From time to time, as a service to our readers, MLB Trade Rumors will post job opportunities of possible interest that are brought to our attention. MLBTR has no affiliation with the hiring entity, no role in the hiring process, and no financial interest in the posting of this opportunity. The following information was provided by the hiring entity:
Baseball Research Position
We are a well-known sports entity hiring an analyst in our MLB research group. You will be working in an office-based setting with other members of a research staff and will be responsible for handling a variety of statistical and other informational needs. The ideal candidate is a recent college graduate with a genuine interest in a career in the baseball industry. This position is located in Southern California (relocation not provided).
Minimum qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university (or sufficient relevant experience)
Preferred qualifications
- Prior baseball or team sports experience
- Proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Keynote, Photoshop
bcresearchposition@gmail.comIn the subject line of the email, please put “Research Position”. The body of your email should first contain your resume, appropriately formatted. In addition to the traditional resume information, please be sure to include any details about athletic experience or ability to speak a second language.
Below your resume, please put 1) your full contact information, 2) how you obtained this listing, and 3) your minimum annual salary requirement. The salary requirement needs to be a specific dollar figure. Applications without that information will not be considered.
Dang I’m 17 but I would love this job.
Ya im still in high school but id love this job
Dang I am 34 and would love this job…but I am sure the pay would be an issue.
Hey, I’m 33 and have two kids and I write for an internet blog. If you want it, you can figure it out!
Hey I work for a baseball site on the side doing infographics. But the day job makes it a reality to pursue
Practicalities certainly must be considered … a part-time gig like that sounds like a great way to balance things and to get something going that could even expand later.
Jeff you are an inspiration my man. 33 and two kids myself, while I would love the opportunity, I doubt I could make that bold a move.
Luck + health + exceedingly wise choice in spouse + being a cheapskate … rather favorable circumstances!
Ugh! This is what i’m currently going to University for. I want to work in a baseball franchise’s statistics and analytical department. Currently doing a BA in Philosophy. Just finished my 2nd year. Two more to go! Hopefully I can get a job like this when i’m done.
Genuinely curious: Why would you major in Philosophy and not some math-related, statistics, or finance field?
Yeah weirdest comment ever.
Are there any requirements on what the degree has to be in?
Does the posting cite a requirement on what the degree has to be in?
No, but the fact that it’s a requirement in the first place seems to suggest that they want to, you know, put it to use. I don’t see why a baseball noob with a biology degree would be a better candidate than a high school educated baseball savant.
Even if I didn’t have a degree I would still be very knowledgeable baseball wise.
looks like it wont pay much since it asks for salary requirements.
lowest bidder
In that case I’ll accept for a living wage plus costs of travel expenses.
That sounds like an Oakland move not a SoCal move. Maybe SD has decided to start nickel and diming?