Mets third baseman David Wright will begin a rehab assignment this evening, per a club announcement. He is in the lineup as the DH for the organization’s High-A affiliate.
A succession of shoulder, neck, and back injuries have conspired to limit the 34-year-old in recent years. Wright has yet to play this year and has appeared in only 75 games since the start of the 2015 campaign.
While it’s promising to see the initiation of a rehab assignment, there’s still vast uncertainty surrounding the former All-Star. For one thing, the bigger hurdle will come when Wright attempts to play the field; after all, throwing issues thwarted his progress this spring. For another, Wright will need to show that he can not only get healthy but stay that way, as each of his prior attempts at returning have ended with yet more maladies.
Nice to see he is able to bat and run around. But please Don’t cost the Mets any of your insurance salary by playing in one game with he mets before getting hurt again please.
Yeah, because that is what’s important.
As I said, nice to see him able to do things, but yeah, as a team sport, if he jeopardizes the team by attempting a comeback that is for naught, then yeah, that is important.
The 2-3 million lost in insurance money would be made at the gate in a weekend series if he returns.
If he plays at home.
Even more if you bring up Tim Tebow the same weekend. You can round out the circus atmosphere with Thor and Ces riding in from the outfield on Arabian horses. Sandy can be the master of ceremonies as the Mets give every fan a 2017 NL West Division Champion cap to commentate the Dodgers’ great season.
“TC” will top off the event with an inspirational speech about how everyone on the team in spring training expected to go all the way to the World Series this year.
Free creamsicle ice cream with blue sprinkles will be served to all fans to enjoy the sweets in mets colors.
Why are you worrying about the Wilpon’s money. Remember that ever dollar saved during the recent salary dump goes directly into the Jeff and Fred Dodger memorabilia fund.
He must’ve met up with Tim Tebow and he touched him and healed his back
I think that was implied with the words “David Wright” and “rehab assignment” being used in the same sentence…
Hey Kayrall, actually the Mets organization trademarked the tag line, so it reads, “NY Mets’ official MLB rehab assignment sponsor.”
What a scumbag move on David’s part the Mets are totally out of it and he jeopardizes the insurance money to come back for what ???
He should ride out the year let the Mets collect on the insurance and play in the Arizona Fall league to see if a comeback is viable.
A scumbag? Why should David Wright care about a billionaire’s money? The guy only knows one thing and he wants to keep doing it, despite an incredible amount of pain and injury he’s endured. Good for him.
Dave has a contract. I don’t see in the slightest how this is scummy. It seems distasteful because the Mets lose insurance money, but there’s no guarantee that it would at all be allocated to player acquisition.
Way to speak for the owners, as a fan of the game I respect Wright’s commitment to his rehab and the Mets. I would love to see Wright make it back to the bigs this year, even though the odds are stacked against him.
He has to prove to the insurance company that he is truly disabled. The insurance company isn’t just going to give the Mets money because they “say” that he is hurt. Wright has always been a team-first guy, he took less money to stay with the Mets so i’m pretty sure that he isn’t trying to stick it to the Wilpons. Your comment seems like something that an ignorant Braves fan would say… go focus on your own mess in ATL.
So in your opinion the right and honorable thing for DW to do, considering the insurance money, would be to sit on his butt and make no effort to return as an active player this year. “Knowing the Mets could lose all or part of the insurance payments, Wright heroically chose to go fishing for the balance of the season.” Whatever floats your boat.
If you paid even minimal attention to the Arizona Fall league you’d know that Wright is not a candidate. Otherwise a useful and enlightening comment.
There’s a major flaw in your theory. No AZ fall league team wants to give a roster space to Wright. It’s for young emerging stars.
-steelerbravenation- what if you got hurt at work, and the company you with for gives you workers comp because you worked hard and earned that right. You just gonna give that money back?
I realize also he makes millions and millions. But, if you earned that much and you wanted to still work cause you love what you do, wouldn’t you? He’s earned that right to make that much from his past years. Every team pays for past years and hopes for no injuries and continued production.That’s a risk they knowingly take, its part of the business
Some of y’all are clueless.
If David Wright does play a game and lose the team insurance money, it is because the front office made the decision to promote him. That means the Wilpon’s would have specifically allowed it.
But don’t fool yourself, they are some of the cheapest owners in the game, before and after the Ponzi scheme. They would keep Wright in the minor leagues if the reward was a free stadium vending machine, let alone millions of dollars in insurance money. There is no doubt the Wilpons will do everything in their power to collect that check.
They are also stupid. So maybe they don’t think twice and allow him to be promoted. Or perhaps they give him a 10 year extension and pay it out “bobby bo” style by paying his family a few million per year until 2045.
lmao, theres no way he can jeopardize the insurance money as he has already been on the DL for over 75% of the year…
That has nothing to do with it. 75% I don’t know where you got that number from but the fact is if a player is on the 25 man roster for 1 day in the season the insurance doesn’t cover any of it.
And as far as standing up for the owners how does what I say go against the players. He gets paid regardless so why would he not look at what’s best for the team and have that money able to be spent somewhere else ?
Ppl on here kill me with the sentimental nonesense he has been there long enough to know how his owners are when it comes to spending money. The game is a business first and foremost.
And I never said for him to quit trying to play the game I just merely said continue his rehab and start fresh after the season to at least help his team in some way this year even if it didn’t come on the field.
You’re fighting an uphill battle…
Just slink away. You made a foolish comment. Don’t aggravate it by making additional foolish statements.
Read the one down at the bottom…it’s an all time classic!
“And as far as standing up for the owners how does what I say go against the players. He gets paid regardless so why would he not look at what’s best for the team and have that money able to be spent somewhere else ?Ppl on here kill me with the sentimental nonesense he has been there long enough to know how his owners are when it comes to spending money. The game is a business first and foremost.
And I never said for him to quit trying to play the game I just merely said continue his rehab and start fresh after the season to at least help his team in some way this year even if it didn’t come on the field.”
not sure where i said anything about this, but i mostly agree with you?? i think there is a tendency for people here not to know other people’s positions…
If the game is a business first, then why don’t all of you flushing hopefuls stop supporting a team that has such a long history of poor performance with owners not capable nor committed to putting a sustainable winner on the field.
Sandy rode the arms of Omar’s talent recruiting and development. He allowed the numskull “TC” to bleed their elbows and shoulders in pursuit of 2015 season.
Stop being in denial about it.
I mean stop lining the Cheap Wilpon’s pockets and we can move onto a discussion with happy days that they are finally being sold. Can you do no worse that the pathetic and comical soap opera that surrounds the team?
So stop buying tickets, buying t-shirts and stop watching SNY.
Bring them down to their knees so they can move on and NYC NL fans can have a local team to get excited about.
Wright keeps working at getting back on the field. That irritates you. But how many times have we fans carped when we thought a player was dogging it, not willing to play hurt, etc. I’m not a Mets fan nor a David Wright fan, but when I look at him and the “efforts” that Carl Pavano made when he was with the Yankees, I just cannot work up any outrage at all when a player puts himself through this.
I don’t know. I’m mixed. I posted at the top I fear he will jeopardize the team in multiple ways. But I’m a David fan, he is nothing but stand up character. I guess after reading what most of u put, I misunderstood the insurance stuff and if u guys are correct with it, then they don’t lose much money he rest of the year if he comes up to the majors. I just hope he is listening to his doctors and himself and truly knows he can have a good shot at making it back to starter MLB level. If he is doing this vey against the odds and opinions of drs and all, then that’s where I will have issues. Wouldn’t be hat different than Thor, or some of the other injuries, cespedes, where they aren’t truthful and the player takes control over the, yes inept, medical staff, I start having issues cuz pride then hinders the team. But, he is not that type of person in the past.
So you are a supporter of insurance fraud?
David Wright and “scumbag” should never be in the same sentence. Class act player who always put team first.
Wright signed a contract to play baseball, which he is desperately trying to live up to, that was offered by the Mets, which no one forced them to offer. Sure there is a money factor, but either way he signed to play baseball. Every player under contract poses a potential risk. Props to him for trying to make a go of it. As they said about Tony Romo… ” no one ever says they USED to have a back injury.” If he was healthy and Mets needed him but he was sitting out as to not risk injury, then that would be a scumbag thing to do.
Hey steeler brave man: here’s a question for you to think about.
Full well realizing that Wright has had serious health challenges….
Do you think that the Cracker Jack medical and PT team of the Mets had any contributions to his demise?
After all this is the group with such a stellar record with the rest of the team.
And while you are crunching your cracker jacks, do you think that “TC” might have told him to tough it out once or twice given he has such a way to inspire performance?
Thought he was stuck in a full body cast
Minor leagues end soon, 3 or 4 weeks. No way he proves his health in time. Someone said it, he needs to try so the insurance company sees effort and also gives Wright/Mets an idea on 2018 availability.
David Wright is my favorite player of all time, but I don’t see any way this ends up working out for the Mets. As long as there is the possibility he can play, the Mets can’t make any serious effort to replace him, and that’s not even factoring in the money.
He needs to go over to the AL where he can be a part time DH, bench bat, and once in a blue moon 3B, but the contract and insurance issues may make it too complicated.
He’s through….this isn’t news.
David wright, the 7 time all star and 4 time top 10 MVP vote getter
Good Luck DW!!
i like david, but his career is over. hes only staying onboard so he gets $$ and so he will probably stay on the dL so wilpoons collect their insurance $$$
The Mets will already recoup 75% of Wright’s 2017 salary via insurance b/c he has missed 60 games this season. As to insurance covering the remainder of his k b/c of injury and him riding off into the sunset…not likely. Wright might miss lots of games b/c of injury and perform below his standard, but so far it doesn’t appear he has suffered a permanent total disability the prevents him from playing baseball at the professional level.
Thanks Flo..
60 games? He’s missed over 120.
I would love to see where you guys info on teams insurance recovery because I have a friend in the Yankees front office who explained to me how it works and it seems to be diffrent from what you guys are saying and I have not found anything to have me believe anything other than what he told me.
Good job…never name names..imaginary or not..
I see this as players kinda making it fair. There is a certain outfielder in Boston that has played good enough to get a chance but won’t cause it would put them over the tax limit yet he is allowed to get screwed over and have to stay in triple A.
He’s played very well
Is Ken Rosenthal a good enough source for you? “Mets insured Wright contract. Once he misses 60 days, team would recoup 75 percent of contract while he is unable to play.” IF, and a big IF he plays this season in MLB, Mets will only pay for those games. Mets need to know before FA season if they need to replace him or a miracle comeback is possible. Actually doing them a big favour to give them transparency.
75% WHILE UNABLE TO PLAY. So after missing 60 days (April and May, basically), the Mets got 75% for June, July and August (and the first part of September…). Then, if he comes back for game 151, they would not get insurance for those 12 games.
But I believe that each season is separate…does anyone know differently?
Please don’t tell us that you are a fan of the Mets and Yankees. Just sayin.
Please stop. Not about insurance. They get that regardless, unless Wright makes it back and stays healthy (not really possible). Insurance would also negotiate a buyout (normal teams do this, but that would make the payroll look even smaller than it is). Anyone with a clue about the game who saw Wright’s throwing down the stretch in 2015 and in the WS knew his regular 3b days were over before 2016 and even more so before 2017. Yet, the Wilpons’ successfully used the prospect of Wright playing 3b regularly as one of their excuses for not signing Murphy two years ago and, last year, for not doing anything about 3b. Oh, we need to wait to see if David Wright can come back. The Great Pumpkin is more likely to make an appearance, and everyone knows it. Now they are going for the hat trick. As long as this nonsense continues, pencil in Flores or Rivera at 3b. Wright is being used as a prop at this point, at least as far as 3b is concerned.