Tigers first baseman Miguel Cabrera has been diagnosed with a pair of herniated disks in his back after undergoing an MRI, manager Brad Ausmus told reporters Sunday (link via MLive.com’s Evan Woodbery). The team doesn’t yet have an exact treatment plan lined up, but Woodbery notes that surgery is not believed to be on the table at this time. Further, Cabrera could still conceivably play again before season’s end.
As Woodbery notes, back issues have been a persistent problem for Cabrera throughout the season, and they could expedite the decision to move the former AL MVP to a full-time designated hitter. That won’t happen in 2018 unless Detroit can find a taker for Victor Martinez and the $18MM he’s owed next season at some point this winter, but the 2018 season is the final remaining year on Martinez’s four-year, $68MM contract.
While the decision of where to play Cabrera down the road won’t be up to Ausmus, who will not return as the team’s manager in 2018, Ausmus wasn’t shy in expressing that he feels Cabrera will eventually have to make that move. “Not only do I think that would benefit him, I think that’s probably going to happen,” said Ausmus of a potential move to DH for Cabrera. He also indicated that treatment options presently include anti-inflammatories, injections and various means of conditioning to alleviate the discomfort Cabrera is feeling.
The 34-year-old Cabrera has had far and away the worst offensive season of his career in 2017, hitting just .249/.329/.399 with 16 home runs in 529 plate appearances. The 2017 season marks the first time that he’s ever been below the league average in terms of offensive production, per OPS+ (92) and wRC+ (91).
Cabrera’s sudden decline and newfound back issues are particularly problematic for a rebuilding Tigers club that has been looking to shed payroll and get younger. While there’s never been any talk of moving Cabrera, his massive contract figures to be somewhat of an impediment to achieving those goals in the coming years. Cabrera inked a mammoth eight-year, $248MM contract extension prior to the 2014 campaign, which added onto a preexisting contract that still had two years and $44MM to go. He’s just wrapping up the second season of that deal and is still owed $192MM over the next six years.
It’s an explanation for One of the best hitters of the last two decades. Let’s hope his performance problems this past year were back-related, and treatment would return him to previous levels of production.
One of the best hitters, and (as with Pujols) now among the worst contracts–ever.
Pujols still dropping 100+ RBI’s though. Overpaid, but not a complete loss.
RBI’s don’t make him good. He hits behind Mike Trout, that’s one of the best gigs in baseball. Of course he’s going to have a lot.
I wouldn’t say it’s one of the worst contracts ever. It’s nowhere near as bad as Ryan Howard’s contract extension turned out, and how Sandoval’s contract worked out.
Sheesh I would have the same condition, too, if the weight of the Tigers’ franchise was now on my back.
Why didn’t they realize this earlier? U can see the guy is shot he’s been unimpressive this year. Tigers must have the same medical staff as the Mets.
Six years dealing with his back and mediocre numbers. And he can’t even field anymore? Man that contract is going to hang over that team….
Last 6 years he’s averaged .314/28/98 with a .931 OPS that’s not mediocre
he means future not past
Too many poor psychics on this site. He could just as easily be fine by spring training.
could very well. I don’t necessarily agree with him just trying to clear up what he meant.
Outstanding comment there Stymee, nice!!
Don’t forget the Triple Crown and MVP award also
I wonder if 34 is really 38. It has happened before.
I haven’t been around long enough to see anything like that, or I don’t think I have. And I believe you, but can you share some examples of this happening in baseball before?
Roberto Hernandez
Miguel Tejada
And Ramon Ortiz.
Basically every player from the Dominican Republic since Alphonso Soriano. That includes little leaguers.
Florias the teenager the Yankees signed 1-2 years ago. Should have gotten a multi million dollar bonus and ended up being in the hundreds of thousands.
When anyone mentions a player lieing about his age, immediately my mind goes straight to Rafael Furcal.
The fiasco came to light shortly before, the then 19 year-old, Rafael Furcal went on to win the ’00 Rookie of the Year Award. Furcal managing to win that award was quite the feat, especially considering, at the time, Raffy was “allegedly” the youngest player in baseball.
The trouble for Raffy started on an early Saturday morning in June 2000. Furcal was apparently out having a grand Ole time, boozing it up and driving around. So, of course, eventually Furcal paid for his poor choices he made, when he eventually got pulled over. It turned out that Furcal ended up getting charged with a DUI and DUA (drinking under age).
Throughout the course of the investigation, it turned out that later that same week a report was released, and this report basically said Mr. Furcal was found NOT GUILTY of the second charge (drinking under age)…However, ironically, Furcal WAS FOUND GUILTY of apparently lying about his age.
According to the released report, Furcal was actually 22 NOT 19, nor was Furcal any longer the game’s youngest player as everyone had been led to believe.
Oddly enough, Furcal, for whatever reason, still stuck to his guns, regardless of what the report said, and he continued to deny the report over and over again!!
It pretty much only took about a year and a half more of lieing before Furcal eventually came clean at the beginning of spring training in 2002. For the first time, Furcak admitted his real age, and went on to tell reporters, “I’m now 23, and nothing [has] changed in my life because I have to play like I play everyday.”
Furcal went on to admit it was his Dominican youth league coach that came up with the scheme. Raffy further explained why he did it, saying his coach told him if he changed his age, it would really increase his chances of getting signed to a major league contract.
I just remember it actually being a pretty crazy turn of events, but the scandal never really affected Furcal’s career. He went on to have a fairly long and primarily successful career in the majors. For the most part, most people will not remember Rafael Furcal for his cannon of an arm, nor for him hitting leadoff for the Braves, nor for him setting a rookie record with the Braves, nor will most people even remember him for being the 2000 NL Rookie of the Year Award winner.
Unfortunately, Rafael Furcal will almost always be remembered, as “that one guy” that magically aged 3 years during one season…
You’re *lying.
Thanks for the examples!
Haha i remember the rangers had a 19 year old prospect in a ball that turned out to be 26 years old
Most of this happened after 9/11 when getting a visa wasnt as easy…i think
El Duque
Miggy has posted a WAR of -0.7 since the all star break with a wRC of 65, where 100 is league average. He should be sat down, if not because of injuries, then because of his performance. Same with Victor Martinez.
I had the same thing. and then a Discectomy. The worst thing I did was waited to have it. Multiple Conn Doctors tormented me until I decided on surgery… PT, Traction, Injections. Just get the surgery. It was an instant fix and there no pain from the surgery or injury afterward.
Miguel Cabrera gets paid regardless if he’s good or bad or sits on the bench. If Cabrera wants to see the HOF, he should get a discectomy, loose weight and stay focus. Miguel Cabrera is now a DH for the remainder of his career. With heart issues, Victor Martinez will never play again.
“Just get the surgery.”
My experience argues otherwise. The only thing back surgery guarantees is more back surgery in the future.
I’d also suggest that a baseball forum isn’t the place to dispense medical advice, Doctor.
The Tigers and V-Mart should just agree to put V-mart on the 60-day dl in 2018 and continue to pay him. Why risk his long-term health. Heart problems are nothing to screw with.
Proceed to make Miggy DH and everyone wins.
Except the Tigers who have to eat the 18M without a chance of production from VMart
Instead of bashing the tigers give Cabrera some sympathy. A bad back is not just painful but ends your baseball career. He would trade that contract for a perfectly fine back. Tigers are like most teams pay players for previous years.
You think he would trade a quarter of a billion dollars?
Considering he already had 100M, it wouldnt shock me
Would he walk away from the contract to be 100% healthy? Sure i bet he would he already made enough money to live well on rest of his life.
Miggy is a stud and V-Mart is a tremendous player as well… We all get sick money or otherwise… Have some compassion, folks…
Obviously the Tigers should shut him down for the rest of the season and begin treatment immediately. Why would they conceivably trot him out again this season?they have a ton of money wrapped up into him for along time.
Surgery or not, every time he swings a bat he’s gonna feel it.
And yes, I know what I’m talking about ~~~ I have 4 herniated discs, 2 lumbar, 2 cervical.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he has some spinal stenosis, too. First thing he needs to do is drop some weight, then work on his core muscles.
Very few players in any sport are able to maintain a consistent level of production once they’re diagnosed with chronic back issues. The only player that comes to mind who persevered through recurring back problems to have a solid career was Jim Thome, but I don’t believe he necessarily had any herniated disks.
He’s effectively shutdown for the season. They haven’t even settled on a plan to treat him yet. How is it possible for him to return with only 6 games left?
V. Martinez with his heart problems probably should walk away and retire but walking away from $18 M is tough. Insurance will probably pay for some of that. Putting him on the 60 day DL will cost a 40 man roster spot but it’s better than the team paying his whole salary if they release him.
V-Marts “heart problem” isn’t necessarily life threatening or even cause for concern. Most cardiac arrhythmia conditions are easily manageable if he has the discipline to avoid alcohol and caffeine. The most serious aspect would be an ablation, but recovery is very fast and he could return to action by next March. Assuming of course, that his condition falls under that category.
The main problem I see is that this condition has been there all season, but they continued to play him. He has not helped the team playing hurt. Yet, knowing what a healthy Miggy could contribute, they (the team front office, manager and coaches) refuse to do their due diligence, and let Miggy play, because Miggy said he could play. Maybe it’s a pride thing for Miggy. None the less, there needs to be someone, other than the player, making the decision of who plays. Maybe that’s one of the reasons they are looking for a new manager.