Eric Chavez recently worked out for the Blue Jays, according to's Jerry Crasnick. The 33-year-old has been doing hitting, running and fielding drills for interested teams in Arizona and at least one talent evaluator likes what he has seen from the six-time Gold Glover.
"He's going to have a chance to go to somebody's camp," a scout told Crasnick. "He's moving around pretty good."
The Dodgers and Mariners have also expressed interest in Chavez this offseason. He hit .234/.276/.333 in 123 plate appearances last year before hitting the disabled list with neck spasms.
Chavez has seen his seasons end early in each of the last four years and he has five stints on the disabled list over the course of the last four campaigns. The 13-year veteran had five surgeries over a 22-month span from September, 2007 to June, 2009.
If Chavez is healthy, he could allow the Blue Jays to keep Jose Bautista in right field and Aaron Hill at second base. Both players have said they're willing to play the hot corner if necessary. Edwin Encarnacion, who played third for the Blue Jays last year, will return as a first baseman/DH, the team has said.
meh, it could be good. I always liked Chavez, too bad he’s had so many injury problems
Jays enter the bargain bin once again lol
low risk move but hard to see him return to form. id still rather have bautista at 3rd and davis in RF
I agree with you. By moving Bautista to third, you free up a lineup spot for Davis as lead-off, which gives Toronto a more balanced line-up and potentiel to have a RISP when the core comes to the plate
exactly what AA should do, Keeping Bautista in the field means reduced playing time for Snider and that will hinder his development. The only way I would want Bautista in the field is if Lawrie can actually stick and they move Hill to 3rd.
A. Bautista in RF would bench Davis, not Snider.
B. Lawrie is much more likely than Hill to be the guy who shifts to 3B
Because going and playing on artificial turf is a good idea when you’ve suffered countless back surgeries?
Third baseman probably spend 95% of their time on the dirt, not the turf. It’s more of an issue for outfielders.
I think his days of playing third are done. Is the material used under the dirt the same as the turf? Its not the turf that messes with you, its the concrete under the turf.
Rogers Centre is actually the one park left with those awful dirt cutouts around the bases rather than a proper dirt infield, so he actually would be playing a lot on the turf.
uh tell that to troy glaus
didnt glaus have knee and foot injuries though? it seems like chavez has a history of back and shoulder issues. do u think playing on turf will effect that?
his back? i think it could, but i’m not a doctor…i was just pointing out that a 3rd baseman at the roger’s centre will indeed spend a fair amount of time on the turf
If you’ve ever had any type of lower back ailment you’d find jarring steps do not give you the warm fuzzies.
The concrete is still below the field no matter where he is, isn’t it? Even if that weren’t the case, it’s not like infielders don’t do running, warmup, and conditioning drills in the outfield before every game.
They will actually roll out a 8 by 8 slab of some good ol grass for him to warm up on.
Playoffs!!!!! (one) !
There’s a sentence missing at the end:
Chavez promptly collapsed into a pile of dust at the end of the workout.
Ehhhh Chavyyyyy! I’d love to see him in Toronto, and if this is finally a healthy Chavez Jays could get a bargain. He’s been saying he’s finally healthy and scouts are saying he looks good. Get it done A.A.
he said the same thing last year
Stranger things have happened.
I doubt he will return to peak form but a guy who could hit .275/.340/480 with above average defence at 3B could be a just what toronto is looking for. Spot him in the 2nd spot in the order behind Escobar and the lineup would look really good.
If he does play at all, he will not post that slash line.
I like the idea of adding Chavez assuming it’s at a very low cost. At the very least he gives the Jays another option at third base and a lefty bat off of the bench. If he bounces back and becomes even a fascimile of his former self then the Jays are much better off with him at third and Bautista in right than Bautista at third and Davis in an outfielder corner. It’s a long shot, but what’s the down side in giving it a chance? The 2011 Jays lose a few more games and finish a bit further out of the race than they were already going to?
No. Just no.
Let him go play for the Pirates or the Reds. Even the Twins.
one of them “what have we got to lose” scenarios, I guess, but my hope is for Damon to stick at the top of the order vs RHP – Damon, Escobar, Bautista, Wells, Lind, Hill, Snider, JP, Davis … vs LHP Davis, Escobar, Bautista, Wells, Lind, Hill, Encarnacion, JP, Snider
Damon? boo that. Also why do you have Snider hitting 9th against RHP? Related question, did you like Cito’s managing style last year?
damon? oh man that would annoy me
It seems like the Angels would want to take a peek at the oft-injured Chavez. I don’t expect much out of him, but why not? It wouldn’t take a ton to out-perform Brandon Wood or Callaspo.
wrap him up in bubble wrap and sign him
The Jays also may as well kick the tires on Joe Crede. I don’t know whose health issues are worse, Crede or Chavez (though my bet is Chavez), but either would represent a decent low cost investment for a backup third baseman.
Let’s not kid ourselves into thinking that either are up to the challenge of playing every day. Whether Jays fans like it or not, Bautista is the everyday guy at 3rd and the outfield will probably consist of Wells, Snider, and Davis, with Corey Patterson playing against righties.
I’ve been on the Rogers Centre turf quite a few times. Since they replaced the ‘fake grass’ with the new astro turf last year, it actually has a lot of give. Shouldn’t be a problem.
Have you just walked on it or actually played? I imagine it’d be different to play 80 games on it than just to walk a few times. Not trying to sound obnoxious or anything in case I come off that way.
He may have done some drills for scouts, but my feeling is, Eric Chavez won’t work out for anybody in 2011.
Can’t decide whats worse: giving Eric Chavez everyday playing time, or giving Rajai Davis everyday playing time.
crede maybe??? but at the same time i dont like it…why trade for raja if your not going to use him as anything other than a 4th of…..synder in left, raja in center, wells to right(his lowering speed and range it makes sense) bautista at 3rd lind at 1st and sign a DH if you guys want to spend the big buck bring vlad back to canada(i know a different team) but throw the money at him, thome is the next best option probably and he would work with EE as a platoon guy. Manny is interesting as well but i would give him more of an incentive based deal…there is always damon or jones to platoon at DH with EE…over all a strong good team and finally got some speed guys(after losing rios) with davis to set the table
i wouldnt promise any more than a bench job to this guy. he could theoretically push davis out of the starting lineup if he returns to decent form, but you kinda know what you’re getting from davis (.280/.330, 40 SB’s, no power, hopefully 80+ runs scored) whereas chavez is a total wildcard. i’d prefer davis to start.
plus i dont think playing bautista at 3rd this year is all that bad an idea. its pretty obvious that davis is not a long term OF for the jays, so if the jays opt to retain bautista after this year, he can go back to right field and hopefully lawrie is playing 3B adequately by then. until bautista proves he is for real, i wouldnt promise him anything position-wise either
I’d like the see the Red Sox sign Chavez as a corner IF bench bat. I know they have the Jedi master himself coming off the bench (assuming he doesn’t beat out Scutaro for the SS job), but Chavez could definitely be useful.