Mets right-hander Jenrry Mejia has been suspended for 162 games following a second positive test for performance enhancing drugs, tweets Jon Heyman of CBS Sports. Mejia tested positive for both stanozolol and boldenone, tweets Joel Sherman of the New York Post.
The fairly stunning news comes just weeks after Mejia was activated from an 80-game PED suspension with which he was hit earlier this year. He has, in fact, pitched just 7 1/3 innings for the Mets this season. It’s natural to speculate that the Mets were made aware of the impending suspension prior to acquiring Tyler Clippard from the A’s, and thus, extra-motivated to strike a deal. However, GM Sandy Alderson tells reporters, including Adam Rubin of ESPN New York (Twitter link), that by the time he received a heads up on the Mejia suspension Monday evening, the trade for Clippard was finished.
How big is the Clippard trade right now?
Likely why it was made
It was huge to begin with due to the fact that he wasn’t eligible to pitch in the playoffs
True but in fairness none of the other mets are going to be eligible to pitch in the playoffs eithet.
Funny joke, bro. Team’s a game out with their best hitter about to return and take over their weakest offensive position.
Didn’t edit in time to add: Maybe they don’t make the playoffs, but they’re pretty clearly contenders with that rotation and any semblance of a decent offense. Head-to-head, deGrom/Syndergaard/Harvey is as good a front 3 as you’ll find on any team in baseball.
What an idiot
I wanted them to trade him. They didn’t do it fast enough
He should not be allowed back. That’s pathetic
I’m pretty sure he isn’t allowed back if he gets caught again
does he have to get caught a third time? amazing
MLB should make the punishment for PED use more severe, they should do it the same as gambling if you get caught once you’re out of here. That’s cheating, same as gambling
And if someone slipped something into Posey’s Gatorade that showed up on a test … Would you still want “one strike and you’re out for life”?
If it happened to posey they would just make a new rule so it doesn’t happen to an mlb poster child
Mets probably knew this, which is why they got Clippard.
Mom must be really proud
I for one hope he never throws another pitch in a major league game. Forget about being downright stupid, he’s a horrible teammate who obviously didn’t care about trying to make amends for his previous mistake and helping his team reach the postseason. Good riddance.
And question- this is the first time someone has tested positive for a second time so soon after returning from their first suspension right? This would only happen with the Mets.
Yeah the worst part about this is letting his teammates down. They are trying to win and he makes an ignorant decision. At least they got Clippard.
This mind boggling I wonder what his excuse will be this time
This is more like the Mets I know and love.
He literally must have been using PEDs while he was suspended for them. Let that sink in. Special kind of unintelligent right there.
I blame the school systems. A higher level of idiots are being developed.
The Dominican school system?
the first thing they teach is to lie about your age , second to change your identity, and third to juice yourself
what an a-hole
In my opinion, this should just be a ban. Why should three strikes be permitted for repeated willful disregard of the most obvious of rules?
I’ve said this for years. First offense is bad enough, it’s like an “I’ll do what I want” statement, but the second time is just the player sticking one big middle finger up at MLB, the team, his teammates and the fans. With all the history behind PED’s, I’d like it to eventually come to a 162-game ban the first offense and lifetime ban on the second.
What an idiot. If he never throws another pitch, I wouldn’t complain. I mean, he just got reinstated and he probably thinks to himself, “Let’s go ahead an juice again. They can’t possibly catch me twice.” This is just sad.
Unless there is truly a mistake being made. Then I totally agree with you.
Guess they have to get another BP arm or just wait till Goedell or Blevins come back.
The guy just came back lol
This is just sick to hear. Anyway he won’t be eligible for postseason anyway. Deport this immagrant back to his country and burn the passport
Hey, take it easy now.
Seriously he’s going back home
You sir are an idiot. PED’s is bad but to deport him and burn his passport? Smh
He will basically be deported anyway since he has no job and no valid reason for a work visa for the next year
He is still under contract…
Lol… he needs a new dealer.
He needs a new pither. His past one is not providing clean samples
MLB has to do something… It’s his second time and it looks like he doesn’t even care. Maybe take away his passport 3rd time and ban him from MLB?
Third offense is a lifetime ban.
Mets Management where tipped off , by Commisioners Office , That the Dude was going to come up Hot ! Now we understand the Clippard Trade.
Hopefully, it is standard procedure to inform the involved parties, BEFORE going public. Not really a tip-off.
I would not be surprised if they dump him because he is essential a useless piece to the team’s greater good. From the fact he did this too his teammates and people that have stuck with him is just disgusting. I try not to be judgemental of people I’m not around everyday, but what he did is something that will find him on the street somewhere in the Dominican. If you something this slimey in the real world, you are undeserving of even a second chance, let alone a third.
For the baseball side of things, I think there is a very small chance they keep him, but it would probably just be more cost effective to cut him to get any bit of money back they can. His trade value is about completely gone of course even though he is still so young, but yet no wiser.
What a sickening thing. Hopefully the clubhouse can shake this off.
K-Rod & Mets reunion? That’d be something.
I vote that, from now on, any baseball player acting like a complete idiot should be called a “Jenrry”. We could even make it into a verb: “Boy, he’s really Jenrrying right now!”
His parents couldn’t even spell Henry correctly
Come on man, Stanzolol is like 50 years old. Surely you had enough coin to try and get something designer?
Such as?
We don’t know what they are until testers find a way to detect them. Advancements in the lab are far beyond my comprehension.
“Designer” typically is used to describe steroids that are legal. “Designer” PEDs are probably worse than winstrol/stanozolol in side effects and detection time; though I never did understand the use of winstrol in athletics as it dries your joints out. Andro, M1-Test were designers. Stuff you refer to would be things like GHRPs, Ppar agonists, BPC157, IGF1. Don’t worry, most of professional sports probably does them.
You blew my mind. If the terminology is above me, I’m suitably impressed.
Either way, Mejia is an idiot.
To his defense, equipoise can be detected for over 5 months. Winstrol is only 3 weeks though.
Downvote the fact that boldenone is in your system for 5 months.
If you look at the definition of stupid you’ll see him next to Scann….
Completely agree, I know I’ve voiced my displeasure with him and his annoyance. Glad I aren’t the only one.
I bet this doesn’t stop Met fans from booing A-Rod
Do postseason games count toward the 162?
Nope, but he will be ineligible for the 2016 postseason after his suspension is over. Just as he was banned from this year’s postseason before this second suspension.
I understand that PED usage is terrible and all, but for a poor Dominican kid I sort of understand doing it. In his big league career, he has made over $1,000,000 and he might not have gotten to the bigs without using. He wouldn’t have made that much money in his home country in 5 lifetimes, so I really do understand the proclivity of Dominicans using. I’m not condoning it, but I am empathizing with it.