9:35pm: Sandoval told reporters tonight that the MRI results on his shoulder weren’t promising, thus necessitating the second opinion, as Mastrodonato reports (links to Twitter). He still doesn’t know whether to expect a surgical outcome, however.
The veteran also denied a recent report suggesting that he doesn’t wish to stay in Boston if he isn’t an everyday player. “I didn’t say that,” said Sandoval. “When did I say that. A report? Like I said I’m here for my teammates … I’m not here to distract.”
3:52pm:Â Red Sox third baseman Pablo Sandoval, who hit the disabled list with a shoulder injury earlier this week, is headed to see Dr. James Andrews for a second opinion on his shoulder following yesterday’s MRI, reports Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports (via Twitter).
The club will await those results before reaching any conclusions, but surgery of some kind remains a possibility, club president of baseball operations Dave Dombrowski told reporters, including Peter Abraham of the Boston Glove (via Twitter). There’s “a lot going on in [the] shoulder,” said Dombrowski.
These latest bits of information certainly appear to suggest that there could be a physical issue that has limited Sandoval. Whether or not that helps to explain his struggles — or offers optimism for a solution — remains to be seen. While it’s obviously somewhat strange to suggest that an injury could be a positive, in this case it may open some avenues to improve a difficult situation.
As Jason Mastrodonato of the Boston Herald explained on this morning’s podcast (before the latest news), it’s far from clear that Sandoval has a real role on the current roster. But an absence that stretches beyond the 15-day minimum would certainly place a rehab stint on the table, and create some time and space for both player and team to assess things (if not also to regain some positive momentum).
I’ll bet a sandwich would fix that shoulder.
Larry, come on, you know better – clearly this matter requires two sandwiches. Great comment … made me laugh.
LOL….maybe it’s just my imagination but it seems like there’s at least one Panda sighting on this web site than any other player. And there’s usually some sort of trade deal proposed by some Red Sox fan—-usually to the Padres.
i wonder if the Sox could write off the contract as a charity give away? They better have gotten insurance on the contract or its a $100 million mistake.
There’s no way his contract is not insured.
Insurance covers only actual injuries not imaginary ones.
It’s not insured.
How did he get hurt sitting on the bench?
Splinter? Tossing a sunflower seed in his mouth? Drank his Powerade awkwardly? Repetitive motion disorder from the use of his fork in the clubhouse?
Thank you, I’ll be here all week.
You left out reaching for his phone too quickly when a random girl in the stands yelled out her twitter name.
Bolts came loose!
James Andrews: Why are you wasting my time, just stop eating.
BoSox have no idea how glad SFgiants are that Sandoval declined the Contract. Result: Duffy. At least they have Shaw!
I think we get it.
I’m going into conspiracy theory mode for this one. I really believe there is no physical injury with Sandoval. It’s been reported that he was thoroughly embarrassed by the belt busting incident (I would be too) and the topic of his eating habits are pretty much all over sporting news at the moment. It’s now to the point, that he is being diagnosed as a food addict. He needs serious help, actually, and this is no laughing matter. We need to put ourselves in his position (although he has only himself to blame).
My feeling is this could be some type of arranged agreement between parties to perhaps make things appear more amicable. One day Sandoval is fine, the next his shoulder might fall off. Unlikely. In fact, I’m willing to bet my 6 figure life savings that there isn’t. By maybe sticking him on the DL for the remainder of the season, it gives him an entire year to recuperate. What he is dealing with, will take a full year to remedy.. You can’t just lose 20 pounds in a month and have it done healthy. He needs to lose probably upwards of 50-60 pounds. Look at CC Sabathia. He lost a ton of weight several years ago and he was never the same and probably will never be. The same will apply to Sandoval, sadly.
For the Red Sox, we know this for sure, they’re pretty eating the rest of the $75mm any way you slice it. At this point, it’s just saving face that they don’t handle this in typical Red Sox fashion (you know, torch every bridge in the process). To me, the most admiral thing would be for Sandoval to approach the Sox and tell them he messed up big time, admit he has a problem, arrange a buy out, take a break from baseball and get well.
I can easily drop 20 pounds in a month just by slightly changing my eating habits. And I’m no worse for wear.
You missed the point of the addiction. That could take months, if not years. It’s extremely unhealthy to drop more than 2lbs a week. That’s a fact. You can drop 20lbs in a month all you want, but it won’t last or will have other, more lasting repercussions to your immune system.
Honestly all he needs to do is change his diet to a 5 small snacks a day, and hour routines of aerobic exercises, (running, riding a bike, swimming) and he can drop 20 in a month in a health way, I’ve done it and dropped from 170 to 130ish in around 2.5 months.
That is not true either, at one time years ago it was thought that you it is unhealthy to lose more then 2 pounds a day. That was proven incorrect.
And someone mentioned that Sandoval weighed in a 240 on opening day, which makes my ripped and athletic 5’10” 165lb frame massively overweight in comparison. Sandoval is literally 3 of me. I’m guessing his real weight was something closer to 275. He should be 225 max at 5’11”. If he really does weight 240, then he is technically overweight by 10-15lbs and we all know that’s far from the reality. Dude is chugging an extra 50 on him, no doubt.
I’m 6 feet tall and, according to my doctor, I was overweight at 190. I am around 270 right now and I still look smaller than Pablo.
If he weighs 240 I weigh 90
Ya, because a team would waste Dr. James Andrews time and their money. Lol. Great conspiracy theory. I heard JFK is drinking margaritas with Hitler in Mexico.
Also I like your humble brag. “I willing to bet my 6 figure life savings”. LMAO
Seriously? 6 figure life savings? You are a loser.
They want insurance to cover some of this debacle.
Check out Johnathan Lehman’s piece in the NY Post. It is a great accompaniment to Legend’s post.
A couple of weeks with Sgt. Hulka and he’ll be good to go. Lighten up, Francis!
If anything, the posts here demonstrate the overly simplified and ignorant mentality most people have about professional athletes. You all bought the headlines hook, line, and sinker. Pablo Sandoval is overweight therefore any issue concerning performance is related to his weight. Again, overly simplistic and shortsighted. I also don’t understand why such an obvious issue (his fatness) requires everyone and their mother to comment about his weight. Ok, we get it. He’s fat.
I think it’s a way for people to elevate themselves above the athlete. “If I was in his situation” or “if I was him” etc. Well, 1) you’re not. 2) you had your shot.
I’m dumb and in lacking life experiences. You’re smart and have been around.
So why can’t a 29 year-old professional athlete (supposedly in his prime years), an ex-All Star, on a mega contract whose team wants him to be the starting 3B – lose his position to a so-so rookie? Did you know that people in all walks of life (not just professional athletes) often suffer injuries in parts of their bodies due to being out of shape and therefore putting strain on those parts by overcompensating?
But I also blame the Red Sox Management for not being hard enough on him. Panda is a selfish person who doesn’t care about the team, the fans or his employers. I don’t know what was said behind closed doors but anything short of “Pablo we want you weighting X lbs coming into camp and we want you to stay at the weight, anything more than that, you’re insulting us as your employer and you’re making us look like we can’t control our players. this conversation is off the record but if you show up to camp in 2016 out of shape like you did last year, we’re going to go public, we shouldn’t have to make excuses for you and be forced to look bad”.
NOW…. drop and give me 20….
Baseball, like the military and society itself is long past that. Way to soft to force him to do anything. They can’t order him to run 20 trips back and forth from foul pole to foul pole, such as ALL players had to at one time during ST many years ago,
I can recall when many ballplayers would show up fat and out of shape. They would work like dogs to sweat it off. I also remember George “the boomer” Scott wearing his jacket during ST games one spring even he was so fat, worse than Sandoval and taking grounders after games, cause he could hardly bend over think it was ST of ’77.
Not just Scott, but several would show up with guts, but they would run those laps. Now? U have worries over medical and lawyers!
Better off 50y ago.
I doubt Scott ever had a long term multi million dollar contract, either. Mickey Lolich had a huge gut but was a workhorse pitcher ….he was an effective pitcher till he was in his mid 30’s and I don’t attribute the end of career to his weight as much as the fact he worked an average of over 300 innings a year for six years.
Pablo wakes up.
How does the lap band feel, Pablo?
But, what about my shoulder?
Wait, your shoulder hurts too?
take it at face value. It’s good for the Red Sox in the sense they can sit him, and if there really is an issue, there’s probably insurance. But, if they really want Panda gone, it’s bad, because no one is going to trade for him, regardless of the price.
Anyone else wondering if there’s some secret agreement going on here.
oh, absolutely…..letting him be seen anywhere near the team, only magnifies the problem….and it makes the Sox look bad. Just the sight of him sitting on that bench, looking like Jabba the Hut, makes the team look bad.. So, if they “make him go away” for awhile, they look a little better.
“I’m here for my teammates,” Sandoval said, “not to distr — wait, do you smell that?”
The craziest part about this is we are talking about a Professional “ATHLETE”. His job is to play a sport. It’s absolutely ludicrous.
whenever I read something about him, all I can think of, is that belt of his, tapping out, LOL…..
Anyone remember John Lackey’s Red Sox story? Pretty similar to the way this is playing out, albeit with a happy ending. Optimistically, maybe the same will happen here.
Like 4 years of being awful and a laughingstock and then turned into above average player for a year?
At some point you are just too damn big to play baseball safely. Otiz has pushed the line a few years, but Sandoval has blurred the line this year. Clearly his performance in spring training was so pathetic the Sox weren’t willing to let him take them down with him. It’s obvious his love of eating has won out over his love of playing ball. He now figures he can get paid to just “show up” since he has been good in the past & he has the mega contract. Time for all of baseball to turn their backs & make an example out if this irresponsible, lazy, fat piece of shit. Send his fat ass home for the year under suspension for being lazy & unfit to play. Does he not have an obligation to the team to be in shape to play?