8:45pm: Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe has more on the Red Sox’ perspective. Boston became aware of the issues with Pomeranz after conducting an MRI on his shoulder and elbow, per the report, identifying “an injury he was receiving treatment for” that hadn’t been logged.
The club still felt it needed to move forward with the July 14th trade, and evidently didn’t feel the issue was severe enough to scuttle the deal. Still, though, Boston “sought compensation in the form of a player but didn’t succeed,” a source tells Cafardo. It is not immediately clear whether the team pursued that remedy directly with the Padres or through the league in some form.
7:55pm:Â Red Sox chairman Tom Werner had harsh words today for the decision of the commissioner’s office relating to withheld medical information in the summer trade for lefty Drew Pomeranz, as Tom Caron of NESN reports (Twitter links). (Video link via NESN.)
“We were extremely disappointed in the decision,” said Werner. “We felt that some wrong was committed and that it’s important to have a level playing field. The Padres didn’t play on it.”
After allegations from four teams arose regarding the Padres’ insufficient provision of medical investigation, the league opened an investigation. The league announced a 30-day suspension of Padres GM A.J. Preller yesterday, specifying that it related to the Pomeranz deal, but otherwise did not punish the San Diego organization or provide compensation to the Red Sox.
At the time the investigation itself was reported, indications were that Boston was not seeking any modification of the swap. Another Padres deal was partially unwound, with Colin Rea being traded back from the Marlins to San Diego. But that arrangement was apparently worked out between the teams. Since that time, reports have suggested that the Padres attempted to evade medical reporting requirements, suggesting to their trainers that doing so would help the organization to gain an advantage in trade talks.
It is not known whether the Red Sox specifically sought any particular recompense arising from the Pomeranz-related concerns. And it’s fair to note that Werner did not make clear whether that was the cause for his view on the suspension. Some have suggested that the Padres were handled less harshly in this instance than the Red Sox were recently, and the frustration could stem from that potential disparity. Boston was hit with a signing ban and was forced to give up its rights to several international free agent signees after a finding of a rules violation.
Meanwhile, Padres manager Andy Green defended his organization as well as Preller, as Dennis Lin of the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. Insisting that Pomeranz never had any issues of which he was aware, Green went into extensive detail on his view of the situation — which you’ll find in full in Lin’s report. “I see it as that we had all our files in one place and they were not where they needed to be and we accepted responsibility for that and paid honestly a steep price for that,” the first-year manager explained.
At base, Green asserted that there was no “malicious intent to deceive anyone in the process” by the San Diego organization. “There was never this belief that we’re trading anybody that was hurt,” he continued. “There was never this belief that we’re trying to pull one over on the rest of Major League Baseball. … [E]very mistake that’s been made was well-intentioned. Mistakes have been made. We’ve owned them.”
Werner fucked up the Padres, when was the owner. So, consider it payback.
This might be one of the greatest Padre fan posts ever!
I guess we’re allowed to say anything on here now.
This one gets a pass because he’s spot on.
He’s a charlatan. So happy the Henry-Werner-Loria cabal didn’t win the commish job.
Sox are just mad that his petco numbers don’t translate to Fenway, also he has always been an injury risk and they knew that before making the trade.
They kept stating they didn’t want to trade back so don’t think it’s that.
No the Sox did not know the full extent of potential injury risk since Preller hid the real medial reports and be did so to be deceptive and get an edge in trade talks. Those are the undisputed facts
True be he has not been injured for the sox, now the Marlins have a real case with the Colin rea deal. That was a hidden major issue.
Colin Rea looked great after his 1st inning as a Marlin. Shame he got hurt in the 3rd. but Padres got him back for 1 prospect. Long term Rea > Castillo? We’ll see.
The sox should have called off the trade immediately if they didn’t like it. Pomeranz has had a injury issue going all the way back to his NL days. When the A’s traded him to SD his value was low because of the injuries. So why didn’t they think something was up? Pomeranz value would have been much higher if other teams thought he was healthy.
So the guy who employs David Ortiz wants a level playing field? That’s rich.
Wow hate much.
I’m guessing he’s alluding to Ortiz’s “alleged” failed drug test
He’s doing things only Barry Bonds has done at an advanced age. Hmmm…
Roids aren’t and weren’t limited to the Red Sox. It was literally rampant across baseball. I’m really not sure where you’re going with this.
Ortiz is still on it dude… MLB just lets him sly by because they like him.
You’re an idiot.
I think all of the White Sox are still betting on their own games too. The 97-year-long cover up.
Wow a really ignorant comment but haters are gonna hate.
Sly by? How about SLIDE by.
Usually just the Yankees get accused of this.
It’s amazing the amount of hate you’re getting from
Hypocritical Red Sox fans. In their eyes their players can do no wrong. It’s a FACT that Ortiz failed a drug test in 2003 ( same one as Alex Rodriguez who Boston fans acted like killed someone). Red Sox fans and
Ortiz use the reasoning that he has been tested hundreds of times since and never failed. But guess what, Arod hasn’t failed a test since 2003 but it turned out he was still using. Look at brains second time getting caught(no failed test), all those players in 2014 didn’t have failed tests but they were still caught using.
Ortiz to fail a test tomorrow and Red Sox fans would still make excuses and say he is innocent. But if another player is caught, that player is a booed and stuff but Ortiz is treated as a god.
I’m sure most Sox fans probably think Aaron Hernandez is innocent and probably set up.
What did he fail the test for? It could literally have been anything. Hell even Hammering Hank Aaron admitted trying drugs in the late 1960’s. The huge difference between arod and Ortiz is there is ton’s of evidence against Arod since then, none against Ortiz. We will probably never know what he tested positive for, if anything. That test being the only thing used against him is absurd and grossly unfair. If it came out tomorrow that Ortiz was juicing he would be booed in Boston.
Really? Aaaron Hernandez was released before he was even officially charged. He’s a loser who will spend his life in prison. No one cares about him anymore.
After Price pitches today the Yankees season will be pretty much over so see you next year.
Haha… And after Price pitches in the postseason your season will be pretty much over too.
Lol, so true
Rodriguez was one of 14 players suspended in connection with the Biogenesis scandal. Ortiz wasnt a part of this scandal and MLB Never suspended him despite others being suspended from the same list he appeared on. Just because his name was leaked from a list that was supposed to be secret doesnt mean he was a habitual user or even a steriod user at all considering all the reports that tell us all that some cough syrups, cold medicine, A.D.D. medications make the test come up Positive. If the league thought he was a habitual user they wouldve attacked him like they did the others, dragged his name through the mud and eventually suspended him, it Never happened so you can lay off of him and stop calling him a steriod user like ARod, Giambi, Canseco….
Very well said
He’s on roids. Has been his whole career. Definitely is now.
He’s out producing the year we know he was dirty at age 40. You don’t get better with age by getting clean.
Yup and I’m sure that they don’t test him all the time and that if they do that MLB sweeps it under the rug because it’s Ortiz cmon stop making stupid ignorant comments based on random speculation when there is absolutely no proof since the alleged failure back in 2003.
L.O.L. Just stop.
Stop using logic and take a 40 year old confirmed user’s huge year at face value?
No thanks.
I bet you are 12-13 years old. I’d put money on it.
I’m the same age as Ortiz, actually. Far too old for any natural player to lead the league in OPS.
I said this in another thread but I think the “actual” punishment is going to be doled out by the rest of the league.
Good luck to the Pads getting fair value in a trade going forward. If there’s any ‘on the fence’ trades being considered I would have to imagine the team dealing with the Pads is going to have this in the back of their mind going forward.
If you’re a rival GM, would you still consider trading a high value asset to the Pads and trust what’s coming back to you? Fair or not. Improved documentation or not. That’s going to be the perception.
… But on the other hand Luhnow has still been able to make deals after all the leaked trade discussions came out, but that’s a slightly different bag of worms since it wasn’t his doing.
I am under the impression that this is one of the reasons Jim Bowden could not find work as a GM after a while. He had lied so many times to so many players and to so many other GMs that in the end his ability to do his job had become rather limited.
In the end having a GM like that ends up hurting his own organization as much as any of his little scams might have paid off.
Bowden was an awful GM period and thats why he never got another job as GM.
But what trade pieces do the Padres have left… Zero!
Lunhow was the victim of a cyber crime. Preller committed fraud. Not exactly comparable.
However, I totally agree that Preller is going to have trouble making trades.
You’re right of course, but I wasn’t trying to imply the Astros did something wrong, I was just making a parallel that both situations will impact trust.
Whether you don’t trust the GM on a personal level, or don’t trust the organization to keep private conversations private. Either of those will have to be overcome, and it didn’t seem to have a lasting impact on the Astros. So if Preller can’t regain that trust, do the Pads have any choice but to let him go and start over?
Its funny how you think this will affect future trades. It actually wont.
Yeah- lets not improve the roster in what may be a sellers market next year if the padres have pieces we feel would improve our team.
This wont affect his ability to trade within the league. All it takes is the marlins not trading for player x the padres sign next year and he gets traded to the mets nationals braves or phillies and fans go wtf why didnt you let go after him???? Same for red sox and yankees orioles blue jays rays.
You may be right, but I wouldn’t be convinced either way.
It’s not whether you like any of their players, it’s whether they’re in the condition he says they’re in.
If you buy a used car from a dealer and it blows up in your driveway 3 days later, are you going to return to that dealer and buy another car because he has another model you like? Or are you going to shop somewhere that has a better reputation (with accurate service records)?
That’s up to each GM I guess…
Well if your team rather trade for say allen craig if you need an outfielder rather than jon jay next year im sure a team would love allen craig.
Unfortunately- your anaology is horrible. Next years deadline could have a few dealers if its a sellers market where only a few teams are selling off pieces and most the league is buying. If its a sellers market youre gong to take a less productive player to help go for the chmpionship cause of this?
Padres do have pieces that hold value- buchter and hand come to mind. So teams should take worse lefties than buchter and hand if the other sellers even have a lefty worth trading for? Doubt it.
Hard to haggle w a guy who you think might do you wrong when theres not many other options to you or itll cost more for the other options. As in the indians and cubs could have gotten buchter or hand for half or less what they gave up for miller and chapman.
Maybe I’m in the minority on this, but there’s no way this won’t have an impact going forward. I’m not saying it’ll be impossible for trades to happen, but it’s going to be an obstacle to overcome.
There’s 29 other GMs, and each one of those has a huge ego to get to where they are id have to imagine. You’re not talking about someone besting you in a trade and so now you’re a bit gun shy. You’re talking about a man who starting in the spring, set out to systematically defraud you and 28 of your colleagues for the sole purpose of taking advantage of your organization. And this wasn’t even the first time he’s had issues regarding “playing fair”.
Yes he may have a few assets. But Barry Bonds was also a great hitter in his last season, and no one felt that was worth messing with. Just like with PEDs, there’s going to be someone that gives Preller a chance regardless of the fallout. But none of his assets are THAT compelling that GMs will line up at his door. Even if you now trust his injury reporting, you’d have to ask yourself what is this guy up to now? I can’t think of a better analogy of Preller than a sleazy used car salesman.
Not to mention none of those GMs want to be the one muttering fool me once shame on you, fool me twice…
If they’re not gonna give us fair value in a trade good luck getting any of our players.
Hard to believe it’s anything less than malicious, when there is a pattern of deceit.
I’d really like to know what the qualitative difference was between the Red Sox complaint and the other team’s complaints.
A fair question.
The marlins were given a do-over so that fixed their complaint.
Not sure of the others. Is there knowledge of which teams complained over which deals?
Maybe the Red Sox were the only team that completed a transaction and also filed a complaint?
Irs also been reported that while the Marlins were allowed to undo their trade, the Red Sox never pursued that option. Maybe hindsight is making them wish they had, and so they were hoping the league would get even on their behalf?
Doesn’t look like the want a do over/trade back, article says they want compensation.
I think if they knew what they know now, they probably would’ve offered a lesser prospect/prospect package in the deal.
Sorry loser. You and your staff took advantage in the worst possible way, that is to say manipulating non-english speaking immigrants with zero leverage or understanding of the rules. Honestly the Sox got it easy.
Preller took advantage of you and your supposed professional staff. He worked within the rules albeit dishonestly and you didnt do all your homework and left it to their good will to disclose medicals. It strikes me as a pretty loser complaint (especially to do it publicly). Part of showing remorse for your own wrong doing is showing humility when others have trouble. (This is not an endorsement of Preller, his actions or the Padres).
Wow only a halo fan would come up with that. Think the issue about dissatisfaction comes over the penalty the Bosox incurred over the international signings and the penalties the Padres incurred.
It ought to be easy for the Padres to find trading partners to deal with moving forward, right?
Obviously, this kind of subterfuge probably happens more than we realize. I am trying to figure out how A.J. Preller keeps his job between his incompetence with building a winning roster and now this fiasco.
Its funny how this guy wants a level playing field, yet his team got caught cheating like two months ago and had to have prospects taken away. Must be a big glass house covering Fenway
And they got massively penalized for it. It makes their argument even more relevant. If they get so heavily penalized for being shady why don’t other teams. I’m not even taking a side, but they have a legitimate argument.
They got the worse punishment, but I wouldn’t say it was massive. The prospects they released were never top prospects, just more trying to find gold sort of signs. I agree that they have a right to be angry, it’s just very hypocritical that he says it should be an even playing field, when they cheated already.
Oh nvm I forgot they got banned as well
Red Sox made issues thinking they could gain picks like they lost picks, instead got Preller suspended for not following protocol
You always get caught in something that is either incorrect, or something half true.. Here is another example…
Giving IFA kids under table cash has gone on for years, same with 2 for 1’s. Boston was the 1st team EVER to get forced into having to not only have to let these guys go, but let ’em KEEP the money as well!
Am sure a LOT of people here would like it if you would at LEAST start getting some facts correct SOME of the time if you are going to continue with the Boston hate hype…
Dude, stop. You think I’m hating on the Red Sox for saying wrights going to regress next year and for pointing out they cheated after an exec of theirs calls out another tea for cheating. One of those is a fact, the other is something that a lot of people think is going to happen.
Fans last night when hearing about MLB’s decision: “The Padres deserve more punishment!”
Fans when learning the Red Sox agree with them: “Padres deserve less punishment!”
Really, change the title of this post to “Marlins unhappy with MLB decision” and we’ll get a completely different mood.
The fact is Preller and the Pads got a slap on the wrist. Had the Red Sox, yankees, Cubs, or another team front and center in the media done the same they would have been crucified by fans.
Preller isn’t going to have trouble trading with most teams in the near term. In the long term, it especially isn’t going to be a problem after everyone cools off and thinks rationally.
After this fiasco, the pads are obviously going to be under the microscope for their future transactions not only from the league, but from teams they are trading with. If I was a gm and the pads had a player that I really wanted, knowing all that, I wouldn’t have trouble trading with them (not that they have much right now).
Obviously, trade relations with the Padres and Red Sox are going to be strained for a while, especially considering how much they overreacted.
How about this. Padres have to take Sandoval and his contract as punishment and are also responsible for any unpaid tabs Pablo has at Dunkin Donuts? Seems fair to me.
“reports have suggested that the Padres attempted to evade medical reporting requirements, suggesting to their trainers that doing so would help the organization to gain an advantage in trade talks.”
You can believe this or you can believe manager Andy Green. Sorry Andy.
What’s wrong is that the punishment clearly didn’t take into account the fact that AJ Preller has a history of being deceitful and breaking rules. It is now a pattern with him. Players face harsher punishments when they break rules & already have prior suspensions and transgressions. Why didn’t Preller?
I like the idea the Padres take Sandoval and his contract. Hell, I’ll even pay his Dunkin’ Donuts tab!
Too funny,
The sox found out about the problem. Didn’t want to reverse the trade but wanted the commish to make the Padres give them more because when they illegally signed players it was disallowed?
A logic fail followed by disappointment that you aren’t protected like a helpless baby?
Another lame ass decision coming down from the commissioners office