The Pirates announced on Wednesday that they will not renew the contract of director of Latin American scouting Rene Gayo following a league investigation into alleged rules violations against Gayo. Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic first reported that Gayo would be dismissed, noting that several years ago, he accepted kickback payments from a team in the Mexican Summer League as compensation for the sale of “at least one player to the Pirates,” per Rosenthal.
In a press release announcing that Gayo’s contract would not be renewed, Pittsburgh GM Neal Huntington offered the following statement:
“We had been apprised of Major League Baseball’s investigation into alleged Rules violations committed by Rene during his tenure with the Pirates and the fact that MLB intends to discipline Rene as a result of those violations. Other than confirming our profound disappointment in the breach of trust that was the subject of MLB’s investigation, we will have no further comment on the investigation or MLB’s intended discipline.”
It’s not clear exactly what form of punishment the league will impose on Gayo, though Rosenthal notes that the Pirates organization will not be penalized for Gayo’s actions. The Pirates, Huntington added in the press release, will begin an “exhaustive” search for a replacement.
The Braves must have done something hella bad if the Pirates can get out of this with no penalties
Haha Yeah! What the hell did the Braves do!?
Word is: Kevin Maitan is really 11.
You heard 11? From the reports I’ve read, I’ve been hear 8 1/2.
That 8 1/2 rumor came from his former agent, Federico Fellini.
The Braves cheated to gain competitive advantage. If anything, the Pirates were the victims of Gayo’s actions.
Sounds like he was getting the Pirates to sign bums in exchange for kickbacks. Which explains his recent track record.
He’s been teetering on that line for some time. I recall him doing some scummy things in the documentary about young Latin ball players when trying to sign Miguel Sãno.
That guy? I saw that documentary.
That was him!
And what were some of the things?
Nutting must have caught him stealing pencils from the office.
Sooo….the Pirates get off basically punishment free, and there is talk of the hammer being brought down on the Braves…
Not to mention, why isn’t MLB investigating Gayo and his actions/dealings further. It is highly unlikely that this was the ONLY violation he committed…
Then again, most teams commit some type of violations when it comes to international signings…Like I’ve said before, clearly Coppy was just really HATED by his peers, leading to him ultimately getting ratted out by those same peers…Or maybe, what Coppy did, was just really THAT BAD!?!….Idk..
Either way though, typically, if you break the rules, you tend to pay the consequences…It is normally that simple, but hopefully MLB doesn’t absolutely cripple the Braves and hopefully they don’t take away from their talented stockpile of prospects…
What really has me worried is all the talk of breaking rules in the amateur draft…I hope it was just the nonsense about Waters being offered a car, which has been stated as being false…for whatever that’s worth….But I really hope it doesn’t have anything to do with the package signings of Anderson, Wentz, Muller, and Wilson….As all 4 have turned out to be pretty good to excellent prospects thus far, especially, Anderson, Wentz, and Wilson…
The waiting is driving me nuts, wondering and thinking about all the what if’s, regardless however rational or irrational they may or may not actually be…lol…I just want to hear the final outcome and get it over with!!!
The Braves broke rules to sign players that might have not signed originally.
The Pirates didn’t do that
What makes you ask why MLB isn’t investigating this guy further? It says MLB will impose a punishment, presumably they will continue investigating leading up to that.
Probably that fat pitcher… Heredia?
That’s not a bad guess. Luis Heredia is who you were thinking of, he’s still in the Pirate organization I think.
He was just recently released. The article at the time played like they had just finally given up since he hadn’t developed, but in light of this news I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the player. He signed out of Mexico at the age of 16.
That may be the puinishement–they have to add his worthless behind to the 40-man.
Any chance the league could levy a punishment voiding Kang’s contract as a result?
This was their director of Latin American scouting…Kang is Korean so I highly doubt there’s any correlation between the two
What????? One guy low on the ladder makes a dumb move and the punishment is the league takes a player off of their MLB team????
It’s amazing to me that people actually think of these things, and also think it’s a good enough idea that they’re willing to put it on the internet for public consumption
Just another poor attempt at some humor……yawn……not funny……