If you're wondering who represents your favorite player or which agency has the most players on your favorite team, check out MLBTR's new Agency Database. Accessible through the Tools tab on the navigation bar, the database allows you to sort by player, team and agency.
For example, if you wanted to determine which Orioles are with Beverly Hills Sports Council, you'd be able to find out the answer after a few clicks. The database is free, constantly updated and unlike anything else on the web. Check it out.
You can send questions or corrections to mlbtrdatabase@gmail.com.
I hear you guys have an Agency Database … do tell me more about it.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the most pointless comment in baseball history.
So I shall one-up him by making a offseason-old joke:
Cashman sent an email to Tim, asking if the Agency Database can pitch.
Well, that sure was a useful and constructive reply.
Your gold star is in the mail.
Can the gold star pitch?
-B. Cashman
Can I pitch?