Felix Hernandez won the 2010 American League Cy Young Award, as voted on by the Baseball Writers' Association of America. David Price and C.C. Sabathia finished second and third in the voting, respectively. Click here to see the complete results.
The win, which brought Hernandez to tears, will lead to a $1MM raise in 2011, according to the AP (on SI.com). The 24-year-old will also earn $500K raises in 2012, 2013 and 2014, so he pockets $2.5MM for the win. Price received an $80K bonus for finishing second and Jered Weaver won $50K for finishing fifth.
This is great!! As a Yankee fan I’m happy Felix won…he truly deserved to win!
I feel Lincecum should have won it for both leagues the last 2 years….you know….because of the interleague play and all.
Before the flaming starts…it’s called humor.
haha well played. Wade Miller gets my vote!
I’m all on board the “Congratulations King Felix” train. He pitched the best and the voters did the right thing in ignoring the W-L total.
As a Yankee fan i’m happy, Felix was the most dominant picther this year though CC had the wins, anyone could tell Felix had a better year, if only if he got some run support.
Congrats Felix.
King Felix Reigns Supreme right guy for the Award
Wow I actually agree with them on not just Felix, but all their picks. Still would argue Weaver was better than CC, but good job guys!
I am surprised the writers made the right choice.
thankfully they got it right.
Finally, the king has his crown.
Congrats, Felix! I’ve been waiting a long time for this!
Yeah King Felix deserved but I am not happy but not too upset that CC didn’t win it if that makes sense. He’s still an ace and its not easy being the ace of the Yankees or pitching in the AL East so give CC a little credit there. Pedro Martinez in his late 20s is still the most dominating pitcher I’ve ever seen.
If only anything you just said had to do with anything. Pedro isn’t pitching like that. Still want to give it to him? CC doesn’t even deserve to be in the top 3. It’s not Cy WIN award.
I keep laughing at this. I wish I could “like” comments on my phone. Cy WIN. Lmao
Cy Win. You are so clever. Are you also the guy who came up with the hall of very good? Why do you believe that the Cy Young should only be based on ERA and strikeouts when that has never been the case historically. Indeed, the claim to fame of the namesake is his wins record. He didn’t strike people out like Walter Johnson or pitch to the lowest ERA, yet we don’t have the Christy Matthewson or Walter Johnson award. Such arrogance.
And how dare they give the Roberto Clemente Award to Tim Wakefield! He’s not Puerto Rican or an outfielder! An outrage!
Clemente is the name of the award due to his charity work, not his nationality or position.
pretty sure it was a joke.
So surprising you have to say this to the guy who considers wins to be the end-all stat to pitching.
Just because the award is his name sake doesn’t mean that his most prominent stat is the only stat that matters. The award was named after him the year after he died, not because he had the most wins, but because he was one of the greatest pitchers in history and they wanted to honor him.
But moral of the story is the award’s intent was to be awarded to the BEST pitcher in the league, and this year it was Felix Hernandez.
To argue that wins haven’t been an important criteria of the award is simply incorrect.
I don’t see anything in his post that does. They have, for God knows why. Everyone in the entire world but you seems to understand that. Wins have NOTHING to do with how good a pitcher is.
No, it doesn’t make sense – at least not ENOUGH sense. The AL East may not be easy but when you are a pitcher who can dominate without much of an offense behind you – like Felix did – then you’re REALLY doing something. Ironically that was the deciding factor the last time CC won it with the Tribe. He won because unlike Beckett (and others) he was able to dominate with very little offensive help…but CC can’t say that this time.
I can’t argue with this, I thought it should have been Price, however.
Reason being…?
Peavy is a hack
OHHH, Congratulations Felix and congratulations Jack, if Felix had not signed, it would be impossible to bring him back, his price right now would be 10/ 300 I think
he got a nice bonus for winning too
Justice has been done! Congrats, Felix!
Good thing the Yankees are trading Joba for Felix!
…yeah, that’s a fair trade….
but Joba is SOOOOO good
Keep dreaming. It’s gonna take a lot more than joba to go and get the king and the yankees just dont have the firepower in their farm system to get a monster deal done.
Right now the yankees can’t be happy with what they gave up for granderson seeing is how Jackson was much better this year and is showing much more potential. After giving Jackson away, I don’t think the Yankees have an A+ prospect left so I wouldn’t expect any real big trades this offseason.
That really was a bad trade for the Yanks, Jackson looks to be a bonafide starter for years to come, Phil Coke was a pretty good reliever and looks to be making a transition to the rotation, and Ian Kennedy was really good this year (even though his team sucked).
I am not sold on Jackson just yet. His BABIP was exceptionally high (I think .396). If he can bring his K rate down he could offset some of the drop when his BABIP comes down to a more reasonable number. Will be interesting to see.
He is still a better hitter than granderson. Grandersos closest year too 300 was his rookie year and has actually gotten worse as the years go on. Plus, Curtis can’t hit LHP to save his life.
As for their defense, Jackson is obviously the superior player in center and I can say that with confidence after just one year. Regardless of jacksons offensive prowess(or lack of) if all you did was trade one glive for another then the tigers still came out with the bigger end of the stick. ESPICIALLY when you added coke to the deal
Jackson is a stud, his BAIP will always be higher due to his skill set. .396 is a little high but it’ll probaly settle in around .360-.370. The kid really started to hit the ball hard the other way towards the end of the season. I think he will be an elite leadoff guy within in 5 years.
He is Young, this is him getting warmed up, wait until he gets a few pointers from coaches and his peers and watch that guy turn it on, seriously I still cannot believe they gave that guy up for Granderson, he should of been more untouchable than that Montero guy…just saying
Wow really? Haha. I gues you don’t follow the minor lges huh? I would not be shocked at all to see the Yanks w/ at least 4 prospects in the top 50 (Montero, Banuelos, Sanchez and Betances).
As for Austin vs Grandy. Time will tell. 150 Ko and few hrs to show is not a good thing. If Grandy carries over the lessons from Kevin Long into next year then I wouldn’t be shocked to see a line like .280/.350 w/ 30 hrs and 20 SB. I mean he did hit 24 hrs despite being in a huge slump and missing most of May.
yeah in MLB2K10 the video game.
And this is why I play Baseball Mogul and OOTP, can’t pull off stupid trades that only the biggest of homers would imagine.
You make funny joke.
Justice has been done? Where was the injustice? This is my point!
Your “point”? We’re all still trying to figure out what that point is…
See the 2009 Cy Young award winner NOT named Felix, that was injustice, you wouldnt understand ay you have “NY” on your forehead, actually i take you as a guy who has “NY” on the back of his head.
Way to go King Felix! A well deserved Cy Young. And for those complaing about who finished 2nd and 3rd…who cares. There isn’t an award for Runner Up and this isn’t like the Ms America Pageant where if the winner is unable to fulfill their duties as the winner that the second place finisher will take the title.
The Facebook comments on this post are pretty hilarious if anyone’s looking for a good chuckle.
Congrats Felix — well-deserved indeed. The AL’s best pitcher in 2010, for sure.
Bad choice. Wins do matter and I say this as someone who is down with new stats. Carlton won 30% of his team’s wins one year. It’s just not true that a pitcher cannot overcome an anemic offense. Felix pitches in an extremely pitcher friendly park, so lack of offense shouldn’t be as big of a factor as it was for Greinke last year. Not so for Sabathia, who put the team on his back while other pitchers were injured or ineffective. Price was just one of a stacked staff. New ground here when a pitcher can be Cy with a. 500 record.
Read the first sentence and stopped. You should actually read/watch baseball. Wins are important!!!!!!!!!! They are!!!!!!! Bartolo deserved his Cy Young!!!!!!!!!! /sarcasm
I watch plenty of baseball. Cy Young winners find ways to win games. Colon won in a weak field. Maybe you guys should look up Steve Carlton and stop spouting Rob Neyer dogma.
Never mind my comments. Didn’t see the ‘yanksfan’ in your name. Useless arguing with a homer.
So Carlton did something amazing 38 years ago, and that means Felix shouldn’t win the award because he didn’t match that. Gotcha.
The only way Hernandez could’ve “found” to win his games (Outside of dominating the ever living crap out of the entire AL, which he did) would be to slug his DH and step into the box. The dude had about the worst offense to take the field since the DH was implemented.
Please. According to your theory Felix could have had an ERA of 1.00 and if his record was the same it would be his fault. Do you watch baseball?
Shocking to see someone with that username make that post…
So if Felix starts 34 games, throws 34 complete games with an ERA of 1.00, allowing 1 run in each start, puts up an 11.0 K/9 and a 1.0 BB/9, allows 5 homers all season, induces a 60% groundball rate, but goes 14-14… he shouldn’t win. Okey doke. Good logic.
Gonna do a little editing of your first two sentences there: “Bad choice. Wins do matter and I say this as a Yankees fan.”
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Really, its one of your later sentences that bugs me. “It’s just not true that a pitcher cannot overcome an anemic offense.” Well, first, tell me that again when the Yankees have one of the worst lineups in MLB. You may change your tune. And second, I’m pretty sure Felix demonstrated this year exactly how wrong you are. How can you blame the PITCHER for losing 3-2, 3-1, 2-1, 1-0 games? I’ve seen Sabathia have a bad night, give up five runs in 5 innings, and still come out with the win. You’re saying that if Sabathia pitched that way all year, and as long as the Yanks won for him at least 20 times, he should still beat Felix for Cy Young. Now that’s just crazy. Come on.
Just for the record. In 2010 Sabathia only had 1 win which came when he gave up more than 3 ER.
If you gave Sabathia a win for going 6 IP and allowing 3 runs or less and a loss whenever he failed to do so his record would be 26-8. If you did the same for Felix his record would’ve been 30-4. Felix had ZERO margin for error and ABSOLUTELY deserved to win the award but please, let’s not act as if CC wasn’t good enough to be in the conversation and be a top 3 vote getter.
I didn’t mean to make it sound like that, sorry. I just meant theoretically; was exaggerating the theory he proposed. I definitely think Sabathia was in the race, and deserved to be in the top 3. He just made an erroneous assumption that wins are everything, and I was running with it.
“Wins do matter and I say this as someone who is down with new stats.”
As a stats guy, please explain the Cy Young winners from 1981, 1984, and 1992.
Should’ve stopped reading there. Saying “someone who is down with new stats” is the baseball metrics equivelant of saying “I’m hip to that new rap music.”
That Lil Weezy is something else.
Exactly.. how many ‘wins’ did gagne and eckersley have
And Jeter deserved the Gold Glove because of his “intangibles”…….
Yes, you’re right, because I believe wins should be taken into account when other stats are in the same ballpark I believe Jeter should win the gold glove. Try phonics buddy.
So Jeter deserved the GG because of wins? Maybe I really do need to try phonics altho I think learning to speak “homer” would help more.
phonics won’t help you there, need to get rosetta stone to understand these people.
You do need phonics if you can’t distinguish a discussion about the Cy from gold glove.
Ok, I give up. Where do I get one of those Rosetta Stones? Let me try this another way… Jeter deserved the GG less than CC deserved the CY.
Lord you’re dense. I was being sarcastic about jeter deserving the GG in response to your moronic conflation of an argument about CC or Price winning the Cy Young with an argument about the Gold Glove, a completely different and unrelated topic.
AHHH!!!! I get it! Sorry, but sarcasm is sometimes hard to detect especially when done that ineptly. Sorry if I brought the Jeter GG into a discussion filled with a ton of Yankee homers that think that every award should go to one of their players, no matter how undeserving. Bringing other awards into an award discussion was truly moronic of me. I don’t know how I could have dared to attempt to conflate 2 baseball awards. /selfbonk
You cannot seriously tell me that this Cy Young debate is as clearcut as the fact that Jeter didn’t deserve that GG. Learn to read.
At least you admit that it is clearcut that Jeter didn’t deserve the GG. I hope that someday you can be as clear that CC didn’t deserve the CY (altho at least he was in the top 4 or 6 in that). Learn to comprehend.
I missed the sentence where I said CC should win bar none. Price would have been a good choice too. You guys are throwing out stats that Felix didn’t have to justify giving him the award. He didn’t have a 1.00 era. His stats were very good but not so overwhelming or historic (like Gagnes record saves) to make the open and shut case. Ignore my comments if you can’t handle friendly disagreement without insisting wildly that the award is solely about stats that, historically, it has not. The only basis for your contention is your opinion of what the award should be. It doesn’t make me wrong to disagree with that notion based on the historical criteria of the award.
Ok, wrong. So you’re saying that a pitcher could go 22-2 with a 4.50 ERA and 1.500 WHIP and he’s better than the pitcher that goes 10-12 with a 1.00 ERA and .800 WHIP?!
I missed where that happened this season. I’m not advocating a hard and fast rule. I’m only talking about the contenders this year, not hypothetical situations. When those stats happen, let’s talk.
You don’t get the point.
You say CC should win because his teams lineup is stacked, while Felix’s lineup was the worst in baseball.
No. My point is that wins do matter historically and the argument that they shouldn’t is a reenvisioning of the award’s criteria, rather than the other way around, as most of the posters are saying. If you want to stop taking wins into account, then you are the one changing the meaning of the award, not me.
but the Cy Young is awarded to baseballs best pitcher overall, not baseballs best pitcher on a team. CC wouldn’t get 21 wins on the M’s, Felix would get more than 21 on the Yankees. Look into saber metrics, pal.
Look, I get what you’re saying. But we can also ask what Price or CC would’ve done in a generous park like safeco, pitching against a weaker division and having no pressure because nothing is on the line.
Baseball players have no pride so they make up for it with pressure?
carlton also had a run support of about 4 each time he pitched, felix only had a 3.3 run support. Obvious;y his pffense screwed him over. How else could he have the lowest era
carlton also had a run support of about 4 each time he pitched, felix only had a 3.3 run support. Obvious;y his pffense screwed him over. How else could he have the lowest era
Wow I’m kinda surprised they got it right… Thought for sure CC might get it. Well the Gold Gloves are a joke but they got CY and ROY right. There is hope after all.
General lesson from all of this: coches are dumber than we give them credit for, the BBWA is smarter than we give them credit for.
I still think Austin Jackson deserved the AL ROY, IMO. but wasnt hurt that Feliz got it, his name means happy in spanish, you gotta love that guy.
Score one for sabermetrics.
The scary thing in all of this? Felix is only 24.
Even more scary? I’m 4 months old.
What can you say about King Felix, he pitched great this season and this is well-deserved. Being a Yankee fan am I disappointed CC didn’t win, duh, but can anyone who is a Yankees fan honestly argue against this guy winning over CC? I don’t think so…
So long as Robbie wins the AL MVP, I’m happy 🙂
Maybe if ‘Robby’ deserved it. Don’t be a homer. I’m a Rangers fan, but still am 100% sure in my heart that it should go to Cabrera.
Well of course the most deserved person should win. You feel Cabrera should win, I don’t. But that’s just me :).
Felix Hernandez was the most undeserving of the 3 guys in the top 3. Think I’m crazy right? He has a 2.27 ERA right? He was in the weakest division in the American League. Price faced countless times the Yankees and Red Sox, Sabathia faced countless times the Rays and Red Sox. That will inflate the ERA a little as the other stats as well. How many times Felix face NY and TB combined? 3-4 times tops? You think he would have had a 2.27 if Seattle was in the AL East? If you do then your either delusional or a Seattle fan or even worse a TB/NY hater!
So no one outside the AL East should be eligible for the Cy Young. Gotcha.
So i guess Roy Halladay should have won the last 7 Cy Young awards then?
Can I double like this? Please?
No his ERA would’ve been slightly higher, but still better than those two chumps. Get over yourself.
Just two complaints cause I’m lazy and don’t feel like giving you the whole argument right now.
1. Check his numbers against the AL East, if you would. They’re pretty damned impressive.
2. He didn’t ever face Seattle, one of the wimpiest lineups in the AL. Price and Sabathia did. That silly argument about what teams they face goes both ways, pal.
If you’re still unconvinced, go to fangraphs and do a detailed investigation. It shouldn’t take long for you to realize that his peripherals (and less peripheral, mostly anything but wins) are not only slightly better than Sabathia or Prices, but quite a bit better. It’s not much of a race, really. So…look it up, bud.
Yes he did have good numbers against them. What happens when you face the same pitcher a over and over? You get his number. Those teams never had that chance and that is the same reason why he signed a extension with Seattle. Level of competition.
You should be the only Cy Win/Cy East voter. Too bad Scott Feldman wasn’t in the East. He would’ve had a good shot at it this year.
Sabathia never had to pitch to a dominant Yankees lineup. Price never had to play against the scrappy Rays. In fact, Felix is the only guy out of these three candidates who had to face all three teams, so shouldn’t he actually be lauded for having to struggle with all three AL East beasts, rather than just two? Look, saying he’s got an easier schedule is really hard for me to stomach when Felix impressed just as much against tough lineups as against the easy ones. And again, this is not a situation where Sabathia and Price’s stats even come very close; he was just a lot better than them this year.
But that works both ways. CC pitched against the Sox, Rays and Jays 10 x. Felix did it 5. Not saying that anyone other than Felix should’ve won but there is some validity to placing some consideration w/ who w candidate pitched against.
Yes, I know it goes both ways, that’s why I posted what I did, since he already made an argument in the direction you’re talking about. Are we going to start debating in circles now? 🙂
Joseph – Felix Hernandez has a 1.51 ERA in 47.2 innings vs. the Yankees in the last four years. When are they going to “get his number”?
gotta love a good stat pull
Let’s just get rid of all the other divisions. Makes perfect sense!
Felix’s ERA against the AL East:
Boston: 1.23 (1 start)
New York: 0.35 (3 starts)
Toronto: 1.13 (1 start)
Baltimore: 0.56 (2 starts)
He faced the AL East seven times and dominated every time. I think he would have been just fine. Do you want me to loom up CC’s numbers against the AL East? I cam tell you they are much worse – and he never even faced the Yankees.
Impressive, who was able to hit him bringing his ERA up to 2.27?
Ironically it was bad teams like the Royals that ate him up, he would give up 3 runs and lose 3-1, he got lit up by the Athletics one game pretty bad, it was like 4 runs, and the Ms lost 4-0, games like that and teams like that brought his ERA to 2.27, scary huh?
It 2 out of his 3 starts vs the Angels, he got lit up.
Our bad, sorry. 🙁
people who are disagreeing that felix should have been the cy young just need to look at the evidence right in front of their eyes..
Felix faced stiffer competition than CC, but I think less stiff than Price, if you actually go through who they faced this year. Look it up.
By that logic, shouldn’t we give the Cy Young to Clay Buchholz? He has to play in that beast of the east, and still managed to get an ERA .85 lower than Sabathia?
And by the way, using the division is a weak argument, and comes off as more whining than anything else.
I thought Buchholz kinda got snubbed there, but not for 1st place so the point is moot.
He did dominate NY and BOS this year though…
Drabek, Stewart, Arencibia and Cecil for Felix??
Woooops not a trade thread.. lol !
Jokes.. I’m happy about this, glad to see they got it right!
I would give up my entire team’s farm system for Hernandez. Seriously, take the whole thing. Be my guest.
lol me too, i watched him live this year and it was just a thing of beauty.. and for how young he is, if he gets even better, thats just plain scary…
it is sad though that players like him, and doc end up on non playoff teams for a bulk of their careers.. I really hope the mariners pull up their socks and revamp their offense.
The M’s will without a doubt struggle in 2011, but after that they will have Smoak with another year of experiance, Ackley who has gotten his feet wet, and Michael Pineda who has gotten his feet wet in the MLB behind Felix in the rotation. Then there is Nick Franklin who tore the cover off the ball in Class A Midwest League, a notoriously pitcher friendly league, as a 19 year old.
Then you have guys like Michael Saunders and Adam Moore who have a chance to be solid contributors on an playoff caliber team if and only if they can put it all together.
On top of that there is a chance that Rendon could drop to the M’s in the draft and if he doesn’t they end up with Gerrit Cole or Matt Purke.
Then with Ichiro seemingly ageless and Franklin Gutierrez manning center, plus a large chunk of money being freed by expiring contracts.
So while the M’s look terrible now (cause at the moment they are) they have a decent chance at putting together a solid core of player while having some money to spend for 2012 and beyond, its not guaranteed, but as an M’s fan I like the way the future looks.
While I wish this wasn’t true (I’m a Ranger’s fan), I agree.
whoa whoa whoa.. bob elliot voting for CC sabathia? dingbat!
Look, I agree, Felix should have won, but 21 wins is an amazing accomplishment in and of itself, don’t discount Sabathia because you’re still pissed Jeter won the Gold Glove!?! I am soooo happy Jeter won that now! It is hilarious how upset people get.
It’s amazing how much of a homer you are. I bet you’ve only been a fan of the Yanks since October of 2009, huh?
Am I really discussing this with someone who nicknamed himself “jr ballbag”???
Let’s see jr, I grew up in Massachusetts and have been a Yankee fan since 1975.
Let me guess, you are a Cowboys and Lakers fan,too?
don’t forget man u and usa basketball
Sadly, I’ve found long-time fans can easily be just as mental as bandwagon fans…I’ve only been a Boston fan since ’03 (due partly to my age I’ll admit!) so I could be mistaken for a bandwagon fan, and I’ve learned that the trash-talkers are almost more likely to be long-term fans…More willing to defend their team no matter what the dispute is about, I guess.
What’s even more hilarious is no one but you has mentioned it. Yep, people sure seem to be carrying that around with em.
I was using someone elses grievance regarding Jeter from an earlier reply, so no, it wasn’t just me who mentioned it.
Matt D, flickadave, moonraker45 that I remembered!
pre-remembered apparently, since 2 of those 3 comments were posted AFTER yours.Nice try though.
Yeah 21 wins is a great accomplishment…FOR THE TEAM. Get with the times man. Bruce Chen got 12 wins, one fewer than Felix. You gonna tell me he’s only win off from being as good as Hernandez? It’s all about the team. They score runs when you pitch, you win. They don’t, you don’t. Pretty simple.
Well stated!!!!
How many pitchers ever have 20 win seasons!?! Not many.
Actually quiet a few have, I tried counting and got over 200 instances of 20 win seasons after only a handful of teams.
It’s time for you to leave this forum and go back to checking stats on MLB.com
please don’t overrate the East and say Felix did what he did in the West while CC and Price were in the East. I don’t remember the numbers anymore, but check what Felix did against every team in the East. if I remember he had impressive numbers against every team in the East, Yankees/Red Sox/Rays/Jays/Orioles.
wins come from run support. there is nothing Felix can do to control the run support the Mariners supply for him.
The BBWA certainly seems to have gotten a lot smarter over the past couple of years, and as a Cardinal fan, I resent that (damn you Lincecum!). I guess we can still enjoy Chris Carpenter’s very undeserving win over Roger Clemens in 2005.
Great news for Felix. It’s good to know the BBWA isn’t considering a team’s offense when evaluating the pitcher. The fewer times guys like Chris Carpenter in 05 or Bob Welch in 1990 (hey, Clemens deserved it that year too!), the more these awards mean something. Now, if only they can go back and strip Jimmy Rollins, Justin Morneau, Bartolo Colon, Eric Gagne, Miguel Tejada, Ichiro Suzuki, Sammy Sosa, Juan Gonzalez, Juan Gonzalez again, Mo Vaughn, Jack McDowell, Dennis Eckersley for the MVP AND Cy Young, ect ect ect of their awards, then the world will be a better place.
Don’t forget Palmeiro’s Gold Glove! xD
and Big Mac’s, and Bobby Abreu’s, to name two of many
Those aren’t voted on by the BBWA though. They are voted on by a group apparently much more oblivious as to how baseball actually works…managers and coaches. And in their defense, Palmeiro rarely made very few errors in 1999.
So he very often made lots of errors! Perfect GG candidate! xD
I agree with everyone except Ichiro, that guy WAS an MVP, he just would never get out, high BA, always in scoring position and part of a team that won 116 games, that guy deserved that award, unless im missing some sarcasm here in your post.
Just for the record; In the 12 losses Felix was credited, 8 of them were quality starts. Not only that, all of his no decisions were quality starts as well.
Oh, and C.C. Sabathia didn’t win the Cy Young, not sure if you guys knew.
Probably the best point made on this forum. Only problem is Yankee fans might not understand what a “Quality Start” is.
Felix 2010 vs AL East:
BAL 1-0 0.56 ERA
BOS 1-0 1.23 ERA
NYY 3-0 0.35 ERA
TOR 0-1 1.13 ERA
whoah he almost had half of his wins against oh so competitive al east
The way the voting is going since the past two years, they should rename the award from “Cy Young” award to something else. Like the “saber-metrics” award or something similar to this.
Cy Young stands for ‘The best pitcher’ — if you’re implying that Felix wasn’t the best pitcher. Then you’re oblivious.
Its my opinion. Calling me oblivious cannot change it. Cy Young ironically is the pitcher having the most wins as well. How appropriate to King Felix.
Or if you’d prefer, we can have an award for “The AL East Guy Who Won the Most Games”. Probably make a lot of folks happy.
Why would they have named it for Cy Young in the first place then? He only has the 75th-best win% in baseball. They should have named it the Al Spalding, or the Lefty Grove Award.
If the award wasn’t supposed to be about more than who won the most games, it wouldn’t be voted.
Yeah alright. I don’t buy any of the BS anyone’s throwing around here except that King Felix rightfully won-which he should have. Quit with the bias seriously. “Price should have finished second”, who cares as long as who won. No need to hear anyone whine about something as meaningless. Congrats King Felix.
if you’re not first your last!
Shake n bake!
Yankees fans are just pissed because this isn’t something that they can just buy like a World Series trophy.
Congrats to the deserving winne King Felix!!!
Yankees fans are just mad because this is an award that they can’t buy like the World Series trophy. Poor Yankees.
Congrats to the deserving winner King Felix!!!
that guy on the baseball today podcast was wayy wrong…
he said Felix would finish like 4th.
take that.
My God I’m so glad Felix signed hat extension. Truly the most deserving of the bunch, and in my opinion, it wasn’t even close.
While I’m on the topic of irrational team bias, David Ortiz should have totally won a Gold Glove this year. Just sayin’.
I totally thought Ortiz shoulda got the gold glove for DH
Felix was the best pitcher and well deserving of the award!
However, there is only one number that matters…WINS! Your job as a starting pitcher is to win games! If your team give you 2 runs then you can only give up 1 or less.
Is th best pitcher the one with all the not as important numbers or the one with the most important number which is wins?
I do wish Felix had a chance to play on a better team….he could be a 30 game winner! And this isnt a rant just looking at this from a different angle.
Cy Young is for the best pitcher, not the MVP. Your really OFF YOUR FRIGGIN ROCKER if you don’t think he was the best pitcher. You can say all that crap about how he didn’t pitch in East, etc,,, etc.. but he killed the East when he did pitch against them particularly the Yankees. there are alot of Yankee fans on here that acknowledge this and I give kudos to you.
Remember Felix did not get the benefit of pitching AGAINST the worsed offense in baseball since the DH came about. The vote really wasn’t very close and it shouldn’t have been. They did get it right.
How Cliff Lee doesn’t finish 1st or 2nd pretty much blows my mind.
his numbers in Texas weren’t that great at all
“in texas”. Not that many pitchers do well in Coors or US Cellular field either.
thats not cy youngs problem
Everyone knows that RA Dickey and Trevor Cahill should have won these awards guys, come on.
CC should have won. Thats what he does, win, as his record indicates. If Felix doesnt like that his offense didnt back him up, he can go to a NL team in a few years and become a power hitting ace, and he wont have anything to worry about. Until then, he needs to win more games, or be a pitcher with a 2nd or 3rd starters record. Of course his ERA and WHIP was low, when he is on the mound and the other team gets a run on the board, they can then shut it down and not have to worry about the M’s offense making a contest out of the game. Come on. How simple is that?
But before I get sent to the firing squad, Im only kidding. I, like most others here are glad the voters got it right. When I heard he won, I had to get online and make sure King Felix won by a substantial amount of votes before I was satisfied with the outcome. He pitched like a Cy Young winner is expected to.
You’re as dumb as they get.
Sorry should have read the second paragraph 😉 April fools!
Ha. No hard feelings.
crap i just read the second paragraph too!
I think that CC had a better season than price but i agree Felix should have won he’s got the best numbers.
So happy right now! King Felix absolutely dominated this year, dare I say head and shoulders above everyone else (which isn’t even a knock on the competition, he was THAT good). Would’ve been a travesty in my mind had he not won it.
Wow this is surprising!! Im so glad that CC didnt win because Felix surely deserved it more. He was outstanding all year, cant believe he is only 24 years old too!! Congrats to Felix.
So if a pitcher goes 5-18 w a 1.54 229 ip 221 k would you
Consider that Cy worthy
Weav had more strikeouts, therefore he should have won.
Strikeouts > ERA, WHIP, ETC
sike 🙂
Glad to see Weaver get fifth, though. He’s definitely becoming a dominant ace. 😀
Wins are a completely meaningless stat when it comes to this argument. Wins are a team related stat. My next point should end ALL ARGUMENT on the 21 win versus 13 wins…
Giving up 2 runs or fewer
CC = 14-0, 2 ND’s
Felix = 13-1, 6 ND’s
3 Runs allowed
CC = 5-1, 1 ND
Felix = 0-5, 3 ND’s
4+ Runs Allowed
CC – 3-5, 3 ND’s
Felix – 0-6
As you can see… Felix DID NOT WIN A GAME IN WHICH HE GAVE UP 3+ RUNS!! CC WON 8. Take those wins away from CC and he has only 13 wins as well.
Any questions?
Just an FYI… Those stats are RUNS, NOT EARNED RUNS
Dude….that’s is such horrible propagation of bad information. Of CC’s 21 wins only 1 of them did he allow more than 3 ER HIMSELF.
August 28th vs ChiSox he went 7 IP and gave up 5 runs.
-4 runs or more= 1-4 (2 ND)
-3 runs or less= 20-3 (3 ND)
-2 runs or less= 14-1 (2 ND)
-1 run or less= 11-0 (2 ND)
15 “ace”quality starts (7 IP and 2 runs or less allowed)
**Felix still deserved to win though.
I didn’t say EARNED RUNS… I said RUNS… I don’t care if they were earned or not. I was simply stating that CC Got the difference in Wins by having a better offense behind him. If Felix pitched with the Yankee’s offense behind him he would have had at least 21 wins
Felix winning? Meh, Personally I woulda gave it to CaHill over Felix, A’s aren’t much better then Mariners and yet he still managed to almost win 20 games. CaHill finished WAY to low in the voting.
Good, King Felix really deserved it. Though I thought Buchholz would have been in 4th place due to his ERA.
Take that harold reynolds! Reynolds doesn’t know anything about baseball.
Take that harold reynolds! Reynolds doesn’t know anything about baseball.
Thank you for getting it right. C.C. did not deserve it, just as Felix did not deserve it over Greinke last year. I’m sure Dave Niehaus is very proud.