After many months of hard work, we’re very excited to bring you the new Trade Rumors app for iOS and Android devices!
The Trade Rumors app brings together content from our three sites: MLB Trade Rumors, Hoops Rumors, and Pro Football Rumors. You can easily scroll left to right and click on the image of the article you want to read. You can also filter your feeds to show only the top stories within that category, if you prefer.
Once you’re within a feed, you can swipe to read older or newer articles without going back to the home screen. Each article can be easily shared via Twitter, Facebook, email, or text message.
The Trade Rumors app is highly customizable. You can add feeds for any of the 92 MLB, NBA, and NFL teams, as well as for any of the thousands of players in our archives, by using the settings icon up top for iOS and the pencil icon up top for Android. You can create a multi-sport experience tailored to your specific interests, or you can limit your app entirely to one sport by removing the others.
Best of all? The Trade Rumors app is free! Download it for iOS or Android and leave a review!
Made this comment on twitter, but probably better suited here. Look into the Disqus mobile integration documentation they provide to add it natively to your app. The comments are such an important part of this site that you should include it with each article posting. Will promote longer use of your app for that “oh so special” ad revenue ;).
Agreed Disqus integration is a must for me to use the app. Without it I will just stick to the mobile web page (which works very well I might add)
Agree with this.
I enjoy the comments and back and forth as much as the articles, so ill stick to the mobile app too until they can Disqus integrated, but still, great work Tim and guys!
Yeah I prefer the website to the (old) app. Very easy to navigate and comment from any phone I’ve had.
Suppose we were to switch from Disqus to hosting comments in-house with our own custom system. What would be the concerns in doing so? I think this would be good for load time of the sites.
I sent you a detailed answer via email RE this issue. Thanks for all your hard work.
Thanks, that would be good to read. However, I didn’t receive it?
I’d be sad to lose my comment stats, but freedom from Disqus (which is a good service to be fair) would probably be good in the long run. Gives you more control over features and everything.
I think we’d be able to customize in some ways, make the site run faster, and also have the comments to ourselves in the event Disqus goes out of business or something.
pfff. I’m number 5 of all time here.
Yeah, and I’m #10 :O
Don’t worry, you will catch me someday.
😀 LazerTown-senpai believes in me!
Disqus is honestly one of the main reasons why I comment on this site. Load times don’t bother me. If you switch to something Disqus like, that’s no issue. However something that allows upvoting and works on mobile is key 🙂
Bring back DOWNvoting too.
While I agree comments are a huge part, if not as big of a part as you and your writers amazing work. An “in house” non third party comment system would be preferred. Hopefully you can give better customization features. Than disqus. Either way. Been supporting you guys since the start. Keep it up man!!!
Hi Tim,
My biggest concern is losing the comments like when the site switched to Disqus. I like looking at old posts and reading the discussions.
The comments are what cause this site to take up hours of my time instead of minutes 😀
Yeah I just downloaded it, there is no commenting section on the app? 🙁 besides that so far it looks great. However just like everyone else noted the comments/discussions are a big part of this site and it’d be nice to have them on the app as well.
Free, I like it already!
Finally a free MLBTR app! Great work guys!
Christmas come early this year!!
Any future plans for windows phones??? 🙁
I’ll vote for that too.
You guys just made my day.
Windows Phone please?
I don’t think the demand/usage is going to be there. Out of our top 100 devices people are using to visit MLBTR, Windows stuff appears to account for less than half of one percent.
Interesting. What if someone, hypothetically, could build it for free? lol
How about Amazon/Kindle Fire? An app that says it is for MLBTR costs at their app store.
Just a guess but its probably the older version
Does this app send notifications if there is a new article etc.?
Those who have tried the app, I’m always interested in feedback here, through the site’s contact form, or at Thanks for downloading!
What we have here took about five months to build, with two companies building iOS and Android in parallel. So I decided to table the ideas of comments and notifications for future consideration.
I think it’s reasonable to have commenting in the app. Mostly, I just need to be sure that I want to commit to Disqus long-term, since development work can be pricey and they are, of course, a third-party product.
Notifications are a whole ‘nother beast, requiring their own infrastructure and maintenance costs that increase as the user base does.
I haven’t decided on either thing quite yet.
Looks great, but I am unable to change to Hoops or NFL rumors.
If you don’t mind, please drop me a line through the site’s contact form. Then we can get details about your device, and figure out what is going on.
its a hidden ploy by apple to finally upgrade people to io8, won’t load on io7. I see what you’re really doing.. ha
Need iOS 8.0 or better…bummer.
I don’t have ios8 and it works for me?
App Store won’t even let me download it, saying I need iOS 8.0 or better. I have the last update prior to 8.0’s release a few months ago.
That’s true…it does require iOS 8.
Thx Tim. Guess it’s time to upgrade from my Iphone 4S, since the iOS 8.0 doesn’t work on it…despite what Apple claims.
Guessing you downloaded the mlb trade rumor app and not the new one trade rumor app for all sports
Downloading as I type this, as a daily viewer of the site this is huge news!
One big problem. It’s iOS 8 or higher. So I can’t download it. I still have the iPhone 4, which works done for me — even being the tech wiz that I am, I think Apple has been staring at itself in the mirror too long the last few years. Might want to integrate previous iOS support, because without it you’re blocking mobile access to one of your biggest fans and supporters. Good idea to make a product like this as accessible as possible. Just something to think about.
*works fine
You’ve got a point. iOS 8 offered some new things and I’m not sure we could have taken advantage of them designing for 7 compatibility as well. But, I’m not an expert on that, and I will at least look into the idea of making it compatible for 7. I’m not sure whether it’s possible.
Unfortunately, I don’t have numbers on how many people are coming to MLBTR from an iPhone 4. But, that phone is coming up on five years old and I’m not sure designing the app to accommodate it made economic sense.
That’s a good point also. But one thing to consider is that because of the release of iPhone 6, the 4 is now becoming a swap meet item available for prepaid accounts; first by T-Mobile, Boost, and prepaid carriers like Red Pocket. On my 4, I actually have a prepaid account with Red Pocket because I’m tired of contracts. Now, AT&T has prepaid iPhones 4 and 5. I’m considering moving back there. Anyways, I don’t have the figures, but that prepaid market could also be something to consider. Either way, I still have MLBTR and Pro Football Rumors apps. And I’m happy with those until it finally gets to a point where my 4 becomes totally obsolete. lol
Agreed. Don’t worry about people with an iPhone 4, WebTV, or dial-up modems.
like the feel, but has already froze on me.
Definitely shouldn’t do that! Can you email me at or through the MLBTR contact form so we can look into it further?
it’s working great now. maybe it was some weird occurrence on my ipad though.
Aww, so I paid for this app 3 years ago to only get it free with other sports trade rumor apps????
That’s a dollar per year.
Why can’t I see any comments?
I need a smart phone…
Very cool app! Alerts would be nice. Thanks!
Downloaded the app a few hours ago. Once it loaded I really liked it. But it took a whole to load. Keep I mind I’m on an iPad mini. I chalk it up to a new app with some kinks to work out. Gonna stick with it. Love that it’s free. Could I get my money back from the mlbtr app? Haha kidding. Keep up the great work !
It’s possible that could be a function of your connection speed? Perhaps if you can try connecting your iPad to wi-fi in your home and seeing if it’s still slow?
Only app I see is the one that say baseball trade rumors on my Android. Is that it? Looks like this site from the outside but not all 3
Never mind when I go on that app it suggests this one 😀
I got and I like it. Good job.
any way to pick favorite teams yet to get notifications when something happens with their name in it? I guess I am being greedy 🙂
I talked about this above a bit. There is nothing for notifications at present. I’m still undecided if I want to try to take it on. I’d want to do it right this time and have everything work perfectly, which is a big undertaking.
oh sorry super early and I was so excited about downloading it I didn’t bother reading the intro which I should of.
Thanks again
Congrats Tim and everyone, the new app is very nice. It’s been a lot of fun to watch the site grow from just Tim to a bunch of writers and even see some of them move on to jobs with big media.
Long time fan of the site, but not the (Android) app. I’ve purchased it twice (after switching from iPhone) and have left comments about the main gripe regarding the app, but it’s still a problem. Still, no Comments section. I have the most updated version, and I don’t know if it’s a problem with everyone else, but I cannot see any Comments, ever. Just a blank screen. Everything else loads properly.
Regarding this new app, I’d prefer if they offered a paid version without the ads. I like that it’s more visual with pictures, but because those pics stay up there as you scroll through the story, it means less reading room throughout the story, which is the only reason I have the app. For those of us that don’t have a phone with the screen the size of a small LCD TV, that becomes a problem unless I want to scroll down every few lines.
I’m sticking with my paid MLBTR app, though without Comments section. Ah well.
How about the Kindle Fire? They have an app in their app store that says it is for MLBTR but it costs $2.99 or something like that.
Yes, any luck for us Kindle Fire people?
When are you planning to upgrade to a Windows Phone app for those of us out in the business world?
Good deal for Mr. Friedman!!! Maybe the LA press won’t run him out of town like they did with Paul Depodesta (moneyball LA: Part 1)
Need Windows phone integration, please.
You need a hockey rumors app.
No one ever comes up with a Windows App version 🙁
Just one minor thing that I would like to see is when you scroll through articles I like when it stops on each article instead of continuously scrolling. Just a minor peeve of mine.
Installed the Android app and, 20 minutes later, uninstalled.
There needs to be a way to disable notifications or, at the very least, only receive notifications for your favorite team.
I believe you downloaded our old app, Baseball Trade Rumors. You want just Trade Rumors. I believe this to be the case because the new app does not yet have notifications – we are just finishing up beta testing on that.