Following the MLB Winter Meetings on your phone? We’ve got your covered with our free Trade Rumors app for iOS and Android. With Trade Rumors, you can set up custom notifications to suit your needs, whether it’s for all of MLB, certain teams, or a few specific players. Plus, the app’s clean, fast interface draws rave reviews. The hot stove is burning, so download Trade Rumors at the links below!
“the app’s clean, fast interface draws rave reviews.”
First time i’ve seen MLBTR use ‘rave reviews’ when not talking about peter o’brian
Highly recommended for those that like to make trade suggestions, so you don’t see down-votes 😉
Why do down votes matter? it’s not like it costs you money.
Nobody’s talking about money. These guys are some of the most selfless people around.
It just indicates a poor quality or unpopular comment and it’s funny, seeing them on almost every trade proposal lol.
I’m always sticking up for them, to backseat-armchair MLBTR readers lol
If you thought I was critiquing them… Noo way!
When is the app going to be available for Amazon tablets?
Has the iOS link issue been resolved? Some player and article links are dead randomly.
For me, at least, the player links to BRef seem to be working better now.
Ditto. The latest ap update fixed the link issue completely for me.
Does anyone else have an issue where they can only make one comment on the app before needing to restart it to make another comment? It still lets you type in the comment box, but the keyboard blocks the post comment button and when you scroll down to the post comment button and let go, it just goes back up so you can’t hit it. I’m competent with technology so I can promise it’s not an issue on my end, and it always happens after posting a comment.
Sometimes, yes.
I think ironing out commenting-related bugs would be a good goal for us in the early part of 2018.