley last season that was called hours early due to rain, and it never rained. It was a dishonest way for them to get a day off and they should be called out for the blatant disregard to the rules that it was.
Individual organizations have no say in delays, suspensions, postponements, or cancellations.
Incorrect. Suspensions are a different animal all together and are not similar to the three other things you have listed. To the point, the home team has authority before the game begins on postponing etc. and they aren’t supposed to abuse that power. Once the game starts then it becomes the responsibility of the umpire crew to call for rain delays or postponements. The Cubs abused their power by calling a game hours before first pitch based on weather forecasts instead of getting ready for the game and making the decision at game time like everyone is supposed to do. They were in the midst of a long stretch of games and manufactured an illegitimate day off.
Your right I shouldn’t say all. Yes I agree so stupid Cub trolls too. Point made
That’s a far cry from hacking computers , PEDs using lasers on the field and pine tar on uniforms. They figure out one day.
Yeah and the days before they had how many delays before a wasted game. Whatever. Go back to your hacking Card team. No team FO is that low. Pathedic.
I remember when the ball literally stuck to the front of yadi’s chest protector lol matheny couldn’t even come up with a good lie during the postgame interview for that one!
Thats what all the boys said after they did your mother Pingleja
Cubs still will not sign Darvish. They will sign Cobb.
You may very well be correct on Cobb. We shall see.
Seems like Jake is asking too much and or too many years for the Cubs liking, and it may be the same thing with Darvish. Maybe Cobb will be more reasonable. He did turn down 3yr 42mil so guessing he wants at least 3yr 48mil. or 4yr 60mil might get it done.
3/42 is a horrible offer when you look at what the Cubs already gave a significantly worse pitcher.
If a team pays on past results, they get crucified, and when they pay based on market speculation of future production (Chatwood’s no longer pitching in Denver) they still get crucified. His peripheral stats make him look like a breakout candidate, and more than one team noticed. Make up your minds!
Seems like the Cubs have had enough of Arrieta. Maybe they don’t see a reasonable cost/value ratio, or maybe they feel they have seen the best of Arrieta, and the next iteration of him is decidedly more average
Arrieta developed a slight attitude last year plus having boras as his agent certainly could help to seeing his way to a new team. Funny when rsox yanks dodgers tigers amongst other big market teams are not in the market for SP the price of poker stalls
Well said. They know him better than anyone and do not want anything to do with him.
Agreed. I remember seeing an interview of Arrietta, about a year-and-a-half ago. The interviewer asked him if he’d be willing to take a slight hometown discount because it’s a great city and organization, and his response (not verbatim) was, arrogantly, “No, no hometown discounts.” From everything I hear, and can tell, the guy is just kind of a a-hole.
The Cubs have made no effort to keep Arrieta but want Darvish.
Any team making an offer to Arrieta should ask why.
I think everybody knows why… He’s on the wrong side of 30, wants a huge contract, and has been trending downward for a couple years now.
He also seems like a giant primadonna, but I’ll admit that could have more to do with how Cubs fans have talked about him over the last few years rather than stuff he actually does/says.
He can’t throw a strike without getting crushed, and hitters know this. He might have helped his cause more if he kept his mouth shut. He and Boras have been talking Scherzer money over 6 or more years. The Cubs are looking elsewhere, and rightly so.
Exactly. In fact Cubs offered an extension several years ago but 4 years. Jake arrogantly said “aces get 7 years”. Well he is not an ace. He also said no home town discount. Thats fine too. But maybe what he perceived as a discount is actually market value.
Anyone with an ounce of knowledge and eye for detail already knows why.
It is fantastic that an organization like the Cubs have the GM/ President of baseball Operations and the Owners That will make trades, sign top tiered free agents, and continue to not be afraid of spending money year after year to maintain their high quality standards. The Cardinals traded for one top tiered player. Promised much more top tiered players to come and instead, sunk $260 million into Ballpark Village rather than sign impact players!!! Congratulations to the Cubs for always looking for ways to improve there team! Condolences to the sold out Cardinals fans. Nothing but Dumpster Diving since signing Ozuna. And a statement from The Owners that the Cardinals look great for 2018 with the personnel they already have. Disgusting and frustrating for Cardinal season ticket holders who are completely unappreciated!!!!!
Having just come out of their most recent rebuild and showing a willingness to spend during the current window is hardly a sign that this will continue when the Window starts to close. Your statement is a bit premature.
As to St Louis, not signing Pujols was the correct choice, and a ballsy decision. They have been consistent in their spending habits, yet contend regularly. While spending more is an option, I think they have earned the benefit of the doubt.