WEDNESDAY: The Marlins have every intention of Hanley being their third baseman next year, president Larry Beinfest said at today's Jose Reyes press conference.
TUESDAY: Hanley Ramirez isn't on board with the idea of moving to third base and would rather be traded than switch positions, a "credible source" told Enrique Rojas at (link in Spanish).
"Hanley doesn't want to play third base and the Marlins were informed of that," the source told Rojas. "Rather than ask for a trade, what he has done is to inform (the team) that he does not want to play another position other than shortstop." Joe Capozzi of the Palm Beach Post has also verified with a Marlins official that Ramirez did not ask to be traded (Twitter link).
Ramirez's agent Andy Mota told Rojas he had no comment about the situation, but the player himself posted a resigned-sounding Tweet this morning, saying, "What I am gonna do is work hard and get ready for next season because that is the only thing I can control I love y'all!!!!"
Rojas also spoke with Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen yesterday in Dallas, and the skipper said he had spoken with Ramirez before Reyes was signed and plans to revisit the discussion soon. "He has to understand what is best for the club, and he'll be a better player with those two guys [Reyes and Emilio Bonifacio] in front of him in the lineup," Guillen said. "The last thing we would do is smack the kid and tell him, 'You've got to move.' That's not the way… I think the boy will have the opportunity to be an All-Star third baseman. We have the opportunity to have two all stars in those positions."
Both owner Jeffrey Loria and president of baseball operations Larry Beinfest suggested recently that Ramirez would ultimately defer to Reyes, and that a trade wasn't on the table. A week ago, before Reyes had signed, Ramirez expressed deference toward the possibility in an appearance on Dominican TV, saying "the front office has the last word." Ramirez played just three games worth of third base while in the Red Sox system, most recently in 2005. His -4.8 UZR in 2011 was firmly in the bottom half of NL shortstops, directly behind Reyes and in front of Bonifacio, who took over the six-hole when Ramirez underwent shoulder surgery in August.
Marlins prbly should have run this by him first…
Pretty sure they did…
Then they should have known this was gonna happen .
You still have to do what’s best for the team and HanRam is horrible at SS. He makes Jeter look great.
Whoa! Yankee fan admitting that Jeter is horrible at Shortstop?!
Umm a lot of Yankee fans know he’s a bad SS. Just like many people know you’re a pretty bad manager.
Speaking of the Yankees, they have been very quiet the past few days, makes you wonder what thos sneaky sons of b*tches are brewing up..
Nothing. The Marlins already snatched up the best free agents.
“Just like people know you’re a pretty bad manager”
Why you gotta be like that?
Why did you leave him in?
He was on fire!
Is that Gradyspeak for “his arm was about to fall off, but since it wasn’t completely detached from his body…”?
And he got pissed on. 🙂
I don’t like talking about it.
That’s why Jeter moved when the Yanks signed ARod, right? Oh, wait…
Jeter’s attachment to short is as sick as Hanley’s.
Sure didn’t take long either.
Which explains why he’s unhappy now.
Which explains why he’s unhappy now.
Why? He’s not the manager of the team and he isn’t what I would consider a team leader.
Hanley just has these feelings, bottled up inside. If he can’t play SS he’s going to write a nasty page in his diary.
Hanley needs to be quiet and do what his manager tells him to do. In my mind, he isnt good enough yet to be demanding trades.
Well, his ego is inflated enough for him to think that way. Too bad Fredi the Failure never had the spine to put him in his place.
His ego’s writing checks his body can’t cash…
Just taking a page out of Michael Young’s book.
and once the season starts he’ll say “naw I wanted to stay here all along guys, ima team player lol”
And I assume you gave a pass to Michael Young’s shenanigans last preseason then, right?
Michael Young has proven himself already with 10 good years for the Rangers, 2000+ hits. Hanley hasnt done anything yet.
are you serious? Hanley has put up better seasons than MY. in fact Hanley is better across the board. don’t say stupid things man, like you can say you appreciate michael young and will his diva moment a pass, but don’t say hanley hasn’t done anything, when we all know that’s not true.
Michael Young has proven himself already with 10 good years for the Rangers, 2000+ hits. Hanley hasnt done anything yet.
Hanley needs to do what his manager tells him to do. In my mind, he isnt good enough yet to be demanding trades.
How about Loshe and Westbrook for Hanely..
sarcasm? is that you?
Yes.. a brother can dream cant he?
I guess you also regularly dream of Playboy models seducing you. That has as much chance of coming true as that horrific trade proposal. In fact, you have a better chance with the Playmates, that’s how bad that offer is.
They aren’t Latin enough…
Sorry. Loshez and Westbrookirez
I didn’t want to “like” this comment but I couldn’t help it. 😉
Red Sox need a legit SS, Marlins need a legit 3B….Youk for Ramirez! MAKE IT HAPPEN BEN!
The Red Sox offense is fine. They need pitching, not a mediocre defensive short stop with attitude problems, especially the latter part.
The Red Sox offense is fine. They need pitching, not a mediocre defensive short stop with attitude problems, especially the latter part.
hanley was a red sox once…your not getting him back.
Yes he was on the Red Sox. The GCL Red Sox, not the Boston Red Sox.
What else are the Sox sending?
Nothing, but only because it’s never going to actually happen.
What else are the Sox sending?
And I thought the offer from The_Birds was stupid/silly. This one is worse.
Selfish much?
The Marlins are going to be a fun team to keep an eye on. Either they’ll be really good. Or they’ll be a really good show.
Like Jersey Shore? Painful to watch, but you can’t tear your eyes away…
Dont worry Miami… Hanely will still get to play SS once Reyes gets hurt on openning day!
Its about time the elephant in the room got out.
Bonifacio is still better defensively than Hanley though…
Here come the “Hanley to the Red Sox” trade offers.
Reddick, Lowrie, and Lars Anderson should do it.
He’s just joking… We wouldn’t just give them Anderson without expecting Johnson.
Like, and if there was an option, keep hitting the like button on an infinite loop.
Like, and if there was an option, keep hitting the like button on an infinite loop.
Johnson? You forgot about Stanton!!
Sigh. Fine. We’ll take him off their hands but only if the Marlins offer to pay for a majority of Hanley’s salary.
And they are willing to take John Lackey I heard too.
Johnson? You forgot about Stanton!!
That deal isn’t happening without Bowden!!!
He’s just joking… We wouldn’t just give them Anderson without expecting Johnson.
Throw in Michael Bowden, they will need top tier pitching to be included.
And it all comes crashing down for the Malrins.
I posted that this was gonna happen the other day when Reyes signed and all the Marlins wanted to say was ‘na he’ll be fine and WANT to play third . He and Reyes are good friends’ . Yeah right !!
I posted that this was gonna happen the other day when Reyes signed and all the Marlins wanted to say was ‘na he’ll be fine and WANT to play third . He and Reyes are good friends’ . Yeah right !!
Jesus I never realized Hanley was such a doofus.
Acronym for “poo-poo head”…
You my good friend would be first buckaroo in the grammar rodeo.
Do you know what an acronym is?
Jack, we’re having a conversation about “doofus” and “Poo-poo heads” and you’re trying to teach what an acronym is.
Come on Maan!
Brain fart….lol. So much for that Masters degree turning into anything useful.
Good lord man, that’s 2 comments in this thread that you should have let simmer in your head for a bit before hitting “post as…”
I thought his explanation was awesome, because no matter what else he said, he said poo-poo head.
Yeah nothing else should matter when that “word” is used on this board.
Please keep that in mind people, as I plan on using it again after getting six likes. Heh.
has had gator mouth for a long time. Gotten into trouble over refusing to cut his hair and ran his mouth, over the club trading his buddies, but Loria has usually backed him up and smoothed things over, like buying him that huge gold neck chain with his number on it one time you might have seen Ramirez wear a time or 2?
How well his diarrhea of the mouth would go over in NY, as well as his poor SS play is another matter and can just about guarantee the Fish would empty what little the mets have in their prospect chain to even think of acquiring him. Therefore think any Mets fans hopes of getting him is premature at best.
In his defense, it’s not like he himself said it publicly.
That being said can someone remind him he’s a horrible SS?
Yes. Even worse than “Num buh 2”
It was public enough on Foxsports/marlin broadcasts, especially the time he refused to cut his hair and Fredi Gonzalez benched him, he talked some more. Gonzalez and Ramirez went back and forth for a few days before Loria stepped in and bought him that gold anchor he wears around his neck now.
I meant the recent part about complaining about playing SS.
Interesting thing. I just moved to the Miami area and when I was staying at a local resort one of the employees works for the Marlins in one their charitable/community organizations and I was sort of ragging on HanRam. She was brutally honest about a lot of his short comings, especially on defense, but she had nothing but praise about him, saying how great a guy he is and that the “lazy” tag was the complete opposite of who he was because he was usually the first player in the weight room, at workouts and usually one of the last ones to leave. She also said how it’s sort of a “Latin” thing that she felt was misconstrued as “lazy”. She’s white so I don’t think she had a motive to play “that” card. She seemed sincere. She also says Loria absolutely loves the kid…like a son.
Was going to ask your take on information since seemed to recall that you live now in the southern part of the state, closer to Miami than I do and what I get is mostly from Foxsports south and other central florida media, while you get it 1st hand, plus a few latin media outlets and you know what?
Cookie Rojas is harder on him IMO than most others are if that gives you some type of perspective and am NOT trying to throw any race thing into this. Maybe it has to do with how much effort rojas put into his fielding when he played and took pride into it also and how much he despises that OF type mitt Ramirez uses also and at times will go on and on about.
2B or Reyes to 3B or 2B.
you don’t give 106 million to a guy you want to play second base
I think Pedroia or Cano would be worth Reyes money at 2nd
Both of those guys are worth that and maybe more at 2b now.
I think the guy wants to play SS . If HE can’t play it (which he won’t now) for the Marlins , then he’ll ask to play SS for someone else .
Then trade him. You don’t want someone who values themselves above his team.
Lohse for Hanley!!!
yes, it was sarcasm
Throw in Westbrook
no, not being sarcastic.. just throw him in.. get rid of him
Throw in Westbrook
no, not being sarcastic.. just throw him in.. get rid of him
I’m pretty sure we’d throw in Westbrook, too.
*Edit: Ha, apparently in the time it takes to read down the comments and comment on this, someone beat me to the punch. Cards fans don’t have much faith in either Lohse or Westbrook right now, do we?
That’s too bad, because Hanley sucks as a shortstop.
There is gonna be so many bad trade proposals on this post i can’t wait!
Brandon Inge for Hanley! Hahahahaha!
And this year’s Michael Young Award goes to…
Inb4 they sign Pujols and Hanley sucks it up and plays third
Inb4 they sign Pujols and Hanley sucks it up and plays third
Reyes + Pujols > Hanley
Works out better if they trade Hanley anyways, they can use the money to sign Buehrle. Stanton, Pujols, Reyes, and LoMo can more than hold it down. Bonifacio can play at 3rd.
and when they don’t get Pujols
Reyes < Hanley
How about Pujols hasnt signed?
Obviously, trading hanley is completely dependent on whether or not they sign Pujols.
How about Pujols hasnt signed?
I think the Marlins always knew this, I think they put the rumor out there that Hanley would switch positions so it wouldnt stop Reyes from coming. That’s why they keep going for position players and after that they will move Hanley for pitching.
I doubt it. This is just another rumor!
Dom Brown, Jesse Biddle and Polanco for HanRam. It’s goin down.
Marlins would want pitching for him.
Brown and Worley
The Marlins implode in 3… 2… 1….
Barry Zito for Hanley straight up!!!
I believe Hanley’s tweet response was intended for the next Big 3 in Miami…not going to the Mets
this is true, was gonna post the same thing
this is true, was gonna post the same thing
Maybe they can get all the pitchers they want for him from Oakland?
Trade him for Michael Young, future MVP.
uh, he didn’t say “i like it” in reference to the mets. clicking on that link shows you that he said “i like it” in response to someone referring to a second big three of Reyes, Ramirez, and Pujols.
I thought this was Hanley’s team?
Outstanding due diligence, Marlins. Ready, fire, aim!
Seems like everybody saw this coming.
What an absolute joke of a franchise, tell your best player he’s no longer your shortstop and has to switch to make room for a guy you just signed, throw 200 million dollars at a first baseman as opposed to the above average first baseman you already have. Even if Pujols doesn’t sign with the Marlins, what does that say to Gaby Sanchez? Not only is Ramirez not good enough to play short, Sanchez isn’t good enough to play first, in order to sell this team to Miami we need star Latin players… of course, not star Latin players like Ramirez and Sanchez, they either aren’t good enough, or aren’t Latin enough. Not to mention defrauding Florida Tax Payers to get a new stadium. This is a circus. Without a pitching staff I might add.
What an absolute joke of a franchise, tell your best player he’s no longer your shortstop and has to switch to make room for a guy you just signed, throw 200 million dollars at a first baseman as opposed to the above average first baseman you already have. Even if Pujols doesn’t sign with the Marlins, what does that say to Gaby Sanchez? Not only is Ramirez not good enough to play short, Sanchez isn’t good enough to play first, in order to sell this team to Miami we need star Latin players… of course, not star Latin players like Ramirez and Sanchez, they either aren’t good enough, or aren’t Latin enough. Not to mention defrauding Florida Tax Payers to get a new stadium. This is a circus. Without a pitching staff I might add.
Im not sure I would call Gaby above avg…but then again I dont follow him or the marlins that much….
Are you joking? Who cares if they throw that much at him? If they want to pay the guy that much, no one cares what that says to Gaby Sanchez. In no universe is Gaby Sanchez anywhere near the caliber as Pujols.
If I were Gaby Sanchez, I’d demand a trade, obviously Miami has other priorities that don’t include their current players.
If I were the Marlins, I would tell Gaby Sanchez to STHU. This is the nature of the business. If they can get a better player than you, it would downright stupid to not pursue their options because it might hurt your feelings.
Ryan.. Stop talking
As if the Marlins weren’t going to trade him after they get Pujols…
Before they signed Reyes, I was hoping they would move Gaby to 3B. He is a below average 1B, but his defensive skills would translate well to 3B. His biggest deficiency – picking balls in the dirt and fielding throws – would go unnoticed. His offensive numbers, while nothing special for a 1B, are solid for a 3B.
Jump on it Reds!
I know I’m dreaming yall
i actually think they could get that done with alonso and a pitcher
Clearly you aren’t following the Albert Pujols to Miami Rumors with much vim or vigor….For God Sake’s Man think before you conjure.
What are you talking about? What does Pujols have anything to do with the Reds?
Jump on it Reds!
I know I’m dreaming yall
hey buddy, why don’t you read the tweets correctly. he said “i like it” in reference to another Miami “Big 3”. you clearly need to a better job, because a lot of people are going to take this the wrong way now.
Major Talent, 3rd grade mind set.
I firmly believe that he will not play for the Marlins again, if they do sign Pujols the marlins would be more suited to trade Hanley for a Kershaw type pitcher. The league has a plethora of Pitching talent and perhaps 7 solid Short Stops.
He’s lucky he’s so talented. A very entitled personality. I wonder how many teams would stay away from him considering this.
I can ensure you one thing, Atlanta will not be on trade rumors linked with Hanley. I think he would be better suited to go somewhere with a really strong clubhouse. like the Angles, Tigers maybe even the Diamondbacks and so on.
I can ensure you one thing, Atlanta will not be on trade rumors linked with Hanley. I think he would be better suited to go somewhere with a really strong clubhouse. like the Angles, Tigers maybe even the Diamondbacks and so on.
Interesting development. It seemed to be all sunshine and rainbows in Miami. If a team can acquire Hanley for a reasonable price it would be great move for said team. I see the Red Sox pursuing him and he’d likely be a great fit. Do they have enough to offer though? They don’t have the deepest minor league system at the moment and I’m sure are reluctant to part with any major league pitching.
Marlins execs sure screwed this up. You cannot be this good a player and lose your position to a trade without being consulted.
I wonder if the Marlins execs even knew they were running a real baseball team here.
A-rod moved to third, Cal moved to third. C’mon Han
No A-rod moved there because Jeter said no.
Yeah, but Cal didn’t start playing 3B until he was 35. Hanley’s 27.
If Hanely is put on the market which team dumps the farm for him? Do you think Boston would try go get him back? Only farm system and possible major league ready players might be Atlanta, Boston, Royals, Rays, and possibly A’s if they would be willing to trade a pitcher or two.
I’ve been kicking around on the padres board Headley + 1 of: Erlin, Bass, or Kelly.
Headley would be a better 3B than Hanley and probably close to/or allstar away from Petco. Either of the 3 would give the Fish a good cost control starter, something they’ll need over Reyes and maybe Pujols contracts.
suck it up…play third…we are talking about a HUGE possibility of making it to the playoffs…or trade his ass pick up some pitching anyone would pick up a SS like him
suck it up…play third…we are talking about a HUGE possibility of making it to the playoffs…or trade his ass pick up some pitching anyone would pick up a SS like him
Gio for Hanley, just do it.
I think u can get more then just Gio
What are you on? Gio and…
Is Hanely really that arrogant that he wont move positions for the possibility to build a superstar team? Maybe he is upset that he’s been with the team for a few years and Reyes suddenly comes in and takes over his position. He may be wondering why they didn’t consult Reyes about changing positions….
Is Hanely really that arrogant that he wont move positions for the possibility to build a superstar team? Maybe he is upset that he’s been with the team for a few years and Reyes suddenly comes in and takes over his position. He may be wondering why they didn’t consult Reyes about changing positions….
I would like that. Hanley has been one of my favorite players since he came up. But what would you trade? Marlins want starting pitching and you know they’re not touching our big 3 in Lincecum, Cain, and Bumgarner.
Wade Davis/Upton to Marlins,Hanley Ramirez to Rays,Torres/Petersen/Cousins/Sam F./Keppinger to A’s and Giants get Prospects
The A’s aren’t trading prospects for that grab bag of crud, they are only looking for low level high ceiling prospects who wont be ready until 2014 or so when they move to SJ.
Wade Davis/Upton to Marlins,Hanley Ramirez to Rays,Torres/Petersen/Cousins/Sam F./Keppinger to A’s and Giants get Prospects
Won’t happen, Braves don’t trade for divas.
braves aint winning any championships for another decade so shush
haha what angry trash you are
braves aint winning any championships for another decade so shush
“Ramirez’s agent Andy Mota told Rojas he had no comment about the situation, but the player himself posted a resigned-sounding Tweet this morning, saying, “What I am gonna do is work hard and get ready for next season because that is the only thing I can control I love y’all!!!!” (Although when one of his followers subsequently suggested that he had been disrespected and should “go to the Mets,” Ramirez responded, “I like it!!!).”
I guess I’m the only one who realizes that the follower wasn’t saying he should go to the Mets… 305 = Miami, and Hanley was saying he likes the idea of forming another Miami big 3, with Pujols, Reyes, and himself. Way to take the complete opposite meaning of a tweet and make the guy sound bad. When Michael Young asks for a trade because of a FA signing, he’s still called a good team player. When Hanley makes a good team comment on twitter and MIGHT have asked for a trade, he gets killed. I wonder why?
People here crucified Michael Young last offseason. Where were you?
He was probably saying the same exact thing back then that he is now. Seems reasonable, no?
Marlins = Philadelphia Eagles of MLB.
The unfortunate truth of it all the Marlins have won more championships in less amount of time. So…
He said Eagles, not Phillies.
Marlins = Philadelphia Eagles of MLB.
Whoever wrote this article obviously doesn’t know how to use Twitter. He said “I like it!!!” responding to somebody saying that Hanley, Reyes, and Pujols would be another big 3 in Miami. The fan who said he was disrespected was replying to Hanley’s tweet.
Apparently whoever wrote this article doesn’t know how to read twitter or write a blurb noting his original error…but at least he knows how to edit the article to remove it without mentioning the error. This way all of the people who read the original version can dislike Hanley for all the wrong reasons. Good journalism. Everyone makes mistakes, but don’t assassinate someone’s character unjustly and not at least mention the error.
No need to worry about it Hanley. Reyes will get hurt very soon and you will go back to playing SS in no time.
Eh jeter wouldnt move to third and he was the inferior ss.
Jeter was never asked to move to third. Why do people keep saying “Jeter refused”? Yes I know that’s not what you said in a quote unquote, but it’s all I ever hear.
You dont know if he was asked just like i dont know if he was asked, point is the team got a better ss and as the leader of the team he didnt offer to move for the team to ge ta much better ss.
lol it’s not like the Yankees were ever a terrible team with Jeter at SS anyway. Plus I think Jeter would have made a Terrible third basemen.
NEver said the yankees were a terrible team, but if your team gets the best ss in the game you freaking move.
You got the Hanley Ramirez tweet wrong. He said “I like it” in response to Hanley, Pujols, Reyes combination and the Mets comment was in response to that.
You got the Hanley Ramirez tweet wrong. He said “I like it” in response to Hanley, Pujols, Reyes combination and the Mets comment was in response to that.
Gio for Hanley. Straight up.
Of course, Hanley isn’t actually going to be traded. He’s going to play where ever it is that Ozzie wants him to play, and he’s going to like it.
Gio for Hanley is fair but Hanley would probably spend as much time in Oakland as Piazza did in a Marlins uni, if he ever suited up for the A’s at all.
“Another super 3 in da #305?? @HanleyRamirez Jose Reyes, Albert Pujols!! #Miami”
@RodnieG3 I like it!!!!”
Nick Giannopoulos
@HanleyRamirez go to the mets ..I don’t know how u can stay in florida after the disrespect !!! Reyes??? Wtf”
Who ever just said westbrook and lohse for hanley.. There is a reason your not a general manager
Garza + for Han Ram??
It has been suggested before that Castro move to second…maybe just maybe??
But alas, its just a dream
as lazy and unfocused as Castro is at SS he’s light years better than HanRam
Oh! open another can of worm’s why dontcha!
Ozzie Guillen was just on tv stating this was false, and hanley himself said the opposite.
gotta love false info starting a huge deal
Ozzie Guillen was just on tv stating this was false, and hanley himself said the opposite.
gotta love false info starting a huge deal
How about Hanley to the Phillies for Polanco and Vance Worley.
Cardinals if they dont keep Pujols.. trade Lohse to Angels for Mark Trumbo..then cards can grab Rollins. makes sence
Really, there’s only one fair way to handle this. Let’s go back to 2005… accounting for retirements, etc. and this sounds QUITE fair to me.
Hanley Ramirez and Anibal Sanchez to the Red Sox for Josh Beckett and a bucket of fried chicken to be named later.
We’re not talking until you throw Lackey in there too.
and for Hanley ask Jose to move to 2nd you cocky ***k and go win a championship
Jose was already tried at second– in 2004 when he didn’t have leg issues– and it was a complete disaster. Thanks Kaz!
The point is he has experience at another position as apposed to Hanley it would work better
The Brewers are looking for a SS. And they’ve shown after last year they don’t care how badly you play defense. I humbly suggest the Timberrattlers for Hanley.
and don’t forget the bucket of fried chicken to be named later!
if u look at all the mlbtr writers.. this guy hasn’t written any of them this is his first article as far as I’ve seen and its bizarre and clearly bogus of a rumor
You do know that most of the time MLBTR just reports what others have found. He has a source. Your saying this is a bad post because he is a new writer? Which i can’t confirm either.
I’m just mad that someone would post something like this when clearly he didn’t say i like it to going to the mets.. when someone sends u a source ur supposed to verify it all before u post something.. I’m sure he checked the twitter which clearly states that he said i like it to there being another big 3 in south florida.
Jeff Conine has always said he would trade Hanley.
Ells for ramirez straight up.
Boston loses bad on that one.
They are looking for Outfielders like Logan Morrison.
Yo Hanley. You Suck!
Dan Uggla and prospects to Miami for Hanley Ramirez.
Usually good reporting but I’m sure this is off the mark.
Is there a market for douche bag shortstops who care more about their legacy (or lack there of) and are a complete distraction to the organization?
Hanley to Toronto as a SS and Escobar at 2B for Snider or Thames and some prospects!! lol
REAL LIFE: I’m in a certain job role for a company, but my supervisors decide that my talents would best serve the mission of the company if I slightly changed the scope of my job. Plus, shifting my talents would allow the company to hire another rockstar that would make the company better. I still get paid and I would look like a great team player.
Except I have a big stupid ego and and I say no…and then I would be fired/replaced.
Get a real life, Hanley!
Baseball situations =/= Real Life situations
should have gotten yourself a guaranteed contract stupid.. 🙂
Just trade Hanley. I wonder what kind of pitcher they can get if they package Hanley and Gaby. A Lincecum would be nice, but doubtful. Maybe Cain or someone like that…
If I’m the Reds I’d at least see what it would take to get him. Alonso, Francisco, and Bailey?
Choke Figgins for him?
Erick Aybar and Mark Trumbo For (1) Hanley Rameriz
They already have Sanchez, unless Trumbo plays OF. and where would they put Aybar?
I was thinking something like Santana, Callaspo, Jimenez, Richards/Shoemaker… probably not enough
I was at the first ever Marlin’s spring training game and have followed them ever since. Hanley has developed into a first class jerk. If he can’t understand that the team is more important than his ego, and that this move makes the team better, they should trade his whiny, slacking butt. I am completely sick of this guy. The best thing that could happen to him is to have a couple better players and harder workers come in and put him in his place, but if he can’t handle that I’m sure he’ll bring something good in return.
Yea, because Reyes is such a “harder worker” that Hanley Ramirez. Reyes and Hanley are exactly alike… Two peas in a.., left side of the infield in miami…
Hanley should still be a good offensive player. But it is a huge risk to think he will be a superstar offensive player again. I know he got hurt last year. But I doubt he will return to 2007-2009 levels again.
It isn’t ideal but I think if Hanley wants to be a stubborn bum, its still possible to leave him at SS. It isn’t great but…move Reyes back to 2B, Infante to 3B.
1. 2B Reyes
2. CF Bonifacio
3. 1B Pujols
4. RF Stanton
5. SS Ramirez
6. LF Morrison
7. C Buck
8. 3B Infante
9. Pitcher
…I hope they don’t get Pujols, I’d be scared as hell >_>
Offense would be the best in the NL in my opinion. Their pitching would still be pretty weak, but maybe they’d be able to outslug their opponents 6-5 most nights (not counting JJ starts where they should win easily). I imagine that doesn’t work as well once you get in the playoffs though.
projected actual lineup if pujols gets signed
1. SS Reyes
2. CF Bonifacio
3. 3B Ramirez
4. 1B Pujols
5. RF Stanton
6. LF Morrison
7. 2B Infante
8. C Buck
9. Pitcher
Already has been said live by Ozzie that Hanley would hit third and Pujols fourth
That right there is enough for Pujols to walk away from Miami..
Should bat the pitcher eighth.
Hanley had an off year in 2011.
In July he was still quite good. In June he was mediocre.
In April and May he had a super slump start for the year.
His stats were a little down in 2010.
But because of his age and big name and past performance some will still be thinking of him as a blue chip guy still. He may be, but don’t trade too much for him.
How many RHB middle infielders decline in performance in their late 20’s and rebound back to their old form? There have been a few. But there have been plenty that continued to decline right on out of the game before they were 35.
Do You remember Pete Rose? How many positions did he play? He wanted to win–Talk to Hanley properly and respectfully as Sparky Andersen always did an if he doesnt like it TRADE him–They will get something good for him–Until then it is only rumors-But if he is hurting the team–dump him!
If the Marlins sign CJ Wilson too, Hanley will stay. They could get quite a bit for Hanley if they do move him.
What would a Hanley fetch?
Why don’t they have infante play 3rd, reyes play 2nd, and hanley play ss? Am I not seeing something here???
The Mets tried Reyes at 2B a while back in 2004, to accommodate SS Kaz Matsui, and it was an utter disaster. Plus, he didn’t have temperamental hamstrings at the time.
Hanley, Gaby, and Alex Sanabia for Felix Hernandez
Let’s go Giants! The SS that we need is out there. A great all around, stereotypical #3 hitter that is still young. He would be loved by the city of SF. He will have a chip on his shoulder and will be out to prOve the Marlins wrong. He could hit 3rd and start making this team look like a threat offensively.
that would be flatout awesome, but what would they have to give up? Probably too much?
The Giants need both a shortstop and a bat. why not trade some pitching for Hanley Ramirez. Haley would make The Giants a whole lot better.
I’m all for a Barry Zito for Hanley trade
what a dirtbag. i love when the marlins said they may move him to CF. Hanley hustling after a flyball? lol thats a good one
Mike Minor and prospect for Hanley?
Mets need a SS….
Blue Jaysssssss hop on this! Move Escobar to 2B and have Hanley at SS.
1) Escobar2) Ramirez
3) Bautista
4) Lind
5) Lawrie
6) Rasmus
7) Arencibia
8) Encarnacion
9) Thames
You Jays fans are funny, you have the best SS arm in baseball and you’re trying to move him to 2nd. Perfectly sensible.
I’m just gonna say, I saw this coming a mile away. I’d like to see the Mariners or Rays get in on this, it’d be a nice spread of wealth since I doubt the Marlins would be interested in moving HanRam within the division.
It’s not like I don’t appreciate Yunel’s arm strength, but we’re talking about a superstar that could potentially be available. I’m sure the infield would survive if Yunel was moved to 2B.
In fact Yunel to 2B has been quietly discussed before with Hechavaria in Vegas now although the Jays don’t seem in a hurry.
Maybe he just wants them to add a few bucks to his contract and he’ll move to 3B
HanRam for for will venable, jason bartlett, orlando hudson and cash? please? pretty please?
I’m sure they could just share the shortstop posistion, Reyes plays the first 50 games and then when he gets injured for the rest of the season Ramirez can play the remaining 112 games. Its a win-win for everyone lol.
Whereever there is unhappy upper tier talent – the evil Blue Jay GM is lurking…..
Living in Miami with a team that could possibly include Albert Pujols, Jose Reyes and CJ Wilson/Buerle and you want a trade?
This is not the first time Ramirez’s intelligence and maturity has been questioned.
I hope they trade him to Toronto. Don’t really care who Toronto has to offer. If he wants to be a baby about it, send him to a city that is cold as ****.
i hope you have 1 * too many because it’s definitely not cold as Satan’s house (or what you do everyday), it might be cold as ICE though
Come on Braves, snatch him up! Would be funny to take two major pieces from a division rival in consecutive off-seasons. I wonder if he’d get along with Fredi any better in Atlanta than he did in Florida.
it would be great if the fish traded him to the mets straight up for david wright
The Marlins are in the driver’s seat with Hanley. They can move him to third or trade him for a boat load of talent. Either way, the Marlins win.
Does anyone else hope this ends in a situation similar to that scene in Major League 2 where Dorn refuses to come in for a pinch runner? I’m just picturing Hanley just kind of standing next to Reyes for entire innings at a time.
Josh Johnson and Hanley Ramirez were the only two bonafide studs the marlins have; going so hard and getting reyes to play SS seems like a goof on their part. they have soooo many pressing needs yet they signed someone who played the only position they were actually covered with an all-star calibur player.
i know they want to spend like the yankees and be a big deal but talk about wasted money. ramirez is even a year younger than reyes so it’s not like they can say ‘well we were going younger with reyes’.
much like reyes old team -the mets- have hopefully learned.. throwing a ton of money around doesn’t necessarily make you a better team. ask washington after they got werth last offseason how that worked out?
How about Hanley to Mets for Wright??? The mets need a shortstop, marlins need a 3B. Its going to take more than wright, maybe a midlevel prospect or 2, but mets have a few decent prospects to offer.