New Mariners center fielder Dee Gordon doesn’t like what’s happening in Miami, Tim Healey of the Sun Sentinel reports. While his words don’t stir up controversy quite to the level of Giancarlo Stanton’s upon the slugger’s own exit from Miami, Gordon was very candid with his feelings about the direction of the Marlins’ franchise. “It’s terrible,” Gordon said, via Healey. “It’s almost — I’m not even going to say almost. It’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing. I don’t want to bash anyone, but what’s happened is not good.” The former Marlins second baseman expressed a distaste for the franchise’s trades of Stanton, Marcell Ozuna and himself, accusing the team of getting rid of them because of payroll obligations the Marlins’ new ownership “can’t take care of.” When asked what he thinks the club should do with Christian Yelich, Gordon said, “I think you have to let the dude go win.” Under new ownership, or course, the Marlins have expressed a desire to change the way the team operates financially in order to create sustainable success for the long-term. While the strategy has been met with skepticism by many (including colorful agent Scott Boras), others side with Derek Jeter and co., believing that the new owners aren’t morally obligated to remain bound to the financial decisions of the old regime.
More from around baseball’s American League during the holiday season…
- In other Mariners news, shortstop Jean Segura says he was assaulted and robbed at gunpoint by corrupt police in the Dominican Republic. Mark Townsend of Yahoo Sports delves into the details of incident, which Segura made public via a post on his Instagram account. The photo of the post appears to show a number of DICAN officers, one of whom is “visibly armed,” in Townsend’s words. The Dominican Republic National Police have since announced the appointment of a commission to investigate the incident. Segura followed up a breakout 5-WAR 2016 campaign with the Diamondbacks by hitting .300/.349/.427 across 566 plate appearances in 2017.
- The Twins “hope to get a meeting soon with Darvish,” Darren Wolfson of KSTP reports in a tweet. While the prospect of a meeting certainly doesn’t imply a serious pursuit of the former Rangers ace (indeed, Wolfson adds that there’s no indication the club has made a formal offer), a potential pursuit of Darvish by Minnesota is intriguing. Any contract large enough to lure him in would need to nearly triple the club’s highest-ever guarantee given to a pitcher ($55MM to Ervin Santana). However, it’s no secret that the Twins are in dire need of pitching if they plan to compete this offseason, and as MLBTR’s Steve Adams notes, the club is definitely in a position to spend this offseason.
- Roberto Perez, backup catcher for the Indians, is focused on getting his mother a new home. A story by Jordan Bastian of details Perez’ desire to sit down with his mom Lilliam Martinez this holiday season and discuss plans to build a new house to replace the one that was severely damaged by Hurricane Maria. Bastian’s piece provides some insight into the emotions of Perez since the storm hit; the piece is well worth a read for fans looking to learn more about how Puerto Rico has been affected since landfall by the Class 5 storm. The 29-year-old Perez made his MLB debut with the Indians back in 2014. He signed a four-year, $9MM extension last spring following three excellent defensive seasons with the Tribe.
At what point is it even worth DR players going back home when they are known wealthy and famous people in the US? Corrupt police shaking down Segura, kidnappings, no road laws so players are getting killed in car crashes – it’s almost too dangerous and sketchy a place for baseball players to go now, at some point the MLBPA should step in to protect its players maybe even ban them from going there while they are getting paid by MLB teams. You would think teams would protect their multi-million dollar investments better.
I have recently questioned this with respect to the unrest in Venezuela.
Yet no harm has ever come to a Venezuelan player who returned home.
Fake News tries to make us think otherwise.
Except when Wilson Ramos got kidnapped.
Other than that…..
No, just to their families who live there. Semantics though.
If you need sources to prove such I can gladly provide you liberal and conservative outlets discussing the chaos and violence there.
YouTube search: Empire Files
LOL the lady from empire files literally says yeah, the government did some things theyre mad which theyre protesting and rioting about but not everything! There goes your fake news bs.
He doesn’t like specific examples. I gave him one he didnt like it. He’s just out to make up bs. Typical troll
I tried Google Translate on your response but it could not help.
Anyway, I’ve seen video on YouTube of grocery stores in Venezuela that look like our supermarkets. Of course, those stores are in privately patrolled rich areas of Venezuela where coincidentally the owners of the food supply distribution in the country live.
Maduro has been far too timid. He needed to round up these private enterprise oligarchs in the country who fund the violent resistance in Caracas and who are also behind kidnappings and political murders and tell them they can either join with the people or face a firing squad tomorrow morning.
You said no player was harmed in Venezuela, I gave you the example of Ramos being kidnapped. Dont like specifics do you champ?
Was he harmed? Is he alive?
There are a lot of Venezuelan players with a lot of money, a lot more than Wilson Ramos and none of them have any problemas.
In wealthy areas of Venezuela the store shelves are as well stocked as here in the USA. Wealthy areas in the mountains of Caracas look like wealthy areas of Los Angeles.
“Wealthy areas in the mountains of Caracas look like wealthy areas of Los Angeles.”
You could always go to wealthy areas of Venezuela and stuff notes in boxes of Pop-Tarts or Cheetos (it may go over better since you gave up the white supremacist mantra). Afterwards you could ride around and shoot out the car windows of the wealthy. It may go over better down there than it did in LA in the 90’s
Don’t let facts get in the way of a good argument
Yeah just don’t ever go see any family or friends again in your home country where you grew up. Don’t be dumb.
Because some of these players aren’t citizens and are on work visas to play baseball here. There’s more under the surface to it all but this isn’t the place to discuss that. Also, it’s Home for them and that’s where family is. It’s worth a lot of it means they see there families.
It would seem more than a little problematic for teams to tell their players what they can and can’t do during the offseason and restrict player movement in that way; the players aren’t chattel. I mean, would it be okay for a team to restrict going home to a dangerous American city, like Chicago or Detroit or Las Vegas or Newtown…I mean, you get the point.
Might be safer for them to go back then to drive at night in the USA where they may be stopped by police and shot in their cars and have a gun planted on them.
Yet no harm has ever come to a foreign born baseball player living in the USA at the hands of police.
Fake News tries to make us think otherwise.
Well played
Speaking of fake news…
Search on YouTube for: Empire Files
Also: Breaking The Set
This is so irrelevant and dumb.
I understand your line of thinking but you have to keep in mind these players call that place home and that’s where their family and friends are.
All International players need a P1 work visa to play in the US, legally they are required to return to their country once their duty is done. Ask Trump if they can stay here…
Oh yeah because it’s President Trump’s goal to keep Jean Segura out of the United States.
Someone’s not paying attention.
Paying attention to what? Trump having a similar immigration policy that Canada does?…
Trump is only after illegal aliens who have committed felonies. Segura is not illegal and is not a felon.
Women and children are being separated from their families…
Families are being torn apart when illegal immigrants kill a husband, wife, or do unthinkable things to children.
Yet nobody ever seems to care about the families destroyed by the actions of illegal immigrants, esp ones that kept coming back and wind up murdering someone.
What about the families of people who are murdered by people who were born here? I think that’s a bigger problem. What exactly is the percentage of illegal immigrants who murder? I suspect pretty low. Quit listening to Fox News and Trump.
The guy who married an immigrant hates immigrants? Makes sense.
I want to know what is taking Perez so long to properly take care of his mother.
No electrical power on the entire island of P.R.?
There are parts of PR that are still without power. After the hurricane, 100% of the island was left without power or telecommunications. It’s like going back to the stone age.
“ . . . at some point the MLBPA should step in to protect its players maybe even ban them from going there while they are getting paid by MLB teams.”
Lemme see if I understand you. You want the players association to “ban” its members from traveling to their home countries in order to protect the teams investments? First of all you have the dynamics wrong, the PA works for the players, not the reverse. Second, why would the PA do the owners bidding? And finally, how in the world would the PA enforce its “ban”? In short, you can’t be serious.
“First of all you have the dynamics wrong, the PA works for the players, not the reverse. Second, why would the PA do the owners bidding?”
I’ve been trying to answer these questions since the shocking result of the current CBA was announced. Perhaps I got some of the answer yesterday when I learned that Omar Minaya was Tony Clark’s assistant in the negotiations.
Perhaps Tony Clark has a bank account in the Cayman Islands or Switzerland that we don’t know about yet?
“Perhaps Tony Clark has a bank account in the Cayman Islands or Switzerland that we don’t know about yet?”
Disgraceful. If you are gonna accuse the Executive Director of the MLBPA of taking bribes from the owners you really oughta back it up with something more substantial than your suspicions. Not a molecule of evidence in support of your theory but you have no problem accusing the man anyway.
While Clark isn’t a labor law heavyweight like Marvin Miller, Don Fehr and Gino Orza, it’s a bit much to suggest that he is in the tank for the owners. Unless, of course, you have compelling evidence. So, what’ve you got, and I’m looking for proof, not supposition?
If he isn’t completely corrupt then he’s flat stupid.
Don’t feed the troll.
Isn’t that called Slander
and Libel? CP
“Isn’t that called slander”
Slander is for spoken words, libel is for written words.
Ban them from seeing their families? Are you OK. MLB players are not the only wealthy people in the country. There is people that live there every day with no problem. He was probably in the wrong place. And in regards to players getting killed while driving drunk, it’s the potters responsibility to not do that, or maybe you want to assign a babysitter too
Yes, people get killed driving drunk in this country too, unfortunately.
Doesn’t matter the Latin county
1. They have family there
2. It’s cheaper
3. Friends are there
4. What’s the pa going to do? Banned them from going home? Psh
Though, I would think they would make the effort to stay and bring family here, but like 2 says… even if they get family here… it’s way cheaper to just go there
believing that the new owners aren’t morally obligated to remain bound to the financial decisions of the old regime.
Well the Old regime aka Loria only knew how to shakedown the Taxpayer and got the Balloon Heads aka Politicians to work for him
So Miami-Dade borrowed the money by selling bonds on Wall Street, a loan which won’t come due for decades. When it does, it’s going to hurt.
Jeter and his partners should have paid the bond holders first, Loria second, and tried to keep the team together.
The whole thing is a ‘Sham’ and Rob Manfred should call his mother right now (if he can) and tell her he is sorry
And Manfred is allegedly Catholic, SMH the Catholic Church does not need parishioners like him that is for sure!! However, I am sure they kiss up to him! Double SMH
There was plenty of political corruption going around in Miami with regards to that stadium deal and commissioners indicted over it, believe one went to prison eventually from the kick backs?
miami long known in this state (florida) as one of the most corrupt areas, if not THE most for decades. Many of us native floridians, with a chance wouldn’t give 1 dime to ANY sports team of tax dollars for ANY reason. Florida has remained a low tax state because of not giving out handouts to everyone sticking out a hat and this case was beyond the pale that never passed the stink test from the start.
Hi Silver,
Merry Christmas
I didn’t know Miami was that corrupt, I used to know people that lived down that, it was beautiful
Anyway Manfred is up to the task leading Baseball and Goodell is for Football
Which means they are not!!!!
The gross amount of overspending and these contracts are nothing short of disgraceful and will eventually ruin the game!
Manfred making 20 million a year plus whatever his staff makes. Goodell just signed 5 year extension 200 million a year. Goodell , in his first ten years made 212 million dollars. Silver makes 20 per, Bettman 9.5 per year. Imagine what the owners are making.
Well when you have Balloon Headed City Council members giving taxpayer money away for free to rich owners….
The thing is I want to know where all this money is coming from
I want anyone and everyone audited, including the Cable Companies to breakdown the actual revenue from the TV deals!
Good luck with that lefty and btw.. Isn’t our good friend Angelos hiding parts of that MASN deal with the Nats? Isn’t that why they are crying foul over the split of funds between clubs?
Cheers to you my friend in case we don’t chat again before Christmas.
That’s offensive…Miami is rebuilding a year after they had the 5th best offense in the league with the national league mvp, so what are they rebuilding too? They got nothing in those 3 trades, if you can’t afford contracts don’t buy a team
They are rebuilding to have a team that can win. If the Marlins went out and signed both Arrieta and Darvish in free agency, they still didn’t have the pitching to win the East.
What they would have had was a team with a $200 million MLB payroll with just $205 million in total revenue and would have been $100 million in the red. 1st off, that would have violated MLB’s debt service rules and 2nd, that is not sustainable business.
A team is first and foremost a business. Thousands of non players depend on that team for income. No team can spend more that half it’s revenue on MLB payroll and still be able to pay the rest of it’s employees. In MLB teams case that includes hundreds of minor league players, coaches, scouts, as well as major league ballpark personnel, front office people, and hundreds more. A team with as large of a debt load as the Marlins cannot afford even 50% of revenue.
MLB knew this and all 29 other owners and Manfred signed off on the sale so they could get the previous ownership out.
So if idiots like Gordon want to be mad at someone, they need to direct their ire at the person who caused the situation with his incompetence, Jeffrey Loris.
“That’s offensive…Miami is rebuilding a year after they had the 5th best offense in the league with the national league mvp, so what are they rebuilding too? They got nothing in those 3 trades, if you can’t afford contracts don’t buy a team”
Most cogent post made on the issue of the Marlins sale to Jeter yet.
The Marlins exist as a AAAA farm team for MLB contenders and they loot what they can out of the Miami market and split it 30 ways among the MLB Crime Families.
You really think that if the new owner’s had a different and unknown front man that fans would jump on board and think it’s a great idea to trade the best player in franchise history for a very low percentage of his value simply because they can’t/don’t want to pay his contract? Yeah, that’s likely.
I can hear them now. “Please new owners, trade Stanton, an MVP who nearly hit 60 homers last year for a couple of lottery tickets, who aren’t even the best prospects the trading team had, and save a bunch of money. But please don’t lower my ticket prices either. I want to pay full price to watch a gutted baseball team because you’re a new owner and I don’t know who you are.”
The sale to the Sherman/Jeter group was awful. They obviously do not have the resources to run a major league franchise, and it’s probable if Jeter’s name—MLB’s golden boy—wasn’t attached, the deal would never have been approved. It should have been sold to Jorge Mas.
Marlins fans have a right to be upset. They have watched this disgusting charade through four owners now, so why would they have any hope? Wayne Heizenga (however you spell it) built a world series winner and then dismantled it weeks later to save money. John Henry cried poor everyday, then spent more than quadruple the amount of money to buy the Red Sox. And then Loria was just a joke, manipulating fans and gov’t officials to line his pockets.
The point is it doesn’t matter who the new owners are or what recognition they have; the Marlins, from a fan’s standpoint, have been a terribly run organization since its inception.
2 WS rings before Loris. Loria was the issue.
How many Division titles do the Marlins have in their illustrious history?
World Series > Division titles.
Cubs had 6 division titles prior to winning it all in 2016. Fans would have easily swapped those 6 for a title.
Dodgers have had 9 division titles since they last won it all in 1988. Dodger fans would trade those for a title.
I dont think you get how baseball works.
You score more runs not more hits. You need more wins then losses. You play to win a world series not division titles.
How many division titles have the Marlins won?
How many did the Giants win on the way to 3 WS rings?
Since 1997 the Giants have won four division titles.
How many division titles have the Marlins won in their existence? Third time this question has been put to you. Fourth, fifth, sixth will follow if necessary.
Keep on asking. It doesn’t have any bearing on the discussion. So ask again.
Each time you ask just shows how little intelligence you have and how little you understand what is going on. So please, ask again.
How many division titles have the Marlins won in their existence?
And both WS winners were blown up and rebuilt at a much lower price. They’ve made a mockery of the system and are a disgrace to baseball.
The system of inequity of revenue that forces small market teams to build and rebuild constantly is a disgrace.
That some teams have a MLB payroll of $300 million on revenues of $590 million while other teams have total revenues of $205 million is a disgrace. The Dodgers and Yankees have to play the Rays and Padres in order to make that revenue. Why are they not sharing revenue equally?
The system is what is a disgrace. Not that a team like the Marlins has to sell off high priced players in order to be a profitable business.
“2 WS rings before Loris. Loria was the issue.”
Actually Loria was the owner of the 2003 Marlins that won the World Series.
Yes he was. He bought the team just in time for the previous owners work to come to fruition, then Loria sold everyone off. Thanks for proving my point that Loria was the problem.
Miami fans are the worst fans in this planet….the average attendance in 2003 was 19,200 and that was the year that they beat my yanks, are you serious?
Keep up your good work jeter… you’re still the best!
How many division titles do the Marlins have?
You are a FN idiot nut job! Get those meds adjusted FAST!
What’s Casey up to?
What did the Indians average this season after going to the World Series.
You have no idea what it has been like to be a Marlins fan. I might actually root for the Yanks this season. I hate the Yanks but I love baseball.
Again the Marlins weren’t solvent no matter who owns it. Not saying Jeter is or isn’t a dink, but the fact that anyone is surprised the Marlins are shedding all of these deals is stupefying. Almost as stupefying the day these guys got signed to big deals to begin with.
The Marlins were profitable. Now the Marlins will be very profitable.
The last time the Marlins were profitable was before Marlins Park was built.
With a $100 million payroll and debt service of $60+ million they are losing money. At the $140 million payroll they would have had if they made no changes to the team they would have lost $50-55 million.
Your shtick is getting old.
No, the Marlins have revenues well in excess of $200 million with a new cableTV contract on the way.
Miami is the 16th largest media market in the USA while the Reds are in the smallest market and soldier on with Joey Votto and Homer Bailey’s salaries aboard for the ride.
The Marlins total revenues were $205 million. That’s it.
Their tv contract, the lowest in baseball at just $20 million annually and $30 million less than the Reds, runs through 2020. They also have the lowest revenue from in park advertising and events and the lowest revenue from corporate and luxury box sales. Add in the cheapest tickets in baseball and the 3rd lowest ticket sales and you have the lowest total revenue in baseball. They also have large debt service.
At some point you need to pull your head out.
TV contract is up for renewal and the amount will skyrocket.
In 2021. Not for 3 seasons.
Yep, all 6,000 Marlins fans have the right to be upset.
They paid $20 for their tickets so the team should spend as much as the Yankees.
The Twins-Darvish paragraph seems odd. One would think a meeting would imply a serious pursuit.
A team that went 77-85(granted 8 games below .500) has no room to complain when a new ownership group takes over to try and make them better. I wouldn’t be surprised if Miami has a better year in 2018
The Marlins were a last place team WITH Stanton, Ozuna, Gordon, Yelich, Realmuto, etc. so if new ownership wants to rebuild its their business. They want to tear it down to rock bottom and build it back up. I see nothing wrong with that. If the team was winning with those players it would be a different story.
That’s fine if they want to tear it down and rebuild from the bottom because the team wasn’t good enough, but that’s not the case. They’re tearing it down due to money and nothing else. The Stanton trade was about getting out from under the contract. IF the Marlins significantly paid down his contract they would have gotten a better return, and therefore a much better place to build a team from. But they wanted to get rid of the money.
Explain how the team was good enough. Even if they added the 2 best pitchers on the market, that pitching staff would have been abysmal and they would not have won the NL East.
So please explain how the team was good enough.
Your evidence to back up your claim that the Marlins could not have won the N.L. Least with Darvish and Arrieta added to their rotation?
The Marlins WAR if they added those two at their best WAR and everyone on the team repeating 2017 would be 12 less than the Nationals current roster did in 2017.
It was incumbent on him making a claim that they were good enough, but I answered anyway.
How many less WAR were the Mets than the Nats when the Mets went to the Series against the Royals?
Boom! WAR isn’t a concrete number.
The Mets produced 3 more WAR.
Mets – 23.8 offense 20.9 pitching – 44.7
Nats – 19.1 offense 21.6 pitching – 40.7
Year before the Mets upset the Nats?
4 accounts currently active from the same IP address and different browsers again. MLBTR, I will allow my IT manager to start publishing nicknames, IP addresses, and real names and addresses if you do not do something about it. Make this board secure.
THANK YOU! Please do this ASAP!
1 is entrenched in chat room
And he can start with you and all of your backup accounts that you use to downvote anyone who disagrees with you.
Dee Gordon says the way the Marlins are handling this off season is an embarrassment. I submit what is an embarrassment is him getting suspended for a failed drug test and letting down his team.
Bottom line is, the Marlins had to ship out a young MVP, on a value neutral contract, because they can’t afford it. That’s utterly disgraceful, no matter which way you shake it. If you can’t service value neutral contracts, you shouldn’t own a baseball team.
We were so close. Disheartening.
He won’t be very happy with his new team either. They haven’t been in a playoff since 2001 and don’t seem to know how to build a winning team.
Everyone just dont respond to Caseys Partner
Trying to argue him is like trying to tell Peter Angelos that international amateurs are worth something.