Tim Tebow’s baseball workout drew plenty of attention yesterday, and it wasn’t solely from the media. It is fair to note that 28 teams were represented by scouts, with several sending rather high-level personnel to have a look. Only the Cubs and Athletics ultimately did not put eyes on the college football great, per Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports (via Twitter). Even if a lack of alternative scouting opportunities and sheer intrigue had a role in that tally, it seems clear there was some genuine interest in seeing how the former quarterback looked in a baseball uniform — even at 29 years of age.
Here are a few sources of information if you’re curious how things went:
- From an athletic perspective, Tebow looked to be in fantastic shape and put up a strong time in the 60-yard dash. But one scout’s overall impression was that Tebow seemed more like “an actor trying to portray a baseball player” than a budding talent, per Bob Nightengale of USA Today (via Twitter). As Josh Peter of USA Today further reports, the Heisman winner flashed a slightly below-average arm, though some viewed him as an approximately average potential defender in the outfield after watching his full fielding workout.
- The raw power that Tebow displayed seemingly raised the most eyebrows. One scout actually gave it a top-of-class 80 grade, per Taylor Blake Ward of Scout (Twitter links). Another classed it more modestly at a 65, which is still quite impressive, though that second source noted that the pop might only play at a 55 level.
- Pure power is certainly an intriguing commodity, standing alone, particularly in an otherwise athletic player. But the biggest question will be whether it can translate one day to major league pitching, especially given Tebow’s long layoff from hitting and his extremely advanced age for a potential prospect. As Barry Svrluga of the Washington Post reports, the overall view of scouts ranged from relatively positive — “he’s definitely intriguing,” said one — to downright laughable — one said flatly that “he sucked.” But those who took a close look seemingly witnessed both the potential and the areas of concern, including whether his “grooved swing” and overly-muscular frame would allow the power stroke to come through in game action.
- Tebow’s representatives at CAA said that five or six clubs engaged with Tebow directly after the workout, as Ken Davidoff of the New York Post reports. While that suggests some genuine interest, there was also reason to be skeptical. The long balls that the hulking slugger drove during BP didn’t quite continue when he faced live pitching, scouts noted to Davidoff — who says the scene actually became a bit awkward as it unfolded. Tebow’s agents hope that he’ll sign in time to participate in fall instructional league, with an Arizona Fall League or perhaps a winter ball appearance to follow. But it remains to be seen whether Tebow would be deemed ready for that level of competition.
Can’t see this happening
Some team will sign him just for the publicity he’ll bring. I bet tons of Single A teams hope their MLB counterpart is the one to make the move. He doesn’t even have to be a starter, but player off the bench and people will go to the games.
I completely agree. I think a team will sign him for publicity and he likely will not make it past AA in any system.
He might end up an independent league like Mcgrady did. The sugar land skeeters..
My question all along is if you want to play baseball why not go sign with an independent league team and play. If he’s any good MLB teams will have an interest, if he sucks then he wouldn’t have to waste everybody’s time by having a workout.
Tim will get offers. Question is, will they be offers he will want to accept? Time will tell. He would at least be worth a team taking him on so that at least one of their minor league teams sells more tickets than they otherwise would. If he works out great, if not, at least some minor league team(s) will make a little more money next year. Never can tell what happens in baseball.
Well if he thinks he’s going to get a major league offer or a 7 figure signing bonus then he can forget it. He would have to accept he’s basically a publicity stunt unless he starts dominating single A ball.
He’s not getting a 6 figure offer. He’s a late draft pick at best meaning he will be lucky to get a contract offer exceeding 45,000 a year.
I bet Tebow plays one season of winter ball if he does well, he will play somewhere in the minors next year.
I wish him well.
How can he do winter ball? He’s already signed up for the SEC network to do football commentating this year?
It’s one thing to show power in a batting practice. It’s another thing entirely to make contact with even a minor league prospect’s curve ball.
Also it’s kinda interesting to note that neither the Cubs or Athletics even bothered to send a scout and supposedly several team scouts and officials left fairly quickly.
Just wondering why he doesn’t play independent ball first? Its easy to hit a home run off a batting practice fast ball. When a pitcher is trying to get you out and fool you on breaking balls and curves is when the real players step up to the plate. He might bring some fans in to the seats the first year but after that he is just a publicity stunt.
Guessing he’s hoping to get more of a payday 1st. Why play independent ball if a team is willing to give you a contract?
I can promise you a “payday” is extremely low on his reasons for pursuing baseball.
Payday would be extremel.y low if he signed with an Indy league team. A minor league deal with a MLB team will pay him more and give him a better opportunity going forward. Will see if he does not sign with an organization if he does sign with and Indy team.
He displayed a below average arm? I’m shocked!
so did Johnny Damon.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but Johnny Damon was never an NFL quarterback.
He doesn’t have to have a good arm for a “former NFL quarterback”…..
His former job may bring scouts to see him but will have little to do with anyone signing him.
I never said anything about it hindering his chances of signing. He was notorious for his lack of arm in the NFL – hence why I want surprised that he had a below average in his showcase.
no team will sign him and put him directly into the AFL, that would be a complete slap in the face to the players that deserve to be there
not all the kids in the minors are good. Lost of fillers. Maybe Tebow can get better.
Yes, but that’s not what the AFL is. Tebow will not be there.
God doesn’t win baseball games
That’s the best you could come up with?
Then explain Angels in the Outfield
Apparently the Cubs and Athletics are the only sensible teams in baseball.
Maybe Tebow gets a shot, but I bet we see a lot more issues arise during fall ball if he plays. Surely some team will sign him to give their Low-A or High-A affiliate some revenue enhancement but it can’t be enough to eat the cost of his contract. He’s still taking a roster spot away from a guy who has worked his entire life to be in the game.
I don’t know why you’d consider a team not sensible for sending a couple scouts to watch a world class athlete to see if he is good at hitting baseballs.
There are hundreds of players who are just minor league fillers. It wouldn’t hurt a team to give Tebow some time.
That said, I hope the Cardinals just stay away.
World class athlete?????????
To quote the venerable John Kruk “I’m not an athlete, I’m a baseball player.””
He makes me miss Milton Bradley(‘s name).
don’t know why he would try hit off of live pitching if he knew that couldn’t hit live pitching.
The fact is if he signed be would be treated as a draft pick fresh out of high school. Meaning his age 30 season will be in instructional ball, followed by fall ball if be has the desire to play and leaves the SEC network to play and take a chance. His age 31 season most likely will be low A and high A if he is indeed a decent player and does enough to be promoted. Age 32 is high A or AA to start the season depending on his progress ending in AA or AAA with a possible September call-up. Meaning if he progressed normally he’d be a 33 year old rookie. No team wants inexperienced players that old with the talent of youths available.
I wonder why their has been so many Cubans and international players to sign that old then?
Because they’ve been playing extremely competitive baseball for up to or over a decade?
Continuing with what Jeff said. The players from Cuba have experience and as such most move extremely fast through the minors. Look at how fast Yuleski Gurriel came through the minors this year. It took him just over a month to go from signed to the pros. The idea of signing a player from Cuba is to get an immediate impact due to their skills and experience. It’s similar to picking up a free agent. Unlike Tebow who would be a complete project signing.
I hope the Dodgers sign him…. Did I mention I’m a Gigantes fan? Hahaha
I would love to take the 2 scouts that said “he sucked” and that gave him an 80-power grade for a cup of coffee. I really don’t understand why anyone would give him some dollars that wouldn’t already be earmarked for marketing expenses or a chance to sell a few additional tickets.
I wish Tebow good luck. I mean, why not cheer for the guy? He seems like a good person with honest intentions. Good luck, TT.
If Tebow can play more power to him. Michael Jordan played one season in AA ball and he was 2 years older …I don’t remember the hate when he did it. Good luck Tim.
It’s not like he’s going to get 200 million dollars. He should just try to commentate more.
I hope he turns out to be Roy Hobbs. Why all the negativity? If he wants to give baseball a try, why not? If you don’t try, you’ll never know. If a team wants to give him a shot, it will be based on what makes good sense for the team. He has to earn it.
A total publicity stunt! 30 years old and out of Baseball since college? He’s and Indie league signing at best!!