It wasn't the way he wanted to go out, but Jason LaRue tells Joe Strauss of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that he has played his last game in the majors. LaRue suffered a severe concussion when he was kicked in the head by Johnny Cueto during the Cardinals/Reds brawl last month, and doesn't want to risk further head injuries by continuing his career.
"I'm done. It's a simple decision," LaRue said. "As a catcher you're so vulnerable to getting another (concussion). All it takes a foul ball to the head. Even as a backup that happened 3-5 times last year. It's not a question of if it would happen again, it's when. Nobody can guarantee anything. It'll probably be worse."
According to Strauss, friends of LaRue say the 36-year-old was considering taking legal action against Cueto for the on-field assault, but ultimately decided against it. Still, he's disappointed with the way his career had to end: "I was going to retire on my own terms…. Does it suck that my career is over because Johnny Cueto started kicking me in the head? Yes, it sucks."
Although he played in just 29 games this season, LaRue hit .231/.315/.396 in 3103 career plate appearances, spending time with the Reds, Royals, and Cardinals. According to Baseball-Reference, the backstop earned $19.44MM over the course of his 12-year career.
The Cardinals would love to have Phillips. He would be your 3rd best hitter
Colby Rasmus is still a Cardinal. Unless you’re insane and consider Phillips a better hitter than Rasmus.
Too bad Carp started running his mouth at Dusty Baker, this whole thing was completely avoidable. Maybe Carp can go visit once the season ends. For the Cards, that will be right soon
So what’s this your first time in the playoffs since when?
And this is the first time you’ve been in the playoffs since when was it? I don’t even think I was born yet.
Yes, this may be the Reds first playoff appearence in 15 years but more importantly it is the first of many in the next decade, as for your cards I think this is the beginning of the end (if not the end) of your 00″s/LaRussa era dynasty.
I remember Jason LaRue in his years with the Reds. Specifically, I remember him leading the league in passed balls three times in four years. I’m not sure what the market is for 36 year old catchers with less than stellar defensive skills who also haven’t managed a .300 OBP in four years. Cueto could have kissed him on the cheek and I suspect LaRue might still be retiring.
With the way he fights (or kicks) he may like to kiss grown men on the cheek.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
With the way he fights (or kicks) he may like to kiss grown men on the cheek.
I can’t believe people are chirping a guy who had his career ended by avoidable injury.
Even if he couldn’t have got another job, everyone has the right to retire with dignity instead of being forced to.
Ever had a concussion? The effects can stay with you for a LONG time. That’s something that affects your quality of life, not just your baseball career.
True or False: Larue could have avoided the injury by remaining in the dugout.
Fights are ugly, ugly business. Anyone who chooses to take part in one risks getting hurt.
false….when the benches clear in baseball, if you stay in the dugout you might as well kiss all respect your teammates had for you goodbye. If you knew baseball, you’d know that.
Kissing all respect your teammates had for you goodbye is not an injury.
Stay in the dugout – loser, won’t get a job.
Get outs of the dugout – career over.
That sucks!
No one stays in the dugout in a bench clearing brawl…Would you have suggeste that during the Nyjer Morgan incident?
A lot of Reds’ fans here excusing Johnny Cueto’s actions.
It’s too bad none of them attend Reds’ games or there’d be more than 17,000 watching a playoff team.
Either he goes out of the dugout with his teammates (and gets the unfortunate concussion), or he stays in the dugout and has to deal with his teammates (Carp, Waino, Pujols, Holliday, Franklin, etc.) potentially give him a concussion in the clubhouse. You don’t run out with the team, you WILL pay for it.
Larue doesn’t need to seek legal justice against Cueto, I have a feeling poetic justice will soon be served on Johnny boy. Karma’s a bitch
Larue will be missed by the Cardinals. He would of easily found a 1 year deal as another backup. He is a great in the clubhouse, handles a pitching staff fairly well, and accepts being a backup and new his role on the team. Not something you find in a veteran that’s had big league success too often. He took joy in mentoring some of the young players. Good luck to you Jason!
yeah, because being the 3rd best hitter on a team is something worth taking a d-bag like him for? No thanks
Anybody else smell a lost-wages lawsuit against Cueto, the Reds, Major League Baseball, and the Player’s Union?
Judge: “Mr. Larue, your tale is a tragic one. But before I award you millions of dollars in damages, let me ask you one question: how is it you that found yourself in position to get kicked in the head?”
Larue: “Well, your honor, I saw a fight going on involving my coworkers and, of my own free will, I decided to abandon my entirely safe location in the dugout and charge into the fight myself.
Judge: “Wait a minute. You saw the fight was occurring and you deliberately ran out to get involved? And it was only after you voluntarily took part in this fight that you were injured?”
Larue: “Yes, your honor.”
Judge: “Case dismissed.”
You really should learn the law before you make stupid claims and posts like the ones your making.Did he run out to fight or did he run out of the dug out to break things up? Did he throw the first punch or kick? these are the question that determine a case dismissed.Not oh you ran out of the dug out so you deserve it, thats complete idiocy.. that’s like saying you’re at a bar and try to break up a fight but someone breaks a beer bottle over your head and kicked you in the face, somehow you think being in a situation gives others the right to assault or use excessive force. you’re reasoning is incredibly flawed, simplistic and pre school. .. If you knew anything about baseball, scratch that, you clearly know nothing about baseball, and the legal system for that matter.
That’s not really the point. He did not say that Larue deserved it. What he suggested was that it would be hard to press liability charges against the league or players union given the nature of the situation.
This. Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.
Please Google ‘volenti non fit injuria.’ The assumption of risk in sports is a bit different than that in a typical workers’ comp situation, but (as many have reminded me) fights are a part of baseball and players are expected to participate in them regardless of circumstance.
Larue doesn’t have a case any more than Juan Encarnacion did for his career-ending injury; players assume risk, even when the charge into a baseball brawl.
I have to ask all the legal eagles and baseball experts with the quickdraw ad hominem: if Larue so clearly has a case, if Cueto has unquestionably cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost income and phyiscal + emotional distress, where’s the lawsuit?
Wrong sport chump.. If its hockey or football and there is a play on the ice or field that results in a career ending injury, even if its dirty, then its a hard lawsuit.
But because in this situation it wasnt a baseball injury. He didn’t run over the catcher on a play at home, or slide cleats up in to second to break up a double play. . I really don’t get why you are so adament in arguing for this a) you’re completely wrong about all the legality and b) your treating someone who got kicked in the head resulting in a career ending injury as an assailant not a victim
After giving serious consideration to your reply, I’ve realized why we have a disconnect. Frankly, I can’t possibly be expected to agree with the opinion of anyone who would name himself after the absolute worst installment in the James Bond franchise. 22 films in the series and you went with Moonraker? Not only do I yield the discussion, I now have to lay low and hope that no one I respect saw me conversing with you.
Please consider renaming yourself Octopussy and we can continue to debate.
It’s actually travis snider’s nickname.. don’t you feel stupid
well, you should.
It’s actually travis snider’s nickname.. don’t you feel stupid
This. Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.
Please Google ‘volenti non fit injuria.’ The assumption of risk in sports is a bit different than that in a typical workers’ comp situation, but (as many have reminded me) fights are a part of baseball and players are expected to participate in them regardless of circumstance.
Larue doesn’t have a case any more than Juan Encarnacion did for his career-ending injury; players assume risk, even when the charge into a baseball brawl.
I have to ask all the legal eagles and baseball experts with the quickdraw ad hominem: if Larue so clearly has a case, if Cueto has unquestionably cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost income and phyiscal + emotional distress, where’s the lawsuit?
wrong. like I said below. This was not a baseball injury, it was excessive force that resulted in a career ending injury. If he decided to move forward with charges he would win quite easily. Whether or not he wants to be the guy who sues is the bigger question.
Hey mr. judge…….ever stop to think that Cueto could, and would be charged, with assault. He was wearing METAL SPIKES. In the fashion that they were used they would be considered a weapon. If Jason Larue wanted to pursue legal action, he would win.
Cueto deserves a lifetime ban from the game…same as LaRue received from Cueto. You have to wonder if the family “emergency” he had to attend to was simply to hide his money…
He was in the DR because his uncle died.
Even though it’s a serious comment it’s an awesome come back…
I wonder if Cueto killed him!
Wrong, but funny. 🙂
LaRue’s declining talent is the reason he isn’t returning to baseball. I don’t think Cueto can be blamed for the fact he was a LaRussa pet project that won’t be employed next year.
We will never know if he was going to be re-signed for next year. He pretty much had that decided for him when “Bruce Lee” started kicking and connected with LaRue’s head.
You may never have known, but those of us that can fairly evaluate Major League talent know.
Which team are you a scout for?
Which team are you a scout for?
Brandon Phillips is a douche because he said some choice (see also: true) words about the Cards that have been pent up for years? Carp and LaRussa have been whining for years about the Reds, accusing them of cheating many times when they’ve lost because they aren’t man enough to accept defeat. Kudos Brandon Phillips.
Lame. Kudos for calling another team a bunch of “little bitches” to a reporter? I personally enjoy baseball when it doesn’t devolve into pickup basketball games.
Its not what you call players from another team, its trying to act like its no big deal and acting like “we’re pals” after calling them out… that’s what is lame
thanks Brandon…then again hard to trust anyone who did what he did as being 100% honest. He has no morals, ethics or integrity.
If I’m Cueto I’d be feeling really bad right now…… I can understand that Cueto was in high alert situation, and both teams were on the field arguing but he should have use punches instead of kicking with cleats on, that’s just plain retarded. Worst case scenario happened.
If I remember right, Cueto was pinned against the backstop, you can’t exactly throw punches like that. Also, I’m pretty sure most people would flay their legs to try to get away, regardless of who was near and what he was wearing on his feet.
Yeah because when I flay my legs to get away they always go high enough to hit people’s heads on the other team.
Carpenter, also, was pinned against the net (it’s not a metal backstop!) and he didn’t resort to kicking people in the face and chest. Do you remember that?
Cueto was pinned against the backstop by his own players.
Cueto should pay Larue a million bucks, and an apology. He ruined the guy’s income for the next two years. And that wouldn’t be enough but at least it would be something.
It happened during a FIGHT. A fight that was started by one of LaRue’s teammates (Molina) and then escalated by another one (Carpenter). Let’s not paint LaRue like some sad victim here. He was getting involved in the fight as much as anyone.
Brandon Phillips started the fight. You don’t say what you say about an ENTIRE team then go to the plate and tap the catcher of that team on the shin guard like you guys are buddies.
Boy, there sure are a lot of Reds’ fans that frequent this site. Don’t you guys ever go to the games? I guess if you did, you’d be able to support your playoff team with more than 17,000 fans.
You don’t have to be a fan of either team to know what started the fight. Its like me saying to you, “I hate everything about you and everything you stand for… give me $20” and then punching you on the shoulder. What would your reaction be?
Brandon Phillips started the bad blood between the two teams. I understand they’re in a playoff hunt, but there is no good reason of why he should have said the things he said. And during the fight Cueto wasn’t the one being cornered, it was Carpenter who Cueto started kicking, Larue came in to stop Cueto and he got a cleat in his face……That are the facts, and I’m no Cardinals fan I’m a Braves fan who likes the Reds more than the Cardinals, and it’s clear that the Reds Cueto was a little girl who ruined a guy’s career.
Excuse me but Brandon Phillips should have kept his mouth shut and just played ball. The incident of him tapping Molina should never have happened because of disliking the whole team and Molina was defending his teammates. I feel that MLB should have done more to remedy the situation.
The whole situation is bad, and if Cueto hasn’t apologized then I agree, he should. He shouldn’t have kicked at LaRue and the whole thing was a quick, thoughtless reaction from a person who got involved in a fight and was overwhelmed. But it’s not like he went into the game or even the fight with the intent of hurting anyone. Calling him unethical and immoral is an ignorant and childish thing to say. Bottom line: If LaRue didn’t want to get hurt, he shouldn’t have gotten involved in the brawl.
that is laughable, the Cardinals wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole.
that is bull and you know it. Phillips started this fiasco
what a coincidence on the timing
you know the same could be said about Dusty Baker and the Reds.
Just saw the video for the first time and it makes me sick. No excuse for kicking someone in the head in any sort of fight or brawl. I wish the worst upon Cueto.
What you wish(that is the worst for Cueto)has probably already come into fruition. Baseball is a very funny game sometimes, and it sometimes can be a bitch. You know what a bigger bitch is? Karma. I predict one of the worst outing baseball has ever seen in the postseason for Johnny Cueto.
But no ill will on the guy that rushed him, correct?
I’d say tackling, punching, slapping, noogies, etc. is admissible in this sort of brawl (not to condone unnecessary fighting like this, but it happens in every sport). Wildly kicking in the air with cleats on?
It is a joke that anyone is defending this behavior. There are no set of circumstances where it is alright to do what he did
Larue went in after him after cueto started kicking carp in the back so why would there be ill will towards him. Unless you are one of those dbags who wouldnt stand up for a guy then yeah i see your point
Didnt Cincinnati just celebrate the cheat Pete Rose last week, thats a classy organization for America.
heh. that was what i was getting at. there are plenty of other things to attack other teams for, but don’t be remedial enough to pick the biggest thing your team could be bashed for.
Who’s the St. Louis hitting coach again?
And that applies to the situation, how?
Pot, meet kettle.
Actually, what McGwire did was legal at the time. Don’t see how that has any bearing at all on the situation.
Off course you don’t drug enablers never do.
So is sports betting tips.
What the hell does this happen to do with the situation at hand?
I’m sorry. I’m a Sox fan, but I don’t see how any of you could defend Cueto’s actions. There’s a reason that this is a big deal, and that’s because things went down that shouldn’t have. Such as Pedro Martinez throwing Don Zimmer to the ground. Was Zimmer charging? Sure. Could Pedro have done other things then throw a fat old man to the ground? Of course. Same stands for Cueto.
I definitely agree stuff happens, and yes had Cueto punched and given him a concussion it would have been better because pushing, shoving, throwing a fist or maybe even two is somewhat acceptable and deserving of nothing more then a short suspension. Kicking a guy with cleats is like stepping on a guy with an ice skate. There were plenty of other ways for Cueto to defend himself then kick like a little girl. Sorry Reds fans, just callin it as I see it.
But it might have forced him into retirement anyways. Refusing to leave the dugout during a brawl was one of the final acts that alienated George Foster from his teammates on the ’86 Mets. He was released shortly afterwards and never played in the bigs again.
Can Cueto kick Favre in the head?
You only get one retirement speech and Jason LaRue based his on whining.
He’ll regret that for the rest of his life.
LaRue’s “retirement speech” was actually extremely classy. I’m betting you have not actually read the St. Louis Today article this MLBTR post is based on. Educate yourself before you try to chop a man down for being saddened his career was cut short.
I’ll help you out. Here’s the link: <…
Most of what he says is just that he's retiring because of how the concussion has affected his life and that he is scared he could cause permanent damage to himself by playing again. Then he expresses how he loved playing and then tells the truth that Cueto caused the concussion and that's why he is retiring. That's the truth and that's not complaining.
Most sincere speech I've read in a very long time. Wish more athletes spoke their mind and stopped sugar coating stuff.
I have no idea how you can call that whining. Did you even read the article? Most of what he says is just what the concussion has done to him and he’s afraid he may cause permanent damage to himself if he tried to come back to play.
The paragraph quoted here is the truth. He admits this season may have been his last but he can’t make that call because it is physically unsafe for him to play. He has every right to express his sadness on that. You sound like he should just say “I got kicked in the face and had a concussion and can’t play anymore…but that’s ok!”
Get real. I wish more athletes showed genuine but controlled emotion and spoke the truth like this. Don’t milk it but also stop sugar coating stuff. It’s a tragedy, LaRue has a right to say something about it and he has without turning it into a sob story. Props to him. All we can do now is lobby the MLB and MLBPA to change the rules for suspension, especially for the reality of starting pitchers.
A tragedy is Jason Larue dying from cranial bleeding due to a well aimed kick. Jason Larue retiring a few months early due to said kick is unfortunate, unfair and wrong, but hardly a tragedy.
So only death counts as a tragedy to you but potential life long post concussion syndrome means squat?
Way to put words in my mouth. I wasn’t focused on the health aspects of his retirement, just the fact that he was retiring early, but if you like you can use the words I used above — my words, and not yours — “unfortunate, unfair and wrong.” Those certainly apply. Life sucks sometimes, and bad things happen. They aren’t all tragedies.
A tragedy is Jason Larue dying from cranial bleeding due to a well aimed kick. Jason Larue retiring a few months early due to said kick is unfortunate, unfair and wrong, but hardly a tragedy.
“You only get one retirement speech and Jason LaRue based his on whining.”
Brandon was right.
Ack, I should learn to fact check BEFORE I post. Apparently Foster did play 15 games for the White Sox after the Mets released him. So forget I said anything.
It sucks even more so Larue when you consider that Cueto ran to where Larue and Carpenter was standing (in order to get at Carpenter for what he said). Cueto approached Larue (indirectly), Larue didn’t approach him.
Well, looking at it in slow motion, Cueto tried to hit Carp which I am perfectly fine with as I expected that to happen. However, once Cueto backed himself into the wall, he apparently decided to kick Carpenter in the back. If you take a look at the replay, NO ONE was trying to attack Cueto UNTIL he started kicking Carp. Then the mob tried pulling Carp out of the way, Reds player included (Rolen specifically) which in turn opened LaRue into getting some retaliation.
Now, if the mods approve the detailed viewing of what happened in pictures as well as a small amount of video, go here:…
1st point: Phillips shouldn’t have greeted Molina. Before his not so bright words, it would’ve been no problem.
2nd point: Yes, Carpenter needs to shut up. I have no problem with Carpenter needing to shut up.
3rd point: Cueto backed himself into the wall trying to hit Carpenter. I have no problem with Cueto trying to swing a Carpenter.
4th point: Cueto was not rushed until he kicked Carpenter in the back. At that point, LaRue rushed him, trying to protect his pitcher, and got some cleats to the head.
no longer a fan of Cueto. MLB should look into thee incident, his behavior is unacceptable. The least he should do is a sincere public apology to the Cardinals and specifically LaRue
that’s one opinion. My guess is he isn’t losing sleep over you dropping out of his fan club
that’s one opinion. My guess is he isn’t losing sleep over you dropping out of his fan club
I have found concussions heal more quickly with a good forced apology as well. Good advice!
I have found concussions heal more quickly with a good forced apology as well. Good advice!
All is fair in love and war.
Show me in the baseball rulebook where it says “No kicking during fights. Only punches, throwing gloves, dogpiles, and clotheslining.
That is actually a rule in the “Grown Man Rule Book”. You have rasins if you kick another grown man.
I can honestly say I have never been in a fight in my life where a no kicking rule was applied. Generally is someone has the nerve to go at you they take what they get don’t they?
Your statement does not do much for showing any kind of integrity. You are trying to justify kicking a man while he’s down. Congratulations.
There isn’t integrity in fighting, when you are in a scrum you don’t wait for the next guy to escalate you might not get the chance. LaRue hopefully learned a valuable lesson if he runs into a conflict in the real world, stay away if you are not prepared for the worst. I have to wonder if any of you have been in a fight past Kindergarten?
I liked this because you are a great joke teller.
I liked this because you are a great joke teller.
Because fighting can get dirty it’s morally fine if they do? I have to wonder if you have had an education past Kindergarten.
Because fighting can get dirty it’s morally fine if they do? I have to wonder if you have had an education past Kindergarten.
where does this leave the martial arts?
That is actually a rule in the “Grown Man Rule Book”. You have rasins if you kick another grown man.
Ya know Jason, you didn’t really have to get involved in the brawl.
actually, you do. if the benches clear and your the only one sitting, you might as well kick any self respect good bye.
Ya know Jason, you didn’t really have to get involved in the brawl.
LaRue should consider himself lucky that he hasn’t been playing AAA ball or been retired for the last four or five years. He brings nothing to the table that a career AAA catcher like say Dane Sardina or Corky Miller couldn’t.
LaRue isn’t the first player of a sport to get a concussion, he could come back and see how it goes, but he’s deciding that he’s done.
More likely is the fact that no team would pay him more then the minimum for what he brings to the table and he’s seen the writing on the wall.
Cueto was wrong to kick someone in the head.
I my knowledge none of us were in that brawl. We have no idea what was really said to get it fired up.
It also isn’t like Cueto was out there jumping on people’s necks with his spikes.
As for the Reds attendance, every team has had their times where they have drawn poorly, for the majority of my life the Reds have always drawn around 20,000-25,000 on average each year regardless of how the teams performed.
Times are tough in the area, lots of people have lost their jobs or are at risk to losing them, so you’ll have to forgive them for using their income to pay for their electric bills and food and watching the games on tv instead.
I live about two hours away from Cincinnati, I’m a very poor driver in areas where I’m not familiar with and will only go to games if the tickets are acceptable. I’m not taking off one day of work to go to a game and sit in the nosebleeds. So for something acceptable I’m looking at around 200-300 to go to a game. (2 very good to excellent tickets, gas, parking, and food) and 8 hour commitment, or I can stay home and watch the game on tv.
A extremely large number of people are choosing option B. The Reds TV viewership is some of the highest in the game if I remember correctly.
but lets see the Cardinals spend a decade with 90-100 loss teams that have only one or two watchable players and see how well they draw.
And MLB has looked into the fight. Cueto received and served a suspension for his actions.
He was jumping on people with his spikes. What video did you watch?
Lady Gaga. Poker Face.
He was jumping on people with his spikes. What video did you watch?
and i can understanding not attending games when you have a 90 loss team, but now that they’re a playoff bound team you would think they’d be selling out. I mean, reds fans had to of been waiting for this season for years, and there’s enough people who can afford to go to games who just don’t. Either way, St. Louis definitely is not recession proof. The Cards are done and everyone knows it, but we’re still selling 40,000 tickets per game. Albeit lots of those tickets were probably purchased far in advance, but still. Let’s not forget that MLB ruled on the Cueto incident before fully understanding the extent of Larue’s injuries, and officials say it would have been a different punishment had they known.
Maybe the ruling would be different…maybe not. This will be up to the MLBPA and LaRue if he feels he wants to take it further. Had there not been a concussion and maybe a laceration or a bruise this would be a different conversation.
Had the shoe been on the other foot this would likely be a flip flopped argument.
Maybe the ruling would be different…maybe not. This will be up to the MLBPA and LaRue if he feels he wants to take it further. Had there not been a concussion and maybe a laceration or a bruise this would be a different conversation.
Had the shoe been on the other foot this would likely be a flip flopped argument.
and i can understanding not attending games when you have a 90 loss team, but now that they’re a playoff bound team you would think they’d be selling out. I mean, reds fans had to of been waiting for this season for years, and there’s enough people who can afford to go to games who just don’t. Either way, St. Louis definitely is not recession proof. The Cards are done and everyone knows it, but we’re still selling 40,000 tickets per game. Albeit lots of those tickets were probably purchased far in advance, but still. Let’s not forget that MLB ruled on the Cueto incident before fully understanding the extent of Larue’s injuries, and officials say it would have been a different punishment had they known.
that was one of the weakest arguments i’ve read in a while. this isn’t about larue’s talent at all. its the way he had to go down. would you still be saying this if it were Pujols or holliday? probably not, but that doesn’t decrease what cueto did in the sligthest because he ended the career of a lesser talent.
this is about the equivalent of saying that its ok one girl gets raped over another because she isn’t as pretty.
that was one of the weakest arguments i’ve read in a while. this isn’t about larue’s talent at all. its the way he had to go down. would you still be saying this if it were Pujols or holliday? probably not, but that doesn’t decrease what cueto did in the sligthest because he ended the career of a lesser talent.
this is about the equivalent of saying that its ok one girl gets raped over another because she isn’t as pretty.
its difficult to defend the actions Cueto…it really is but Cards fan comments here make me fell better about it.
I think Larue should seriously consider suing Molina and Carpenter.
I think you should seriously consider obtaining a GED.
just one question.
that is all.
If Molina had just did what a catcher should do and that is catch there would not have been the initial skirmish. If Carpenter had kept his mouth shut after the initial skirmish settled there would have been no brawl. If there had been no skirmish or brawl, LaRue would not have got his lights knocked out.
I realize the Cardinal organization has a culture of whiney b-s but that does not give Molina and Carpenter the right to put their teamates in danger.
Well, you seem to have no idea what’s going on. The whole incident was started by Phillips, and that has been well documented in this post. And Rolen was the one who went straight after Carpenter after the verbal exchange. It is fairly possible that Carpenter had no motive to start a fight, but Rolen took it to a new level.
Get real, drop the homer cap and look at it objectively before you troll.
It is obvious to everyone outside of St Louis that the Cardinals took an off field incident onto the filed of play. Phillips comments were made off the field, Molina decided to make it an issue on the field. Luckily for Molina and Carpenter they will have an extended off season to think about his transgression while Cueto is enjoying the post-season.
Phillips started the on-field incident or are you just oblivious to everything? Phillips tapped Molina with his bat. …did you not know that or does it just not suit your argument?
There’s no justification here for Cueto’s actions. I know you try to justify kicking a man who is on the ground but hey, some of us want to preserve this thing called “integrity.”
It is obvious you are not used to watching baseball that means anything. Molina did what any player should do. He punked Phillips and you know it. I know you are going to say “How did he punk Phillips” like all you deds fans say. Well phillips wanted to run his mouth and go out and act like nothing happened. If your so tough and don’t like the Cardinals so much don’t try and act like your buddies the next time you step up to the plate. Yadi stepped up and wasn’t going to act like nothing happened. Yadi came through and phillips shrunk when he had the chance to make a name for himself. After the game he still wouldn’t own up to it being his fault. All phillips would say is “we lost the game” And for Cueto his time will come next year. I promise ya that
Well, you seem to have no idea what’s going on. The whole incident was started by Phillips, and that has been well documented in this post. And Rolen was the one who went straight after Carpenter after the verbal exchange. It is fairly possible that Carpenter had no motive to start a fight, but Rolen took it to a new level.
Get real, drop the homer cap and look at it objectively before you troll.
the most annoying thing in sports is the delusional fan. You sir, are delusional.
heh he called Taskmaster75 delusional.
You wish?
You do.
If Molina had just did what a catcher should do and that is catch there would not have been the initial skirmish. If Carpenter had kept his mouth shut after the initial skirmish settled there would have been no brawl. If there had been no skirmish or brawl, LaRue would not have got his lights knocked out.
I realize the Cardinal organization has a culture of whiney b-s but that does not give Molina and Carpenter the right to put their teamates in danger.
just one question.
that is all.
I think Larue should seriously consider suing Molina and Carpenter.
This whole controvesy seems like the start of a really heated rivalry. I mean, probably more heated than the Giants-Dodgers. My opinion on it is that LaRue doesen’t want to continue anymore because the serious injury risk. I’m pretty sure some people here didn’t pay attention to the fact that Cueto kicked LaRue in the head with CLEATS. I don’t blame him for not wanting to take a risk. What Cueto did was unforgivable, and though he did serve his punishment, he should pay LaRue, and apologize to him like an adult publicly.
But the D-Bags in this whole fiasco are no more than Cueto, Brandon Phillips, and Chris Carpenter.
Apparently MLBTR doesn’t care much for the constitution and the freedom of speech, because I said nothing that wasn’t true and nothing that was offensive to anyone and my comment was removed. Communists..
It’s amazing to me that people can cheer the Reds after this. I guess they’re the same people who buy Chris Brown CDs and Michael Vick jerseys.
Go Redlegs!
Go Redlegs!
What is sad is that Cueto was cornered up against the fence by Carpenter and LaRue and Cueto gets the blame for defending hinself. You can argue the way he defended himself, but he was defending himself nontheless.
What are you talking about? Cueto ran toward carpenter (and Larue as a result, since larue was next to carpenter) and got a blow or 2 on carpenter, before being held back and pinned by his teammates.
I’m not overly upset here. I’m just saying that other players were backed up against the fence and they didn’t kick out. I’m just saying, there are other choices he could’ve made.