Right-hander Chris Perez has retired, as the International League transactions page first reflected and as the Orioles have confirmed to Roch Kubatko of MASNsports.com (via Twitter). Baltimore had inked Perez while he was in the midst of a 50-game suspension for recreational drug use.
Perez is only 30 years old, though he’s seen action in seven MLB campaigns and thrown 379 1/3 career innings from the pen. He compiled a 3.51 ERA in that span, averaging 8.6 K/9 against 3.9 BB/9 while racking up 133 total saves.
Things haven’t been very smooth for Perez in recent years, on or off the field. Cleveland released him after a mediocre 2013 season (and otherwise would have non-tendered him), and he continued to put up marginal results after signing an incentive-laden free agent contract with the Dodgers.
Perez was twice hit with bans relating to a drug of abuse, and failed to reach the majors this season after signing a minor league pact with the Brewers. He opted out of that deal earlier in the year, but has not made any appearances since.
Of course, Perez did have some quality moments in his career. He’d been a regular contributor previously, but 2010 marked the emergence of the then-24-year-old as a late-inning arm. Including that campaign and the two that followed, he put up 180 1/3 frames of 2.84 ERA pitching while serving as the Indians’ closer — the role for which he’ll be best remembered.
I remember this guy was a massive douche.
Seems like he could possibly have a bit of Kenny Powers in him.
He had a troubled past in ways, but there are guys collecting paychecks in the league still who did more than him (one is a supposed OF and DH for Baltimore). MLB only really care if you can play the game and the union will provide cover for anyone, short of shooting someone and getting caught red handed.
@johnsilver Who are you talking about? Is said outfielder/DH still with the Orioles? Have you checked the DFA/waiver wire to make sure?
Thank you. You are right.. He’s been released and I’m hoping his bad boy act is finally done for with MLB for good.
Edit. I count at least 3 arrests since the 1st one in 2012, not even going with what happened years ago. 2 are assault charges where he was found guilty.
“Wait, you’re going to test me again if I want to come back? I’m out”
What is the over/under on the number of months before his next pot arrest? I’ll take the under.
Wasn’t he getting it in the mail? That’s really not very bright.
Maybe it’s for his dog again. Wasn’t that his excuse once?
I think it was Fed Ex, but either way he is definitely not the brightest bulb.
I’m guessing he’s gotten a sudden case of glaucoma since retiring
Later dude.
17 million $ earnings before your 30th birthday…makes it easy to retire
I hope that this decision is because he became convinced that he needs to get his life in order, and not because he wants the freedom to use drugs without penalty.
I gotta say some of these comments make it seem like he was some kind of amoral junkie. its weed guys, come on now.
He is not too bright if he threw away his career for weed, but it is his decision to make.
Weed, fine….its not necessarily the use issue…its breaking federal law and also failing tests and being suspended. Someone wants to make the case it shouldn’t be illegal or banned by MLB…that’s fine. But someone decides to smoke now and they are placing their livelihood in jeopardy…their opinion on the subject or mine or yours becomes moot. And, getting it via Fed Ex? That’s just not intelligent. You’re just begging to have a dog pick up that scent or an X-ray machine pick it up. Is it that hard to find good green?
well i’m not contending he’s a genius, but some people make it seem like hes a bad person. being dumb, and being a good guy are not mutually exclusive. thats all i’m sayin’
He just needs to move to WA or CO, it’s legal there from what I’ve heard and read.
My sources in Colorado say the legal weed isn’t as good though, and its more expensive because of the tax on it. For Perez though I’m not sure why price matters.
He threw me a ball once at ATT during BP…. he’s good in my book!
Are you sure he wasn’t throwing it AT you?
My understanding is that he as always suspended only for performance detracting drugs, correct?
Performance detracting? You, my friend, must have never seen the Beatles perform. Joking of course….no not aware of a ped positive.
I remember watching him come up with the Cardinals. He had a hell of an arm. It’s a shame he could never get back on track.