12:16pm: Manfred has issued a statement disputing elements of Correa’s account. Per the commissioner, the league decided not to investigate the matter until federal authorities had wrapped up their work. But the league’s Department of Investigations circled back to Correa’s camp last summer (following his guilty plea) to request his cooperation, which was not forthcoming.
Per Manfred:
“On July 21, 2016, Mr. Correa was informed directly that he would be placed on the permanently ineligible list if he did not cooperate with the Department of Investigations. Mr. Correa not only steadfastly refused to answer any questions, but also opposed the release of any documents by the government to the Office of the Commissioner. On August 23, 2016, Mr. Correa’s attorney told the Department of Investigations that Mr. Correa was not interested ’in providing any information directly or indirectly to MLB.’ The Department of Investigations was not provided evidence to substantiate the other allegations contained in Mr. Correa’s letter, but remains willing to meet with Mr. Correa at any time.”
9:46am: Former Cardinals scouting director Chris Correa, who is currently serving a 46-month sentence for improperly accessing the databases of the Astros organization, has leveled similar charges against the Houston front office via Twitter. His claim comes in the wake of the league’s decision yesterday to punish St. Louis in the form of two draft picks and $2MM (which will go to the Astros as a form of compensation).
According to Correa’s statement, an unidentified member of the Astros organization “accessed proprietary data on a St. Louis Cardinals server” late in 2011. Further, he charges, the Astros utilized the Cardinals’ information “to replicate and evaluate key algorithms and decision tools related to amateur and professional player evaluation.” Most seriously, perhaps, Correa alleges that Houston GM Jeff Luhnow and then-assistant GM David Stearns “were included in e-mail discussions about these efforts.”
Needless to say, these new allegations do not come from an outwardly credible or impartial source. As he acknowledges in his own statement, the apparent support for his allegations was obtained “through unlawful methods.” We’ve yet to see or hear anything regarding actual proof for Correa’s assertions. And the league has given no indication that it has or will investigate the matter, despite Correa saying that he offered to provide commissioner Rob Manfred with information at the time that the scandal broke.
The Astros will not issue further comment at this time, per David Barron of the Houston Chronicle. The organization did release a statement yesterday, saying that it had cooperated fully into the various investigations and emphasizing that it is “pleased to have closure on this issue.” The club stated that it was in support of Manfred’s decision, calling it “a clear message of the severity of these actions.” And Astros general counsel Giles Kibbe recently told Barron and Chronicle colleague Jake Kaplan that, “as we have previously stated, we did not have any of the Cardinals’ proprietary information in Ground Control or our database.”
Those interested in learning more about the background of this matter can find it in MLBTR’s extensive prior coverage. This post lays out many of the key facts that emerged after a federal investigation was undertaken following the public release of proprietary Astros information. Additional information about Correa’s misdeeds was publicized for the first time over the weekend, including his potential role in the public leak and the nature of his access to the Cardinals’ systems.
Yea guys lets all believe the guy doing ten in the big house who’s trying to pull anyone else with him while he cries in himself to sleep. ” I’m telling you the truth, I just can’t prove it….”
Clearly states he is serving 46 months, hardly “ten in the big house.”
How many months are in your year, altuve? You’re a special kid, aren’t you?
I think he was just using a figure of speech.
The dudeness shoots…and scores!!
Terrible choice for a figure of speech lol
The Cardinals stole some data. Maybe the Astros did too, but it can’t be proven.
But what can be proven is that the Astros stole almost three times as many bases as the Cardinals last season. When will that punishment be handed down?
Just I thought. They started it!
Ok so both organizations are tainted instead of one. Congrats
Allegations without proof don’t taint any team.
Allegations without proof tainted a lot of players about steroids…
and blindly accepting allegations as truth has done nothing but damage the value of the hall of fame and brought into question the qualifications of those making the decisions on who should or should not be in there
because accepting allegations without proof just makes a person gullible…
Haha, you’re a funny one ain’t ya?
“Nothing is ever my fault” mentality.
It’s possible. The truth sometimes lies between both sides.
This may have some validity:
“The Astros utilized the Cardinals’ information “to replicate and evaluate key algorithms and decision tools related to amateur and professional player evaluation.”
But not because they hacked in stole it. Because Ludlow was probably part of writing those algorithms.
Unless the Cardinals had a patent on those algorithms, I don’t see how they have a case.
Generally, the only thing Lunhow would have been allowed to take was what he knew, basically what’s in his head. Even if he (and he did) helped build this for the Cardinals, it is the Cardinals proprietary data and he has no right to it.
But he likely took a team that could easily build a similar system. But he would not have been allowed to take any of his scouting reports etc from when he worked in St. Louis.
I don’t think Lunhow us in the wrong. Correa was pissed off Lunhow didn’t take him to Houston and put him in charge of the drafts because Correa helped Lunhow establish himself.
Correa acted like a baby and is in prison for it. I don’t think there will be anything more.
Just like when you go to most organization and develop something, it becomes the companies product. This why Correa is so pissed. This is why all organizations make you sign something like the Cardinals did, just like every other sport.
Can we talk about the fact that he still has access to Twitter while in jail?
Seriously… and apparently a good wi-fi connection to boot. I take it he’s not in solitary confinement.
Smuggled himself in an illicit cell phone or iPad…don’t ask where.
He is probably in a club fed type place. Either way I doubt its him using twitter. Probably a rep.
My 1st thought. Some great punishment he has there. I wonder if it was on his twitter through his attorney.
Some dumb people on here. His parents sent the article. Do some reading people.
He probably hacked the prison data base while he was there too.
I would not be surprised if this criminal used illegal means to obtain information that Luthow stole from the Cardinals. He may face even more jail time if he releases how he obtained the information. So- yeah, there is that.
What’s his Twitter? I want try chat with him.
Gosh I wish this Correa guy would shut up….
Me too
I’d like to see the Gov get involved to see what and if the Astros actually did break the law. It would be hysterical if the Astros got busted for the same thing and got the Cards got their picks back.
What a mess of a story. Sheesh
Then why didn’t he speak up earlier about it.
I think he said something in court alluding to it.
He has been saying this from the start. Just because it’s in an article now doesn’t mean he just now said it.
He did say that from the beginning.
Am I the only one that actually read the article? It clearly said he offered an invitation to the commissioner to discuss it and was refused.
I think that invite would’ve been take serious had he not already accessed Ground Control over 40 times and leaked notes to Deadspin.
He got busted and immediately tried to say..”well they cheated first”..that’s what children do. How can you take seriously? And if the Stros did indeed have proprietary information from Luhnow’s StL days, where Correa’s proof?
I don’t doubt that there was some proprietary data stolen, but I really don’t care. Correa needs to serve his time and everyone involved to move on. I’m certain the Cardinals are not pleased to see this come out right after the punishment was finally handed down.
You and the rest of the Cardinals fan base.
Proprietary data, algorithms, computer based decision making tools…. Computers, social media, “journalists”, and statiticians are making it hard to be a fan. Knowing splits and player tendencies use to make you a knowledgeable fan. Now that my obsession basically requires me to study fan”graphs” baseball”reference” and multiple projection systems… Am I reading about baseball or doing homework?
Dead on
You might be on your way to discovering time travel
Watching games and enjoying them doesn’t require any of that.
Not sure about your use of quotation marks or what it is supposed to imply, but baseball has gone hand in hand with journalism and statistics pretty much since as long as the game has existed on a professional level.
And this is why this will never be behind the Cardinals organization. Scandals always stick to teams like glue–just ask the Patriots. Funny how Correa wouldn’t talk with investigators but is shooting his mouth off now. Be sure to drop the soap, loser.
Are you an Astros fan?
He used to be a Rangers fan and an Astro hater. But he is basically the biggest homer on these boards. He hates the Cardinals for 2011. I’d probably find some way to try to justify my hatred if my team choked like that, as well.
Bigger homer than themed? That’s pretty hard to do.
He is a madman
He wouldn’t talk to investigators, huh? I guess it can be a fun story when you make up your own facts. I guess that’s the world we live in.
Just remember. We all know the only reason you hate the Cardinals is success. That’s OK, man. I can’t say I really blame you. 🙂
so, you believe the guy in prison but not the commissioner? the commish stated that he had sought out proof from Correa multiple times and was not provided with anything.
nelson cruz missed that play on purpose because of ranger “fans” like you
Did you read the article?
What’s a matter madmantx? Sounds like your butt hurt still from 05 & 11 world series! Whaaa…..
What this guy did was cheating and illegal and he deserves every bit of his punishment as do the Cardinals for whatever role they had. But, let’s not be naive to the possibility that what Correa is saying has no merit. What does he have to lose at this point? And let’s not pretend that the Astros haven’t been the hotbed of cheating with steroids and HGH. So it’s not out of their realm to find competitive advantages outside of the rules. I’m not accusing them of what Correa is saying but I’m not a nose buried fan who refuses to believe it’s possible either. I’d just be careful in playing the holier than thou role…no one believes it about their own team, but it can happen whether you are a fan or not.
i’l take our two picks back they can keep the 2 mill
I would not believe that anyone who leaves one organization to take on a new role in another organization would not try to replicate the tools they used previously to be successful (and ultimately the success that got them to the new position). In regards to Luhnow applying algorithms to a new toolset, I think you have to talk to a Houston Astros tech expert to understand if that was done.
The extent of Correa’s accusations may be as simple as “that looks like what we use in St. Louis.” If it is truly duplicated, at some point you would think Correa would be able to provide ratings for players that are identical to the ratings the Cardinals would have, and maybe the Cardinals should ask to have a neutral third party review both systems for things that would be a match, or have a third party assess the algorithms used to see if one was copied. Based on the statements from the teams though, I think both sides are trying to put everything behind them and focus on moving forward (but maybe the Astros are extra eager to have this never brought up because they did take something?).
I agree. Unless he copied a bunch of stuff onto a thumb drive and handed it to Houston, I don’t see the issue. Assuming he didn’t do that, do you want him to forget everything he learned in St. Louis?
Would a proprietary system need to be registered with the patent office? I mean…it strikes me that holding a patent on freely available math might be impossible. Two teams trying to come to the same conclusions might have very similar math. It seems like someone trying to patent 2+2=4.
Reminds me of when Garth Brooks tried to patent the small letter g.
I suppose the legal issue is accessing a secure computer.
Funny, Astro fans are all like “off with their heads” during the entire investigation. Let’s see what skeletons might be hiding in the Cards server from 2011.
C’mon commish, investigate it! I would love to see big-headed fans of other teams eating crow for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Meanwhile, enjoy your crow!
Obviously only a few people here read Chris Correa’s statement and he clearly states multiple times he tried to talk to the commish to present his side. 2 million is the max penalty btw…..Funny that Correa is serving 46 months yet only one person/banker from the 08 recession/financial crisis went to jail and he is serving 30 months. The media is also not reporting that in court and in the court docs, while Correa mentions (he told other cards employees), they are leaving out what specifically he said, (I suspect that the astros are stealing from the cardinals…….see his statement). This was revealed today in the press. Just not making national news cause the media just wants to report what they want to report.
There was an audio this morning on 101espn with Bill Dewitt that explains what was said in court.
Great point about 46 months for accessing a baseball database, and 30 months for total morally bankrupt policies by financial institutions that ruined investments, shrunk the U.S. Economy, and affected the entire world. How many months for Wells Fargo institutionalized acct opening policies that in some cases ruined peoples credit?
Baseball database, people. Competitive advantage? Yes (although they didn’t win any World Series during this time). Criminal act? Yes. Harmful or dangerous to others? Try to connect those dots.
Great point about 46 months for accessing a baseball database, and 30 months for total morally bankrupt policies by financial institutions that ruined investments, shrunk the U.S. Economy, and affected the entire world. How many months for Wells Fargo institutionalized acct opening policies that in some cases ruined peoples credit?
Baseball database, people. Competitive advantage? Yes (although they didn’t win any World Series during this time). Criminal act? Yes. Harmful or dangerous to others? Try to connect those dots
I think we should start a whole new criminal justice system where sentences are doled out based on internet comment pages.
It’s the old he hit me first so I retaliated and got caught. There’s always two sides to every story.
Astros should be forced to sell team and be banned from postseason. Or give cards their next 3 1st round picks or give cards choice of player of their roster. Eyes rolling…
It’s too bad a team like the twins didn’t hack the Astros too lol
We lost our Correa, they should give us theirs. A correa for a correa…lol
That’s some sound logic lol
This is turning into such a disaster for Manfed and the commissioner office..
I doubt the commissioner’s office will look into this, though they should.
If what Correa says is true- the cardinals should get back the higher of the two picks and the astros and the cardinals swap draft order in the 4th and 5th rounds.
Just because someone hacked your system doesnt excuse hacking their system, which is why St Louis gives up the pick, but astros can’t go unpunished, if it is true, so they should be forced to trade down in draft position with the cardinals for a couple rounds.
Nothing in your post makes sense.
Astros hacked the cardinals system- if proven true the Astros, who have higher draft position, swap with the cardinals as punishment for the 4th and 5th round. Cardinals jump up a few slots in the 4th and 5th round.
Cardinals hacked the Astros system- they gave up 2 picks to the Astros, if the Astros hacked them 1st the Astros give back the higher of the 2 picks.
Astros keep a pick for being hacked, cardinals pick up higher draft order in 4th and 5th rounds if it was proven they were hacked by the Astros.
It wasnt that hard to comprehend.
Not defending what he did or saying he shouldn’t be punished, but it’s baseball not top government/homeland security/weapons info. Almost four years in prison is a long time. Hell, some child molesters serve less than that. Many players have cheated and face nothing of that level. Didn’t McGwire lie to congress and end up with a job as a hitting coach? And how much of all this info really impacted each team in the win/loss column. Just another perspective that I’ll probably be bashed for.
HIPAA violations are what most of the jail time was for. Correa accessed medical records.
He violated federal laws
The feds got involved (because this is a federal crime) but I don’t think the government did..or maybe I missed that I dunno? or maybe I dunno the difference between federal authorities and federal government? or maybe they’re 1 in the same? I dunno what I’m saying.
“Jack, computer theft is a serious crime….” A Clear and Present Danger
In 05 in DC, Mcgwire did not lie under oath. He declined to answer the questions. He later admitted in 2010 they he did PED’s
Everybody is saying..”I just want this story to go away and end already”..I’m saying IT’S FINALLY GETTING GOOD! HAHAAAAA!
Give me more of this!
Expect Correa to tweet again from jail until they use the tongs and extract his cellphone from wherever he’s hiding it.
His parents issued the statement., Do some fact checking and research. He wrote the statement before he went to jail and had his parents issue it based on the outcome.
Well, now cheer for the Astros to get busted…. there ya go! Part 2 Would be hysterical if the script was flipped and cards got picks back. Irony.
Correa doesn’t throw the Cardinals under the bus and when facing a lifetime ban from MLB refuses to cooperate with Manfred. Screw the cheating Cardinals…they paid this dude off to take the fall. Second he walks out of prison he is set for life.
Re-adjust your tin foil hat and go read the court documents.
If you’re going to make a stupid comment, at least get it right. If he adjusted the hat properly and checked out the facts, who knows what nonsense would be posted. Now you’re an accomplice to the stupidity. The obvious and correct comment you probably wanted to make was to “take off” the tin foil hat. Real rookie mistake.
PJ, your a fool, If the Cards paid him off, during a Federal investigation mind you, don’t you think any of that would show up in the family’s current bank records or when he gets out. The gov will forever be watching him cause the Cards paying him off would be the obvious thing. The Cards would be busted in 2 seconds. Use your head..unless your an idiot. The Gov found the Cards clear and it was one person who cheated. Pretty dumb to make blanket statements.
My thoughts too.
I believe we have found a replacement for Ringling Bros.. This he said/he said could go on forever. The story has got some legs to it already.
He seems to say this a lot…. until somebody with the actual authority to validate the claim asks him to provide evidence, then apparently he’s got nothing to say….
baseball will be better off without his petty nonsense going forward
How is he on twitter in prison?
A good amount of you guys assume Chris Correa is just a complete scumbag, but the reality is a lot of people in his position would do the same thing he did. I actually believe that nobody else in the Cardinals organization knew of what he was doing. He was probably afraid of getting in trouble. But if I were him I would be curious as to what the Astros were doing as well. And I believe him that someone in the Astros organization was looking into the Cardinals database. The fact that Manfred won’t even look into it is kind of upsetting to me. I don’t see why the Cardinals should be punished if members of the Astros were doing the same exact thing.
A lot of people would do the same thing he did? No a lot of people would not break federal laws. And Correa didn’t say members of the Astros were peeking at their own database, he’s saying members of Luhnow’s camp took info from StL (when Luhnow was employed by StL) with them to Houston. Cardinals are punished from benefiting from an employee illegally gathering information on another team. End of story.
Baseball personnel do NOT have a glowing history of obeying federal law. The entire steroid era post 1988 is in violation of federal law. Testing positive for a federally banned substance should in essence leave a player open to federal prosecution.
Might be the dumbest response I ever seen
I too believe there were more Cardinal personnel involved than just one person. Duh. I believe he didn’t want to disclose the federal documents because those names of his friends in the Cardinals organization would fall with him. If he revealed his full testimony to MLB, which would prove his allegations, not just Astro’s heads would roll, but some top heads in the Cardinals organization that he was best friends with. In essence, I partially believe his claim. But, it will never be revealed because both organizations just want to move on. After the statute of limitations expires, years down the road on these closed files, we may all be surprised as to the names discussed by the Fed’s at his interviews.