Throughout the 2012 season, Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte has been non-commital when asked whether he would return next year. However, the 40-year-old gave a strong indication that he will be back in 2013 as he gets ready to take on the Orioles in Game 2 of the ALDS, writes Mark Hale of the New York Post.
“I know one thing: I know the competition and the desire to compete is still there, and I don’t feel like I kind of got that itch out from the 70 innings or so that I threw this year,” Pettitte said.
Pettitte signed a one-year, $2.5MM minor league contract with the Yankees in March with no incentives attached. The left-hander joined the varsity squad on May 13th but was sidelined in late June when a batted ball fractured his left fibula where it meets the ankle. In 12 starts, Pettitte turned in a 2.87 ERA with 8.2 K/9 and 2.5 BB/9.
Glad he will be back! Always liked him for being such a class act! Good luck.
Just to show how big of a class act he is….when he was making his way through the comeback trail this year he pitched in Rochester. He requested a table to sign autographs after he was done pitching. He didnt leave the table until everyone that wanted one got one.
I never knew that. He always seemed like the nicest guy. I can’t wait to watch him win his game tonight.
I get that now he is a nice guy and a class act now. But in all it’s hard to call him a class act when he used steroids and cheated the game
He used HGH to help recover from an elbow injury. Don’t be so dramatic.
thats what he claims, Arod also claims he only used it for 2 year. We don’t know for sure. And with regards to “cheating” the game (for the guy you commented on) , just playing the same game everyone else was during his time.. just like Manny and Ortiz, would you agree?
Actually, we do know where and when he used it. The HGH was prescribed by a licensed physician as part of his treatment when he was coming back from the elbow injury. The physician’s orders, which were written by his physician in conjunction with the MLB physicians, are contained in his medical records which are kept on file by each team. These are the same records that were referenced when AP’s name was brought into the PED discussion. AP never failed a PED test or tested positive for any sort of masking agent. Both his physician, and the physician provided by the league gave statements concerning AP’s use of HGH and whether, in their professional opinion, the use of HGH would have enhanced his on field performance. That is why a big hoopla wasn’t made in connection with AP’s use of HGH.
It is important to remember the differences between anabolic steroids and HGH. HGH, when taken under doctor’s supervision and not connected with the enhancement of on the filed performance is not in any way banned, or even frowned upon by the league.
this is late, but before you go through a whole monologue realize that HGH is a form of anabolic steroids. And I have no clue where you go this thing about a physician. And either way taking a anabolic steroid (like HGH) to promote healing is against MLB rules. “Pettitte asked the trainer he shared with Roger Clemens, Brian
McNamee, to help him with HGH while on the disabled list early in
the season, the report said. McNamee recalled injecting Pettitte
two to four times, Mitchell said.” Maybe he used it once or twice, or maybe he didn’t, idk. But i will say that HGH wasn’t banned by baseball until 2005, which is why there wasnt a major hooplah about it.
Im not going to get into the whole steroid era, and how many players used it. It was part of the game then.
What makes him such a class act and a man, is the fact that he admitted his wrong doing, owned it and moved on instead of being like most players, cowards who cant even man up and admit their wrong doing!
At least he didn’t forget how to speak English like… how many of the Red Sox players?
He’s a gym rat, not a class act.
We could’ve used you last year, Andy! Welcome back regardless, though.
“I know one thing: I know the competition and the desire to compete
is still there, and I don’t feel like I kind of got that itch out from
the 70 innings or so that I threw this year,”
I don’t think that “itch” ever goes away, Andy. People that love to compete will always want it. I can only imagine it’s even worse after competing and being successful at the highest levels. That said, if you can still go out there and have even a moderate amount of success, go get it. I know I would play until I couldn’t anymore.
great point. Hes been great this year, and will gladly take him back. However, I think if we somehow win the WS this year he won’t come back.
He is still a very good starter, and I would be happy to have him back next year. If him and Kuroda return they would have plenty of depth in the rotation.
Andy Farve?
Except he’s actually good.
Still had an era below 3.00 in 70 innings. He is nearing the end of his career, but he is still very effective. It’s not like he is just limping out there, he is still a significantly above average starter.
While I think the comparison to Favre is ridiculous, Favre played well until his final season.