Cuban phenom Lazaro Armenteros could be the next big thing, as Bob Nightengale of USA Today writes. In fact, the 16-year-old could be the best amateur player to sign in 2016.
Armenteros, who has been given the soccer-type one-name moniker of Lazarito, possesses “a rare combination of dazzling speed, raw power and outfield arm strength” and profiles as a very strong corner outfielder. One veteran international scout who marveled at his mix of speed and power even said that he has something that is reminiscent of Willie Mays and Bo Jackson. Two more scouting directors confirmed to Nightengale that Armenteros has superstar potential.
Lazarito is so good that he already has a Japanese team willing to pay him $15MM to play in Nippon Professional Baseball, Nightengale hears. Still, his main focus is signing with an MLB team. On January 8th, Armenteros will show his stuff in a showcase for MLB teams in San Cristóbal. In the meantime, MLB is expected to rule by the end of January whether he’s eligible to sign now, or must wait until the next signing period that begins July 2.
Armenteros attempted to defect Cuba multiple times, as’s Jesse Sanchez wrote back in September. He first tried to fly into Ecuador, only to be sent back on a return flight. He then traveled to Russia with the hopes of being able to fly from Moscow to Haiti, but he was once again sent away. However, Lazarito made a savvy move and purchased a ticket to Haiti during a layover in Germany. After spending some time in Haiti, the 16-year-old athlete made his way over to the Dominican Republic, where he works out six days a week in a remote beach town.
In the midst of all that craziness, Armenteros missed the May 15 cutoff date to officially register for the international signing period. Now, MLB must decide whether to grant him an exemption. There is precedent for that, so it is certainly possible that he will be given the green light.
Adding to the mystery is the fact that Armenteros has not been seen playing organized baseball since the summer of 2014. Thanks to sanctions from the Cuban government, the Jan. 8 showcase will be his first time in front of MLB scouts in about 18 months. Agent Charles Hairston says that 150 to 200 scouts will be on hand for the audition, even though they’re not supposed to be there.
“Technically, it’s illegal for teams to see him now,” Hairston says, “but every team I’ve talked to has confirmed they will be there. Everyone is very much aware of him.”
Probably will sign with the Dodgers for 20million.
I doubt 20 million will even get you a ticket to his showcase.
Don’t forget about the 100% tax teams have to pay…All of mlb was drooling over the guy and he got 31.5. I’m sure 20 gets you a seat at the table.
Talking about Moncada
The Dodgers use their insane payroll to buy any international player of note.
There is international signing bonus rules and the Dodgers went all in this year and will be unable to sign any player for more than 300k for 2 years. If he is ruled that he cant sign till this coming July, the Dodgers are out, as are the Yankees and Redsox.
Don’t see that happening!
Cubs too.
Who cares. He’s 16 people. Prob will be just as exciting as Moncada aka not.
If he has to wait till July, I believe the Dodgers cant. I dont think the Yankees and Redsox can either. Sounds like the money will be more than Moncada.
200 scouts? Why not just let the Dodgers, Cubs and Red Sox have an auction and get it over with.
I’m positive the Dodgers and Sox can’t sign him due to penalties. The Cubs might be in the same boat.
The Angels, Blue Jays, Cubs, Diamondbacks, Dodgers, Giants, Rays, Red Sox and Yankees are all prohibited from spending more than $300K on any one player in the 2016-17 international signing period due to exceeding their spending pools in either of the last two signing periods
is this accurate?
If it is, this kid is a Phillie.
I doubt it. Why go there if you have a choice. The kid is only 16. He can wait a year if he has to
He not going to go directly to the majors this year or anything. He won’t see the bigs until 2019 at the earliest. It’s very possible that the Phillies are among the best teams in the league and other current good teams (Angels, Nats, Giants) are among the worst by that point. If you were 16 and you were offered that much money to join a big league team, are you really going to worry about which team it is?
Waiting could also be a disaster for him if the CBA adds an international draft.
International draft. As if that will EVER happen.
uhh theres 50 million reasons to sign.
Gonna look great in Green and Gold!
Funniest comment I’ve seen on this site in a while.
That’d be cool.
That is accurate and the White Sox with their history of Cuban players will be all over that.
I used to think that, but now after seeing some of the guys recently they passed on, I would not be surprised if they look past his claims and not go see him.
Like who? They gave Jose Abreu $68 million just two years ago. They also signed Dayan Viciedo and Alexei Ramirez out of Cuba.
It’s quite the opposite. The White Sox have a long history of investing big money on Cuban players,
Dayan Viciedo and Alexei Ramirez are hardly big investments
They are also not very recent ones. People have tried to paint the White Sox as a direct path from Cuba to MLB for awhile. Viciedo signed seven years ago. Ramirez signed eight years ago. Neither are with the organization anymore. Yes, they have Jose Abreu, but many teams have at least one Cuban player at this point. I just do not understand where people get the idea that the White Sox will be a front runner for every Cuban player.
The current signing period ends mid year 2016 so all teams that went over can still throw money around I believe.
They are comparing a 16 year old kid to arguably the greatest player of all time in Willie Mays? How can he possibly be anything but a disappointment after that comparison? That is just a ridiculous standard for anyone, let alone a 16 year old kid, to try to live up to.
They were comping Bryce Harper at 16.
So that makes it okay? Harper was viewed as somewhat of a disappointment (perhaps even a bust) until this year despite having a great beginning to his career.
The view that Harper was a bust was also an ridiculously unfair one. Injuries kept him off the field, not poor production, and his production at the ages he played puts him in such rare company in baseball history.
I agree completely and that was my point. It was a ridiculously unfair view based of the ridiculously unfair hype thrust upon him by the media, scouts, and fans.
He just posted one the greatest offensive seasons ever and he did it at the age of most college juniors.
It sounds better than comparing him to Marcell Ozuna or Yoenis Cespedes, two other players built like running backs who hit for power, run well, and have cannon arms.
If the comparing him to Willy Mays and he has such great speed, why are they saying that he is a corner OF. I would think he and scouts would want to get his greatest value as a CF.
This kid is a absolute beast, he’s way taller and stronger than Puig and he is just 16, so talented too
Way stronger than Puig? Dang. That guy’s got tree trunks for arms.
If he is on the level as Sano was back in 2009, he should arrive around 2021. If you expect a 16 year old to get to the MLB before that you are crazy.
Sounds like the name of a future Bravo. (fingers crossed)
hopefully! 🙂
The Braves reportedly will already sign Kevin Maitan, come July 2nd.
If they could manage to snag Lazarito to complete their prospect overhaul, another Braves dynasty could be in short order.
Cool. Out of the 15 chances, which year are they planning to win this time?
Remind me….how many rings do the Rockies have?
Zero, but what does that have to do with anything? I wasn’t the one crowing about a new dynasty when my team was the Buffalo Bills of MLB.
Would much rather be the Bills of MLB than the Browns which is what the Rockies are.
Why so sarcastic and pessimistic, friend? The world already has to deal with enough negativity as is. What’d momma always say? If ya ain’t got something nice to say, keep it to yourself (or some similar variation). Listen to momma’s wise words. You seem like a knowledgable fellow. Use that knowledge in a positive manner, friend.
I realize it may be difficult being a Rox fan, and that may be the reasoning for your negativity, but look on the bright side. The Rox have a lot of talented, young players. With some good FA signings, and smart draft picks, with development, y’all could be contenders soon. The future of the Rox can be bright. Be proud of your team and believe in them. Don’t go out of your way to trash other teams just for the sake of doing so.
Lastly, it’s the holiday season. Be joyful and grateful. Don’t be a Scrooge, friend. Spread positivity, not negativity. You’re better than that. Maybe make that your New Years resolution.
I wish you and your Rox all the best, buddy.
For the love of Scott Norwood, Bills never won a Super Bowl – Braves won a championship, regardless of how many times they played for it and didn’t win.
Braves = Colts.
First off, the Rockies are more like the Jaguars than the Browns. Both 90s expansion teams and both fairly unsuccessful and I have not claimed otherwise unlike the original poster. I have followed the Rockies since 1993 and I don’t really care about their winning pct. because I am not a fair-weather fan. I will root for them if they win 60 games or if they win 100 games and everywhere in between and I have no difficulty with it.
Secondly, I made a light hearted joke to someone claiming the Braves were a dynasty. Sorry, but a team has to win more than one championship to be a dynasty. If you can’t take a joke then I feel sorry for you. Thirdly, I am not spreading negativity. I am not the one jumping into someone else’s conversation throwing gas on the fire.
Would think a Rockies fan would appreciate long term success more than any one what the Bills and Braves did was incredible feats compared to a team that has a grand total of 3 playoff appearances, any one who uses the bills run of super bowl losses as an insult doesn’t know much about football either.
Can you blame him though? CarGo can’t even get Kevin Gausman, when a few years ago he was the bee’s knees. Sour grapes ferment in high-altitude? If so, pour me a glass of what you’re drinkin’.
Anyone that can take a light-hearted joke and turn it into a flame war doesn’t know much about tact or civility either. But feel free to gang up on me some more. I feel that 4-5 Braves fans against me alone makes for a fairly equal match up in collective intelligence. Have yourself a Happy New Year.
I sense someone can’t take a knowledgeable response and constructive critisism…maybe sensitive….. And what response were you lookin for after a snarky comment???? The braves were a dynasty of the nl and nl east.. You commented because you are also a phillies fan as stated in another article with anomosity towards the Braves… While you think your the smartest guy in the room those few Braves fans just dismantled your “knowledge” and the last I checked you were the one making claims that the Braves were comparable to the Bills… It’s baseball buddy the bills never won 14 straight division championships and a WS…. Kick rocks kid…
I hope so this kid is gonna be good along with Kevin as well we would be unbeatable if they both pan out
I wonder what percentage of 15 and 16-year-old phenoms actually become phenomenal..
Less than 1%, but people only want to remember the few that did make it and then assume that all the new ones will become those insane outliers like Bryce Harper.
Except all this is riddled with “potential” and “profiles” where does it say “This kid right here is it”? Nowhere. You’re looking too far into this and clearly overreacting from all the comments im reading from you. Simmer down its Christmas. The Rockies will do something in 20never just be patient
Why do you have to slam my team for no reason? I said nothing to you. You are not exactly the type of person that needs to be doling out advice on how to act on Christmas.
Forget Yoenis Cespedes!
Say no to Alex Gordon!
Who needs Kyle Scwarber, Jorge Soler or Yasiel Puig!
The answer for the White Sox is 16 year old phenom…”Lazarito”!
Note: Perhaps Jose Abreu can sponsor him as a “Big Brother”. (lol)
Why stop there? Go ahead and sign the 5 year old that projects to be the best of his generation based on his T-Ball skills, He’s out there somewhere. You know, Mike Trout was once a 5 year old T-Ball phenom also, so I’m sure the 5 year old they sign will turn into him eventually.
You better change your mind about 16 year old prospects. Harper hit the longest HR in Tropicana field history when he was 16 and Sports Illustrated claims he hit a 570 foot blast when he was 15.
Kids these days are built better than most adults! Nutrition and coaching are better than they’ve ever been, so we are going to start seeing more and more of this, FYI. Might be time to personally re-asses it before we start seeing 17-18 year olds in the bigs more regularly.
Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and keep believing what I want to believe. You are welcome to do the same. No matter how wrong you are.
I think you’re overstating the buffness of kids. The last thing to come for most young players in any sport is filling out their frames and packing on extra muscle. It’s a lot harder for a 16-year-old to put on muscle and bulk up than it is for a 30-year-old. Also, nutrition and coaching are the same for everyone, so that doesn’t make it more likely that more 18-year-olds are going to make the majors than did in previous generations. They may be better coached and in better shape, but so are all the 20 and 30-somethings.
Meant to be a facetious comment I know, but be careful what you say in jest. If we can think of it you someone else already has.
I’m sure there are or will be. There are NBA scouts at middle school games now. Future college athletic scholarships are being doled out to 12 year old kids. 100 years from now we will probably have teams breeding future players by using their current players under contract mixed with the best female softball players and raising them in full time baseball camps in the DR. Sadly we’re really not that far away from that coming to fruition.
No one wants to got to the white sux. My cubbies either cant or wont sign him because of the penalties and the limit on them for many years if they did try to get him. So the cubs are out. The most logical place for him is the cardinals, astro’s or lest we forget the cuban team the marlins.
Hope it doesn’t go to the marlins that’s a joke organisation from top to bottom
For the record, I have been a die-hard White Sox and Cub fan since the early 1960’s.
The White Sox also have a great history with Cuban born players, far more than the Cubs, dating as far back as Minnie Minoso up through Jose Abreu. In recent times they were in earlier than most teams, signing Dayan Viciedo and Alexei Ramirez to significant international free agent contracts. They also signed their #6 rated prospect, Micker (Zapata) Adolfo, to a $1.6M contract as a 17 year old phenom out of Cuba in December of 2013, two months after Abreu’s then record setting 6 yrs/$68M contract. Adolfo was rated the number 2-ranked international prospect at that time per a reputable MLB web site.
Btw-I also despise trolls!
then quit trolling.
I dont care about the players that they have signed out of cuban decent. Many teams in baseball have done the same the dodgers were very well known for signing Caribbean players in the 80″s that I can remember also. In the end money will dictate where this young man plays. I can see him having a more comfortable transition into MLB thru the Marlins.
So because the Dodgers, Red Sox, Yankees, and Cubs can’t sign anybody after July 2nd, it will likely be a battle between the Braves, Phillies, and Rangers because those 3 teams have been reported to be willing to go big on the international market in 2016.
As a Braves fan we have “already agreed” with Kevin Maitan and supposedly in love with Abraham Gutierrez- another top international prospect…It’d be a great ending to be able to sign Lazaro Armenteros too. It’d cost Maitan $4.25 million, Gutierrez I’m guessing around $3 million, and Armenteros around $15 million. I’m saying fifteen million because no team gives Moncada money to 16 year olds, the most has been in past history is$6 million…. but I expect him to get more.. if he was around 20 years old, he could easily garner $30 million, but because he is 16….
So that’s say around $25 million spent on the three players…..and we are going to spend the amounts Dodgers/Yankees/Cubs/RedSox spent on the market, so I can expect around a usage of $5 million more to get around 3-4 more solid prospects.
Add this to our current farm system and the #3 pick (hopefully Rutherford), and the bats of our system aren’t bad….
THEN, if we trade Teheran, Inciarte, and/or Freeman it will possibly be the best farm system in MLB…
Drunk at 1pm on xmas day, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Bless you.
what part about it is drunk lol?
I said I wanted to draft Rutherford..
sign Maitan, Gutierrez (both whom the Braves are already favorites) and Lazaro Armenteros…
And the trading…. everybody is available and if teams need OF/SP/1B help at the deadline in which MOST contending teams do… trading them isn’t out of the picture..
Just because a fan is wishing something to happen (that is actually pretty reasonable) and make his team better than yours doesn’t make him crazy.
If a Japanese team has already offered $15 million then how would the Braves be able to sign him for $15 million? I don’t think you understand the economics of baseball. If he doesnt get what he wants in the states as you pointed out hes only 16. He can get his 15 and go mash in the Japanese league and STILL probably be only 23-25 when hes a free agent.
He’s going into Moncada territory whether you approve or not. You’re talking about a kid who hasnt even done a full blown audition and hes already being priced @ $25 million +. So as a Braves fan if we really want him then we’re paying out the ying yang for him. I forsee 100% penalty in our future if we chase him.
We are already in penalty after Maitan, so the Braves aren’t scared of going over…. especially because we have reduced the payroll by lots and have barely any money issued to players in the future as of now only Teheran, Markakis and Freeman)…..
and sure, $25 million, and the $5 and $3…. that’s still only $33 million …
I can still see the Braves going after the three and more…they’ve been linked to over half the top 20 intl prospects, and if that’s true, Lazarito is probably within the bunch they are interested and going hard after.
I hope we go for this kid perfect for left field
Dude we have already stated we are not trading those 3 players but I would love too see us go and add this kid to our already awesome farm system
dude.. the only player we said we won’t trade was Freeman, and by the fact that he was on the market in November, if somebody overpays for him, he’s gone..
Love him as a prospect, but MLB really needs to just say no to the utterly stupid “one name” thing that plagues soccer. You aren’t a pop star, you’re an athlete and you DO have two names, so lets use them.
I’d like to take this time out on xmas day today to feel grateful that baseball exists, so I don’t have to pretend to like the totally garbage game that is soccer.
I don’t think they will because the Mariners already let Ichiro do it. Ichiro was an established player though so who knows.
you need a visit from Baseball’s Ambassador of Inclusion to help cure you of your opposition to one named players.
the kid is pretty good now, but you should have seem him when he was 12.
He is 16 and has not played ball since 14. I dont care how fast he can run or how strong he is, he still has a long way to go before he can show he can hit MLB pitching when he grows up. Many a little league star has flamed out after all. I hit 400 in LL and that dropped in half in HS .
Also, a bit concerned about the financial investors who own part of his future earnings (how much?). Supposedly we stopped importing slaves. Obviously the investors stand to make a nice piece of change should he get a big bonus so are probably behind the hype here.
Its also interesting that Cuba let him go on flights to Russia and Ecuador after sanctioning him. Pretty sure they don’t give out exit visas w/o a good reason, and airline
checks to make sure you haüe an entry visa to the country you are flying to before allowing you to check in. Wouldn’t be surprised if Cuban officials are some of his investors .
Are we sure he’s 16 and doesn’t have grandkids already?
Come on braves perfect fit for our young rebuilding phase and perfect fit to play left field for us go get him now hart