36 players from MLBTR’s Top 50 Free Agents have signed so far. Our prediction contest was open for a week after qualifying offers came in back in November, and 3,092 people entered. So far, two people are batting over .400, with 15 correct picks. The leaderboard is available here; my apologies for the delay. You may notice some blank names in the leaderboard. If you believe your own name is blank, please click the “Login with Facebook” button from the leaderboard and your name should appear later.
This was the fifth year using this framework for the free agent prediction contest, and I intend to upgrade it for the 2016-17 offseason. At that time, we’ll drop the Facebook requirement so that all interested MLBTR readers can play.
If you want to know what NOT to pick, just copy MY picks. I’m really terrible at this contest.
Lol how many you got my man?
So you’re saying a .222 batting average is very, very bad. Just checking.
Been waiting for an easier link to the leaderboard. Surprised that it wasn’t in any of the features or under any of the tabs at the top of the page.
That said, I’ve only got 6 right. Ew.
Kept trying to fix all those blanks, but this is as far as we could get.
How many players are playing in the contest?
Thank you for dropping Facebook requirement moving forward looking forward to partaking in the future
Yes, finally no Facebook required. I have not participated for years because I detest facebook.
I thought my picks were calculated and intelligent, and yet i only have 6 right LOL. Whoever has that many right picks must have put names in a hat and just randomly picked. So many random signings this year that no one could have intelligently thought of.
Keep in mind too, everyone should have four right, as that’s how many freebies we had.
I cannot get the board to load properly on my iPhone 6 (either the mobile or the desktop version). on mobile the nested table shows a few names (I’m not on Facebook), and most of those average, but I cannot scroll the table horizontally to see the rest. on the desktop version it is worse because of the borders.
Unfortunately it’s not mobile friendly, you’ll have to look on a desktop computer or tablet.
Even after checking in thru Facebook, my entry still shows as a blank on the leaderboard. I’m assuming that’s because the computer can’t believe I’ve actually got 10 correct so far.
Any chance you could drop me a line through the site’s contact form?
Correction, 12 correct.