MLBTR named 85 non-tender candidates back on November 2nd. Since then, 23 of those players were cut loose early. A couple more have signed new deals or been traded. Here's an updated list of our speculative non-tender candidates for Thursday night's deadline. Non-tendering a player makes him a free agent. Be sure to bookmark our new non-tender tracker, as it will be constantly updated as decisions roll in.
Position players
Willy Aybar
Travis Buck
Ryan Church
Jack Cust
Matt Diaz
Edwin Encarnacion
Josh Fields
Mike Fontenot
Kevin Frandsen
Alberto Gonzalez
Tony Gwynn
Scott Hairston
J.J. Hardy
Joe Inglett
Conor Jackson
Dan Johnson
Kevin Kouzmanoff
Fred Lewis
James Loney
Jose Lopez
Russell Martin
Jeff Mathis
Dioner Navarro
Wil Nieves
Augie Ojeda
Ronny Paulino
Brayan Pena
Jason Repko
Reggie Willits
Josh Wilson
Jeremy Accardo
Matt Albers
Blaine Boyer
Jared Burton
D.J. Carrasco
Todd Coffey
Clay Condrey
Lance Cormier
Kyle Davies
Manny Delcarmen
Zach Duke
J.P. Howell
Bobby Jenks
Jeff Karstens
Jensen Lewis
John Maine
Dustin McGowan
Dustin Moseley
Pat Neshek
Dustin Nippert
Hideki Okajima
Tony Pena
Glen Perkins
Chris Ray
George Sherrill
Joe Smith
Chien-Ming Wang
Bye bye Jeremy Accardo
He’s already thrown his Last Vegas 51’s hat in the garbage
Dustin Mcgowan = Tendered or non tendered/resigned
No more Chris Carpenters please.
I laugh that you put Loney’s name on there. No matter what the fans or analysts think of him, there’s no way that the Dodgers just let him go.
Regardless if it is the right move.
Oh I agree that it’s the right move. But most GM’s still haven’t left the old thinking. They see his batting average and RBI totals and will want to keep him, guaranteed.
It would be best for the Dodgers to non-tender him and get one of the 1B on the market like Lee, LaRoche, or Pena. None of those guys should cost too much and would be a big improvement over Loney with the bat, with little to no drop off in defense.
Wren still needs to fill out the bullpen and our bench, I’d assume he’s waiting until after the non-tender deadline to see who he can grab off the scrap heap for cheap. He’s been very good with minor trades, signings, and claims.
You appear to have given the link for your Non-Tender Tracker its unconditional release. (Dead link.) I see the real link further down the front page, but you may want to correct that.
If the twins NT Perkins, rays should get him
One thing to remember is that teams can non-tender non-arbitration eligible players; the Yankees did it with Darrell Rasner, and the D-Backs did it with Josh Whitesell a few years ago. So the list of “non-tender” candidates technically should include anyone not officially under contract for 2011.
Also, the Mariners outrighted Sean White to the minors a few weeks ago; he’s a minor league free agent and shouldn’t be on the list.
That being said, I think that unless they can work out a trade in the next few hours, Jose Lopez is done as a Mariner, and I believe that both Ryan Rowland-Smith and Garrett Olson are also non-tender candidates (I believe that both are arbitration-eligible at this point.)
I would not mind the whitesox resigning josh fields he showed some great things in 07, was hurt in 08 and under a ton of pressure with gordon beckham behind him in 09(and still didnt have that bad of a year) and hurt again in 10….he would be a solid power hitting back up 3rd, 1st, LF, RF, DH and has more pop than teahan…also george sherill would be a nice lefty in the pen for the whitesox…not a closer or set up but a nice lefty guy for the middle innings untill threets is back next year after TJ
Dustin McGowan is not getting non-tendered, might as well take him off the list. AA has already been quoted as saying that the Blue Jays will give “Dustin every chance to come back from injury”
Also worth noting, Rick Langford (last year’s BP coach), will be the Jays pitching rehabilitation coach this year. Guys he’s probably rehabbing right now are Hayhurst, Litsch and McGowan. I’ve heard that Litsch and Hayhurst are already throwing, but haven’t heard a peep about McGowan.
Yeah, McGowan has resigned already.
Do you have a link? I have a press release saying he was reinstated from the 40-man, but nothing saying he re-signed.
Do you have a link? I have a press release saying he was reinstated from the 40-man, but nothing saying he re-signed.
I hope you’re right about Matt Albers, he needed to leave yesterday