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Glad to see Don Mattingly leave the Dodgers organization. I hope he is successful in Miami. He was a great player. Great players sometimes don’t make great coaches. This definitely was the case with Don. It’s going to be a difficult role, for anyone coming to Los Angeles to take his place. During Don’s time with the Dodgers, I think they led the league in runners LOB. I think they led the league in hitting into DP’s. Is it too much to ask a big dollar player to lay a bunt down to advance runners? Sacrifice was an action that wasn’t in Don’s vocabulary. If the Dodgers are serious about getting back into the Championship, they should do everything possible to get Mike Scoscia out of Anaheim and back into a Dodger uniform. If they hire Scoscia, maybe Greinke will stay.
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Thank you…
Why can’t we edit or delete our comments anymore? Did you guy eliminate those options?….or are they hidden there somewhere?……LOL
Just a bit outside
The Mets will finish in 4 th place below Phillies and Braves!
Players, league, and especially agents misread the off-season landscape. Dodgers, Yanks, Giants all stated ahead of the negotiations that they would abide by the tax threshhold. Next year there are better AND younger players that will command long term contracts. Lastly, giving a pitcher in their early 30.s a 5 or 6 year contract will be rare going forward. Greinke,to give an example. Claark needs to know these things before spouting off.
The Reds released A picture or sent him to AAA who had a 46 5 era they gave Homer Bailey 17 million a year for a 4.50 era 48 45 record LOL
got that
I love you all.
I love Baseball!
With Turner, and Seager, why would the Dodgers offer a contract to Machado?
Yeah,but for Mattingly to succeed in Miami,he’ll need more players as great and gritty as he was .
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