MLBTR's 2013 MLB Free Agent Tracker is now available. The tracker allows you to filter free agents by many criteria: team, position, signing status, years, and dollars. Also, we will be replacing the Type A/B filter with a qualifying offer one shortly. For the most part, our cutoff for a player's inclusion on the tracker is 50 MLB plate appearances or 20 innings pitched in 2012.
We also have a basic list that shows which free agents remain available at each position, found here.
Haren’s option decision isn’t due until Friday night, apparently.
Hmmm…let me look into that and decide what to do.
I appreciate the work you do maintaining this website. It’s rare for me to see you posting so I have to use this opportunity to just say thank you. It’s a great way for me to share my opinion and the posters here for the most part are very knowledgeable as well which is such a positive.
Looking forward to the free agent predictions!
You’re welcome! I have been more behind the scenes of late.
Are you going to have the “Free Agent Contest” again this season?
I was wondering the same thing.
Yep, the contest will open at the same time the top 50 free agents list is published. Trying to decide whether to do that tonight or Friday night given Haren.
Might as well wait to on the Haren decision.
Edit: Any way the contest can be available for those of us who dislike facebook?
I’ve decided not to wait on Haren. He will be omitted from the contest if the option is exercised. I’ve got a good reason to publish now: the list is ready, and my wife is going into labor any day now. So I don’t know if I have until Friday!
I respect not liking Facebook, but it’s a lot simpler for us to stick with that. And even though our leaderboard may not be 100% people’s real names, it mostly will be and I prefer that. Since any other solution would probably have you creating an account of some kind, you could create a super basic Facebook account for the purposes of the contest, and if you rank highly just make sure to check the email associated with that account before you shut it down, to get your prize.
Congrats to you and your wife and good luck, you won’t get a full night of sleep for a while.
Would you plan on showing us where you think these top 50 will go
Haren to the oriols for jonathon shoop
please padres, sign HAREEEN