The most recent edition of the MLBTR Mailbag featured questions on J.D. Martinez and the Diamondbacks, the Orioles’ rotation, the Cardinals’ offseason, Juan Nicasio’s free agency and potential trades for the Phillies.
If you have a question pertaining to the 2017-18 free agent market, offseason trades, or any other topic we’d typically cover here on MLBTR, let us know via email: We’ll be running a bit of a different format next week, though as usual, we can only get to a fraction of the submissions. Remember that you’re always welcome to get our take on topics of your choosing in the three weekly chats hosted at MLBTR (Tuesdays at 2pm CT with me, Wednesdays at 6:30pm CT with Jason Martinez and Thursdays at 2pm CT with Jeff Todd).
Does getting ride or kendreys morales any way how and signing jay bruce 2/35 camron maybin 3/30 call up alford and Hernandez. Maybin, Hernandez alford battle out for the cornors other down to AAA. Bruce qnd peairce are 4Ofer and a Buce plays of and dh peairce playes 1st and dh some of. Two many rule 5 Draft pick to protect 15 total 10 prob teams could take so i see a trade maybe.two happening for our pitching depth. 5 hole guy or hopfully getting better.second baseman Any think that sounds like a good plan, let me know how off much my prices are off if atall
I vote they answer this one. That is a high quality question right there.
Unique question, buzzler. As a longtime fan, I’ve never seen a baseball question stated quite that way.
I look forward to what Steve and Jeff have to say!
If you edit it and make it readable you’d do much better.
Im just now noticing the spelling mistakes and i cant edit it now
Woah??? Buzz is the right name, alright!
reworded and spellchecked as well as emailed it, veiw it at comment #8
How come the link never works for me? Do others have the same problem?
I never noticed it before but I get this message when clicking the link:
The webpage at could not be loaded because:
I think the jays need to look long and hard at ditching Morales at baciscally any price and adding Jay Bruce and Cam Maybin. Looking at their previous AAV’s 3 yrs at 27-36 sounds right for Maybin, he adds speed, defense, contact hitting and is fairly young. Jay Bruce will be tougher to get for sure but hes 30 and hits for power and contact plus hes a lefty I think 4 yrs at 80 is reasonable but he may want more. After 4 years Bruce hits free agency at 34 to cash in again. Bruce would be a bautista replacement and will help fill the void if and when Donaldson leaves. Bruce could be our dh and play out field when someone needs a rest or if Hernandez/Alford cant win the RF job its Bruces. Maybin is the leftfielder, leadoff man and can play center and aside from Bruce that would mean 3 outfielders that can man center. This makes the roster more athletic, speedy and flexible with our the jays needs. A batting order starting with Maybin,Donaldson,Bruce,Smoak & Tulo is amazing.
From left to right in outfield.
Maybin/pillar/Hernandez or Alford. Bruce and Carrera are the extras. With steve peairce shifting to 1st/dh bench bat role hes best suited for and he can play any corner in a pinch.
Do you think the prices are realistic and are the players realistic.
The jays also have way too many rule 5 draft eligible players available this year somewhere around 15 with 8-10 players that have real chances at being selected (connor greene, danny jansen, rowdey tellez and resse miguire to bame a few). Do you think they trade for a 2nd baseman (Dee gordon comes to mind) or a 4/5 starter, because theirs no way to keep them all they have 6 men on the 60-day DL right now alone.
Remarkably, um, comprehensive. Now as the article says, “let us know via email:”
That is a whole lot better Buzz, but it does say email.