Orioles executive VP of baseball operations Dan Duquette joined Jim Bowden and Jim Duquette of MLB Network Radio on SiriusXM to discuss his team’s offseason plans. Here’s a partial audio link to the interview, as well as other details from Jim Duquette’s Twitter account (links here). Highlights included…
- Duquette hinted that the Orioles could be moving on from Mark Trumbo, saying “we like some of the other options, some of the shorter-term options on the market that look to be a little bit more cost-effective for the club.” Since Trumbo rejected a qualifying offer, the O’s will receive a first round draft pick if Trumbo signs elsewhere, which is no small consideration for the Orioles given how the qualifying offer system has been altered for future seasons. “The value of that draft pick has been enhanced with the negotiations of the new basic agreement,” Duquette said. “In other words, that’s about the last time you can acquire that level of pick for a compensation free agent.”
- The Orioles still are looking for outfield help as well as pitching depth in the form of “another veteran pitcher.” Duquette didn’t rule out a reunion with Jason Hammel, noting that the O’s liked Hammel and how he performed for Baltimore in the 2012-13 seasons. The Rangers, Yankees, Mariners and Marlins have all been linked to Hammel at different points this offseason.
- Earlier this winter, Duquette commented that Jose Bautista wasn’t an Orioles target due to the long-time Blue Jays slugger’s unpopularity amongst Baltimore fans. Duquette clarified those comments today and while he feels his words “kind of got blown out of proportion,” he didn’t walk them back. “I was trying to make it clear to [Bautista’s] agent that I didn’t want the Orioles in that conversation because I didn’t want the fans being upset that we were out there trying to bring Jose Bautista here after we’d competed against him…for the last 6-7 years,” Duquette said. In my view, this is an unusual public stance for an executive to take, especially since Bautista (as a veteran slugger who could be available at something of a discount price) fits the model of past late-winter Duquette signings.
Anybody else getting the feeling that Bautista is extremely toxic?
No. I think he’s a good clubhouse guy. It’s his caukiness and constant whining that make you hate him as an opposing player or fan.
My Kyle just applied caulk to his knee in order to make it back for the World Series! His caulkiness was instrumental in the Cubs championship!
It goes to moderation if you spell it correctly.
Well, remember… everything in moderation!
Hahahaha, favorite comment I’ve read on here in a long time
Everything in moderation, especially moderation.
patborders92: Find a synonym. Mr. Roget is your friend.
Phillip Rivers with a bat!
The fact that two different teams where he’d be a good fit roster-wise didn’t even consider him for a second solely because of his reputation pretty much answers that one for you.
No that’s bull. There’s never been a hint of a rumor that he’s toxic in the clubhouse or hard to work with. He’s hated by mobs of pitchforked opposing fanbases and a few opposing players but not by the guys he plays with.
If teams are not jumping into Bautista’s market it will be because of age, asking price, weak injury heavy FA year, and that compensation pick.
Also you have no idea which teams “didn’t even consider him for a second because of his reputation”.
Do they not have verbatim Dan Duquette quotes on your home planet
Yeah we have here but also have a basic understanding that GMs don’t make decisions on players because their fans see him as a villain. Dan Duquette knows the fans would have no problem with Bautista once he became their villain.
Again if they’re out on Bautista it’s because they have questions about how he’ll play out especially on a long term deal.
It’s more that his would be suitors (Baltimore, Texas) won’t sign him for obvious reasons. Boston doesn’t have the cap space, and he’s not really a nl player
I am assuming it is okay to talk about other sites on here, but there is a real interesting article on ESPN’s website talking about Batista and comparing him with Bonds and how no one wanted him as well. But his reputation was tainted mainly bc of peds
Yeah Bautista has never been linked to PEDs at all. It’s interesting that teams and fanbases have been willing to forgive the cheaters and turn the other cheek various times over the years in favour of selling tickets and winning but a guy who shows a little too much emotion on the field… no that guy is toxic… we have to draw the line at flipping your bat in a playoff game… that bum should never work again. 😛
It was funnier when Odor walked off a game in July and flipped his bat with Bannister fist pumping as he ran out of the dugout.
Hahaha against Toronto? I don’t remember that.
Bautista might not have been hard linked to any PED…but he’s been downright accused in game by Hawk Harrelson…not that Hawks homerism matters…but his voiced opinion MIGHT imply suspicion from others in the White Sox office or around the game.
Im not sure its any PED suspicion thats holding him up…but losing a first rounder for a 36 year old on a one year deal is a risk…market is doing its thing.
Well Hawk should be fired anyways.
Not against Toronto. It was actually against the mariners on August 30th youtu.be/_f30nB_BQmA
But anyone looking from the outside in speculating they suspect he must be using PEDs because he has a lot of power doesn’t amount to an actual link even of the soft variety.
Yeah…he wont be a lot of fun next season for sure..entire innings of silence. He and Wimpy were alright back in the day.
While I wouldn’t credit Hawk Harrelson with a lot…I wouldn’t call him an outsider either though….baseball is a small family. These guys travel on planes..eat in restaurants together. I wouldn’t be shocked if an angry Hawk wasnt just blasting what others thought. No..its not a link..but its not exactly joe schmo in the stands either. Last time i defend Hawk in 2017.
I was honestly surprised Hawk Harrelson went there on Bautista….most people keep a tight lip. I had experience in the game during the steroid era…and Im not ABOUT to talk about what I saw and heard about players that no one has even accused…even at this point in time. That’s why Hawk going off shocked me. But its Hawk and he could be just a grade A anger issue.
Well now I want to know what you saw.
Or you could write a book and make some money.
No, I won’t do either. I havent been involved in any way with an organization in 3 years….but I dont even want details tied together from the two organizations that I have knowledge of. I’ll just say I was not employed in a playing capacity. I could go back to it..but I have a wife thats a business professional, and i have a young family. I enjoy mlbtr because I like to chat baseball just like everyone else. My only reasoning in this Bautista discourse is to bring up that some things can be common knowledge in the game, but remain out of general public knowledge….the game protects itself. Sure, I could write an interesting story…and the ped would be a small part of it. Some good stories for sure…but wow would some cross over into bad taste.
24theKid— I believe you’re an M’s fan. I can tell you that Jerry DiPoto and Scott Servais are high quality individuals. I know there’s always talk about ability…but those guys are winning people. Baseball is a lot of right place right time. I ran into Servais a few years ago and chatted when the Angels sent him out to scout a minor league game. He’s what you see. I’d crossed paths with DiPoto..but I know he’s a good person…a lot of character…not surprised they just hired a life type coach for the players. To me that character is an intangible the general public doesnt always see. The player personnel decisions are sometimes a luck of the draw. It’s more about direction.
Speaking of books with some crude stories, go look up Mike Shropshire’s immortal book”seasons in hell: with Billy Martin, Whitey Herzog, and the worst baseball teams in history”
My god that’s a funny book, and there’s lots of crude stuff. He wrote it in 1995, but he collected the stories from his own notes as a newspaper sports writer who covered tha Rangers.
God what funny….
The writers have a little more leeway with material I suppose. Bouton sure took some shots when Ball Four came out. Lots of great stories. Ive told some in private conversation…but Id never post them…it would go against the site policy anyway. I like so many of the people involved, and it would be breaking trust..and Id really not like to be linked. I rarely say this much. Stories are the best part of the game.
Haha well that’s fair. I mean he’d certainly know better than I would. I just mean you see a guy hit a lot of home runs and rub opposition the wrong way and you’re like “well he must be on PED’s” rather than “so and so told me he saw him taking a banned substance” kind of thing.
And half comment didn’t appear and you can’t edit them. Bah trade Rumors!!
Hawks opinion aside….Bautista fought the rumors. Its just hard to tell where speculation ends and where there’s actual fire. We’ve had guys getting popped, which to me means their masking agents failed. That would lead me to believe that maybe the ped industry is advancing beyond the system again. Also seeing hr on the uptick….could be the tightened ball…but then again that’s the thing mlb tried to sell during the steroid era. Realistically unless people get stupid we’ll see 40-45hr as the league leader….if the ped industry has gotten wise they know that someone cranking 65 is going to set off alarms. But then again…pitchers are into it. I think its all going to be cool as long as the stats dont get absurd….theres so much money now…going from 20-35 hr a season means a sizable multi year deal.
After they moaned and moaned and moaned about Bautista’s bat flip to clinch a playoff series, they acted like they had won the World Series in a random game in August. Embarrassing organization.
As long as he can hit and drive in runs, he can be toxic all he wants.
Can you post the link? Sounds super interesting.
Found it, REALLY interesting article thanks cardinalfanforever!
You’re welcome. My pleasure Deke
As an Orioles fan I feel we should bring in Jason hammel and Jose Bautista even though we have competed against and have had disagreements with him it all comes down to a business and what’s best for the team and the team could use Jose
No to Joe
Right, just like the Red Sox didn’t want David Price because of his feud with David Ortiz. You get the players that make you a better team period. If they perform the fans will love them. Now if you have some concern about whether they will perform, that’s an entirely different story.
Seems weird but maybe he’s covering for some of his players. I’d have to assume someone important in the organization doesn’t like him, only reason why you would rule it out.
I think he’s covering for the fact that he doesn’t think Bautista will perform. Although he could just as easily have said they weren’t interested without revealing why.
He could just come out and say Bautista’s in the twilight of his career? That worked so well the last time Duke said it
Yeah exactly. Who in Baltimore is pressuring Duquette to come clean with fans about why they aren’t pursuing Bautista? Nobody.
Maybe, he’s had enough feuds with Adam Jones and Daren O’day
I feel Darren O’Day probably doesn’t get a phone call from Duquette to make sure he’s cool with a free agent signing. And as for Adam Jones, if he doesn’t want a healthy Bautista in the same lineup with him, then he’s probably more about Adam Jones than he is about winning.
If Adam Jones doesn’t want Bautista, he has every right as team and community leader to win this particular disagreement.
Besides, Bautista’s not going to be very good next year and will cost a draft pick. Would be better to just sign Alvarez again.
Dan Duquette at it again. Sounds like he’s saying he doesn’t want to sign any player who’s played against them for any length of time. Going to be a barren cupboard when trying to make a trade. Rule out any player that’s played for an AL East team, maybe the whole AL.
That’s not really what he’s saying. He should not have made the earlier comment about Bautista, but I think it’s a common opinion in FO’s. The guy’s just a disaster for clubhouses (apparently). When he’s rocking a 950 OPS you can live with that. When he’s down at 800 and can’t play defense, not so much.
I think Joey’s gonna be unemployed until June. Maybe that will take him down a couple notches. It’s great to be proud, but you can take it too far and it goeth before the fall.
It’s Bautista we’re talking about, here. He wasn’t Mr. Popular with opponents even before bat flips and Odor and smack talking umpires and Cleveland pitchers.
What a strange statement for any GM to make publicly. To do it twice is really weird, especially since the second version is just as suspect, logically, as the first one.
Why is Duquette being so defensive about this? Better for him if he’d just said nothing at all.
Restraint of pen and tongue, Dan…..
Dan is a fool. He’s condescending, arrogant, and has no consistent philosophy about how to run the team. Trading away draft picks just to dump salary that should never have been taken on in the first place is really dumb, and that’s not all…
There is only room for one true leader on this Orioles team and that’s Ubaldo, I think him and Trumbo clashed and that’s why the team couldn’t get past the the Jays. I say pass
Ubaldo sucks, no one follows the lead of the worst pitcher on the team. The team leader is Adam Jones.
Ubaldo has world series experience while Adam Jones has never even sniffed a ring
Did you watch the 2007 World Series?
Ubaldo sucks, Adam Jones is the leader.
Adam Jones is the leader.
So who sucks and who is the leader again?
Peter O’Brien.
Whether or not he gets rave reviews on his leadership is yet to be determined…defense at C and OF, not rave
There’s been a bunch of Grumpy Guses around here that want to kill that joke. We can’t let them win.
Don’t want to kill the joke, but I’ll moderate it. I think it needs to be a triple post to call the joke up. That was only a double post, my friends.
fair enough. I likw that ruling
What? I thought it was a triple dip…anyways I can agree that it needs to be used more sparingly now, but leaving it to only triple posts might be a little harsh…I’m going to save it for the right times and probably for the guys who have been such jerks about it’s use so far
OOPS, you’re right, it is a triple post. For that, you can also use it for catchers with corner outfield experience, too!
Basically Bautista’s price is apparently dropping to the point where they could consider signing him, and it’s like oops, the media twisted my words.
Yeah. When Dan didn’t want him, it’s because the fans hate him, but now that the pricenis coming down, weeeeellll, “you misunderstood me.”
The funny thing-not really funny-is that the clarification is even more confusing than the original comment.
What a class Act is Dan.
His Bautista/Orioles comments thing, is a bit like when Jim Edmonds went to the Cubs from the hated Cardinals. (except he was released by SD for sucking.) Cubs fans hated Edmonds with a passion for years before. When he was first signed, fans were in a bit of an uproar. But as he said started performing very well again, and on the Cubs, and he turned into a player the Cubs fans liked. Baltimore will like Bautista if he plays well… They won’t if he doesn’t…
If the Astros can sign Beltran, who the fans booed for 11 years, I think the Orioles can sign Bautista. Just a strange move for a GM to say no to a guy because the fans would be upset. Last time I checked fans like winning.
If Bautista signs with Baltimore, the primary matter for the fans is going to be his performance. If he goes out there and puts up 2014/2015 numbers (especially if they get him on a bargain due to his icy market) few O’s fans are going to be complaining about his past. Damon going to New York and Murphy going to the Nats are recent examples I can think of with a similar mold.
Bautista’s lousy attitude fit right in with the Jays. I’m not sure if the fans whining over every call against them came first or if Bautista created it, but when they added Upton who is as bad or worse at arguing calls it became downright childish!
When two of the worse players at judging the strike zone cry over every pitch they miss it has to PO the umps and cause other team mates to not get the close ones!
Actually, Bautista’s knowledge of the strike zone is well regarded by baseball professionals.
But it’s so easy to assassinate a guy’s character on a Web site, isn’t it. And slam the entire fan base of a team while you’re doing it….
Bautista is one of the best in thole league at judging the strike zone. When he gets mad, it’s because he’s right.
*the whole
Some time in the 2000s, Boston and the Yankees invented complaining about umps. Ortiz and Jeter were the worst, as they never believed a pitcher ever threw them a called strike.
Bautista learned from the best!
As far as I can see the only whiners are the Bautista bashes. It’s a sure sign you’re good, real good when when the simpletons here whine about you. Don’t believe for a minute what Duquette is saying. He’s the idiot for saying he won’t sign Bautista because he was the opposition . The bigger idiots are those who bought that line of crap…but as we know, there’s one born every day.
But what does that make you? Your whining about other people’s bashing
Pat, you walked right into that one.
Everytime I see Duquette I keep thinking the Orioles hired Dan Aykroyd.
I agree. To me, DD sounds like the Bass-O-Matic salesman.
He’s probably on the phone right now selling Bautista on the rich Corinthian leather of the Baltimore clubhouse sofas. Maybe pulling a Fred Garvin sales pitch on him.
He would have fit in with Bmore a few years back when they would sign past their prime sluggers. Please steer clear of Joey bats please he is steadily declining . Hammel still looks good on a short deal though.
Duquette had the cojones to out an agent that might try and illegitimately use the Orioles as negotiating leverage. Of course if teams are talking to eachother it becomes collusion. Ask a question in an interview get an answer.
Bautista to the As one a one year deal. They don’t have to give up a draft pick for him and can trade him for a lil something mid season to a contender if he is hot. They could use the bat and a DH.
Where are the Rockies on this? Play him at 1B and free Desmond
As an O’s fan, there’s no player as hated in recent memory as Jose Bautista. It might not seem as big a deal to other baseball fans, but he’s gone out of his way to express a lot of disrespectful things towards the Orioles and their players. It’s a lot of bad blood to ignore. And to be honest, there’s probably still some scores to be settled from some players’ minds.
What Duquette can’t say publicly is that if he signed Bautista, Showalter and several of his players would lose their collective minds. O’Day and Jones have been very candid with their dislike for Bautista while it is likely that several others privately don’t like him, and Showalter is a huge clubhouse atmosphere guy. Duquette can’t say “we won’t sign him because he’s a jerk and would disrupt our clubhouse”, because there are probably rules against saying things like that. However, it’s the reason.