Nolan Ryan told Brian Costa of the Wall Street Journal that he expects the Yankees to outbid the Rangers for Cliff Lee (Twitter link). The Rangers will try to sell the appeal of Texas to Lee, an Arkansas native, but they don't have the same spending power as the Yankees.
The Rangers met with Lee at his home on Monday, less than a week after the Yankees made the same trip. Lee will command a deal worth more than $100MM and no team wants to enter a bidding war with the Yankees, but the Rangers can afford to make multiple free agent additions this winter, according to FOX Sports. It's not just the Yankees and Rangers, of course; the Nationals are among the other interested teams.
That’s okay. Rangers still have the tax issue in their favor.
And the Yanks have marketing opportunities that Texas can’t touch.
Bingo. That is going to more than make up for any tax differences.
That was the same reason behind LeBron choosing New York over Miami – better marketing opportunities.
FAirly obviously money wasn’t important to Lebron. He would have stayed in Cleveland if it was. No one could have paid more for him, and he already had so many endorsements.
The Yanks bid $161 million on CC. The next closest bid was $100 million.
Is there any doubt they’ll beat the next closest Lee bid by 61%?
Angels offered $140M. Just an observation.
No. The Angels never offered $140. CC would have been an Angel, if true.
Why would he have left $21M on the table? Because he wanted to stay on the West Coast? You don’t think there is anyway he just said that to drive up the Yankees offer….
Yes, he had the Yankee’s original 6/140 offer in his pocket for over a month hoping the Angels, and to a lesser extent the Giants, were going to match it. The only 2 official offers he ever received were the 5/100 offer from Milwaukee and the 6/140 from NYY. Once it became clear his preference was west coast (and NL, so he could hit), the Yankee’s sweetened the deal by adding another 21 million AND offering an opt-out clause after 3 years.
To this day, I wonder about that opt out clause and whether or not it will come back to bite the Yanks in the butt.
“November 25, 2008|Bill Shaikin | Shaikin is a Times staff writer.
The Angels, unwilling to meet Mark Teixeira’s desire for a 10-year contract, are in discussions with CC Sabathia and could offer him a contract that approaches the $140-million bid extended to him by the New York Yankees.
The Angels appear reluctant to guarantee more than seven years in a contract for Teixeira, said a source familiar with the club’s thinking. They appear more likely at this time to pursue Sabathia, with an offer in the range of Johan Santana’s six-year, $137.5-million contract with the New York Mets”.
Because the Angels thought they had a chance to sign Tex the Yanks decided to up their offer to $161 in a proactive attempt to nail down CC rather than to allow the Angels to miss out on Tex and then turn their sights towards CC.
This is a beat writer speculating the Angels COULD set their sights on CC…. which we later found out never happened.
Please pull up the article stating Reagins offered CC $140M. That’s what I’m looking for.
“November 25, 2008|Bill Shaikin | Shaikin is a Times staff writer.
The Angels, unwilling to meet Mark Teixeira’s desire for a 10-year contract, are in discussions with CC Sabathia and could offer him a contract that approaches the $140-million bid extended to him by the New York Yankees.
The Angels appear reluctant to guarantee more than seven years in a contract for Teixeira, said a source familiar with the club’s thinking. They appear more likely at this time to pursue Sabathia, with an offer in the range of Johan Santana’s six-year, $137.5-million contract with the New York Mets”.
Because the Angels thought they had a chance to sign Tex the Yanks decided to up their offer to $161 in a proactive attempt to nail down CC rather than to allow the Angels to miss out on Tex and then turn their sights towards CC.
In other news, the sky is blue.
Yes. I’m filing this story under “DUUUUUUUH.” It’s still newsworthy that Ryan will cop to it, but it’s sadly obvious all the same.
The ONLY story intended here is that Ryan made the comment. Coming from some reporter, it would not be newsworthy, but coming from Nolan Ryan, it’s news.
Then at least run up the price tag, Nolan! Come in at $ 150 million for six years, and they’ll have to go higher- and they will.
This would be funny, but I’m sure if they did this then they would be stuck with Lee for 6/150.
I’m still going with Lee stays in Texas, or at the very least somewhere other than NY.
Did you also think Sabathia wasn’t going to NY? It’s fairly obvious that the Yankee$ are going to buy Lee sooner or later.
I think the Yankees would top that. The annual value is just above CC’s money, but the total amount is just below CC’s 161 million. It’s in the ballpark around where this will settle down.
Not only that, think of the luxury tax! The Rangers would only have to pay the $150M if Lee took the offer. The Yankees would have to pay an ever-escalating percentage of luxury tax as they go ever more in excess of the limit.
Low wage teams get a windfall….some might even use it to buy baseball players instead of a new yacht for the plutocrat owner.
Actually, 75% of the “luxury tax” dollars go to the players to run their programs like pension funds, etc. That’s what it took to get the MLBPA to agree to any tax.
If that’s true, all the more reason to tie the Yankees in knots by bidding the price through the roof. The luxury tax prevents homeless ex ballplayers.
There will come a time when even the Yankees choke on these unsustainable contracts. In 2014 Jeter, A-Rod, CC, Teixeira and Lee, one fifth of the roster, will be owed more than $100M all all will be way past their shelf life. We can even hope three or more are no longer on the active roster, and have to be replaced. Nothing would be more of a win-win for baseball than a terrible Yankee team with a $300M payroll.
Bid, Nolan, Bid! It’s your duty to the rest of us.
Nolan has a solid grasp of the obvious
how is this news?
exactly. tell me when new york signs him for half a billion. then we can talk.
It’s news because Nolan Ryan came right out and said it.
Surprised that they didn’t add that the Rangers also have the advantage that Texas doesn’t have state income tax, so Lee doesn’t have to make as much per year to earn the same in Texas! Plus with NY continually raising their taxes, that actually maybe appealing to Lee.
River Ave Blues recently wrote an article about how the state income tax “advantage” is severely overblown.
You are right, it is way overblown. I could almost guarantee that when agents and GM’s discuss deals, they are in after tax dollars. These nice round numbers that get reported in the media are simplified for us common folk.
If it really mattered that much, players would be lining up to sign with the Rangers, Astros, Marlins, Rays, etc…
I would be willing to bet my house that the extra money Lee makes in NY through endorsements dwarfs any tax advantage that Texas might have. I mean even Joe Girardi has his own TacoBell commercial.
Or, you can follow after Jeter and fraudulently withhold $10M in taxes.
Exactly. A good accountant can work wonders when it comes to taxes. I am sure Cliff has at least a decent one working for him.
Yes, I read that all offers are in after tax dollars and all parties are aware of the take home amounts. Also, and this is something new to me, players are taxed at different rates. 81 games at their home city/state tax rate and a 81 games at the rate they play each series in. Crazy…
From everything Ive read, I dont think saving a few % in taxes will keep Lee in Texas if the Yankees bid $1.00/year more. Lee sounds like a guy who would pitch on Mars if the Martians paid the most.
The marketing advantages of playing in New York obliterate any state tax advantages.
I guess Cliff Notes and Lee Jeans just found their new spokesperson?
Nolan – Here’s what it cost in MLB – Starting pitchers basically 500k to 1M per win.If you project Lee at 20 wins – Salary 20M+.MLB is like a poker game if you don’t have the money don”t get in. Don’t sign Lee no playoffs – Fans watch Cowboys in August. Your call
Why would anyone watch the Cowboys ever?
Brian -u are right should have been Mavs exb games
Big game this weekend with No. 1 draft pick implications. Cowboys vs Lions!
The Lions ONE playoff win in the last 50 years was against Dallas.
Too bad the Panthers are going for #1 overall. Lion’s could end up with #3 though (The Bills will get #2)
You’re a genius. I’m sure Nolan had no idea…
Wow there’s a surprise.
This just in…. Dinosaurs are extinct…
I hope the Yankees give Lee 7 years and he promptly goes all Carl Pavano on them.
I wouldn’t wish injury on any player.
Lee is all about the money which he gets in any event.
“Ryan Expects Yanks To Outbid Rangers For Lee”
Thanks, Nostradamus!
Nolan Ryan has been there before as a player too. When he signed the deal with the Astros in 1980, his former GM, Buzzi Bavasi later said it was the biggest mistake of his career. What this has to do with Lee and the Rangers is that Ryan may be able to appeal to Lee in a way other than the dangling money carrot offered by the NYY. Ryan was insulted by Bavasi, and Ryan will only show respect for Lee. The Yankees on the other hand, expect every MLB player to want to play for them, and to play for the money. I hope Lee stays with the Rangers.
I think most MLB players would want to play for the Yankees. They contend each and every year (they have only missed the playoffs once since the strike), they play in the biggest market, and they pay their players top dollar. Unless you are someone with weak nerves like Greinke, why wouldn’t you want to play for them?
I don’t disagree with you. But I think to win a championship with a team like the Rangers, it would certainly be a bit more unique. The Yankees have won it so many times over the years, I would think the fiercest competitors would want to carry their own team to the promised land. The biggest market doesn’t mean anything, unless the player is only in it for the money.
Lebron James disagrees.
Lebron James disagrees.
No beards, no long hair, and a every man for himself mentality in the clubhouse… yeah, sounds like a great team to play for…. not!
Except that was the opposite of how it’s been since 2009. Nice try. Texas on the other hand…..sweltering heat and their long standing burning pride to be the best they can be and win at all costs attitude. (Sigh) nothing like that tradition. Ruben Sierra, Pete Incaviglia, Bobby Witt, Darrel Porter, Dean Palmer…..good times.
How dare the Yankees insult ballplayers by taking them out, wining and dining them and offering to pay them above market value. Those blimy Yankee bastards!!!
comment removed
Nice try.
“Doi” comes to mind
Lee? Hmm.. that’s quite a prediction. I got nothing else to say on this subject.
Man…I hope we aren’t going back already to the old ways…it would be good if: The Rangers keep Lee. It gives hope to teams outside the AL East that they can compete with the Red Sox and Yankees and allows the Rangers to keep their young talent intact. It would be bad if: the Yankees get Lee, the Rangers throw a huge amount of young talent at the Royals to get Greinke…and then after Greinke’s contract ends…he goes to the Yankees because they can still afford to pay all their top vets with a team payroll going past 1/2 billion per year. Still, the latter route is exactly how MLB has rolled in the past. We’ll see if Ryan is speaking truth or just trying to make the Yankees lowball Lee.
Simple solution for Texas…go after Jeter. Make him a 5 year $30MM offer. NO WAY the Yanks let him leave and wear another uniform. Take a roster spot off the Yanks for the next 5 years for messing with you Nolan!
This is only the known truth, the Yankees have more money than the Rangers so they can out bid the Rangers. The thing is, is the will the money difference be that big? If so, Lee is a Yankee if not Lee is a Ranger. Who cares if Lee is a good friend with C.C., he is also good friend with C.J. Wilson. Then you say the Yankees have the best shot of making it? that is bogus, because the Rangers are built to win for years to come unlike the Yankees who have to spend loads of money. Lee lives in Arkansas, and loves to hunt…can’t go hunting in New York, but can in Arkansas when you live only a few hours away. He has a FAMILY who has been moving all over the place, and I am sure would love to be closer to home, or well would love their father/husband to be closer to home. Arlington provides youth built to win, close to home, great ownership, best chemistry in baseball…and the list goes on. The Yankees…have money, older veteran players, and a past. Plus, what if the Rangers can sign Victor Martinez, the guy Lee has pitched to the most in his career? Lee has a big decision and he could go either way, but I myself feel, the Rangers have more to offer Lee.
I live in New York and I’ve hunted deer like 2 hours outside of Manhattan in the catskill mountains. What are you talking about? And The Yankees have plenty of young Talent in the minors. Dont be surprised if in 4 years the Yankees have a lot younger of a team.
No hunting in NY? You ever ride the #2 train thru the Bronx late at night? Rats the size of German Shepards. Might even find some gator. YOu really think CLiff Lee throwing to VMart for the next 4 years would be an incentive? Matter of fact I think Shoppach caught Lee more often than Martinez did in the last couple of years.
Who know’s where he’s going to go but anti-Yankee fans are getting quite creative w/ their justifications as to where Lee is going.
I would rather the Yankees let Lee stay in Texas and go after Carl Crawford. I really don’t think Gardner should be an everyday player. They should then package Joba and Gardner and several marginal prospects for a Pitcher.
You don’t think Gardner should be an everyday player? A plus plus defender who put up a .358 wOBA and was worth more than 5 wins last year should not be an everyday player?
The Yankess bore me to tears. Every year they buy the best players. Is that really fun? I always enjoyed the teams that developed their own talent, and THEN lost those players to the Yankees, or occasionally to Yankees Norte (Red Sox).
Because we all know the Yankees never developer their own talent from their farm system. No one who has ever come out of that farm system has been a star in the majors….nope…can’t think of a one….-_-
Ya because Nick Johnson was the best on the free agent market last year
I think he was thinking of Randy Winn.
I think he was thinking of Randy Winn.