Angels owner Arte Moreno covered several topics today with Jon Paul Morosi of FOX Sports. (All links to Twitter.) Here are the highlights:
- Explaining that the club is still looking to add arms, Moreno told Morosi that the club has had discussions with free agent starter Matt Garza. The Angels have been rumored to prefer Garza to Ubaldo Jimenez and Ervin Santana, due at least in part to the lack of draft pick compensation required to sign him.
- Meanwhile, Moreno said that he is "very optimistic" that the Angels will reach a deal with the city of Anaheim to keep the club playing at Angel Stadium for the next two decades. The deal under consideration would see the team pay for infrastructure improvements while picking up rights to revenue from redevelopment initiatives in the stadium's vicinity.
- Of course, with Clayton Kershaw's record-setting extension from earlier today, Mike Trout becomes the young superstar whose possible extension becomes most interesting to consider. Moreno, however, said that there was "nothing to speak of" regarding Trout's contract status.
The deal the Angels want will have them pay $1 per year for the next 66 years to the city of Anaheim, for 150 acres surrounding the stadium.
Might be leaving the la or anaheim or whatever you call them?
I’m interested in opinions… Factoring everything in, do you think Trout will sign his first outrageous long-term contract with the Angels or with another team?
Angels. He probably likes it there since I haven’t heard any complaints and they have years to work out a deal before he hits FA.
I doubt that. Mike Trout is from the east coast and I believe grew up a Phillies fan. He also wasn’t to happy when the Angles gave him the league minimum after having an MVP caliber season. They didn’t even offer him $1mm. You haven’t heard any complaints but I’m sure you haven’t heard a lot compliments either.
No, he never said anything about it. His agent spoke on his behalf.
It would have been completely uncalled for to give him a significant raise in 2013.
Well I’m sure Trout and his agent must of had a conversation in order for him to speak on his behalf. I’m sure he could had stopped his agent from saying anything negative if he was truly content with what the Angels gave him. If you think he and his agent were super happy to get the league minimum that’s fine.
No, lawyers (which is what agents usually are) say stuff informally “on their client’s behalf” all the time without direct consent from their clients. Especially when they think it will get them paid more. Source: I work with lawyers.
look at a-rods lawyer right now, he’s all over the place talking. No way arod has kept up with that.
Trout was set to get his contract renewed. That’s what he got. If he wants more, he can negotiate a long term deal with the team, or wait until he is arb ready.
Trout never said anything his agent made a big deal not him. But in the end moreno will make him very rich
In the end? You mean when he’s a free agent and everybody will offer him probably the biggest contract ever given to baseball player. Your telling me he’s gonna stay where his current owner didn’t even offer him $1mm and gave him the league minimum? You’re right, I’m sure he loves Arte.
He will never hit FA business is business. He knows it his agent knows it no matter what moreno wont let him hit FA if you think he is then your blind cause everybody wants him moreno knows his worth hes just waiting to buy out his abritration years n wells contract to be over
“moreno knows his worth” and apparently it’s the league minimum.
Because that’s how the rules are set up get it? Hes still going to get paid
He wasn’t eligible for arbitration yet. What rules are you referring to? Arte could have given Mike Trout a raise but chose not too. Why do you think Mike Trout’s agent was upset? You think he was mad because of how the “rules are set up”? He was upset because he couldn’t believe what the Angels gave Trout. Get it?
Arte can pay him the leauge minimum if he wants to nothing trout and his agent can do about it. You think hes suffering? Mlb had it made to that the team can pay them whatever they want pre abritration mostly all rookies get that pretty much everyone gets that he knows it you just want him to get mad money already. He even said my time will come. That’s when hes going to stick it to moreno
Of course he would get upset if Trout didn’t get a raise, that means the agent gets less money as well.
His agent was upset because he’s an agent! Smaller salary for Trout means a smaller 10% for the agent. Of course his agent is gonna whine and cry. They all do.
Its gonna be rough when the dodgers dont make the playoffs with a 250mm payroll.
Where did you hear that he was unhappy with his salary?
uh it won’t be the first outrageous long-term for the Angels. Pujols and Hamilton? yeah, but I get what your saying. Trout will be a rich man soon.
He said his, as in Mike Trout’s first outrageous contract. As far as we all know, Trout did not sign Pujols’ contract, though he probably do a better job at it.
Yes, I admit I misread the post before I replied
I don’t care if it’s Garza or Tanaka, as long as one of those two is signed. The team needs one more quality starting option and everyone knows it. Can’t wait for Spring Training!
Given the really scary numbers that are starting to pop up around Tanaka ($140M…WOW!), I’d actually prefer the Angels get Garza.
Given previous issues over Moreno renaming the team, the city of Anaheim will surely tread lightly and make sure language of any agreement is very narrowly written.
The Angels are reconciling with the city of Anaheim, and the ball has really been in the city’s court to come ro terms with the name change. The only reason Arte did that was to honor the previous agreement made between Disney and the city. Most likely, any deal will include Moreno being able to drop “of Anaheim” from the name; will allow the Angels to revisit old development projects that were supposed to come about in the late 1990’s in their stadium’s parking lot; and will rekindle the Angels’ overall relationship with the city of Anaheim.