DEC. 4: The Marlins have now officially named Bonds their new hitting coach, with Menechino assuming the role of assistant hitting coach.
DEC. 1, 12:07pm: Bonds “tentatively plans” to take the job, Nightengale tweets, though negotiations are not yet wrapped up.
11:28am: The Marlins have been pursuing legendary-but-controversial slugger Barry Bonds to serve in a coaching capacity with the club, Jon Heyman of reported yesterday. Miami has now extended him a formal offer and is awaiting a decision, Bob Nightengale of USA Today reports on Twitter.
If Bonds joins the organization, he’d serve as a co-hitting coach with incumbent Frank Menechino, according to Heyman. That’s somewhat unusual in that neither would, apparently, be the assistant to the other, but presumably represents the team’s attempt to strike a balance in doling out job titles and responsibilities.
The two sides are said to be close to reaching an arrangement after holding extensive talks in recent weeks, per Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe (Twitter links). At this point, it seems, the only question is whether Bonds is willing to move to Miami and take on the demands of the position.
Obviously, the possibility of a hitting coach hiring doesn’t normally draw many headlines. But in this case, the name under consideration is of particular importance. Bonds, of course, hit more home runs than any player in MLB history and came closer than anyone to eclipsing Babe Ruth in total wins above replacement. Indeed, he might have done just that had he continued his career past a 2007 campaign in which he put up a .480 OBP. But Bonds had become a toxic asset by that point — he was embroiled in PED controversy, though he ultimately was unsuccessful in proving a collusion case — and has been frozen out of the Hall of Fame thus far despite his historic excellence.
The Fish, then, would be making a highly significant move in bringing Bonds back into the baseball fold. He has already increased his public exposure and engagement with the sport recently — including serving as a spring instructor with the Giants — and the rehabilitation efforts of Alex Rodriguez and Mark McGwire have probably also cleared a path. But it would still make for a major point of transition if Bonds were to put on a uniform again.
From a team-specific perspective, Bonds is obviously as knowledgeable about the craft of hitting as anyone and is said to have genuine interest in coaching. Adding his outsized personality carries some risk, of course, to say nothing of the intense media coverage his presence will generate (at least initially). But Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria is said to have developed a “friendship” with the now-51-year-old, per’s Joe Frisaro, and obviously appreciates the broader dimensions of the move. Notably, the club has already installed former Yankees legend Don Mattingly as its skipper and brought back Ichiro Suzuki as he pursues the 3,000 hit milestone.
maybe he can make the hall as a hitting coach and everyone can finally calm down
Sure, let’s make him the hitting coach of the best power hitter in the league. In the city where Biogenesis was. Typical Marlins stuff here.
It’s like something out of a movie. Or a 30 for 30 documentary.
Florida Marlins , You #1 choice for retirement ex-MLB Stars! “When no one else wants you, we will take you in!”
Barry Bonds WAS always a good contact hitter and OBP guy going back to his Pittsburgh days. Surely his PED use inflated his HR numbers (and, imo, should keep him out of Cooperstown), but I’m sure he has a lot of good insight into hitting and could probably be a good coach as long as his personality isn’t an issue.
you mean Barry Bonds without a big head?
The only 400/400 player in existence Bonds, Bonds was a once in a lifetime player long before the cream and the clear. I wish younger fans knew how dynamic he used to be long before he became a home run hitter.
Sorry it was a joke at how large his actual head has become after using steroids or the allegedness thereof
He also has a beloted(spl?) head.
Agreed, Niekro. However he’s not a very likable person.
There’s a long list of Hall of Famers who are / weren’t likable people.
Which is exactly why they are not good coaches.
Oh, you know him personally then, Ts79′? Please, do tell.
Don’t think you need to know Bonds “personally” to come to the conclusion that he’s not very likable.
Met him several times. He was always unpleasant even at charity events. I watched him tear the corners off a little kid’s Bonds rookie card before he would sign them. Left the kid crying. Bonds was a jerk in every situation I came into contact with him. Several players and reporters have been quoted as saying he was a jerk and much worse words including Pirates and Giants teammates.
Not only is he the only 400/400 player in history, he also is the only 500/500 player in history (as well as the only 600/500 and 700/500 player) cuz he ended up w/513 stolen bases. Scary!
Of those 400 hrs how many were with the giants. ? At least half of them. Its funny he choose San Francisco after leaving Pittsburgh.when he talks he not only sounds very flamboyant but he sounds white. He’s like that dude christly knows best. But he will always stay in the closet. (he’s not nearly as feminant as that guy but still)
Thank you. He was a first ballot hall of famer before PEDs.
An interesting point in the Joe Torre book “The Yankee Years” was that he personally felt that Bonds didn’t start juicing until after his ridiculous 1998 season was over looked by Mcgwire and Sosa chasing Roger Maris’ Home run record. He realized then that “chick’s dig the long ball,” as the old commercial goes….
only people who never used steroids think it’s a magic pill
Barry was a great hitter. Good contact with a great eye….but then his ego got the best of him when McGuire and Sosa got all the attention for hitting 60+. He was always viewed as an Ahole by teammates and other players. Not sure this is going to end well if the Marlins offense struggles.
He was going to be a hofer without steroids as was A-Rod they made the choice to cheat. Giancarlo is probably the only legit threat at Hank Aaron’s HR record. He will always be the all-time hr leader until it’s broken with legit numbers. Bonds and A-Rod don’t deserve even an afterthought to being in the hof.
Very small request, but in posts like this that include retired players, could you guys include links to their B-R pages like you normally do for active players? Seeing names like Frank Menechino always gets me curious and it’d be nice to have the links there to click.
borderline unfair for the marlins to have BOTH of the greatest hitters of the previous generation as co-hitting coaches
hmm. tough crowd
Only here to read trolling comments.
Miami is the perfect location. Not a very far drive from Arods pals.
Approach to hitting…
Step 1… Keep your eye on the needle
Dont know why all the downvotes. That was funny.
Hitting coach is a pretty important position for his first coaching gig. I hope Bonds doesn’t become big-headed with his achievement.
Welcome back to baseball, Barry. You’re back where you belong. Best of luck with your new occupation.
Love ’em or hate ’em, he was one hell of a ball player. His legacy may be tarnished and his name may never be listed in the Hall of Fame, but his impact on the game will never be forgotten.
Now, let’s bring back Pete!
So much hate from Bonds fans.
Heyman makes a good point regarding Matt Williams. Obviously, Bonds’ celebrity is higher than Williams’, but a PED guy is capable of handling coaching on a day-to-day basis without being a distraction. Williams ultimately became a distraction, because he wasn’t a good manager, but it’s possible Bonds could succeed without much distraction
It will be interesting to see if this goes anywhere. Roids jokes aside, great natural hitters rarely make great hitting coaches because you can’t teach talent and these guys didn’t get to be a great as they were by accepting ‘close enough’. Ted Williams and Ty Cobb are two examples that come to mind. Ted’s guidance that the spin of a fastball makes it look redder than a curve is only helpful if you have his fantastic vision and can pick that up 10-20 feet sooner than normal.
There are already a number of anecdotes about Bonds’ tutelage having a positive effect on Giants’ hitters. Brandon Crawford’s improvement at the plate is probably the most obvious example, but his advice to Michael Morse before Game 5 of the 2014 NLCS about how to approach facing Pat Neshek led directly to Morse’s memorable home run.
Morse hitting the ball led to the homerun, neither you, I, Bonds, or even Morse can say with any doubt what Bonds told him helped in any way.
That’s not true at all. Morse absolutely can say what helped him. Bonds told him to get his foot down earlier – Morse said he was focusing on that. Unless you can read Morse’s mind and know exactly what he was thinking, there’s really no argument against that advice helping.
well everyone deserve a second chance. if mark can become a hitting coach why cant bonds. even without PED bonds would of been one of the best without all the HRs. bonds was a true 5 tool player something you dont see much of
Well, four great tools: he was not exactly blessed with a cannon of a throwing arm.
so the team might not be good, but they make news because they hire don,they might hire bonds and they have Ichiro Suzuki going for 3,000 hits only 65 hits away.
Meanwhile, everyone whining about this miss the part where Bonds was not only one of the best contact hitters with/out PEDs but lest we forget who taught him? Excluding his dad, Willie Mays and McCovey.
How does one down vote a factual statement? “Yeah you’re right but I hate you so thumbs down sir. Thumbs down”
Probably because he wasn’t “one of the best contact hitters” pre-PEDs. His first 15 years in the league he finished 4th once in avg and 7th once, no other time did he break the top ten, and his career avg at the point was in the low 290s. At the time there were a lot of people hitting 300.
Yeah… actually he was… for someone to have a low .290 BA over a 15 year period pre PEDs per your words and you’re saying what exactly?
Not to mention “at the time there were a lot of people hitting 300” yeah and a lot of them were on PEDs and how many exactly averaged .300 over 15 years? Less than a lot? Oh ok cool so, you should come back when that Dodger blue isn’t blinding you
With Bonds edging back in, with McGwire looking at an enhanced role, with A-Rod being brought back to comment, Giambi continuing involvement as a respected elder, and the even MLB’s boosting of David Ortiz, you may be seeing the start of an era where we rationalize prior use. I think it’s unlikely all this could be happening without some tacit consent from the league itself. And, as much as i know i’m going to get thumbs downed for this, I think the league’s desire to market Ortiz has played a role in getting here–they are undoubtedly aware that, fairly or not, he is perceived by many (once you leave New England) as tainted. This is probably a good thing, because MLB knows it cannot erase an entire era from its history and its Hall of Fame. Time to move on?
don’t worry about it, literally everything on this thread is getting downvoted
Won’t worry. I know there are some things that are untouchable.
bonds + stanton = bonds?
bonds. giancarlo bonds
He could have retired before he took his first shot in the bum and still have a halfway realistic shot to get in the hall with a case better than Kirby Puckett’s.
The PED discussion doesn’t matter to me because he’s not going to be on the field, his impact is entirely in preparation. Since retiring, some people have sought out Bonds to talk hitting. Bonds himself participated with the Giants last season and spent time with Brandon Crawford, who showed great improvement.…
He’s worked with other players who needed advice on their hitting approach or game preparation, like Dexter Fowler, Ryan Howard, and Alex Rodriguez. Guys already seek him out for his advice, and he’s shown that he can be a benefit to a team that brings him in (Giants).
Some guys are good and they just retire, some guys’ love for the game is permanent, they love talking about it, and they have a lot of good advice to give based on their observations against the best opponents for many years. Bonds is one of those guys, and I think it’s a good move.
Players who took steroids should not be allowed to coach.
Wow. It’ll be interesting to see how Bonds reacts when Loria invariably screws him over!
if mcgwire can be welcomed back, why not bonds?
Dee Gordon is about to become Barry Bonds II
Great now the whole team will be on steroids.
Hope he got a no trade clause…
I wonder if there’s any such thing as a “no firing because Loria is in a weird mood” clause…
Barry Bonds hitting advice day #1- Inject or rub on.
Day#2- Dealing with the press- Always say anything possible to alienate yourself from players and fans, and always remember, deny deny deny!
now Stanton can finally learn how to properly go off on his team in the media
That’s Best you got?? WEAK
Bad move for baseball. He can’t even give legit advice. Except maybe where to get cheap drugs to further ones career.
The only player in the history of baseball to have 400 home runs and 400 steals in a career can’t give legit advice about hitting? I take it you didn’t start watching baseball until the PED witch hunt started…
i’m basically on your side here but how do the steals relate to his hitting advice
Bet you don’t complain when McGwire keeps getting jobs
And in related news, Marlins are set to announce Pete Rose as bench coach.
Is he aware that he is actually going to need to develop some people skills to be a successful coach?
His first advice to fish hitters will be – get on some ‘roids.
Not a Mets fan, but wish Sandy godspeed in his battle against cancer.
Any idea what jersey number he will be wearing? Cause’ I need to get a Marlins jersey, like now!!!
Stanton’s arms are going to get a bit bigger now
Brutal. The man is.a disgrace and should be straight up banned from baseball. Go to hell Barry and way to sh*t the bed on this one Florida.