Here are a few items of note for Feb. 17, the day on which Wally Pipp was born 118 years ago.
- The Orioles will hold a press conference for Vladimir Guerrero on Friday, tweets Enrique Rojas of, so it's safe to assume that he passed his physical earlier this week and that his one-year deal is now official.
- The Cardinals at some point offered Albert Pujols a nine-year contract extension worth more than $200MM, tweets Jon Heyman of To this point, the value of St. Louis' offer has been consistently around the $200MM range, but the length has been less clear.
- Tigers slugger Miguel Cabrera, arrested in Florida late Wednesday night and charged with DUI and resisting arrest, will not likely face jail time, writes Jon Paul Morosi of, who spoke to a "leading criminal defense attorney." Whether Cabrera will enter a treatment program at this time remains unclear, Morosi notes.
if STL really offered him that much, and AP wanted to stay….. he is becoming greedy
Well, they are $100M off his asking price. If you thought you deserved a yearly salary of, say, $60K and you got offered $40K would you think you were being greedy if you turned it down?
Bad argument, at least where jordan’s point is probably concerned. The difference in scale changes everything. If you thought you deserved 60K and were offered 40K, you might turn it down because 40K isn’t enough for you to live what you considered to be a reasonable lifestyle, depending on the city.
100 million dollars is enough for a huge number of people to live comfortably, even in the lavish metropolis of Detroit.
I actually agree with you, Brad426, but the point you’re making never works. Anyway, Pujols is entitled to ask for what he believes he is worth.
yes i know that, and thats one of the reasons if he gets the 300 MILLION from what ever team it may be, if it turns out to be the yanks/sox/cubs, it shows that there needs to be a salary cap, makes the playing field even for all teams
Why a salary cap? Why guarantee profits for poorly-run clubs, and why give a handout to billionaires? There are ideas for evening the playing field a bit that have nothing to do with this one concept that the MLB owners have been hammering away at for decades. You think players are greedy?
didn’t think of that
Its not a cap we need, its a salary minimum….force teams like Florida to spend the millions they get from the luxury tax from the big market teams rather than pocket it for profit
I don’t like the idea of a salary cap either. Players are entitled to go after as much money as they feel they are worth, however, I feel the arbitration system needs change. Salaries should be able to deflate with poor performance. What other profession can you do a terrible job and be guaranteed a raise?!?
Government jobs.
There is already a salary minimum in place.
There is a salary minimum for an individual player, not for a team. So technically a team could have a 25 man roster all making the min and have a team salary of $10M.
Well, that would be a team minimum, wouldn’t it?
I had this idea a few months ago. Get rid of revenue sharing. Instead the teams deemed to be “fiscally challenged small market teams” get to franchize a player. Instead of dolling out the money to each team, set up a fund and each year each of those teams get $15 mil to either subsidize their “franchize player” or they get to use half of it towards the draft. So basicanlly if the Padres wanted to keep Agonz they could put the tag on him and pay the rest of his contract demands out of pocket. The one protective against misuse would be a player has to be ranked among the top 5 at his position in order to be eligible for the franchize tag.
If Fielder wants to stay a Brewer and agrees to a 6/$150 deal ($25 mil per) and he rates among the top 5 at his position via elias ratings or whatever then MLB agrees to give Fielder $15 mil per for 6 years and the Brewers pay $10 mil per out of their own pocket. If he is traded then the mlbs funding ends and that receiving team pays the balance due of the contract as scheduled.
some are…im a huge cubs fan and i know for sure soriano and even possibly zambrono are greedy…just saying
Agreed. Baseball gives the lowest percentage of the revenue generated by its sport to the players than does any of the other big sports (NBA, NFL, NHL, in case you were wondering what the other “big sports” were).
Really… I love how teams like the Cards complain about salary caps but still have players like say… Holliday. There is no way Pujols will go to the Yanks they have Texeira, and no way he goes to the Sox they now have AGON.
I hear you, and to all of us making normal money I realize it’s hard to justify. But normally peoples’ lifestyles bump up right against their salary (i.e. if I got a 50% raise I would not be driving the same car or wearing the same watch or watching the same TV by about a week later). Athletes are just as bad (and quite possibly worse) and the more they make the more they spend.
“100 million dollars is enough for a huge number of people to live comfortably, even in the lavish metropolis of Detroit. ”
So is $400,000, the league minimum. In fact, US median HOUSEHOLD (not necessarily single-earner) income is about $50,000, so that’s roughly eight times more. A huge number of people could live comfortably on that.
The point isn’t how many people could live comfortably on a salary. Its about worth, and that’s relative to the industry. Albert Pujols is worth a heeeeelll of a lot more than $400k. He’s worth more than $100MM too, and at least in his mind he’s worth more than $200MM. That’s not greed, especially in an industry bringing in billions of dollars a year. It’s about what he considers a fair share of money he helps bring to his industry. And more importantly, it takes two to tango — he won’t get a dime more than somebody else agrees he’s worth.
Did you read my comment, jb226? I was explaining why Brad426’s argument never works, not why Pujols shouldn’t ask for a certain amount of money. I believe I stated that explicitly.
It’s Heyman reporting this… I wouldn’t put much stock in it.
Anyone know if Vlads press conference will be on MASN?
Anyone know if he is going to get to the podium via wheel chair?
I wish I could drive drunk, fight with an officer, then get 0 jail-time.
I’d be buried under the jail in 5 minutes flat.
This happens all the time. All the time. Pick up a newspaper.
What is this “news-paper” you speak of?
You forgot his incredibly wise decision to suck back on a bottle of scotch in front of the officers…that’s what’s killing me…
guess they “knew who he was”
Wow, how accurate is PECOTA? Deadly accurate. It has Cabrera down for 2.4 DUI’s this season, with a 35% chance of collapse.
This really isn’t very funny. I mean I’m all about ribbing players about different things, but the dude has a serious drinking problem. Seriously, couldn’t be in worst taste.
Agreed. Any human being, who displays that kind of behavior has some of my pity. He’s go a serious issue and I hope he gets help.
I’ve advised friends to get help and sent a brother to rehab for much less….
Yep, those are fair points. Apologies for offending.
It’s all good man–I mean it is a deplorable action and if laughing is how people cope and reason than who am I to judge? I just think we are loosing sight of the fact that this is a human being. He is a father, friend, husband, a person. Not just a ballplayer.
Like I said–it doesn’t matter who you are. If you display that kind of perturbed behavior then I hope that person gets the help they need. No one should have to suffer, whether it is their own doing or someone elses. We are all the same breed and I truly hope everyone on the face of this earth experiences the joys of lIfe like I have.
The best thing I like about this is his mug shot. I mean, who else gets drunk as hell and smiles in there mugshot and is happy about going to jail? Props to Cabrera
Props for getting a DUI? Really?
drinking and driving is the new possession of cocaine
Wow! Please look up the definition of the word “sarcasm”. I laugh at people that don’t recognize or understand it.
It’s the fact that he pounded on a bottle of scotch in front of the cops that’s killing me…
That’s some pretty deep stuff…I mean, that’s not something someone sane does…his problems are far deeper than we understand.
Yeah, it’ll probably happen again next year,(DUI) but I don’t expect it to affect the team like most people are saying.
But seriously though, I couldn’t help but laugh at his mugshot with a smile on his face.
They started the player draft in 1965, because the Yankees could offer higher signing bonuses. You need revenue sharing and a ceiling and a floor. The current system is not fair to fans of small market teams. The small market teams are a farm system for the big market teams.
Eh, I hardly buy that. Big market teams are usually filled with old dudes who are way past their prime making too much money. Small market teams don’t spend the money they could be spending to lock up their good players longer and could be just as competitive. Teams don’t make the world series without a strong contingent of home grown players and by the time players get old enough to hit free agency they’re only going to have a few good years left. Those rare players who hit free agency at 27 -9 were the results of teams failing to lock up their player.
The players reaching 6 years of service time at that age are generally exceptional talents and their teams often can’t afford to keep them and still field a competitive team.
Migel Cabrera is only 28 and signed his deal 3 years ago. Wasn’t A-rod a free agent at like age 24?
Yes, elite talents that their team had no shot of locking them up …
To suggest that the draft was created to even the playing field is to obfuscate the truth. The draft was created, perhaps somewhat with a mind to evening the playing field a bit, but mostly to prevent young players from getting a fair price for their services. Like almost everything MLB implements, the idea is to suppress operating costs and try to guarantee big profits for owners.
Is Holliday an unmovable contract or does he have a no trade clause? IF they could get rid of him then they could almost certainly afford to pay Big Pimpin Albert his 30 million per year.
anyone think migy is a little older than he says he is? No? me neither, he looks like he’s still 16
Who the hell smiles during their mugshot? lol and it would not surprise me if someone on here has that mugshot as their little picture.