Brewers righty Phil Bickford has been hit with a 50-game suspension after testing positive for a drug of abuse for the second time, as Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles Times tweets. Bickford reportedly tested positive for marijuana before being drafted in 2015. Players on 40-man rosters are not at risk of suspension for marijuana use, but Bickford is not on Milwaukee’s big-league roster.
Bickford, 21, has long been seen as a high-quality pitching prospect. He has maintained double-digit strikeout-per-nine tallies throughout his minor league career since heading to the Giants with the 18th overall selection. (Bickford was also previously taken tenth overall by the Blue Jays in 2013, but did not sign at the time.)
The suspension won’t have an impact on Milwaukee’s immediate plans, as Bickford has yet to reach the upper minors. But it will have at least some impact on his developmental timeline, which certainly rates as a disappointment for the organization. The Brewers added Bickford from the Giants along with catcher Andrew Susac in the trade that sent lefty Will Smith to San Francisco at the trade deadline.
Bickford delivers a big four-seam fastball, diving two-seamer, promising slider, and developing change,’s prospect team explained in ranking him the fifth-best talent on the Brewers farm. There are still some who think he’ll end up in a major league pen, but regardless the expectation remains that he’ll make an impact. Last year, working at the Class A and High-A level, Bickford threw 120 innings of 2.92 ERA ball with 10.1 K/9 against 3.2 BB/9.
As always, ridiculous suspension. It’s just a little bud. Who cares?
Well, it’s the law in most states, and is against mlb rules. He should care. Obviously he’s got character flaws that Stearns should have looked into prior to the trade.
That’s hardly a character flaw. If that were the case, I’m guessing at least 50% of my school is “flawed”
Still against the law in most states. Obey the law or face consequences
That wouldn’t surprise as most of the country seems to be flawed.
So repeatedly breaking the law isn’t a character flaw in your book? Besides, it could really be a blown to the crew if he can’t get his act together. he’s got a big time arm. They’re going to need him.
It’s a character flaw in the sense that, he did something that he knew would have consequences and affect his career. I’m pro pot legalisation, but have no sympathy for poor decision making.
Amen! Good comment. Whether you think it’s right or wrong, he was in the wrong.
what do they do if ur on the 40 man roster,turn a blind eye…should be the same rules for everyone!
You know what else was against the law 60 years ago? African American people couldn’t even use the same restroom as Caucasians, or the same water fountain, or sit where they wanted on a bus, or go to the same schools, etc. It’s a ridiculous federal law that most states have finally figured out needs to be changed
When you can’t follow the rules, and have a repetitive history of failing to do so, you clearly have a character flaw.
Agree or disagree with the rule, it’s the rule. Bickford can’t seem to follow it, thus, he’s suspended.
Way to make it racist.
Even if weed is legal in all 50 states you do realize employers can have strict rules that say youre not allowed to smoke or test positive for it correct?
These are multiple million dollar investments. Im not 100% on mlbs weed policy but in the nfl i believe theres thresholds over under to get in trouble. Weed has negative effects on the lungs and increases risks of respiratory issues if smoked regularly enough. As such I dont blame the leagues for saying how about you dont smoke regularly enough to get busted.
Willfully breaking rules set by your employer is a character flaw, drug related or not. This isn’t a pot issue, it’s a compliance issue. He knowingly chose to violate policy knowing the consequences, therefore putting his job status in jeopardy. This speaks directly to his commitment to the sport and, as such, the people who pay his paycheck. Even if this kid was in my teams organization I would support the suspension 100%.
This isn’t an argument of whether it’s a law it’s an argument that minor league rules are not up to date with the major leagues bc if you can’t get this suspension in the MLB than you shouldn’t in the MiLB
And there is the hypocrisy in the rule. If he was on the 40 man roster there is no penalty. This is a dumb rule. It is not a performance enhancing drug. For those of you who say it is against the law that’s also hypocritical to say unless you have never broken the law in your life. Let the law punish him if he breaks it. It is also against the law to drive over the speed limit and yet MLB doesn’t suspend its minor league players for breaking that law. Smoking weed is a similar misdemeanor in most of the states where it is illegal.
I guess MLB can pick which laws it will enforce and which players it will enact a punishment on.
You guys, ballnglove never speeds on the high way either.
Make it racist? Lol. I’m saying that back then, if an African American did those things, it was against the law. If they did it repeatedly, they’d be thrown in jail repeatedly. Is it a characer flaw that those people kept knowingly doing something against the law? No. It’s a stupid law.
So it’s fine to be an alcoholic and endanger people by driving drunk, or being in a domestic violence incident, while also abusing tobacco, but taking a hit of bud is the end of the world? Please. Mlb doesn’t test people on the 40 man, unless there is cause for doing so. You don’t know his reason. I’ve taken days off for health reasons, even when that’s against my employers rules. I’m sure you have done something similar before. That could easily apply here. If the rule wasn’t so dumb, situations like that wouldn’t be an issue. But, I’m sure you’ll say he should just take a pain pill. Ya, let’s advocate for people taking more harmful drugs b/c they’re legal, while the safer, better option is illegal for ridiculous reasons
Just because he tested positive for weed doesn’t mean that he necessarily was smoking. Theres plenty of smoke-free ways to ingest, so no health arguments are valid here.
I will say, as a regular smoker and California resident that although it is openly accepted and practiced, professionalism has to come first.
If the job that pays handsomely says no weed, then you must oblige or pay the consequence. I don’t come to work high but I smoke at night since I don’t get tested.
Usually there are medical exceptions in sports for the right circumstances but clearly this isn’t the case with Bickford. He made a young mistake.
well, i mean, MLB suspends players for DUI and Domestic violence as well, so i’m not sure you know what your point is….
MLB’s drug policy is very clear and thoroughly explained to all it’s players. Bickford knew what he was doing was against the rules and that these were the consequences. if he doesn’t like it, he shouldn’t have signed the contract.
Comparing your school to a Minor League pitcher = NO CORRELATION
That’s actually not true employers eventually will have to amend to state laws. they won’t be able to “make strict rules that say you’re not allowed to smoke or test positive for it correct?” Dumbass, medicinally they can’t do anything it’s prescribed once time passes and adjust to legalization of the drug it will be similar to alcohol
I don’t have anything substantial to contribute here. Just want to help break the record for most replies ever to one comment.
“For those of you who say it is against the law that’s also hypocritical to say unless you have never broken the law in your life. It is also against the law to drive over the speed limit and yet MLB doesn’t suspend its minor league players for breaking that law.”
For one, most speeding violations are not “willful” violations. Most people, when they speed, lose sight of their speed. Every person who smokes marijuana does so willfully.
For two, it’s not hypocritical in the slightest, because not all things are equal.
And finally, that someone is a hypocrite doesn’t make them less right. He still broke the law, regardless of how the accuser lives their life., I think thats the site you meant to comment on. No worries though, this sort of comments happen all the time on a baseball news site. I got you bro.
Sounds like 50% of your school is flawed then..
LOL no being an alcoholic gets you on the NFLs substance abuse program just like weed does. Idk about MLB but pretty sure DUIs get you in trouble too. Or did you forget that? I know the NFL will bust you.
Also domestic violence incidents get you busted too. Aka aroldis chapman olivera. Tyreek hill. Etc.
You seriously have no clue about any of this do you man?
@ilikesocks apparently you like being a m0r0n as well.
LOL if you have a prescription just like a player does for adderal or some other banned substanced taken without consent or approval of course they wont be busted for weed. Its within the rules to take banned substances if youre medically cleared to do so.
But if the owners and leagues decide- you cant test x amount above this limit or cant smoke at all doesnt matter what the state law is. Employers can dictate that rule as it is applicable to everyone and discriminates against no one- doesnt apply if youre medically cleared to use it but recreational vs. Medical use arent held to the same standards now. What a m0r0n.
Even alcohol was illegal at a one point some laws need to be challenged.
This is NOT a case of recreational vs medical use… MLB has made it clear that there is a zero tolerance for drugs, regardless of whether you have a “medical use card”or not… Weed is NOT okay just because you have a medical-use card. MLB players have a decision to make, weed or play , but not both !!!
lol sorry dad
Actually MLB doesn’t even test for marijuana so it’s not against MLB rules. It’s the minor leagues that are more punitive. And character flaws come on? Ask Michael Phelps about how harmful pot is.
Ask Michael Phelps? Not at all unless you have endorsements or idiot fans who help hype up players as role models.
So is throwing punches and putting your hands on another person but I can’t remember the last time a player was charged with a crime for doing it. MLB has gotten away with governing itself and breaking laws. If it’s against the law then let the authorities handle it. Personally, I have no problem with him smoking it, and feel MLB shouldn’t treat it like coke or other drugs, for many reasons. I could drink all night and piss clean or I could smoke a couple joints over the holidays and piss dirty, ridiculous especially when you factor in they can get a dr. to write them a prescription for a drug of abuse and MLB wouldn’t bat an eye. As for the guy saying it’s a gateway drug you should do some research, also no one had their lives ruined my cannabis.
It’s the law in less than half the states….prohibition is stupid, and drug abuse is hardly a character flaw, especially when addiction is involved, educate yourself
The character flaw isn’t that he smokes marijuana.
The character flaw is that he has multiple infractions. Those in charge have told him he’s not allowed to smoke marijuana, and he continues to do so. That is a character flaw.
Drug abuse is a character flaw when it’s detrimental to your life and career, yet you’re doing it anyway. What else would you call that? Does it not count because it’s an “addiction”? That’s kind of the point; people of upstanding character can beat addictions or are smart enough to not get addicted to something like that in the first place. It’s no excuse to say character doesn’t count when addiction is involved. That’s when it counts the MOST.
you think Stearns has a magic 8 ball? “He smoked weed once..”, “okay I don’t want to trade for him then. I’ll pick a worse prospect”
He did weed, a drug that major league baseball doesn’t even suspend for. How can you say he has character issues based on him doing a drug that is become legal in more states. This is one of the most pathetic posts I’ve ever heard
This isn’t about whether smoking weed in and of itself is a character flaw. It’s about an inability to avoid doing something that could get you a 50-game suspension, either from being delusional enough to think he wouldn’t be caught, not caring about the consequences and just doing what he wanted, or simply having no self control to put the pipe down. Take your pick which applies, but all of them exhibit character flaws.
I fail to see why sports shouldn’t suspend guys for smoking pot, and I’m probably more in favor of legalizing it than west coast dopeheads are.
B/c it’s a way better/safer option as medication than pain pills
My employer can drug test me and terminate me for marijuana use even though it’s legal in my state. It’s in Bickford’s contract, just like every other MILB player not on a 40-man.
As much as I think most anti-marijuana legislation is stupid, it’s even more stupid to risk your lucrative career over getting baked. Priorities, damn.
how do you know he doesn’t use it for some sort of medical benefit? Dude is super skinny too. Maybe he needs it to help him eat or something? Lol Shouldn’t be against the rules
But if he was using it legitimately, shouldn’t he have gone through the proper channels to get it approved by MLB? Isn’t that how it would work?
They don’t even test if he is on the 40 man. This time next year, he could smoke all day, and nobody would care. Maybe he tweaked something or had a headache or whatever. Do you have to get approved every time you take a tylenol? Same idea. It’s all bs to make the pharmaceutical companies money
Help him eat? Lol I’m sure that’s it.
Hat is a 100% legitimate use of bud for people that have a hard time eating…
Alcohol and Gambling are first on that list for life-ruining addictions.
Don’t spit that bias on here please, present a reasonable argument or save your words. Thanks.
It’s not the drug that would risk his career at all, it’s the legislation, and that’s pretty damn stupid.
“high-quality pitching prospect”
10/10 pun
Isn’t that great
Jeff I know you’re going to fix that headline any minute now, but do you mind if I enjoy it in the meantime?
Stupid that sports athletes can still even get trouble just for smoking a little weed.
When they wouldn’t get in trouble for drinking 6-10 beers a night as long as nobody knows and doesn’t turn into a Miguel Cabrera situation
I understand the sentiment that he shouldn’t jeapordize his career, but weed smoking shouldn’t be punishable to begin with at all. It’s 2016, not 1976. Anybody who think it’s on par with cocaine or meth, anything worse than alcohol, is just out of touch and total prude
You’ve never watched that harmless little”gateway” drug steal your friends life. If you had, you would understand why many people are against it being legalized.
hahahaha you’re a laugh riot duder
You don’t know me, so idk how you can speak with so much certainty about your assumptions. No disrespect intended
Alcohol ruins just as many lives, and I believe a person should have a right to ruin their life in a legal manner. Everybody is fine with alcohol, but that’s only because they have a social stigma against weed due to the fact alcohols prohibition ended over a century ago. If roles were reversed and weeds prohibition ended a century ago, I can guarantee the social stigma wouldn’t be anywhere near where it is today vs alcohols casual social acceptance by the masses
It’s not a gateway drug, look at the states who legalized it fully, there was no increase in other substance abuse, no increase in, there’s no problem with a grown adult doing what they want with there body, its fucking ridiculous to say otherwise when there’s no evidence otherwise. That being said this dudes pretty stupid risking his career over it, it’s still illegal even though it shouldn’t be and if your job drug tests you then you shouldn’t be smoking, especially if your job is one of the lucrative in the U.S
Go watch reefer madness with all your other 70 year old friends, and complain about how all the advanced stats are ruining sports, while telling kids to get off your lawn
Both alcohol and tobacco are more harmful than pot. Anyone that thinks it’s a “gateway drug” or seemed like it was for certain people just have addictive tendencies and are using it as an excuse for doing crazy drugs. You don’t do crazy drugs unless you do them. Pot doesn’t force you to do anything. It’s those people who choose to do that stuff
Did I really just read that weed is a gateway drug? Is this DARE class in 1991?
Wake the hell up dude lmao
So basically major leaguers can get high if they want but minor leaguers can’t?
Pretty much if your good enough to get there then they give you a lot more leeway.
I was thinking the same.
Marijuana a drug of abuse meaning the MLB will abuse you with a 50 game suspension if you smoke it.
I think it means that abuse is a kind of drug, which is sort of true.
Once again, MLB doesn’t even test for marijuana. MiLB does though.
Maybe he was hanging out with Lincecum too much back in the Giants organization.
Once he’s on a 40 man roster he could smoke as much as he wants. MLB might be one of the few leagues that doesn’t suspend its players for marijuana use. So it’s obviously not frowned upon in MLB as you long as you make it to the big leagues.
It’s not Legal in MLB it’s just not tested for, if player gets accused and team/league officials thinks player has a problem/ or that it’s becoming a distraction he can be offered help or risk suspension even in the majors (ex. Josh Hamilton, Chris Perez, Jeremy jeffress)
Chris Perez got caught b/c he and his wife stupidly sent bud to themselves in the mail, addressed to their dog. He shpuld be suspended if he was that stupid. Had nothing to do with abuse issues. But ya, they do test if there is probable cause
Dude if youre sending weed in the mail to your dog- you have abuse issues.
Thats like buying a 6 pack for your cat and drinking them all cause you say youre cats an alcoholic and doing them a favor.
You have issues if youre doing that.
If they’re gonna suspend for weed use than it needs to be EVERYONE not just none 40 man guys. I also find it odd that MLB doesn’t test guys for more hard drugs after a certain point in the season and that they can’t do any random tests
tough break for him, he was blazing his way through High A too…*snickers*
phil bickford is a-ok in my book
Weed, which isn’t legal everywhere yet, is less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol, both of which are legal. Ridiculous logic.
All about the money for big tobacco and alcohol, as well as pharmaceutical companies, who are the main people fighting against legalization. It’s all bs
Anything in moderation is harmful, on a relative scale. Drink too much and you’re branded an alcoholic. Smoke too much pot and you’re branded a pothead. This isn’t complicated. I get the sense most commenters on here are casual users, which means they’re more than capable of still being productive, contributing citizens…since when have laws been fair or representative of what is morally right?
Some blowhard in “X” state’s congress sold weed as EVIL, and the sheep (old white religious men) in the legislative chamber bought into their psuedo-science, hook line and sinker. It happens.
If you work for an employer who has rules against smoking weed, and posted penalties in place if you are caught doing so, then it’s completely irrelevant whether you, I or anyone thinks it should or shouldn’t be all right to smoke weed. You knew the rules, you broke them, you pay the consequences, and none of us should be making excuses or “shoulds” for him.
Most Millennials have no concept of rules because they have never been held accountable for any thing, always an excuse for everything like their personal opinion on weed overrides MLB rules and regulations
Oh man this again? Apparently you live a sheltered life. Weed is used by every age group. It’s a fact that tobacco and alcohol are much more dangerous than marijuana. It has nothing to do with millennials you clown
Your ad hominem was worse than his. Surprising.
But he’s on to something (kind of). The inability for many people—many of them younger it seems—to grasp the stupidity of doing something your employer says you can’t do is ridiculous.
“Most Millennials have no concept of rules because they have never been held accountable for any thing [sic]…”
Coming from a generation that left Millennials with $20,000,000,000,000 of debt…
finally, more voices of reason on this site!
You should try going outside
As I said before, you don’t know why he smoked. He could have had a legitimate medical use for it, and he also could have only used it once.
He may not have even inhaled…
Good point. He could have easily eaten some sort of edible
Is that you, Johnny Manziel?
He’s a “high quality” pitching prospect alright…
Sorry. I’ll show myself out..
He’s Lit!
2nd time is 100 games. No clue who he is but he’s an idiot
50 games…. and do you think it’d be better if he was drinking or using tobacco?
No problem, the Rangers already picked up a pothead from the Brewers (Jeffries). Plus the Rangers are the team of second chances (Hamilton, Matt Bush, even Steve Howe way back in the day). So what is Jon the Moron waiting for?
Sooo… what if he has a condition where he needs weed to function? Probably not the case, but the mlb needs to seriously look at this because medical marijuana is legit. If you disagree you have some research to do…
Then go through the proper channels to do so. Even if weed is illegal owners and leagues can still legally require you to NOT smoke weed.
Players with legitamite needs concerning medication that would normally test positively, can aquire a waiver from the MLB.
“Bickford, 21, has long been seen as a high-quality pitching prospect” haha I wonder just how HIGH quality be is
some excellent discussions going on here
This is a sad situation, The kid is obviously a great prospect and could probably be a great MLB player in the future, but will probably never get the chance if he gets one more Strike,Do you really need to get high? When given the chance to become one of the greatest players of all time by getting picked up to play ball and given millions of dollars to play a sport that you have played all your life, but prefer to throw it all away for some weed is really a sad situation.Is it really worth it?