You've seen my Top 50 Free Agent predictions. Now it's time to add the opinions of our other writers. Below are side-by-side predictions from Steve Adams, Mark Polishuk, Ben Nicholson-Smith, and Mike Axisa for the same 50 free agents.
Rank | Player | Tim Dierkes | Steve Adams | Mark Polishuk | Ben Nicholson-Smith | Mike Axisa |
1 | Cliff Lee | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees |
2 | Carl Crawford | Angels | Angels | Angels | Angels | Angels |
3 | Adrian Beltre | Red Sox | Angels | Red Sox | Red Sox | Angels |
4 | Jayson Werth | Red Sox | Red Sox | Tigers | Red Sox | Red Sox |
5 | Adam Dunn | Cubs | Tigers | Cubs | Tigers | Tigers |
6 | Victor Martinez | Tigers | Tigers | Tigers | Rangers | Orioles |
7 | Rafael Soriano | Angels | Angels | Diamondbacks | Angels | Angels |
8 | Mariano Rivera | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees |
9 | Paul Konerko | White Sox | White Sox | Diamondbacks | White Sox | Diamondbacks |
10 | Derek Jeter | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees |
11 | Hiroki Kuroda | Pirates | Mets | Orioles | Rangers | Rangers |
12 | Jorge De La Rosa | Royals | Pirates | Brewers | Tigers | Brewers |
13 | Carl Pavano | Twins | Brewers | Twins | Twins | Rangers |
14 | Jake Westbrook | Cardinals | Cardinals | Cardinals | Cardinals | Cardinals |
15 | Aubrey Huff | Giants | Giants | Giants | Giants | Cubs |
16 | Juan Uribe | Dodgers | Cardinals | Cardinals | Cardinals | Giants |
17 | Carlos Pena | Nationals | Nationals | Nationals | Nationals | Nationals |
18 | Jim Thome | Rays | Twins | Twins | Twins | Twins |
19 | Vladimir Guerrero | Rangers | Rangers | Rangers | Rays | Unemployed |
20 | Manny Ramirez | Athletics | Blue Jays | Athletics | Athletics | Rangers |
21 | Magglio Ordonez | Blue Jays | Tigers | Tigers | Blue Jays | Tigers |
22 | Orlando Hudson | Cardinals | Padres | Rockies | Rockies | Cardinals |
23 | Derrek Lee | Brewers | Brewers | Orioles | Brewers | Red Sox |
24 | Lance Berkman | Diamondbacks | Cubs | Rangers | Mariners | Rockies |
25 | Andy Pettitte | Retirement | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees | Yankees |
26 | Jon Garland | Rockies | Rockies | Rockies | Orioles | Mets |
27 | A.J. Pierzynski | Marlins | Marlins | Marlins | Marlins | Marlins |
28 | Miguel Olivo | Rangers | Rangers | Dodgers | White Sox | Dodgers |
29 | John Buck | Red Sox | Red Sox | Red Sox | Red Sox | Red Sox |
30 | Javier Vazquez | Nationals | Nationals | Nationals | Nationals | Nationals |
31 | Scott Downs | Red Sox | Red Sox | Yankees | Yankees | Red Sox |
32 | J.J. Putz | Tigers | Diamondbacks | Dodgers | Dodgers | Diamondbacks |
33 | Brian Fuentes | Diamondbacks | Yankees | Braves | Diamondbacks | Phillies |
34 | Adam LaRoche | Orioles | Orioles | Brewers | Cubs | Giants |
35 | Hisanori Takahashi | Phillies | Phillies | Nationals | Orioles | Mariners |
36 | Pat Burrell | Padres | Braves | Mariners | Braves | Braves |
37 | Joaquin Benoit | Rays | Rays | Tigers | Red Sox | Rays |
38 | Kevin Millwood | Padres | Royals | Pirates | Mariners | Brewers |
39 | Kevin Correia | Brewers | Mets | Pirates | Pirates | Brewers |
40 | Arthur Rhodes | Reds | Reds | Reds | Reds | Reds |
41 | Pedro Feliciano | Phillies | Phillies | Phillies | Phillies | Twins |
42 | Grant Balfour | Yankees | Diamondbacks | Diamondbacks | Diamondbacks | Dodgers |
43 | Kerry Wood | Cubs | Cubs | Mets | Cubs | Braves |
44 | Scott Podsednik | Reds | Dodgers | Giants | Giants | Dodgers |
45 | Yorvit Torrealba | Dodgers | Padres | Rangers | Padres | Padres |
46 | Hideki Matsui | Mariners | Rays | Mariners | Rangers | Unemployed |
47 | Johnny Damon | White Sox | White Sox | White Sox | Royals | Royals |
48 | Kevin Gregg | Braves | Blue Jays | Angels | Braves | Cardinals |
49 | Koji Uehara | Mets | Tigers | Twins | Twins | Red Sox |
50 | Brandon Webb | Nationals | Mariners | Nationals | Rangers | Red Sox |
Does Konerko not like hitting in San Francisco? He seems to be a great fit and lives where the Giants have spring training.
konerko also lives where the diamondbacks play regular season games soooooo………….. i dont see why he would pick spring training home over regular season ballpark. i think he goes to ARI
They don’t have the money to pay him. He stays in Chi.
I have $10 on Nicholson-Smith.
Glad to hear it TheodoreRoosevelt!
and i dont see the red sox grabbing uehara and webb but i could see them with webb. epstein loves his low risk high reward signings and webb certainly is just that.
The only thing that stops me from being 100% positive that Paul Konerko is staying with the White Sox is that Kenny Williams is the most unpredictable GM in the game.
this is true but kenny also knows how badly he screwed up last spring, I doubt he goes that crazy this season…Well at least unitll a few things are donw like siging konerko to a 2-3 year deal worth 25-35 mill….resigning putz, and andruw jones…He will probably take a flier out on Pena and Dunn as plan b’s to konerko to to DH, and he will probably look into trading floyd+quentin to get his left handed bat he need if he does not get pena or dunn…..I like pena simply becasue in terms of defense he is the best on the market and has huge power, he would destroy in the cell
why does no one think pirates wont sign anyone? besides correia and millwood i dont want them millwood sucks and correia isnt good kuroda maybe i would try webb or bonderman he has a good slider what do u think people?????
Take what u can get.
are u serious right now? do u know what millwood numbers were last year?? he was 4-16 yea 4-16 and u tell me take what u can get.. he will be 36 next month he is at the end of his career i say give it up. correia was 10-10 and there both era are over 5.00+ HOW ARE THESE TWO PITCHERS IN THE TOP 50 FREE AGENTS?? its a joke looking at those numbers id have bonderman i like bonderman he is a good quality pitcher compare. DOES ANYONE LOOK AT THERE STATS BEFORE PUTTING THEM UP ON THE TOP 50 FREE AGENTS?? LOL
Saying Millwood was 4-16 means nothing. How about you include his awful WHIP, ERA and BB/9
Record means nothing. Roy Oswalt would have plenty to say on this subject.
You have the worst owner in baseball, like he said, take what you can get.
Record means nothing. Roy Oswalt would have plenty to say on this subject.
You have the worst owner in baseball, like he said, take what you can get.
Bonderman has been far worse than both of the other two pitchers you were ranting about over the past 2-3 years. Not to mention that he has been injured far more than the other two. Here’s to you getting your wish and the Pirates winding up in the cellar for a fifth straight season. Enjoy!
Millwood is, at the very least, durable, and that counts for something. His 4-16 is more a reflection of the team he pitched for than it is his own abilities.
Millwood should be good for in the neighborhood of 180-190 league-average (or better) innings, which qualifies him for the back-end of this list. A move out of the AL East would likely result in his unimpressive numbers improving considerably, especially if it’s to the NL.
Jeremy Bonderman, your proposed alternative, had a worse season across the board. Millwood was better in terms of K/9, BB/9, WAR, ERA, FIP, and xFIP than Bonderman. He allowed HRs at a slightly higher rate, but that’s playing in a smaller park and a better division. Bonderman also has far more of an injury history in recent years. I’d say Millwood easily qualifies for the list ahead of Bonderman.
And, for what it’s worth, I predicted De La Rosa to the Buccos in my list.
Bonderman wasn’t on our top 50 free agent list, but I can see him signing in Pittsburgh. This is far from a complete list of free agents.
Bonderman?! Please, take him away so we aren’t even tempted to resign him. Dude is a lost cause due to injuries. He’l log about 170 innings with an ERA over 5 if that is what you desire from your 5th starter.
With those kind of peripherals, he will be a perfect fit in PITT.
With those kind of peripherals, he will be a perfect fit in PITT.
I know it would take forever to do and forever to read but it would be interesting to see where all you guys think the other free agents will land…maybe like a top 150 list…?
My guess would be because they’re the Pirates.
u really think pirates are just going to keep losing?? i can answer that NO there is going to be a time were its going to stop and Pittsburgh will really be called THE CITY OF CHAMPIONS!!
The Pirates org is in better shape than it has been in years, but they’re not just a free agent or two away from competing. Making small, conservative moves is the way this team should be running itself – this will give them freedom to make that big free agent splash when they are ready to compete. Patience, Pirates412, you’ve obviously lasted this long.
“u really think pirates are just going to keep losing??”
Check ; Jorge De La Rosa.
I do not see uribe going to the dodgers or the cardinals.
The Cards are on the record saying they want a middle infielder, a guy who can hit 15-20 HR, and depth for third base. Uribe fits all of those catgories. He has to be high on their list.
and i bet the rangers will resign lee, just a gut feeling but im going with my instincts, Lee stays in TEXAS
Are you really going by your gut, or are you going by your “Yankees Suck” icon?
Predicting Fuentes to the Braves makes zero sense. We already have three lefties with above-average stuff in Venters, O’Flaherty, and Dunn.
Don’t forget very pricey.
And what arm did Billy Wagner pitch with? His left , so that does make sense.Wood be my choice over Fuentes but I wouldn’t mind having either 1.
Wagner has nothing to do with this because we don’t need a closer. Kimbrel is our closer going forward, and Wren wants to get a RH set-up man to complement Venters. There’s no need for us to carry four lefties in the ‘pen, especially when none of them are going to be our closer.
Who was correct the most last year?
Only Tim did it last year, from what I seen.
Wow, neat idea. Thanks for the team search function.
Wait, what? How?
Protip: type ctrl+f, enter the name of the team you want to search for, and hit “enter.”
Not sure I agree with the combo of the Jays signing nobody AND two DH types being unemployed.
Adam Lind hopes you’re wrong.
This Free Agent Prediction stuff sounds like fun.Is there any possibility of you guys doing a Trade Prediction ?
I say LaRoche and Hudson sign with the Jays. Move Hill to third and call it an offseason.
If the Jays plan on playing Lind at first, someone needs to get on the phone with Johnny O as a Spring Training instructor.
this is great!
i was so hoping to see someone pick Mo or Jeter to go to a different team…
I’m just saying not being rude or anything but this isnt a top 50 free agents list.. not even close.. millwood on it? what? he posted 4-16 with over 5+ era?? how is he in here?? bonderman
There’s just not a lot of good free agents beyond the top 10-15. The FA class deteriorates fast.
So now 3 guys think the Brewers will be going with an all right handed lineup for 2011?
With Carpenter, Wainwright, Dempster, Zambrano, Cueto, Volquez, Arroyo, and Myers in the same division? Two chances of this happening: Slim and None and Slim just left town.
Lee hit a paltry .243/.321/.412 vs. RH starters. Fielder in an off year hit .262/.415/.522 against them. Lee is hardly a candidate to replace Prince.
What happened to 2008’s American League All-Star game catcher, Dioner Navarro? He is going to play somewhere other than Tampa Bay!
He won’t be more than a backup.
Not a huge fan of these predictions…Why aren’t the Mets signing Cliff Lee???
Oh right! …womp.
i like steve adams predictions the most
Berkman is the only player on that list that no two people agree on a same team. I find that interesting and as I believed all along, I think Berkman is one of the better free agent options. Unlike many other free agent DH’rs, at least he can still field a position and has the ability to switch sides of the plate. I think along with Dunn and Konerko, you’re looking at the three best 1st base/DH options for many teams.
And yeah, I agree with Tim, my money is on Pettitte retiring this winter. Call it a gut feeling. I have no preference either way. He is a lock for 150 IP at a minimum if he stays.
I don’t know if I’d say he has the ability to switch anymore. He does it because he’s stubborn. He was 130 points worse in OBP as a right-handed hitter than as a left-handed hitter in 2010, and that’s been a trend.
I like this Steve Adams folk. Tigers get Adam Dunn, Victor Martinez AND resign Magglio?! That would be amazing but best case scenario would be getting one of the big FA hitters and resigning maggs to a discounted price. But damn…Ordonez, Cabrera, Dunn, and Vmart would be one hell of a middle of the order.
The Tigers have loads of money coming off the books, and have a solid 1-2-3 combo in the rotation already; I think they’ll make a big offensive splash. Originally, I had them signing Werth and Dunn, not V-Mart, but I just don’t think the Red Sox will let themselves be outbid.
With all the money the Tigers have, I think they’re going to be scary in 2011.
I like the thought but I don’t see maggs, dunn, and VMart being a possibility. Where would the tigers put VMart on the days that they want to get Avila in there? DH and 1st would be filled.
I think that can be part of their appeal to Dunn as they can promise him some occasional outfield time in that scenario. I realize that’s a scary bad outfield defense, but it might be a sacrifice they make to get his bat into their order. They could sit Magglio on those days to preserve his health, thereby keeping Raburn in the lineup and salvaging some defense. Depends how Leyland wants to shuffle things.
It’s not a perfect scenario, admittedly. I think it’s a problem the Tigers will be glad to have, given all the offense it presents. It’s one small flaw in the Dunn/VMart to Detroit scenario, but ultimately, I think the Tigers will simply outbid others for Dunn given the money they have available.
Tim and Steve,
Takahasi and Feliciano to the Phillies? Another low blow to the Mets. I hope this happens because it would be nice seeing some lefties in the bullpen, if only they could get rid of them in their lineup…
Tim and Steve,
Takahasi and Feliciano to the Phillies? Another low blow to the Mets. I hope this happens because it would be nice seeing some lefties in the bullpen, if only they could get rid of them in their lineup…
Manny Ramirez to Oakland?! Not too sure what I think about that. Yes they need a bat but he is already on his way down hill and not sure how he will fit in the clubhouse. He can still give you about 20 HR and about 80 RBI’s. I mean anything is better than jack cust. Get Ramirez, sign matsui and iwakuma. That would put fans in the stands and a threat in the west with our great pitching.
Manny Ramirez to Oakland?! Not too sure what I think about that. Yes they need a bat but he is already on his way down hill and not sure how he will fit in the clubhouse. He can still give you about 20 HR and about 80 RBI’s. I mean anything is better than jack cust. Get Ramirez, sign matsui and iwakuma. That would put fans in the stands and a threat in the west with our great pitching.
Don’t be surprised guys if Crawford goes to the Yankees. I can really see them dealing Granderson or Swisher to have Gardner in CF and Crawford in LF. If they can make that happen good luck getting any doubles in the gaps.
I don’t think that Matsui or Vladmir Gurrero (can’t spell his name) will be unemployed. They both still have productive bats 90 RBI potential, and there still are teams like Seattle, San Diego and Oakland that require that production. Plus, they would not require long-term commitment or a huge annual salary.
I don’t think that Matsui or Vladmir Gurrero (can’t spell his name) will be unemployed. They both still have productive bats 90 RBI potential, and there still are teams like Seattle, San Diego and Oakland that require that production. Plus, they would not require long-term commitment or a huge annual salary.
I would love to know why Mike Axisa thinks Matsui and Vlad are going to be unemployed
a better question is why Mike Axisa thinks the Rangers would even thing about signing Manny Ramirez the drama-queen if Vlad goes unemployed. Manny doesnt even offer anything that Vlad couldn’t do.
Nicholson-Smith thinks the Rangers are going to follow the Angels’ example and sign Hideki Matsui. Really? Why would the Rangers make the same mistake that the Angels did? (that being let Vlad walk and hire an inferior Matsui to take his place)
I would love to know why Mike Axisa thinks Matsui and Vlad are going to be unemployed
kevin Gregg to the angels? Really? He was a nutcase similar to brendan donnelly. The guy already played for them and the angels almost never bring back previous players.
kevin Gregg to the angels? Really? He was a nutcase similar to brendan donnelly. The guy already played for them and the angels almost never bring back previous players.
very good post. itll be fun to look back at this after the offseason
Giants are my Dark Horse to get Crawford. Giants pitching staff is so good that it makes them the best bet aside from the Yankees to get to the postseason. Add Triples Alley into the mix at AT&T and you’re looking at the potential for an MVP type season. No way he goes to the Angels. That team is junk and is going nowhere.
Lincecum, Cain, Bumgarner, Sanchez = Thanks for coming out to the every other major league team. If you’re a batter, you wanna be on our team, not playing against us. Peace
Junk? The Angels had a crappy year and need to improve at a few positions, but they’re hardly junk. If Morales comes back healthy, which all indications so far say he will, that’s basically like adding a free agent slugger to their lineup. Bourjos is a remarkable improvement on OF defense and speed…so much that he’d only have to hit in the low .200’s to be a valuable player. They really need a legit 3rd baseman and perhaps a new LF/leadoff hitter. Abreu could also be an option to leadoff from the DH spot…he still had an OBP in the .350s despite an unlucky year on BABIP. A closer would be nice too, but they’ve got young guys in Walden, Kohn, Thompson, etc who might be able to step up and do it. On top of this, they’ve got money to spend.
I’d match Weaver, Haren, Santana, Pineiro against any rotation, including the Giants, any day of the week.
Meh, don’t get cocky. You barely squeezed by the horribly slumping Padres to win the division by one game.
Junk? They may have had a bad year and need to improve at one or two positions, but they’re hardly junk. If Morales comes back healthy, as all reports so far indicate, he’ll be like adding a free agent slugger to their lineup. Bourjos is a remarkable upgrade to their outfield and with his baserunning skills, will be a valuable player if he merely hits in the low .200’s. They only really need a legit 3B and maybe a new LF/leadoff. Although, Abreu could be an option at leadoff since he still OBP’d in the .350’s and had a bad year on BABIP. A closer would be nice, but they’ve got young guys in Walden, Kohn and Thompson who might be able to get it done.
Also, I’d put Weaver, Haren, Santana, Pineiro against any rotation, including the Giants’, any day of the week.
Sorry for double post…got some weird error when I tried to post my first reply and didn’t think it went through.
Don’t worry, I enjoyed reading it twice
You’d put the Angels’ rotation up against the Giants’ rotation any day of the week? Hahahahahaha!
Yeah, I would.
Giants don’t have the money to sign Crawford, and keep Lincecum and Cain long-term. Still paying off their ballpark’s debt service; Barry Zito and Aaron Rowand contracts weighing them down; and, Lincecum is a free-agent in two years and Cain is a free agent in a few years. Tie up payroll in Craw, and suddenly that lovely pitching staff gets broken up. My guess is: Sabean thinks he can continue to find needles in the haystack on offense (a dicey proposition, but one he believes — rightly or wrongly — after this season), and doesn’t blow his wad on Craw. But… I could be wrong.
First off the Giants just Signed Lincecum Cain and Sanchez all to contracts till the 2014 season so for them to sign a guy like Crawford wouldnt be out of the question because Rowand and Zito will be off the books by then for them to extend Lincecum and Cain… But my true Guess is that they sign Huff for leftfield and sign Cantu for thirdbase and sign a guy like Adam Laroche for Firstbase until Brandon Belt is ready to take over Firstbase!!! oh yeah I also see them either resigning Uriba or making a trade for a Shortstop
Giants are my Dark Horse to get Crawford. Giants pitching staff is so good that it makes them the best bet aside from the Yankees to get to the postseason. Add Triples Alley into the mix at AT&T and you’re looking at the potential for an MVP type season. No way he goes to the Angels. That team is junk and is going nowhere.
Lincecum, Cain, Bumgarner, Sanchez = Thanks for coming out to the every other major league team. If you’re a batter, you wanna be on our team, not playing against us. Peace
Why is Johnny Damon on this list? I’d expect him to spend most of next season on a bench or the DL. I hope everybody is wrong who says he’ll be with the WhiteSox!
DL? He’s never been injury prone. He still could play everyday for some of these weaker lineups.
DL? He’s never been injury prone. He still could play everyday for some of these weaker lineups.
Ditto. The guys not a fit at all there. They need a young, potentially middle of the order hitter with spome pop and a good outfield arm and Damon is none of those things. The only thing he fits is left-hander, and there’s lots of guys out there including their real target, IMO, Dunn.
Maybe the writers assume the Sox would want him after last season’s free agent interest, but that was last February as a last-minute signing.
Heck, Vlad Guerrero fits better if Kenny is after experience.
Why is Johnny Damon on this list? I’d expect him to spend most of next season on a bench or the DL. I hope everybody is wrong who says he’ll be with the WhiteSox!
According to Cotts Contracts the Brewers only have $30m committed to 2011. If they trade Fielder then they probably only have about $15m committed to arbitration eligible players. That leaves alot of room for spending, if they match their 2010 $90m payroll.
I believe fielder’s salary isn’t included in that because they still have to go to arbitration with him since his past contract is up.
Why Joaquin Benoit to the Yankees…?
The Jays perhaps the most likely team in the league to get one of those many DH/IB type bats. I really can’t understand the logic of three of those predictions.
Which DH/1B types bats? I feel like a lot of players wouldn’t prefer to go to toronto because of the tax rates.
I like these side by side predictions. Some are interesting picks.
I don’t think the Angels have the payroll to sign Crawford, Beltre and Soriano, but I’m all for it.
Yeah, seems kind of tricky. With the payroll increase the Angels have around $25-30M to spend on free agents. The Angels will get $10M more if they trade Napoli and Rivera. I’m crossing my fingers for a good Angels offseason. Rooting for Adam’s and Axisa’s predictions!
I think it’ll be something like Crawford/Soriano or Beltre/Soriano. All three would be nice, but yeah, seems unlikely.
Cliff Lee wants a CC Sabathia contract or better… and I don’t see the Yankees shelling that much out for the second year in a row. They also have to resign Mo, Andy, Jeter… which would cause the payroll to climb way, way higher than $200M.
The Nationals and Rangers have more money to throw around, all they have to do is keep bidding cause apparently Lee is all about the money according to many sources. I can’t see the Yanks going above $150M but I see the Nats offering $180M again. Is Lee going to take less to play for the team whose fans spit on his wife? I doubt it.
Maybe the two most intriguing, high-potential free agents not on this list – Scott Olsen and Erik Bedard
There’s way too much junk on this list. I think it should’ve been a top 20, maybe 25 max. Moreover, it would’ve been easier to follow. And why is it the best players are at the top but the worst players aren’t at the bottom?
Does any one really care where Millwood ends up, besides Millwood himself?
It’s good to see that all the baseball writers think that the Rangers are completely stupid and a joke.
Some of these predictions are outlandish especially for a REAL baseball guy like Nolan Ryan as the president of the team…
1. Hiroki Kuroda
2. Manny Ramirez
3. Brandon Webb
Mayyybe Brandon Webb is ok since it would be an incentive based contract and they would get a chance to to evaluate his arm. But I don’t see that after the Rich Harden experiment.
Rangers go for Cliff Lee… If that doesn’t work they go for Pavano… Last resort is to trade for Zack Greinke. The Rangers especially trade for him if the Angels sign every person these writers assume they will.
LA and NY bias… There ya go.
Forgot Hideki Matsui^
Pretty sure these guys are based in the midwest…
The impression Mark Buehrle received from “some of the stuff Konerko said” was that Konerko was leaving Chicago. If Buehrle is correct, Konerko will join a team out West as Konerko wants to be near his family in Scottsdale, AZ.
Since Konerko has already stated that money would not be his main concern, the decision Konerko faces is how low is he willing to go especially if his hometown D’Backs make a below market offer.
Or does AZ GM Kevin Towers try to accommodate him by creating salary room via trades. Towers disdain for players striking out don’t place guys like 3B Reynolds high on his Christmas list.
Or maybe the Angels are a fit since they have a bigger payroll and were close to signing Konerko during his previous free agency. But with Kendry Morales at 1B would Konerko want to be a DH.
With Towers on record saying he wants to win this year, I believe he will shake up the AZ roster which includes landing Konerko.
I would LOVE to see Werth in a Reds uni ! I wanted Gomes to re–sign for ’10. Despite his numbers,he did NOTHING from about early–mid June (maybe earlier) until AT LEAST late August. And,at ss,MAYBE the Japanese player who could be posted soon. I ASSUME that means his walking papers ?He has some base–stealing skills ! Then you could have :1) ss–Japanese player/ cf Stubbs 2) whoever isn’t lead–off, 3) Votto, 4) Rolen 5) Bruce 6) Phillips 7) Werth–lf 8 catcher . Now,THAT’S a DEEP line–up ! Maybe wiggle around 4-7 a little.Maybe depending onif a LH is throwing.
Why on earth would Phillips bat ahead of Werth?
Why on earth would Phillips bat ahead of Werth?
why would the giants want laroche anymore? there probably getting Huff or they have Brandon Belt
who will the jays get anyone maybe manny
who will the jays get anyone maybe manny
what do u guys think the jays will do maybe manny