You may have noticed that MLBTR now has a new commenting system. If you had commented at all in 2015 under the old system, you should have received an email with a link to register. If you did not receive an email, feel free to go into the comments section of a post and click the register button. It might take a little while for your first-ever comment to be published, but after that it should be instant.
We’re using Gravatar for avatars now. You can go here to sign in or sign up and upload an image for yourself.
I apologize for any short-term bugs or missing features in this new commenting system. In the long-term, an in-house commenting system is the right move for MLBTR, Hoops Rumors, Pro Football Rumors. With a third-party system, we had no control over any aspect. Now, we can integrate and customize as we wish. Development is underway to add comments to our Trade Rumors app, by the way.
We love the discussions you create in the comments section of each post. Please let me know about any bugs with the new system and/or features you’d like to see added. You can leave a comment on this post, send an email through our contact form, or tell me on Twitter @timdierkes. Thanks for your patience and happy commenting!
Seems like I got in
This is going to take me a long time to get used to. I haven’t used my WordPress credentials in eons, mostly because Google+ and Disqus handled everything just fine.
This will take some getting used to.
Really not a fan of this system. You stripped away many of the features from the old commenting system.
Yeah, have to agree with you so far. Upvoting, no color, cuts off long usernames.
I’ll have to see about the long username bug. In terms of not being colorful, that’s something we can play around with as part of our upcoming redesign.
I don’t remember what Disqus did, but we’ll have to figure out how upvoting should work. What is the purpose of it? Should there be downvoting? If so, should a comment be hidden after x number of downvotes?
With due respect Tim, shouldn’t you guys have thought about these questions and solicited feedback *before* moving off Disqus?
I know moving off Disqus is the right move, so it’s just a matter of sorting out the details of what our system needs. It’s something I imagine will evolve over time. I wanted to get the basic system out there so that we’re free to bring comments into our app, and then we can always be improving.
Something like upvoting can probably be added easily, so we’re not that far off what we had before.
I’d upvote this, but…
Coming from a great deal of experience both moderating and using forums and discussion tools like this, downvotes are a bad idea. They breed trolling, malicious behavior, and most importantly feed into a very negative and inherent aspect of human psychology. You can look up the scientific studies yourself, but here is a basic summary:
When people see a negative comment or negative feedback associated with a material, they will automatically put a large degree of faith into the negative comment or feedback, and it is practically impossible to overcome this. It doesn’t matter how well thought out an argument may be, how poorly thought out the negative criticism is, how many facts, counter points, or whatever else are brought to the table. The negative comment always holds more value than the positive. One negative comment pushes everyone else to be negative towards whatever it is, which push more people to be negative, on and on, and it spirals out of control.
You want to reduce the possible avenues of negatively are much as possible if you ever hope to have anything resembling a rational discussion. Downvotes do nothing but build in inherent problems. They have no positive role and only serve to fuel that death spiral into irrationality.
Sergelang is correct, but that’s why Disqus did not show you when a comment has received a negative vote. It was just integrated into a post’s unseen score in order to help someone sort comments by ‘Best’.
imo, Tim, you should familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of Disqus. You should try to emulate virtually everything Disqus does. Your concerns and reasons for moving away from it seem to be about not owning the content and not being able to properly integrate it. Functionally speaking, on the other hand, it is pretty great as far as commenting systems go.
“I don’t remember what Disqus did, but we’ll have to figure out how upvoting should work. What is the purpose of it? Should there be downvoting? If so, should a comment be hidden after x number of downvotes?”
That could bring back some of the trolls again Tim. I’d think hard about that. Both aspects, though especially -, which was a kids feature.
Disqus is by far the best comment app around. Why fix something that isn’t broken?
I don’t see a lot of point to a downvote system to be honest. If somebody disagrees with a post, I would much prefer they post to say why. As far as hiding a post that is downvoted a lot, an opinion being controversial doesn’t necessarily mean it shouldn’t be seen. As long as it is easy to see a downvoted post if we choose, I am impartial to the details.
Upvoting on the other hand is a good way to just say “I agree” without flooding the comments with actual posts saying so.
Long username is a CSS issue. It doesn’t know how to break the word and hides anything that doesn’t fit. I’m not sure if it would be more involved than changing those two CSS properties (overflow and add word-break: break-all), but that’s definitely the place to start.
This system is showing my email address as my username … how do you change that?
Up-votes but NO down-votes is nice way to have it integrated with stories as a way to sort for the most popular comments. That’s how I used the up-votes, some sites use it to promote the most popular comment but it did service a positive purpose within the system.
It looks like the usernames have been fixed. Looks better already. The lack of color may have been because nobody had an avatar at the time. Now that a few people have one, it looks better. It was just white, black and gray which is pretty bland.
In terms of upvoting, I use it to sort threads with a lot of comments so I can read the best comments first and ignore the bad ones. I don’t sort by old/new unless it’s one of those threads that has a new post every 5 seconds and I’ve already read the most upvoted.
I like the idea of having the downvoting, but keeping the downvotes hidden. Without downvoting, a comment that would have 10 upvotes and 10 downvotes would show up before a comment with 9 upvotes and 0 downvotes, which doesn’t really tell the whole story.
Anyways, looks better already 🙂
I wouldn’t say we stripped them away, we just haven’t built them yet because I haven’t decided how to go about it. I’m looking for feedback from all of our commenters…for example, there are different ways to do liking and upvoting and such.
Up vote and down vote mostly so the comments can be sorted by user rating, basically it was a way to sorts out the bad comments when there a ton of comments on a particular article.
Be careful with the down vote, on smart phones the down vote was very close to the reply icon and it was VERY easy to accidentally down vote someone. I’m referring the the mobile site and not the app…I’m not sure what the app looks like….I had it at one point and didn’t like the interface experience, so I went back good old looking it up through web address. I’d be very careful of changing anything of significants.
How can I see all my comments on a single page like in Disqus?
Yeah, I’m so confused right now.
i think this worked – hopefully will be able to change the password lol
no liking other comments?
Should we just start with simple up and downvoting options for each comment?
I don’t think upvoting/downvoting is necessary, maybe some do. I would like to be able to sort comments by newest or oldest. That’s always very helpful when you get a big conversation with 100+ comments.
Agree. Sort by newest/oldest.
Also should find a way to flag a comment or mark it for spam.
I agree on newest/oldest. I think it might be simplest to just have up and downvoting, with the down serving the same purpose as flagging or spam. Hopefully not too much spam comes through, and we can have our mods reviewing the downvoted stuff for policy violations.
I’m honestly not sure the criteria for flagging… I’ve experienced some head scratchers as far as comments being sent for moderation… Heard that from many others as well….then I’ll see clear breaches of comment rules posted.
I don’t think down voting should be viewed as spam. Just a have a seperate report button for spam or policy violations.
THAT would be helpful MB. This may draw attention to me (go figure lol) but I have used that feature quite often before.
“I would like to be able to sort comments by newest or oldest. That’s always very helpful when you get a big conversation with 100+ comments.”
But I do like that slammin’ Sammy has survived all the changes!
I think up down is crucial. Much more important than just likes.
Will the apps be receiving the commenting system? I use MLBTR almost exclusively through the app, and love the comment section.
Yes – development is underway for iOS now. Android will lag behind a bit.
I see that it is under development. I need practice reading. Thanks Tim.
Terrible new login system. can’t use facebook or openauth. Cant use my previous email address, can’t retrieve lost password. What a mess.
Why can’t you retrieve the lost password? We might be able to help out with that.
As for Facebook or OpenAuth…seems like an option, not sure yet.
I noticed that there isn’t an edit button for comments, or atleast I have failed to notice it
Yes, that would be good too.
Holy cow…absolutely essential as far as mis autocorrects from a smart phone are concerned.
I never received an e-mail w. a link (I also checked spam, etc). I went and registered…but it said, “e-mail already in use” (duh) and it forced me to use a new e-mail address; rocky start. Being able to up/down vote is definitely preferred. Hopefully you guys can iron out the bugs.
Regarding the email that was already in use, did you try a reset/lost password link?
If I may chip in, I tried that numerous times. Kept saying I had the wrong e-mail/PW on WordPress even though I had to reset it numerous times. Somehow, and I dont’ know how, I was finally able to make it work.
I had the same issue. I decided to just use a different e-mail than my Disquis account and it finally worked. Not sure why.
If you can give me the non-working email address through our contact form, I’ll try to get that working for you.
I believe the only options offered were “login” or “register”. I honestly didn’t look much around because it seemed like more of a hassle. No worries though. Good luck w. the tweaks.
ps. I like upvote/downvote…making it clickable (after a certain # of downvotes makes it hidden) seems like a good compromise. The issue w. upvote/downvote on Reddit or similar is “popular” posters can dominant what is read, v. more of a mix.
You can go here to reset your password if you want:
Same thing happened to me..somehow I bypassed it…but I don’t like that I had to set up a WordPress account to access here…its an account I’ll never use and a risk for security
Hi Red Line 9,
It’s not a account, just a registration for There’s very limited security risk as a subscriber.
Sooo…. How does one go about changing the password once account is set up? Or am I locked into this godawful password sent to me initially?
Click on “riffraff” right by the comment box. It will take you to a screen you are able to edit your password.
I reset my password on the login form and it sent me a new link where I was able to reset my password and choose what it should be.
Pretty surprising to see this jump without much notice leading up to it. I can understand why you’d want an internal commenting system and all, I just hope the tune ups come quickly because it’s really rough at the moment.
Anything rough about it that hasn’t been mentioned on this thread yet? They’re already working on some of the styling issues.
Not sure if you saw my response above, but I had to log in like 1000 times and reset the PW 1000 times. I wasn’t sure if m username was going to be my e-mail or real name or this name. What this shows and what WordPress is showing is entirely different. It’s quite confusing.
You can change your displayed name over here
For the most part, it’s been covered above. Stuff like a like/dislike system, comment editing,sortable comments,notification system, personal details like that. The signing up process happened here also, having to use a totally different e-mail to sign up. Really minor things, not deal breakers or anything, just things that would be nice to see incorporated.
Thanks for soliciting comments, questions, and suggestions. I have a few:
-Agree with others on the need for upvotes/downvotes. In concert with this is the ability to sort comments by Newest, Oldest, and Best. Disqus does it where it will incorporate downvotes in figuring out ‘Best’ comments but doesn’t actually show the downvotes. I like this. A lot of times, internet commenting can turn into a mob mentality and one downvote becomes several in a hurry because people are now predisposed to disliking a comment. Hiding downvotes also doesn’t let a person explicitly know that their comment has been downvoted, so they’re not going to complain about getting downvoted.
-Avatars: how do you add one? I couldn’t figure that out. Also, could they maybe be slightly smaller? Or at least have them smaller if they’re a nested reply?
-Any way to install a notification feature to let you know if someone has replied to you or when you’ve been upvoted?
Basically, I think it’d be great if you could emulate everything people liked about Disqus while stripping away things people didn’t like. Anywho, good luck, and at least you’re already 1000x better than Livefyre!
That was kind of what I was thinking, just basically copy Disqus, then add/remove some tweaks from there.
To answer your 2nd and 3rd part, log in to your WordPress profile and change your avatar there. While typing our your comment in here, you should see a part below about subscribing to the post. You can then do that and manage subscriptions and be e-mailed/notified on new posts and/or replies to your posts
Are you only notified via email? Because that seems like a terrible way to be notified.
What methods of notification would you want?
The Disqus way (ie an inbuilt thing that tells you the number of notifications you have that you can click on and will slide into view; facebook notifications do this as does Kinja). Ideally, you’d want to be notified without having to leave the page you’re on. Checking your email for notifications takes you off of this page and is an unnecessary step.
There should be a single page, just like Disqus, that shows all of your comments and replies to those comments. Email is a terrible, terrible notification method. I don’t want MLBTR spamming my inbox.
A comment summary page per user is a great idea. We’ve built something like that before, i.e.
That page could use some more styling since their latest redesign though.
Needs a like/dislike system, imo
A couple of things”
-Can you move the comment box to the top?
-Can you change the the username registration to include capital letters, spaces, & underscores? I really would prefer if my username read Mike Davis or Mike_Davis.
-Count me in as as someone who likes both up & down voting. Unsure about closing a comment that gets down voted. Most of the time people click on to see the comment anyways.
-I don’t think down votes should be spam. Much of the time, people like to down vote replies they don’t agree with, not register it as spam or abuse.
-You need buttons to report spam & abuse.
If you click on you’re name where it says “Howdy, mikedavis” you can change your display name from there, however you will have to log in with “mikedavis.
Also I noticed you have to refresh to see new comments?
Okay, thanks for the heads up.
I noticed the refreshing page to update comments as well. I am not a fan of that.
Seconding this. They required four or more characters for display name but I was able to go in and change mine.
Also seconding the suggestion for the comment box to be at the top.
agree on the refreshing part
Brixton is right. You can choose between your nickname, your login name or your full name, with or without caps. Here’s where you do it.
Oh, another suggestion is the little ‘+/-‘ thing you can use to minimize a comment nest.
Testing one two three. Testing.
testing four five
Testing Six…Seven
So about the avatars, are they working with Gravatar right now? I have an image on there that is associated with the email account I used to register this account.
Yes, if you have an image there it should start appearing here. After I added mine this morning, it took maybe 10-15 minutes to see it with my comments on the site.
Okay, I’ll give it a few.
Also, is there a reason why my comments are needing “approval” be they are able to viewed by everyone?
Should just be the first-ever one that requires manual approval. Doing that cuts out a lot of spam, I’m told.
Not happy with the change at all. Taking away Disqus is not an improvement in my opinion. In fact, it is a shot in the foot to this site for me. If the updates aren’t great, then I probably won’t comment here anymore.
Very sorry to hear that. Hopefully we can win you over by adding features and making lots of improvements as we go. time to have made this shift would have been in more dead time soon after the world series and prior to free agency.
That’s true. On the other hand, people have been clamoring for comments in our app for such a long time, and we’re still a little before our big July uptick in traffic. Overall, mid-June is still one of our slower times of year, though July comes quickly. We’ll just try to make as many improvements as we can until mid-July or so, and then adjust further in August or September.
Tim, working out a solid comment section on the android app will be nice. I think many regulars come to the site in much the same way people visit their favorite coffee house…for the interaction… It’ll be nice to have that when it’s functioning.
Wasn’t a big fan of disqus, (or the arbitrary banning of random accounts), but this format definitely leaves something to be desired, as mentioned numerous times above.
Testing. Don’t like Disqus in general as it has seemed unfriendly.
Looks like I’m in
Why can’t I reply to specific comment? I see nothing to do so.
You’re not seeing the Reply links to the right?
I wonder if the person is replying to a reply. At a certain point (ie far enough down the nest), this platform no longer lets you reply. That might also be a little thing to add if you guys can.
“In app” prompt for a new message (the circle next to your name when using disqus in the comments section) would be ideal. Receiving an e-mail for new responses will flood your box on a topic that is 100+ comments long…like now. If someone wants an e-mail option, hopefully there can be an “e-mail once a day” with all responses option added.
This was my issue today. With disqus a reply notification would go to my email, which for me was convenient. Today when I signed in every comment was sent to my email….must have been nearly 100 emails that had zero bearing for me.
I’m not sure I understand what you would like to happen for this?
Is there a way to turn on email notifications specifically for replies to my posts. Yesterday I was receiving notification of all further comments on a post…ao it ended up being over 100 emails just for this post alone. This might be a simple question. At this point when I comment or reply I’m not receiving notifications of replies
Only wanting to hear answers to one’s own comments could be perceived as a bit self-centred. : ) The goal is to keep the comment system simple. If there’s an easy way to do this without complicating the interface it’s a good idea.
This option has been added. Just check “Notify of new replies to all my comments” instead of “Notify of all new follow-up comments” in the Manage Subscription section.
Test test 123!
I never got an email, and it took me 15 minutes, but I somehow got in. Only problem is, I can’t update my avatar. Everytime I try it tells me I have the wrong password, even after I try a password reset. I don’t think my credentials line up or something, idk.
Did you try doing it at Gravatar?
I know this is confusing, but Gravatar uses a account, which is different than your WordPress account here. So if you don’t have a account, sign up at Gravatar and one will be created. Let me know if you have issues.
This is really surprising and disappointing. I don’t comment a ton here, but this will probably stop me from doing so very often. Disqus isn’t the greatest, but it’s convenient in that I can comment on a bunch of websites and track conversations easily from one place. This is just giving me one more website to have to register at, remember the login, go back to multiple times to follow a thread, etc. Which usually means it won’t be worth the effort after a while.
Sorry to hear that, you will be missed!
Updates provided my mobile app and now comments coming soon too? Brilliant Tim and Co….great work!
Jeez. This looks terrible
What about it specifically?
how do we change our password?
Give this a try:
Speaking as someone who works full time as a web application developer, has programmed his own in-house commenting system, and started a website (I let someone else run it now) that gets thousands of comments every day, I must say this move away from Disqus or even just moving to your own in-house commenting system does not seem very well planed or thought out.
I understand the idea of wanting to get away from Disqus as it can be very limiting in terms of control. You have little control of anything. Though their are reasons why most websites that need a good commenting system use Disqus or some other feature rich commenting system, and don’t roll their own. Though I do respect your choice to move away from Disqus. I just believe that if you are going to make a move this big then you should wait until you have another system in place that can at least rival it. Stripping away features that most commenters love and enjoy everyday (remember it’s a system they are used to from other sites, and is a system that has a single sign-on) so fast and then just asking “what do you want!?” is not thought out. I feel this is something that should be done WHILE still using Disqus so the migration is easier for you and most importantly your viewers.
Just my opinion from someone who deals with programming this sort of stuff on an everyday basis. But speaking as a fan: I don’t like this move. Missing the disqus features will take away from the atmosphere here (example Disqus is much more than just a commenting system, it’s just about a full on chat, your users never had to refresh a page).
You raise good points. But I do feel that the best feedback is just going to happen when it’s out there for hundreds of people. Over the years we have tried to strive for pre-launch perfection on some things, and the beta testing never compared to putting it out there and then improving it.
I don’t mean to trivialize it, but even Version 1 of this thing that we have now…it seems fine. It’s not perfect, but people are able to leave read and leave comments without much issue. If we take a year to add an Edit function back, that’s not good, but if we take a week, that seems fine.
And there is a clear benefit for a lot of people regarding the timing – now that it’s here, the app can get comments.
Totally agree with the OP, but wish you guys luck. One thought could be to keep this new commenting system for a few days, solicit a bunch of suggestions, and then go back to Disqus for a while until you get this ironed out? This is too bare-bones and difficult to maintain a conversation.
For example, if I want to have a conversation here now, I either have to get email notifications of replies (which could lead to a deluge of emails, any of which could have nothing to do with me) or remember exactly which topic I was commenting on, reload it, and scan to see if someone has replied.
Plus, no editing, no sorting, no minimizing nests. I think this will take a big bite out of your commenting community. But hopefully not, though! This site is great and the comments are a big part of that.
I have to agree with twig on this one. MLBTR is your business; I’ve had three successful businesses in my life, and I don’t think I would have ever made such a sweeping change in this way. What you’ve essentially done is to take away something that your clientele was comfortable with, substitute a far inferior product, then ask, “Okay, we did this without warning. So now what do you want back when we get around to it?”
Right off the bat, the bugs in opening an account were enough to probably deter many; you won’t ever know, since if they gave up on it, they cannot comment (and nobody believes that anyone reads the complaint emails sent off). Again, this is your business and it has grown impressively, probably to the point where you don’t have to care if you lose a few “customers.” Just beware – all the good will built up can easily be flushed away by a few decisions which seem to indicate to your customers that you weren’t really interested in their concerns before making major changes.
All that said, I do love the site and the information I receive from it. A large part of that, though, is what I get from the discussions here from a LOT of very knowledgable baseball people; I hope I haven’t lost that for any great length of time.
Disqus allowed me to keep track of 10 to 15 sites I regularly comment on from a single screen. This is a huge, huge step backwards for most commenters. Is there any likelihood of reverting?
Not a fan but I’ll get used to it.
Whew, do we need a new comment button at the top of the comments, or what?
Hopefully I don’t have to log in evey time I use this. I found disqus very easy to use, but you do have every right to do what you need to do. Just keep up the good work!
Tim would know better than I do, but I haven’t had to log in since yesterday morning, so I believe you’ll remain logged in regularly.
Why doesn’t my avatar show up? I followed the link above and uploaded a photo.
Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing this evolve. Looks like you got some good feedback already. I, too, like the upvoting and sorting function of Disqus. Made it nice and easy to find cool comments fast. Hope that helps.
Do you really have to refresh the page to see new comments? That is a major impediment to having a discussion. Comments really need to load automatically.
Finally got my user name logged in. For those having trouble tim put a link above that allowed me to log in. I kept trying to put my user name in the box to log in as the form directed me to do and i kept getting either an error message or email address in use. I was able to use tim’s link and instead of a user name i put my email address in the user name block and it let me log in.
Time to test my avatar. Is there some way to delete my own comments in this new system?
No there is not
I’m sure the intent was good, but the execution is lacking at this point. Extremely frustrating to log in, it rejected my use of my screen name, then, when I used this one, rejected my use of my old email address, saying it was taken (it was, by me)–which means that the email address I set up for communities could no longer be used–precisely the reason I make the distinction. Then, having permitted to change the password, it then told me I was an unauthorized user. I claim no technical expertise–but I suppose that’s the point–I shouldn’t need much to participate.
To other’s points, visually it’s less attractive and less functional, at least for now.
Hi Mike,
You are able to change your screen name:
Here’s how you set your handle.
1. Go to your profile page.
2. Add your first and last name.
3. Save changes.
4. Go to the “Display name publicly as” option. You will be able to choose your old handle, “Mike Hitter” or just “Mike” or “mike156″ or “Hitter”.
Here’s a graphic to help.
Since you guys are using WordPress Tim, give this a try:
Basically a local version of Disqus. Will help add a number of enhancements that people will be seeking. Just a little help from a fan 🙂
Yes this!!!!!
Soooooooo , I created an account with WordPress through this system, to be a commenter, yesterday. However, when I go to and try to sign in directly, it says my log in and password are not valid. When I say I have forgot password, and request to change it there, it is supposed to sent me an email to the email I have entered with the username to the email I have attached to that account. No email comes. When I try to create a new account with WordPress there, it says the username has already been taken. I can log in here, and go to my profile here (which says it is wordpress), but when I am sent to Gravatar it asks me for my WordPress account login again, and it then says that I am using the wrong password. It did it yesterday, the day I created my commenter account, and still does it today, 24 hours later. Is this system actually separate from wordpress? I have another account with wordpress, with an old email and different name and password, and it still works fine signing into wordpress directly. This new one does not. Looks like I will not be able to use an avatar. What kind of wordpress account is this?
The Gravatar signup issue is a nuisance, it’s true. If you go to and sign in first, then you should be able to go and be asked if you’d like to use the same account with which you are already signed in. Or alternatively try signing in directly at Gravatar with an existing account.
The good thing about Gravatar is that once you have an account you can add as many emails and as many avatars as you like. And then those Gravatars follow you wherever you comment on the web (on almost every self-hosted WordPress and site).
Do comments here always await moderation before posted?
We should definitely be able to delete our own comments if we want to.
Yep, and edit them too.
We should be able to edit our comments.
what is the difference between and maybe that is the problem with the logins? the link for plug-ins here in the take me to Gravatar to
I guess some of the comments I just went back and read have similar problems. I have now spent far too much time on this. Good luck, please let me know when it works with just one or two steps, and without messing up my other wordpress stuff. yikes.
if i had an edit……. i could put some of these comments all together while they have still been in moderation for up to 20 some minutes………
I found this……
the differences between and this sites comment board is apparently Gravatar uses That doesn’t explain why I can’t set up a new account in to match the account I set up here… as it should be yet another account I have to set up to make this posting with avatar work, but it explains a lot of the problems here that we are having.
The WordPress account on is specific to this site. Your account is wholly different. We should remove the WordPress branding from the login page, that’s for sure (that part is confusing). On the way.
After being ticked off for a day+ and trying repeatedly to login with my one and only e-mail address that the system refused to take because it was “being used” I finally gave in and created another e-mail account (something I said I would never do) that I will never ever use. So far, not so good.
I will chime in and say and say that an edit button and the ability to delete one’s own post in case of error is a necessity. “Sort by” is also another necessity. I am not a big fan of having to scroll all the way to the bottom for the newest comments.
A notification icon like Discus has said is to let you know if someone has replied to one of your comments is also much needed because I don’t plan on using the e-mail I was forced to create for anything other than the creation of this account.
As far as Like/Dislike, I never think of those buttons in that term. Personally I think it would be better to have it say Agree or Disagree. There are many many times that I give a post “a like” because I agree with what they’re saying but I either do not have the time to reply or I simply don’t feel like typing “I agree”. In my opinion that under no circumstances should a post be removed after a certain number of dislikes or disagrees. Removal of a post should never be on content unless it violates the commenting policy. Doing otherwise is basically censorship. If someone violates commenting policy the regular participants can flag the post and the moderator can remove it. I see this happen all the time on other sites where someone will simply express an opinion politely but others do not agree so they continually press “dislike” until they have censored that person.
I very much enjoy the content on MLBTR and I certainly hope this new system works. I was quite disappointed as it was Discus that pretty much brought me here in the first place and I use it on many other sites for the convenience.
I forgot one other thing Please, Please, Please automatic updating. Having to refresh a page constantly to see new posts or a reply to your own post is quite frustrating.
I think you just needed the Lost Password link since your email is already in the system:
That’s on me, I just wasn’t clear about that.
Thanks, I’ll try that
Tim, I assume this is common among everyone, but for some reason I am required to log in twice. Once on here, once on WordPress, and when I log in to Word Press it takes me to my WordPress profile page. From there, I click on Trade Rumors at the top left and it takes me back to MLBTR page, but it does not take me to the story I want to post on. I have to scroll all the way back down and find it. Can this get fixed?
i don’t have to. the site opens with me logged in now, but i told the computer to remember me.
Lucky you. Might have to do with me commenting mostly on public computers at work 🙂
But still, logging in twice sucks. But thank you for the tip. I shall do that on my private PC at home.
tedious. forced to be beta testers.
The layout is easier on the eyes and conversations have a better flow pattern. Great job!