If you have purchased our Baseball Trade Rumors Android app, I'd like your feedback. Please take this survey if you have a minute, and include your email address if you'd like to contribute further as part of a focus group.
By Tim Dierkes | at
If you have purchased our Baseball Trade Rumors Android app, I'd like your feedback. Please take this survey if you have a minute, and include your email address if you'd like to contribute further as part of a focus group.
MLB Trade Rumors is not affiliated with Major League Baseball, MLB or MLB.com
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For those suggesting a way to exit or quit the app…I’m told this is not how Android apps typically work. What is it that makes you want to exit the app – is it that the notifications drain the battery?
comments don’t work on the android app
I haven’t tested either app. If you want to test flight me on iOS, I’d be happy to give feed back
Seeking blackberry app
It says my device is incompatible. I’m using a Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket running CyanogenMod 9.
About a week ago the app just stopped working. It loads but i cannot see any news feeds no matter how much i refresh. I had the app since day 1 without issue till now